View Full Version : Your OCEAN model corporate score?

de Burgh II
12-20-2018, 11:20 PM
Bases its questions primarily on the Big Five/Five Factor Model or O[penness]C[onscientiousness]E[xtraversion]A[greeableness]N[euroticism] test for evaluating people in a recruitment/corporate setting:


Takes a while, but the indepth report is quite interesting:

Your feedback
Emotional Intelligence
Your top dimension is Emotional Awareness.

Reflective and intuitive, you are in touch with your emotions. You understand how you are feeling and how this can impact your performance; maintaining a moment-by-moment consciousness of your thoughts, feelings, body language and surrounding physical environment. You are able to discern between different feelings and label them appropriately. You use this emotional information to guide your thinking and actions. You seek opportunities to develop and learn more about yourself, positively acting upon any constructive feedback received.

Social Intelligence
Your top dimension is Regard for Others.

Expressing belief and confidence in others, you are accepting and understanding, believing that people will make their very best effort to complete a task or project to the best of their abilities. You trust your colleagues, believing that they are inherently reliable and will take ownership for their actions. Seeing others through a positive lens, you value your colleagues and their contribution. You actively look for opportunities to support your colleagues both with their work and in their personal lives.

Your top dimension is Unbiased.

Calm in your reactions, you are able to easily disconnect yourself from situations by emotionally removing yourself in order to remain objective and reflect on the most suitable response to the situation. You spend time objectively focusing on tasks at work, consciously taking time away from an emotional problem, which helps you to find a clear and coherent solution. Having separation between your decisions and your emotions allows you to compartmentalise and solve different issues in a more objective and calm way.

Your top dimension is Well-being.

Motivated by personal well being, you aim to achieve a positive and healthy balance in your personal and work life. You actively seek organisations, activities and roles that will enable you to have a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. You therefore actively seek roles and organisations which allow you the flexibility to work from home or to be active at work. You also encourage your colleagues to find a healthy balance between work and personal commitments in order to achieve a stimulating and fulfilling lifestyle.