View Full Version : Should Christianisation be an immigration requirement?

12-09-2018, 11:14 AM
I think so. Every would-be immigrant should undergo classes educating them about the Christian faith. And if/when they have converted and been baptized, they could become eligible for British citizenship (aside from the other regular requirements). I think this would be immensely beneficial for both immigrants and the country.

12-09-2018, 11:35 AM
Hmm nah, but every single immigrant should learn and practice culture of country he lives in.

12-09-2018, 12:04 PM
Christianity is a personal spiritual choice, not a legal process. I understand though letting Christians in would be better though as their principles would ally far more with Western values as we know them today.

12-09-2018, 12:23 PM
Historically forced mass conversions does not work really well. I think non-christians shouldn't be allowed at all.

12-09-2018, 12:32 PM
A Muslim Bosnian or Turk would more eligible for live in EU than a Christian Nigerian.

Religion is personal, have nothing to do with society. I think you should look person's education and his race. A person who have different religion, already will be absorbed among society.

12-09-2018, 05:03 PM

Sacrificed Ram
12-09-2018, 05:12 PM
Europeans themselves need be (re)christianized.

The Lawspeaker
12-11-2018, 01:26 PM
Better yet: only allow in Christians and those from the Western Christian cultural zone and mandate baptism (if not already baptised).

12-11-2018, 04:06 PM
Christianity is a personal spiritual choice, not a legal process. I understand though letting Christians in would be better though as their principles would ally far more with Western values as we know them today.

Historically forced mass conversions does not work really well. I think non-christians shouldn't be allowed at all.

I'm not talking about forced conversions... what I'm saying is this: Would-be immigrants should be given the opportunity to hear the Gospel (which they likely never heard in their host countries), and be told about how beneficial it is for their souls and future to be saved. I have no doubt a large percentage of them would accept the good news of the Gospel when they are told the truth. And Bibles should be given to them. Only those who genuinely make personal decisions to become Christians, should be Christianized, obviously. But those who choose to reject the good news of the Gospel, even after hearing it... I don't know how they could make good and productive immigrants. They would be better off in their own countries.

Europeans themselves need be (re)christianized.

Yes, that too. Europe is a ripe missionary field again. Many people have never heard of Jesus, or know nothing about the Bible.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 10:41 AM
I think so. Every would-be immigrant should undergo classes educating them about the Christian faith. And if/when they have converted and been baptized, they could become eligible for British citizenship (aside from the other regular requirements). I think this would be immensely beneficial for both immigrants and the country.

Christianity has been rejected by most thinking people in England, the largest constituent country in the United Kingdom. It is now a minority religion. As the vast majority of natural born citizens are not Christian then I see no reason to impose this condition upon any immigrant although I would cease all immigration anyway.

Better yet: only allow in Christians and those from the Western Christian cultural zone and mandate baptism (if not already baptised).

Mandate who? The indigenous population?

Europeans themselves need be (re)christianized.


01-07-2019, 11:43 AM
Hard to imagine such a policy being enacted today.

01-07-2019, 12:12 PM
Europe already import plenty of Christians, and not just simple Christians, but Catholics. No need for Christianisation. :thumb001:


The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 02:26 PM
Mandate who? The indigenous population?

Migrants. Since 99 percent would reject it out of hand, numbers will drop substantially.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 02:27 PM
Europe already import plenty of Christians, and not just simple Christians, but Catholics. No need for Christianisation. :thumb001:


Nobody in the right mind would call Africans real Christians. They are, for all intents and purposes, heathens.

01-07-2019, 02:44 PM
Nobody in the right mind would call Africans real Christians. They are, for all intents and purposes, heathens.


01-07-2019, 02:45 PM
But whats point if (almost) majority of western Europeans is atheists now...

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 02:46 PM

As I said: Heathens. They have been "Christians" for under 200 years (some for under 50). Do you really think that our Heathen ancestors became real Christians the holy water reaches their heads ? That's the work of generations.

01-07-2019, 02:57 PM
And this shows why christianity is European and like all religions it's attached to a certain civilizational sphere, no religion is truly universal as it pretends.
The proposition itself is not delirious, if not taking account that most Europeans are not practicing christians anymore, and some countries even turned atheist majority.

Nobody in the right mind would call Africans real Christians. They are, for all intents and purposes, heathens.

They chose chritianity out of fair, it was either bible or carbine.

01-07-2019, 03:01 PM
As I said: Heathens. They have been "Christians" for under 200 years (some for under 50). Do you really think that our Heathen ancestors became real Christians the holy water reaches their heads ? That's the work of generations.

This is just you being racist and not accepting the black christian.

01-07-2019, 03:05 PM
As I said: Heathens. They have been "Christians" for under 200 years (some for under 50). Do you really think that our Heathen ancestors became real Christians the holy water reaches their heads ? That's the work of generations.

Do you consider religious Black people to be Christian? What about Ethiopians who have been Christian longer than Europeans have?

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 03:05 PM
This is just you being racist and not accepting the black christian.

Bullshit. Christianity is part of the culture here. It's ingrained in us. Of course: it's different in Albanians who are turncoats but even atheists here are more Christian in their outlook than they themselves think they are.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 03:07 PM
Do you consider religious Black people to be Christian? What about Ethiopians who have been Christian longer than Europeans have?

I consider most black people not to be genuine Christians no, much as you could not have expected a European of the year 1000 to be a genuine Christian. Like the Europeans of that period, they are still in the process of societal Christianisation. Of course, the Ethiopians are a different story. Give it 300 or 500 more years and they will be just like us as Christianity has to seep into every poor of their society and become the basis of their entire societal mechanism - in the way they think and operate.

01-07-2019, 03:09 PM
Christianity has been rejected by most thinking people in England, the largest constituent country in the United Kingdom. It is now a minority religion. As the vast majority of natural born citizens are not Christian then I see no reason to impose this condition upon any immigrant although I would cease all immigration anyway.

No, not at all... it's just modern foolishness. But England's Christian tradition has much deeper roots than that. This evil secularism has lots of holes in it, and hopefully "thinking people" would think better and start rejecting it, in favour of the God-given Christian faith. England has become spiritually bankrupt and needs drastic change.

01-07-2019, 03:10 PM
Bullshit. Christianity is part of the culture here. It's ingrained in us. Of course: it's different in Albanians who are turncoats but even atheists here are more Christian in their outlook than they themselves think they are.

Sure https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?273398-Videos-that-prove-Iran-is-awesome&p=5711182&viewfull=1#post5711182

01-07-2019, 03:12 PM
I consider most black people not to be genuine Christians no, much as you could not have expected a European of the year 1000 to be a genuine Christian. Like the Europeans of that period, they are still in the process of societal Christianisation. Of course, the Ethiopians are a different story. Give it 300 or 500 more years and they will be just like us as Christianity has to seep into every poor of their society and become the basis of their entire societal mechanism - in the way they think and operate.

That is a very un-christian thought, doesn't the Bible say: Repent and you'll be forgiven.

01-07-2019, 03:13 PM
Yes, but only for white people. Non-whites should not be preached to.

01-07-2019, 03:14 PM
That is a very un-christian thought, doesn't the Bible say: Repent and you'll be forgiven.

Never does it say you'll be forgiven just for repenting.

01-07-2019, 03:15 PM
This is just you being racist and not accepting the black christian.

Do you consider religious Black people to be Christian? What about Ethiopians who have been Christian longer than Europeans have?

It's seems weird, but he has a point chalcedonian christianity is European in essence, if you are searching for universalism, go find it in "the cult of the Supreme being" or somewhere else.
For Ethiopians, they are oriental orthodox, and had different social mechanism and religious development than European christians.

01-07-2019, 03:15 PM
Never does it say you'll be forgiven just for repenting.


The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 03:16 PM
That is a very un-christian thought, doesn't the Bible say: Repent and you'll be forgiven.

But we must also be realistic. Much of Africa has only been colonised over the last 150 years. Much of Africa never even came into contact with the European Christian Civilisation other than through a missionary or a doctor which often had to resort to local ideas and local languages (meaning thus that the very concepts get lost in translation) to make himself understood. No, Africa is not Christian. Just like Europe in the Early Middle Ages would have everything but Christian: it was the State Ideology and that's that. "Hail Odin... err Mary, yes that's the one, full of Grace !"

01-07-2019, 03:17 PM

You must be honest about repenting. You forget the policy on liars. Repenting and sinning again doesn't really help.

01-07-2019, 03:19 PM
You must be honest about repenting. You forget the policy on liars. Repenting and sinning again doesn't really help.

But he's saying you can't be christian unless a 1000 years pass. That's contradictory to what bible preaches and to the point of this thread as well.

01-07-2019, 03:20 PM
It's seems weird, but he has a point chalcedonian christianity is European in essence, if you are searching for universalism, go find it in "the cult of the Supreme being" or somewhere else.
For Ethiopians, they are oriental orthodox, and had different social mechanism and religious development than European christians.

Christianity doesn't exclude people based on race. I respect his personal opinion, but it's just his opinion and isn't something that makes sense from a theological POV. He seems to just be excluding them based on their ancestors not having been Christian for long enough even though they were born as Christians, lived as Christians their whole life, and follow Christianity better than the secular Christians of the West.

If Sub-Saharans mix their tribal customs with Christianity, then I can understand not accepting them. But there are many Sub-Saharans that don't do that.

01-07-2019, 03:20 PM
But he's saying you can't be christian unless a 1000 years pass. That's contradictory to what bible preaches and to the point of this thread as well.

He's saying Africans can't be good Christians, and this is true. Once the white element leaves, they revert to heresy and voodoo in some cases.

01-07-2019, 03:22 PM
Christianity doesn't exclude people based on race. I respect his personal opinion, but it's just his opinion and isn't something that makes sense from a theological POV. He seems to just be excluding them based on their ancestors not having been Christian for long enough even though they were born as Christians, lived as Christians their whole life, and follow Christianity better than the secular Christians of the West.

Uh, yes it does.
Matthew 15:24.
Matthew 25:31-33.
Matthew 13:24-30.

01-07-2019, 03:23 PM
He's saying Africans can't be good Christians, and this is true. Once the white element leaves, they revert to heresy and voodoo in some cases.

Nonsense, blacks are the most devoted christians.


01-07-2019, 03:23 PM


There's an error with the image formatting.
Edit: nevermind it works now. So what is this image of?

01-07-2019, 03:25 PM
There's an error with the image formatting.
Edit: nevermind it works now. So what is this image of?

Picture of devoted christian blacks.

01-07-2019, 03:26 PM
Picture of devoted christian blacks.

Did I not say when the white element leaves? Also, what denomination are they? Behind them there's a lot of white people, their influence is the only reason they're Christian, and even then they go to heretical denominations.

01-07-2019, 03:28 PM
Did I not say when the white element leaves? Also, what denomination are they? Behind them there's a lot of white people, their influence is the only reason they're Christian, and even then they go to heretical denominations.

There is a black church in America, for over 250 years. To exclude them is very un-christian.

01-07-2019, 03:29 PM
There is a black church in America, for over 250 years. To exclude them is very un-christian.

Again, America is a mostly white nation.

01-07-2019, 03:30 PM
I'd just cut off all immigration for a time, it's an island, an overpopulated island in my opinion. You still have to deal with potential problem of the Muslim population tripling over the next couple, or few decades. I think it's too late anyways, the current situation doesn't allow for any solutions to the problem. If it's going to end, it may be with a bang. I think most people realize the probability of that. Preventative measures certainly won't hurt, but I think we're way past the point of prevention.

01-07-2019, 03:31 PM
Again, America is a mostly white nation.

It doesn't matter. You cant exclude people from being christian because they are not your race. As I said, they are the most devout here, more than whites.


01-07-2019, 03:32 PM
It doesn't matter. You cant exlcude people from being christian because they are not your race. As I said, they are the most devout here, more than whites.


And yet they belong to heretical denominations, have stupid non-scriptural traditions, believe in hocus pocus autism, proclaim themselves original israelites (we wuz influence is strong), etc.

And yet they are influenced by whites.

African churches are practically non-existent after the whites left, except the Ethiopian one, and the Ethiopians are heavily mixed with whites.

01-07-2019, 03:34 PM
And yet they belong to heretical denominations, have stupid non-scriptural traditions, believe in hocus pocus autism, proclaim themselves original israelites (we wuz influence is strong), etc.

And yet they are influenced by whites.

African churches are practically non-existent after the whites left, except the Ethiopian one, and the Ethiopians are heavily mixed with whites.

Now those distinctions are between christians themselves, I know everybody thinks my christianity is the best, the truest etc. Doesn't make it true.

01-07-2019, 03:39 PM
Try telling them they're not christian...

Church goers in Heard County, Georgia, 1941.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/During_the_church_service_at_a_Negro_church_in_Hea rd_County%2C..._%283110583408%29.jpg/300px-During_the_church_service_at_a_Negro_church_in_Hea rd_County%2C..._%283110583408%29.jpg

Outside of a Black church in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1935.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/Sunday_in_Little_Rock%2C_Ark.%2C_1935._%2831097550 87%29.jpg/300px-Sunday_in_Little_Rock%2C_Ark.%2C_1935._%2831097550 87%29.jpg

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 03:39 PM
Now those distinctions are between christians themselves, I know everybody thinks my christianity is the best, the truest etc. Doesn't make it true.

What part of the Bible mandates muti ?

01-07-2019, 03:39 PM
It doesn't matter. You cant exclude people from being christian because they are not your race. As I said, they are the most devout here, more than whites.


True, you can't prevent or exclude them from being Christian, but you can prevent (or at least try to prevent) them from moving to your country.

There should be a maximum number allowed from each country and each region. That number should overall be low, based on merits (and national needs/interests), and also designed to work to maintain the ethnic/cultural/demographic integrity of the nation.

01-07-2019, 03:39 PM
Now those distinctions are between christians themselves, I know everybody thinks my christianity is the best, the truest etc. Doesn't make it true.

Only Christianity based on scriptures is true.

01-07-2019, 03:40 PM
Most countries should reduce immigration above all

01-07-2019, 03:40 PM
Try telling them they're not christian...

Church goers in Heard County, Georgia, 1941.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/During_the_church_service_at_a_Negro_church_in_Hea rd_County%2C..._%283110583408%29.jpg/300px-During_the_church_service_at_a_Negro_church_in_Hea rd_County%2C..._%283110583408%29.jpg

Outside of a Black church in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1935.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/Sunday_in_Little_Rock%2C_Ark.%2C_1935._%2831097550 87%29.jpg/300px-Sunday_in_Little_Rock%2C_Ark.%2C_1935._%2831097550 87%29.jpg

Yeah they're Christian due to whites converting them, if there were no white people anymore they'd immediately revert.

01-07-2019, 03:41 PM
Yeah they're Christian due to whites converting them, if there were no white people anymore they'd immediately revert.


01-07-2019, 03:42 PM

It appears you were ignoring every post I made, and kept reposting **AMERICAN** NEGROID CHRISTIANS, who are also so mixed with the locals they cannot even trace themselves back to Africa.

01-07-2019, 03:53 PM
Yeah they're Christian due to whites converting them, if there were no white people anymore they'd immediately revert.

I wholeheartedly believe otherwise, that they wouldn't revert immediately. Perhaps over time their numbers (Christians among them) would dwindle, but that seems to be a general trend anyways. Or not, maybe it wouldn't happen that way.

The real issue I see is that self-rule (the absence of whites) might be a total disaster, largely depending on how their institutions would be established. In other words, it would depend on the type of people who had the political/social power. As it stand now, I'm not sure they could govern themselves with much success, due to the fact that the problematic elements in their society would then represent a larger percentage of the population. Or they would just break into warring factions, much like they have now, with no real means to maintain order and rule of law. Of course, I can only speculate.

01-07-2019, 03:54 PM
I wholeheartedly believe otherwise, that they wouldn't revert immediately. Perhaps over time their numbers (Christians among them) would dwindle, but that seems to be a general trend anyways. Or not, maybe it wouldn't happen that way.

The real issue I see is that self-rule (the absence of whites) might be a total disaster, largely depending on how their institutions would be established. In other words, it would depend on the type of people who had the political/social power. As it stand now, I'm not sure they could govern themselves, due to the fact that the problematic elements in their society would then represent a larger percentage of the population. Of course, I can only speculate.

Well it happened in Haiti for example, or in many African nations. Without whites they cannot grasp Christianity.

01-07-2019, 04:05 PM
Well it happened in Haiti for example, or in many African nations. Without whites they cannot grasp Christianity.
Haiti isn't the best comparison to US blacks though, I don't think. Presumably the US black population would have some advantages in any such experiment in self-rule. Again, I can only speculate. Not to mention, African immigrants to the Us have remarkable education levels, but I'm digressing here because we're talking about their relation to Christianity - to which I can only say that my personal experience with them is that they're deeply connected to their Christianity in the US.

They believe it's their identity. It's probably unfair to say they don't grasp Christianity, it may be a different flavor than European Christianity, but even in Europe it's different in different places, and certainly different from the Middle East version.

01-07-2019, 04:17 PM
Haiti isn't the best comparison to US blacks though, I don't think. Presumably the US black population would have some advantages in any such experiment in self-rule. Again, I can only speculate. Not to mention, African immigrants to the Us have remarkable education levels, but I'm digressing here because we're talking about their relation to Christianity - to which I can only say that my personal experience with them is that they're deeply connected to their Christianity in the US.

They believe it's their identity. It's probably unfair to say they don't grasp Christianity, it may be a different flavor than European Christianity, but even in Europe it's different in different places, and certainly different from the Middle East version.

As I said, American Africans are very mixed. And it's got a lot to do with white influence. Either way, I don't care if you're Christian or not, I don't need any strangers in my nation.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 05:31 PM
Yeah they're Christian due to whites converting them, if there were no white people anymore they'd immediately revert.

"Revert" to what exactly? Here in England we have abandoned the yoke of Christianity and many are returned to the Gods of their fathers.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 05:33 PM
"Revert" to what exactly? Here in England we have abandoned the yoke of Christianity and many are returned to the Gods of their fathers.

You mean: that for a large part people are reverting to hedonism ? It's not like England is turning Heathen now.

01-07-2019, 05:38 PM
You mean: that for a large part people are reverting to hedonism ? It's not like England is turning Heathen now.

No, I think he means silver and gold. The more precious metals we have the fewer gods we need.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 05:39 PM
No, I think he means silver and gold. The more precious metals we have the fewer gods we need.

Praying at Mammon's altar...

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 05:45 PM
You mean: that for a large part people are reverting to hedonism ? It's not like England is turning Heathen now.

You really need to research the subject and analyse the facts. The best place to start is the last 2011 census.


Germanic Heathenism, Fastest Growing Religion in the UK

I am not an advocate of trusting government statistics but the census of 2011 makes interesting reading, especially when compared with the previous one from 2001. In 2001 42, 079, 000 people gave their religion as xtian compared to 33, 200, 000 in 2011. This represents a fall from 71.6 % to 59.3 %, a very significant reduction indeed. This equates to a fall of 1.23 % per year which may not appear to be much but when considered over the course of a decade must be a source of great concern for the xtian churches. I am sure that the reduction of 8, 879, 000 is mainly due to the dying off of elderly people who either in fact or by convention would label themselves as xtian. The only new converts by and large are those of African origins, certainly not the native English.

An increasing number of people have started to define themselves as having 'no religion', a far more truthful characterisation of the masses. This figure increased from 9, 104, 000 in 2001 to 14, 100, 000 in 2011, jumping from 15.5 % to 25.1%. The decline of xtianity though is in contrast to the sharp increase in muslims which is surely due to mass immigration and not conversion of the native population. This figure increased from 1, 546, 626 in 2001 to 2, 700, 000 in 2011, a jump from 2.7 % to 4.8 %. Other alien religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism and judaism also enjoyed an increase but only a marginal one although it is significant that the Hindu population increased from 552, 421 to 817, 000, again probably attributable to mass immigration. judaism stayed at a constant 0.5%. The number of people who defined themselves religiously as jews increasing marginally from 259, 927 to 263, 000, which belies their actual influence. It must be remembered that many jews do not describe themselves a jews in a religious sense. Many are atheist or hide behind the mask of xtianity. The current Archbishop of Canterbury has a jewish father but his mother is descended from nobility. It was and is very common for greedy members of the Upper Class (for the benefit of my North American readers 'Upper Class' in an English context is associated with the nobility and is not, unlike the American one a measure of wealth) to marry their daughters to prosperous jews and thus the English nobility must be regarded as suspect.

Heathens in 2001 numbered a mere 278 people which grew to 1, 958 people in 2011, representing a more than 7 fold increase! This does not include of course 'wiccans' (increased from 7,227 to 11, 766), 'druids' (increased from 1, 657 to 4, 189), 'pagans' (increased from 30, 569 to 57, 000) and 'pantheists' (increased from 1, 603 to 2, 216), 'occultists' (increased from 99 to 502) and other new categories appeared in the 2011 census. 650 people identified themselves as 'shamans' and 1, 276 'witches' (not included as 'wiccans'. The whole thing makes for interesting reading. See http://www.vexen.co.uk/UK/religion.html#CensusResults

So clearly xtianity is on the decline and non-xtian belief systems are on the rise and the 7 fold increase in heathenism which is Germanic in nature is of great encouragement. Germanic heathenism is thus the fastest growing religion amongst native Europeans. This is something as folkish Wodenists we should take inspiration from and wherever and whenever exploit it. Whilst muslims continue to flood into Europe and pose increasing security concerns the native English are returning to the Gods of their ancestors. There is something significant about this. Korangar = Ragnarok, Allahlaw vs Walhalla.

01-07-2019, 05:47 PM
I think so. Every would-be immigrant should undergo classes educating them about the Christian faith. And if/when they have converted and been baptized, they could become eligible for British citizenship (aside from the other regular requirements). I think this would be immensely beneficial for both immigrants and the country.

Would you want the same for an American atheist to emigrate to the UK?

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 05:48 PM
You really need to research the subject and analyse the facts. The best place to start is the last 2011 census.

//http://aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.com/2017/02/germanic-heathenism-fastest-growing.html (http:////http://aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.com/2017/02/germanic-heathenism-fastest-growing.html)

Germanic Heathenism, Fastest Growing Religion in the UK

I am not an advocate of trusting government statistics but the census of 2011 makes interesting reading, especially when compared with the previous one from 2001. In 2001 42, 079, 000 people gave their religion as xtian compared to 33, 200, 000 in 2011. This represents a fall from 71.6 % to 59.3 %, a very significant reduction indeed. This equates to a fall of 1.23 % per year which may not appear to be much but when considered over the course of a decade must be a source of great concern for the xtian churches. I am sure that the reduction of 8, 879, 000 is mainly due to the dying off of elderly people who either in fact or by convention would label themselves as xtian. The only new converts by and large are those of African origins, certainly not the native English.

An increasing number of people have started to define themselves as having 'no religion', a far more truthful characterisation of the masses. This figure increased from 9, 104, 000 in 2001 to 14, 100, 000 in 2011, jumping from 15.5 % to 25.1%. The decline of xtianity though is in contrast to the sharp increase in muslims which is surely due to mass immigration and not conversion of the native population. This figure increased from 1, 546, 626 in 2001 to 2, 700, 000 in 2011, a jump from 2.7 % to 4.8 %. Other alien religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism and judaism also enjoyed an increase but only a marginal one although it is significant that the Hindu population increased from 552, 421 to 817, 000, again probably attributable to mass immigration. judaism stayed at a constant 0.5%. The number of people who defined themselves religiously as jews increasing marginally from 259, 927 to 263, 000, which belies their actual influence. It must be remembered that many jews do not describe themselves a jews in a religious sense. Many are atheist or hide behind the mask of xtianity. The current Archbishop of Canterbury has a jewish father but his mother is descended from nobility. It was and is very common for greedy members of the Upper Class (for the benefit of my North American readers 'Upper Class' in an English context is associated with the nobility and is not, unlike the American one a measure of wealth) to marry their daughters to prosperous jews and thus the English nobility must be regarded as suspect.

Heathens in 2001 numbered a mere 278 people which grew to 1, 958 people in 2011, representing a more than 7 fold increase! This does not include of course 'wiccans' (increased from 7,227 to 11, 766), 'druids' (increased from 1, 657 to 4, 189), 'pagans' (increased from 30, 569 to 57, 000) and 'pantheists' (increased from 1, 603 to 2, 216), 'occultists' (increased from 99 to 502) and other new categories appeared in the 2011 census. 650 people identified themselves as 'shamans' and 1, 276 'witches' (not included as 'wiccans'. The whole thing makes for interesting reading. See http://www.vexen.co.uk/UK/religion.html#CensusResults

So clearly xtianity is on the decline and non-xtian belief systems are on the rise and the 7 fold increase in heathenism which is Germanic in nature is of great encouragement. Germanic heathenism is thus the fastest growing religion amongst native Europeans. This is something as folkish Wodenists we should take inspiration from and wherever and whenever exploit it. Whilst muslims continue to flood into Europe and pose increasing security concerns the native English are returning to the Gods of their ancestors. There is something significant about this. Korangar = Ragnarok, Allahlaw vs Walhalla.

"Aryan Myth and Metahistory" So you're telling me that England now has 57.000 or so Heathens. What a joke ! Have you checked how many people are Christian ?

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 05:59 PM
"Aryan Myth and Metahistory" So you're telling me that England now has 57.000 or so Heathens. What a joke ! Have you checked how many people are Christian ?

The churches are devoid of anyone other than the elderly and immigrants. A church attendance rate of 5% (2015 figures) is an indication that Christianity is now only a religion of a small minority of the population.


01-07-2019, 06:00 PM
And yet they belong to heretical denominations, have stupid non-scriptural traditions, believe in hocus pocus autism, proclaim themselves original israelites (we wuz influence is strong), etc.

And yet they are influenced by whites.

African churches are practically non-existent after the whites left, except the Ethiopian one, and the Ethiopians are heavily mixed with whites.

Ethiopians are not mixed with Whites imao. Ethiopians are mixed with Arabian/Bedouin like people. They also tried to bring Christianity to Arabia which ultimately failed.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 06:03 PM
The churches are devoid of anyone other than the elderly and immigrants. A church attendance rate of 5% (2015 figures) is an indication that Christianity is now only a religion of a small minority of the population.

//https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/church-of-england-anglican-statistics-loss-worshipers-decade-sunday-attendance-a7384631.html (http:////https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/church-of-england-anglican-statistics-loss-worshipers-decade-sunday-attendance-a7384631.html)

That's because Anglicanism is no longer Christian but a multicultural bullwark (much like you "heathens" btw). More conservatively minded people want nothing to do with them and I don't blame them.

Thanas Django
01-07-2019, 06:11 PM
Mass immigration in and on itself is a practice forced upon the host countries by elites. In a way what we are witnessing right now is a revolution of the elites against the common folk.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 06:14 PM
That's because Anglicanism is no longer Christian but a multicultural bullwark (much like you "heathens" btw). More conservatively minded people want nothing to do with them and I don't blame them.

The 5% church attendance rate in 2015 was for all Christian denominations. England and also the United Kingdom are no longer Christian countries. 'God' is dead: long live the Gods.

Folkish heathenism is an ancestral Germanic religion. We are not universalists or multiculturalists.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 06:21 PM
The 5% church attendance rate in 2015 was for all Christian denominations. England and also the United Kingdom are no longer Christian countries. 'God' is dead: long live the Gods.

Folkish heathenism is an ancestral Germanic religion. We are not universalists or multiculturalists.

Aha. That's why most pagans are Leftists just the same.

01-07-2019, 06:21 PM
Christianity is a personal spiritual choice, not a legal process.

Ideally yes.
In reality, most European countries were Christianized by state decision.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 07:29 PM
Aha. That's why most pagans are Leftists just the same.

And what is a 'leftist'? In 2019 it is meaningless to talk of 'left' and 'right'. These are 18th century pre-revolutionary terms applicable to France and of themselves do not indicate an ideology or political philosophy.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 07:33 PM
And what is a 'leftist'? In 2019 it is meaningless to talk of 'left' and 'right'. These are 18th century pre-revolutionary terms applicable to France and of themselves do not indicate an ideology or political philosophy.

In other words: you are unable to state the facts here that most heathens themselves are raving multiculturalists. You know: you will be surprised to know that I myself used to have a heathen period (I was a Wicca as a 20, 21 year old when I was in my rebellious phase) and 10 out of 10 people you'd meet in those circumstances all voted for the far Left. Modern "heathens" are, 9 out of 10, just overgrown hippies.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 07:44 PM
In other words: you are unable to state the facts here that most heathens themselves are raving multiculturalists. You know: you will be surprised to know that I myself used to have a heathen period (I was a Wicca as a 20, 21 year old when I was in my rebellious phase) and 10 out of 10 people you'd meet in those circumstances all voted for the far Left. Modern "heathens" are, 9 out of 10, just overgrown hippies.

You have obviously not heard of Woden's Folk, the Odinic Rite or the Odinist Fellowship (England one). 'Wicca' is not a form of heathenism but eclectic New Age religion. You really need to stop misusing the term 'heathen' until you understand its significance and do a little research. You can make a start by reading my 3 blogs.

01-07-2019, 07:51 PM
Christianity doesn't exclude people based on race. I respect his personal opinion, but it's just his opinion and isn't something that makes sense from a theological POV. He seems to just be excluding them based on their ancestors not having been Christian for long enough even though they were born as Christians, lived as Christians their whole life, and follow Christianity better than the secular Christians of the West.

If Sub-Saharans mix their tribal customs with Christianity, then I can understand not accepting them. But there are many Sub-Saharans that don't do that.

I am talking about the institution that is intrinsically European, not the faith, French or Irish for example who are by no mean practicing chritians nowadays will always be considered good catholics just because they retained some religious customs and traditions, even better catholics than let's say practicing Nigerians or Indians.
I'll tell an anecdote, in France race and ethnicity are taboos, do you how ethnic French refer to themselves disregarding religion? they say catholics.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 07:54 PM
You have obviously not heard of Woden's Folk, the Odinic Rite or the Odinist Fellowship (England one). 'Wicca' is not a form of heathenism but eclectic New Age religion. You really need to stop misusing the term 'heathen' until you understand its significance and do a little research. You can make a start by reading my 3 blogs.
Heathenism is, in itself, New Age and Wicca is just another form of it. There is no written Heathen tradition and thus everything has been "re"invented. The only tradition is a Christian one. Better learn some history.

Wuotans Scribe
01-07-2019, 08:03 PM
Heathenism is, in itself, New Age and Wicca is just another form of it. There is no written Heathen tradition and thus everything has been "re"invented. The only tradition is a Christian one. Better learn some history.

Germanic heathenism is a carefully reconstructed form of ancestral religion built upon Germanic tradition, fit for use in the 20th and 21st century world. Wicca has no basis in tradition of any kind. Christianity is itself a plagiarism of Abrahamic monotheism mixed with Zoroastrianism and Indo-European religion. I suggest that you obtain a copy of The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation by James C. Russell and you will see how Christianity in northern Europe was heavily influenced by Germanic heathen traditions and beliefs. It was not just a one way process. As I have pointed out the thinking man (and everyone else) in England and many other Germanic countries has abandoned Christianity, an alien religion that was forced upon our ancestors by pain of death. May it R.I.P. Only the old still cling to it (and Americans).

01-07-2019, 08:07 PM
Heathenism is, in itself, New Age and Wicca is just another form of it. There is no written Heathen tradition and thus everything has been "re"invented. The only tradition is a Christian one. Better learn some history.

Your posterity might have a strong Muslim or Atheist or Cult of The Enlarged Prostate or whatever tradition a thousand years from now, where re-inventing, or re-discovering Christianity may be frowned upon.

Or worse, you'll just be some minor component of ancient admixture.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:13 PM
Your posterity might have a strong Muslim or Atheist or Cult of The Enlarged Prostate or whatever tradition a thousand years from now, where re-inventing, or re-discovering Christianity may be frowned upon.

Or worse, you'll just be some minor component of ancient admixture.

Funny how you compare Christianity to Islam. Christianity is our tradition.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:14 PM
Germanic heathenism is a carefully reconstructed form of ancestral religion built upon Germanic tradition, fit for use in the 20th and 21st century world. Wicca has no basis in tradition of any kind. Christianity is itself a plagiarism of Abrahamic monotheism mixed with Zoroastrianism and Indo-European religion. I suggest that you obtain a copy of The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation by James C. Russell and you will see how Christianity in northern Europe was heavily influenced by Germanic heathen traditions and beliefs. It was not just a one way process. As I have pointed out the thinking man (and everyone else) in England and many other Germanic countries has abandoned Christianity, an alien religion that was forced upon our ancestors by pain of death. May it R.I.P. Only the old still cling to it (and Americans).
Heathenism is thus reconstructed and thus not original. Deal with it: it's a post-Modern religion. It's no different from Wicca. But thanks for the book tip.

01-07-2019, 08:16 PM
Funny how you compare Christianity to Islam. Christianity is our tradition.
lol I'm not making that comparison, I know that Christianity is your tradition strongly rooted in Europe. I'm just saying that perceptions can change given enough time and separation.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:17 PM
lol I'm not making that comparison, I know that Christianity is your tradition strongly rooted in Europe. I'm just saying that perceptions can change given enough time and separation.

Lets make sure that our Roman Empire doesn't collapse then, eh ?

01-07-2019, 08:24 PM
Lets make sure that our Roman Empire doesn't collapse then, eh ?
Something is going to collapse, it's all going to collapse at some point. I think human nature is inherently flawed, to the point that destruction is inevitable, barring some supernatural intervention. But don't listen to me, my attitude sucks.

But yes I would agree, the apparent Western identity crisis is quite troublesome at the moment. It might not be such a big deal if not for the mass importation of new hostile foreign things.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:28 PM
Something is going to collapse, it's all going to collapse at some point. I think human nature is inherently flawed, to the point that destruction is inevitable, barring some supernatural intervention. But don't listen to me, my attitude sucks.

I think the measures that need to be taken are quite simple: start deporting. That gives us some breathing space to deal with the other issues: namely to roll back any secularist and Leftist influence. Basically: to undo much of the last 250 years.

01-07-2019, 08:39 PM
I think the measures that need to be taken are quite simple: start deporting. That gives us some breathing space to deal with the other issues: namely to roll back any secularist and Leftist influence. Basically: to undo much of the last 250 years.
It is simple, but apparently impossible to do lol. I guess we'll see. This is why people like Merkel, Macron, May and company (there's quite a few to blame) should you know... be put in time out and have their toys taken away.

Their actions aren't just irresponsible, showing complete detachment from reality, but they are also criminal, in my opinion.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:43 PM
It is simple, but apparently impossible to do lol. I guess we'll see. This is why people like Merkel, Macron, May and company (there's quite a few to blame) should you know... be put in time out and have their toys taken away.

Their actions aren't just irresponsible, showing complete detachment from reality, but they are also criminal, in my opinion.

What they are doing makes perfect sense (from their perspective): they just want peons to rule over and with the imported peons and the old peons fighting each other, they can do as they please.

01-07-2019, 08:52 PM
How about no immigration lol

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 08:59 PM
How about no immigration lol

Mandatory conversion and mandatory attendance would root out just about any Muslim though.

01-07-2019, 09:06 PM
Mandatory conversion and mandatory attendance would root out just about any Muslim though.

Or make sure they disavow their socio-political views, in terms of Islam these things are not separate from their religious beliefs.

The problem of separating Church and State was solved long ago in the west, but Islam raised this problem again.

The Lawspeaker
01-07-2019, 09:17 PM
Or make sure they disavow their socio-political views, in terms of Islam these things are not separate from their religious beliefs.

The problem of separating Church and State was solved long ago in the west, but Islam raised this problem again.

To be honest: the whole notion of a S between C and S is a hypocritical as C is separated from S but S not from C. Secularists merely want to stick it to the Church.
As Islam is also a socio-political view, they can't separate it from their religion so that's how you keep them out.

01-08-2019, 12:46 AM
The churches are devoid of anyone other than the elderly and immigrants. A church attendance rate of 5% (2015 figures) is an indication that Christianity is now only a religion of a small minority of the population.


Yes we all know the state of the church in England... but that doesn't mean people should all of a sudden accept paganism, and go to hell! You cannot be serious... and dude, it is high time you get your life right with God. Paganism will send you to hell. You have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-08-2019, 12:50 AM
I prefer to see what skills they have. Can you build a house from scratch? Whoa, you're my homie. You can't make a cabinet? Fuck off, fag...

You should have some sort of skill.

01-08-2019, 12:52 AM
Yes but from what I understand, Western Europe is hardly Christian anymore. A majority of Americans are still religious though.

01-08-2019, 12:53 AM
I think most countries have had just about enough immigration.

When you hear about all the ways immigrants (legal or illegal) use loopholes and aid and resources and cooperative organizations and asylum claims and all the rest just to get IN the country and then all the benefits they get when they get here - it just makes the whole idea of immigration stink to me. Why can't countries just grow organically?

01-08-2019, 12:54 AM
As I said: Heathens. They have been "Christians" for under 200 years (some for under 50). Do you really think that our Heathen ancestors became real Christians the holy water reaches their heads ? That's the work of generations.

Oh look. A "Christian" who contradicts the Bible.

01-08-2019, 12:57 AM
And four wise Americans appeared from nowhere.

01-08-2019, 01:02 AM
Yes but from what I understand, Western Europe is hardly Christian anymore. A majority of Americans are still religious though.

Yes this is true, but even among Americans the picture doesn't look very rosy at all -- you have to also take into consideration lots of sects like Mormonism and other nonsense make up part of the "religious population", so that genuinely born again Christians are in a minority.

The greatest Christian growth today can be found in countries like China, and elsewhere. Lots of things happening there on the spiritual front... they say there are over 100 million Christians in China already, and they are committed Christians who don't mind living through persecution... and it's growing very fast.

01-08-2019, 01:03 AM
And four wise Americans appeared from nowhere.

We travel in herds.

01-08-2019, 01:35 AM
It is better to move away from mass migration all together, countries that are dependant on it for the economy are in need of change but yes, Christianisation or just only accepting Christian migrants I think is a good idea.

It is the reason that I think groups like Filipinos integrate so well into Western countries imo.

The Lawspeaker
01-08-2019, 01:58 AM
Oh look. A "Christian" who contradicts the Bible.

Oh look. Have you been checking out Christian history as of late ? Do you know when these people were converted ? Practically yesterday. Would you have called the average Saxon or Frank a Christian moments after conversion or would that have been a societal process taking centuries ? I'd say that Europe only became really Christian during the High Middle Ages.

Crn Volk
01-08-2019, 02:07 AM
It is better to move away from mass migration all together, countries that are dependant on it for the economy are in need of change but yes, Christianisation or just only accepting Christian migrants I think is a good idea.

It is the reason that I think groups like Filipinos integrate so well into Western countries imo.

Indeed other Asian Christians also - Catholic Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean Christians.

01-08-2019, 02:15 AM
Indeed other Asian Christians also - Catholic Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean Christians.

Well, I disagree with that, not sure about Chinese Christians but Korean Christians usually don't integrate, they have their own churches they set up in Sydney from what I've seen, I know several churches that have taken over and converted into Korean churches, Filipinos don't do that.

Crn Volk
01-08-2019, 02:25 AM
Well, I disagree with that, not sure about Chinese Christians but Korean Christians usually don't integrate, they have their own churches they set up in Sydney from what I've seen, I know several churches that have taken over and converted into Korean churches, Filipinos don't do that.

Filipinos also do that. Maybe not all, but I know some Filipino Catholic Churches in Melbourne.

Eg. here's one. There are more.


01-08-2019, 02:28 AM
Oh look. Have you been checking out Christian history as of late ? Do you know when these people were converted ? Practically yesterday. Would you have called the average Saxon or Frank a Christian moments after conversion or would that have been a societal process taking centuries ? I'd say that Europe only became really Christian during the High Middle Ages.

Most Africans that are currently Christian have been so for generations. If someone believes, that's enough criterion.

The Lawspeaker
01-08-2019, 02:32 AM
Most Africans that are currently Christian have been so for generations. If someone believes, that's enough criterion.

When would you have called the Europeans Christians and what can you tell me about Western European Christianity and if there are any strong pagan remains in it. We can look outside Western Europe too: the Balts were only converted by the 13th century. See any remainders there of a pre-Christian era ? I do.

Would you call something like muti (which is, of course, African) Christian ?

01-08-2019, 02:35 AM
When would you have called the Europeans Christians and what can you tell me about Western European Christianity and if there are any strong pagan remains in it. We can look outside Western Europe too: the Balts were only converted by the 13th century. See any remainders there of a pre-Christian era ? I do.

Would you call something like muti (which is, of course, African) Christian ?

I have no idea what the fuck muti is.

I do know the Catholic church is full of so much pagan shit and it's quite obvious too. Almost nowhere would be truly Christian if you're going by those standards

The Lawspeaker
01-08-2019, 02:44 AM
I have no idea what the fuck muti is.

I do know the Catholic church is full of so much pagan shit and it's quite obvious too. Almost nowhere would be truly Christian if you're going by those standards

Then you start looking it up. I hope you have a strong stomach. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_for_body_parts)
There is more than the Catholic Church. Keep looking.

Yep. Heathen symbols (1200 years after Christianisation) are still with us today. Now.. we are a Christian society and have been one for over a millennium But even here. Do you really think that the Africans (who haven't been Christian for over 150 years or even less, in a lot of cases) are not still just "a little bit" Heathen ?

01-08-2019, 02:47 AM
Filipinos also do that. Maybe not all, but I know some Filipino Catholic Churches in Melbourne.

Eg. here's one. There are more.


Hm well I wasn't aware of that.

Do they run their mass in Tagalog? The Korean churches I have seen are very Korean-centric, pretty much serve Koreans exclusively.

01-08-2019, 01:10 PM
Yep. Heathen symbols (1200 years after Christianisation) are still with us today. Now.. we are a Christian society and have been one for over a millennium But even here. Do you really think that the Africans (who haven't been Christian for over 150 years or even less, in a lot of cases) are not still just "a little bit" Heathen ?

Some are, some aren't. It really depends on the individual and church denomination... one can become fully converted in a day if you are sincere with God and repentant. Or you could still hang on to pagan traditions of your church after 1,500 years.

It is true that in Africa it is not uncommon that African churches mix some traditional African religion practices in with their Christian traditions. I know about that in South Africa... and some of them still go to witchdoctors. Many are still superstitious.

01-08-2019, 01:15 PM
I think so. Every would-be immigrant should undergo classes educating them about the Christian faith. And if/when they have converted and been baptized, they could become eligible for British citizenship (aside from the other regular requirements). I think this would be immensely beneficial for both immigrants and the country.

Y o u - a r e - r i g h t 101 %

01-08-2019, 01:28 PM
Oh look. Have you been checking out Christian history as of late ? Do you know when these people were converted ? Practically yesterday. Would you have called the average Saxon or Frank a Christian moments after conversion or would that have been a societal process taking centuries ? I'd say that Europe only became really Christian during the High Middle Ages.
There are traces of Heathenry in Western Europe to this day, specially in more peripheric areas of the Christendom like Iceland and Sweden. Heck, in some places of Sweden people still believe 'Oden' hunts spirits in winter nights riding a seven-legged horse.

01-08-2019, 01:37 PM
There are traces of Heathenry in Western Europe to this day, specially in more peripheric areas of the Christendom like Iceland and Sweden. Heck, in some places of Sweden people still believe 'Oden' hunts spirits in winter nights riding a seven-legged horse.

Scandinavia was the last to be Christianized in Europe, indeed, and in some areas there has been quite strong resistance against it. However, having said that, Sweden was definitely thoroughly Christianized, and especially in the last few centuries Swedish missionaries have played a large role in spreading the Gospel to other parts of the world. One hears a lot about Swedish missionaries. Europe itself has been damaged quite a bit spiritually with aggressive secularization recently, unfortunately, and perhaps we will see Chinese missionaries soon coming to reclaim Europe for Christianity?

01-08-2019, 10:16 PM
Heck, in some places of Sweden people still believe 'Oden' hunts spirits in winter nights riding a seven-legged horse.

As part of reconstructed belief systems. You're not claiming that paganism and heathenry survived the Christianization of Sweden in an unbroken line are you?

Emilio Delfin V B
01-08-2019, 10:18 PM
I don't know perhaps the muslims are like the new conquerors I would like that no, I am catholic and I think that its other problem

01-08-2019, 10:28 PM
As part of reconstructed belief systems. You're not claiming that paganism and heathenry survived the Christianization of Sweden in an unbroken line are you?
It didn't survived as a form of worship, but the old gods still lurk around in the folk lore of Western European countries as evil spirits or other forms of entities, like in the case of Odin in Sweden. I'm not talking about reconstructed mumbo jumbo but actual folk beliefs.

Emilio Delfin V B
01-08-2019, 10:30 PM
we must build churches where there aren't, now in Europe there are a lot of muslims and Chinese or africans

01-09-2019, 06:12 AM
Many "GERMANICS" were already Christians before entering the empire long before - during and after Constantinus.

Don't forget that it was much more dangerous to be christian under the romans than in the european territory beyond romans border..