View Full Version : Classify Neolithic woman from Greece( scientifically reconstructed). Does she pass in Greece?

12-21-2018, 08:01 PM

12-21-2018, 08:02 PM
It's already been posted. With that said, not sure.

12-21-2018, 08:02 PM
Oh yes, Id say so.

12-21-2018, 08:03 PM
Really interesting look, strong facial features, bones, can't classify her ...

12-21-2018, 08:16 PM

Not really what comes to mind when thinking of a Neolithic type

Moje ime
12-21-2018, 08:17 PM
CM phenotype and I don't think such strong jaw and nose bones exist in modern humans.

12-21-2018, 08:18 PM
CM phenotype and I don't think such strong jaw and nose bones exist in modern humans.

You should get out more

12-21-2018, 08:19 PM
Dinarid + Pontid + Cromagnid.

Yes, she can pass.

Moje ime
12-21-2018, 08:21 PM
You should get out more

In which country/region?

12-21-2018, 08:25 PM
Looks Sardinian.

12-21-2018, 08:28 PM

Not really what comes to mind when thinking of a Neolithic type

Neolithic people were mix of Middle eastern farmers and Paleo-Europeans, Cromagnoids, so nothing strange here...

12-21-2018, 08:32 PM
@Aspar, are you really descended from Malakasi and Bui tribes as stated in your profile?

12-21-2018, 08:39 PM
@Aspar, are you really descended from Malakasi and Bui tribes as stated in your profile?

Yes I am, long story short, I knew about a Vlach origin on my paternal side but I wasn't sure from where those people came from.
That's why I tested myself extensively for which I spend a lot of money but it was worth it!
So far, the thraces lead to Albania and the region around Fier and Lushnje!

12-21-2018, 08:46 PM
The vlachs are a group which seems to have formed in Byzantine Macedonia and subsequently migrated to surrounding areas, including Albania.Are you aware for example that some vlach minorities in the balkans use symbols similar to vergina sun?


12-21-2018, 08:46 PM
People like nightrider would claim she looks Gypsy

12-21-2018, 08:48 PM
Yes I am, long story short, I knew about a Vlach origin on my paternal side but I wasn't sure from where those people came from.
That's why I tested myself extensively for which I spend a lot of money but it was worth it!
So far, the thraces lead to Albania and the region around Fier and Lushnje!


12-21-2018, 08:50 PM
Neolithic people were mix of Middle eastern farmers and Paleo-Europeans, Cromagnoids, so nothing strange here...

like modern Sardinians

12-21-2018, 08:51 PM
She looks vaguely similar to Sigourney Weaver.

12-21-2018, 08:52 PM
She looks vaguely similar to Sigourney Weaver.

Yes somehow or to Profileid

12-21-2018, 08:56 PM
The vlachs are a group which seems to have formed in Byzantine Macedonia and subsequently migrated to surrounding areas, including Albania.Are you aware for example that some vlach minorities in the balkans use symbols similar to vergina sun?


Yes I am, the Macedonian sun is used by our people from way before the 20th century!
It is depicted in many churches of ours as well build before 20th century!

12-21-2018, 08:58 PM
Yes I am, long story short, I knew about a Vlach origin on my paternal side but I wasn't sure from where those people came from.
That's why I tested myself extensively for which I spend a lot of money but it was worth it!
So far, the thraces lead to Albania and the region around Fier and Lushnje!
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that your Y-DNA subclade what found in Aromanians from Dukas, Fier. Though I think I read on the Serbian Y-DNA project forum that it was also found among the ones from Andon Poci, Gjirokaster. What are the origin of the tribes that you have put on your ancestry?

12-21-2018, 09:12 PM
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that your Y-DNA subclade what found in Aromanians from Dukas, Fier. Though I think I read on the Serbian Y-DNA project forum that it was also found among the ones from Andon Poci, Gjirokaster. What are the origin of the tribes that you have put on your ancestry?

No, it's not found in Andon Poci, only in Dukasi and Stip in Macedonia.
But those Aromanians from Stip are also with origin from Albania anyway, however not related to those from Andon Poci and from Krushevo who have origin from Moscopole.

12-21-2018, 09:15 PM
No, it's not found in Andon Poci, only in Dukasi and Stip in Macedonia.
But those Aromanians from Stip are also with origin from Albania anyway, however not related to those from Andon Poci and from Krushevo who have origin from Moscopole.
Interesting. What are the origins of the Malakasi, Bui, and Mesariti?

12-21-2018, 09:18 PM
In which country/region?


12-21-2018, 09:22 PM
Interesting. What are the origins of the Malakasi, Bui, and Mesariti?

I read somewhere they're Vlach tribes that moved from Albania towards Greece.
However it seems there were two streams of migration.
One towards South to Greece and one towards East and the region of Prespa!

12-21-2018, 11:01 PM

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Silver Lining
12-22-2018, 12:16 AM

Eurafrikanid type.

12-22-2018, 03:44 AM
She looks like a female counterpart to the Otzi ice man.

12-22-2018, 04:31 AM
She looks like queen b

12-22-2018, 06:22 AM
She's mesolithic, not neolithic ffs. Can't you anthotards make a simple research for something that looks strange to you?

Discovered in Theopetra cave in central Greece, the woman’s face was last seen in its full human form some 9,000 years ago at the end of the Mesolithic period.


Looks like Angel's robust Basic white types.

Moje ime
12-22-2018, 10:33 AM

Doesn't look similar.

12-22-2018, 10:45 AM
People like nightrider would claim she looks Gypsy

Looks like she's a mesolithic Slav after all. Gypoaegean meds bullied her and her people until the Slavovlachics took revenge.

12-22-2018, 12:15 PM
Looks like she's a mesolithic Slav after all.

Yes lmao,

A Carpatho-Russian, or Ruthenian, from the Polish Carpathians. His tall stature, heavy bony structure, large face, etc., point to a basic relationship with the unreduced Upper Palaeolithic survivors of the northwest.


Lol at the comparinson with gracile-med Otzi,

https://img.purch.com/w/660/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMD AwLzEwMC8zNzYvb3JpZ2luYWwvaWNlbWFuLW11bW15LWZhY2Ut Tk8tUkVVU0UuanBn

But Kudos to the German that pointed the Eurafrikanid, once again proving the connection between the Borreby and the Negro.

12-22-2018, 12:30 PM
What are you thumbing down again you freaking degenerate Cybernautic?


I'm not pulling stuff out of my ass you subanimal,

Discovered in Theopetra cave in central Greece, the woman’s face was last seen in its full human form some 9,000 years ago at the end of the Mesolithic period.

Mesolithic period

Mesolithic period

Mesolithic period




You are blind if you don't see the similarity.

Mind that this woman is not the one who brought your culture, she was a monkey that lived in caves before she got outsmarted by gracile farmers(also a quite ugly girl) who will eventually get both outsmarted and outpowered by Steppe folk.

You should be grateful I'm dowloading books to educate you instead of spreading rumours and thumbing me down like an autistic ape, go suck a donkey motherfucker.

12-24-2018, 10:43 PM
why the frown? why not give her a smile or peaceful face? [emoji28] i don’t think she is ugly

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12-24-2018, 10:54 PM
Yes she could pass. Her eyes are unusual (the spacing) but other features are fairly passable particularly the jaw structure (her under bite is distinct).

12-25-2018, 01:11 PM
Except massive deep jaw, absolutley 100% Europeoid, either one of the ancestral archaic variations of Mediterranid, or mix with some highly reduced paleo-European type

12-28-2018, 09:24 PM
she looks the human in ice age movie


12-28-2018, 10:09 PM
Raine’s mother

12-28-2018, 10:29 PM

02-14-2019, 10:05 PM
I am not sure if she could pass. She looks somewhat familiar but some characteristics are atypical for modern people. Maybe people at the islands are closer to her phenotype.

02-14-2019, 10:09 PM
No. she's too archaic and probably zero steppe. If anything she's closest to modern day Sardinians(mostly neolithic and some whg)

02-14-2019, 10:27 PM
Some costal places in France Italy may still harbour


02-14-2019, 10:29 PM
Coastal places in France & Italy

02-14-2019, 10:32 PM
Some costal places in France Italy may still harbour


Some inland places in Germany maybe too,


But the specimen is not Neolithic ffs, she was mesolithic.