View Full Version : Is Austria weak as a republic?

05-08-2011, 03:31 PM
Austria was a powerful country with a king from the Austrian Empire to Austro-Hungary. However when it became a republic after the collapse of Austria-Hungary all of her power seemed to just disappear. Infighting among Austrians was a common sight between the Left and the Right. The whole thing emerged after the collapse of Austrian monarchy dividing Austria.

Was Austria's power highly reliant on the control of its empire and the ability to recruit foreign troops for her armies or was it more reliant on a strong leader to ensure Austria continued to be powerful?

The Lawspeaker
05-08-2011, 03:49 PM
I have the feeling that you don't know the slightest bit about Austria. It doesn't have to be a powerful country with a King or an Emperor but it is a civilized nation following civilised principles. I am quite sure that you don't speak a word of German but hard cheese - the Bundesverfassungsgesetz vom 26. Oktober 1955 über die Neutralität Österreichs:

(1) Zum Zwecke der dauernden Behauptung seiner Unabhängigkeit nach außen und zum Zwecke der Unverletzlichkeit seines Gebietes erklärt Österreich aus freien Stücken seine immerwährende Neutralität (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96sterreichische_Neutralit%C3%A4t). Österreich wird diese mit allen ihm zu Gebote stehenden Mitteln aufrechterhalten und verteidigen.