View Full Version : Individualism

05-07-2011, 02:29 AM
The idea of individualism, in my opinion, is very destructive to the traditional family unit. We have men who go to school, graduate then either join the army or go to college and after their stint is up, they take care of their newborn children with their wife and provide for the family.

However, in today's world, Western influences changed all of it. Today, women replicate the actions of a traditional male essentially putting the traditional family unit on the path to self-destruction. The foundations of the family unit has been here since the birth of mankind with slightly differing lifestyles but the basic idea was always the same.

The problem with this individualism is it makes women replicate the actions of a male and put a people on a slow path towards national suicide. For instance, my country is a country of only 7.3 million, about 80% of that figure is full-blooded Serbs giving us about 6.8 million Serbs. How many of that figure is actually contributing to the traditional family unit structure in today's world? Not many I'd say.

Most families in Serbia see having children as an inconvenience that impedes one's path towards success. As if helping the nation survive was irrelevant and having money being the only method of success. Most women see children as a roadblock, not an important cause because without children those women would be not here today.

One day a while ago, I was told that if families on average is having one or two children with one child the most common for families you might as well commit suicide than wait for the inevitable. I actually agree with that since what is the point of struggling for survival, national greatness, if the people on the grand scale doesn't want to do it and is only concerned about money?

Serbia is not an unique case, individualism also infects several of its neighboring countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and so on. The only reason the impact of such idea is not as noticeable in the Western world is because their population is not so small to the point of losing 100 women to the idea is a demographics disaster for Serbia whereas for France or Britain, they're acceptable losses.

Individualism, as an idea, must die or see your people be extinguished along with the idea for no one will be left to propagate it.

05-07-2011, 02:37 AM
The idea of individualism, in my opinion, is very destructive to the traditional family unit. We have men who go to school, graduate then either join the army or go to college and after their stint is up, they take care of their newborn children with their wife and provide for the family.

However, in today's world, Western influences changed all of it. Today, women replicate the actions of a traditional male essentially putting the traditional family unit on the path to self-destruction. The foundations of the family unit has been here since the birth of mankind with slightly differing lifestyles but the basic idea was always the same.

The problem with this individualism is it makes women replicate the actions of a male and put a people on a slow path towards national suicide. For instance, my country is a country of only 7.3 million, about 80% of that figure is full-blooded Serbs giving us about 6.8 million Serbs. How many of that figure is actually contributing to the traditional family unit structure in today's world? Not many I'd say.

Most families in Serbia see having children as an inconvenience that impedes one's path towards success. As if helping the nation survive was irrelevant and having money being the only method of success. Most women see children as a roadblock, not an important cause because without children those women would be not here today.

One day a while ago, I was told that if families on average is having one or two children with one child the most common for families you might as well commit suicide than wait for the inevitable. I actually agree with that since what is the point of struggling for survival, national greatness, if the people on the grand scale doesn't want to do it and is only concerned about money?

Serbia is not an unique case, individualism also infects several of its neighboring countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and so on. The only reason the impact of such idea is not as noticeable in the Western world is because their population is not so small to the point of losing 100 women to the idea is a demographics disaster for Serbia whereas for France or Britain, they're acceptable losses.

Individualism, as an idea, must die or see your people be extinguished along with the idea for no one will be left to propagate it.

I have to agree and disagree to a certain extent. I think Individualism is healthy to an extent in so far as it directs its desires and passions towards the common good in a certain extent. I think after a certain point the common good can become too overwhelming with the individual and interfere with his own desires and interests. At the same time the individual tends to depend on the community or the family structure. This in a sense attaches the individual to the community and detaches him from his own ego unconsciously.

As a child ages and reaches a certain age he should be allowed to make his own decisions and take responsibility of himself detached from the family structure. It only seems proper to me hopefully the child will continue support those strong core values which his parents brought him up with. I believe everything in the right proportion and moderation is good too much individualism is destructive as is too much of a collective mindset.

Since I am tend to be a rebellious individual who aspires towards being independently minded I tend to err on the side of individualism in so far as it respects past traditions and does not try to usurp them to the point where the boundaries are broken. Anarchy is a result of an over assertive individualism which usually is the result of oppressive collective mindsets. If you get a tyrant or a harsh leader who advocates for a chaotic hierarchy I think this is when you see individuals reacting in such a way that would only be proper. It is not right for any system to be one sided but it is important to integrate sometimes different mentalities into the frameworks of both perspectives.