View Full Version : Main phenotypes of these Spaniards

Cristiano viejo
12-25-2018, 12:39 AM

12-25-2018, 12:44 AM
Atlanto-Meds, North Atlantids, North Pontids, Alpines, Dinarids and some Subnordids.

Cristiano viejo
12-25-2018, 12:46 AM
Atlanto-Meds, North Atlantids, North Pontids, Alpines, Dinarids and some Subnordids.

wow... we have everything, it seems :D

thanks for the comment.

12-25-2018, 12:50 AM
wow... we have everything, it seems :D

thanks for the comment.
I've always known that Spain (or Iberia in general) is very diverse.

Not a Cop
12-25-2018, 01:52 AM
Mainly Gracile meds.

12-25-2018, 05:51 AM
Arriba VOX!

A temblar las elites mundialistas!

Y Arriba España cojones!

12-25-2018, 05:58 AM
Mixes of Atlanto-Meds-Atlantids, Gracile-Meds, Dinarid/Baskids, Berids and some Subnordid influences on few.

12-25-2018, 12:07 PM
Atlanto-Mediterraneans, Gracile-Mediterraneans, Alpines, Dinarics.

Many of them are textbook Coon's Atlanto-Mediterraneans like women at 3:11 and 3:51.


They are very different from population of SE Europe some TA members of which claims they are "Atlanto-Mediterraneans".

The Blade
12-25-2018, 01:02 PM
Atlanto-Meds, Gracile Meds, Alpinised Cro-Magnons, Atlantids, Baskids, Dinaro-Meds, Dinarids, Norids, Cro-Magnon looks and Nordoids.

The Blade
12-25-2018, 01:06 PM
Atlanto-Mediterraneans, Gracile-Mediterraneans, Alpines, Dinarics.

Many of them are textbook Coon's Atlanto-Mediterraneans like women at 3:11 and 3:51.


They are very different from population of SE Europe some TA members of which claims they are "Atlanto-Mediterraneans".
Half of them wouldn't make any Bulgarian, Romanian, Serb or Greek blink an eye if you say they are local.
Another 20-25% would pass as rarer types.

12-25-2018, 01:29 PM
Half of them wouldn't make any Bulgarian, Romanian, Serb or Greek blink an eye if you say they are local.
Another 20-25% would pass as rarer types.

Most of Bulgarians are not Mediterranean even.

I've shown you Bulgarian crowd already.

Most of Bulgarians are Alpine-Dinaric mix with some Med input.

The Blade
12-25-2018, 02:10 PM
Most of Bulgarians are not Mediterranean even.

I've shown you Bulgarian crowd already.

Most of Bulgarians are Alpine-Dinaric mix with some Med input.
Phahaa. You just can't hide it. Even if one tries to remain tolerant and think of other chances, you show you are the same guy as frdfgcg, Niko23 and Dreamcatcher. I told you when you operated from your third account, Dreamcatcher, you can't hide your agenda. Most Bulgarians can't be Dinaric-Alpine mix, as the average cephalic index of Bulgaria based on all anthropology maps is meso/low meso, not brachy. There is a Dinaric input but tall Mediterranean is more frequent. Alpine is rare, like I said providing you with anthropology data in another thread.
You have shown me you like posting Gypsies, Jews and Arabs and present them as other ethnicities (Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian, Turkish) - that's what you showed with your Niko23 account.
And you can't speak over actual Bulgarians. Besides, people in one of your videos were mainly old barely classifiable communists. You can't prove anything about any other nation, especially by lying and cherrypicking.
I still remember that from your frdfgcg account you called a Pontid woman "Gypsy" and then equaled Gypsies, Greeks and Turks:
And yes, she doesn't represent the ancient Slavic look. Who cares? East Slavs had already turned Neo-Danubian/East Baltid/Baltoid by the late medieval period due to Finno-Ugric input:
''THE Nordic blood disappeared in the peoples of Slav speech, just as quickly as it did in those of Romance speech. The original home of the tribes of Slav speech is put by philology along the upper and middle Dnieper. The graves of the Old Slavs from the times of the wandering of the peoples show a ruling class which is still almost purely Nordic. It may be taken that the north and west Slavs were mainly Nordic into the twelfth century. Then, however, owing to contra-selection among the warrior ruling classes, the conquest through the birth-rate by the East Baltic race among the north and west Slavs, and by the Dinaric race among the south Slavs, must have had its beginning, and soon have become definitive. This racial change has also made itself felt in the speech: the assertion has been made that there is an inward change in the Russian tongue towards the Finnish-Ugrian group.

The Nordic upper classes, too, of Germanic descent, who at the disappearance of the Nordic classes of the Old Slavs, once more strengthened the Nordic blood of the peoples of Slav speech, passed away again. In the border fighting against the German tribes it was the Nordic leaders of the Slavs who fell, while the less Nordic Slav lower class, after the German recovery of the districts east of the Elbe, gradually took over the German tongue, and in the end -- in spite of the defence made through centuries by the German municipal laws against the intruding 'Slav' blood -- as it was bound to be, brought their East Baltic and Alpine blood into the body of the German people. The denordization of the peoples of Slav speech, however, even to-day has not gone so far in the districts about the Baltic as the denordization of the peoples of Romance speech, except perhaps for the northern French. It has been shown how, from the mouth of the Vistula, of the Neva, and, above all, of the Dwina, Nordic blood still goes far into the Slav districts. The establishment of the Polish State about A.D. 1000 was started from the north Polish districts, those with most Nordic blood."
Source is The Racial Elements of European History by Hans Günther:
Nowadays East Slavs are mainly in the range he described - Eastern Euro brachycephals with Finno-Ugric affinities, followed by Nordics. Pontic and other Meds are rare among them - she still looks better than East Baltid/Neo-Danubian/Baltid women, imo, and, what is more important, looks normal European, not Gypsy.

12-25-2018, 02:24 PM
What about that flag with an eagle?

12-25-2018, 03:21 PM
Phahaa. You just can't hide it. Even if one tries to remain tolerant and think of other chances, you show you are the same guy as frdfgcg, Niko23 and Dreamcatcher. I told you when you operated from your third account, Dreamcatcher, you can't hide your agenda. Most Bulgarians can't be Dinaric-Alpine mix, as the average cephalic index of Bulgaria based on all anthropology maps is meso/low meso, not brachy. There is a Dinaric input but tall Mediterranean is more frequent. Alpine is rare, like I said providing you with anthropology data in another thread.
You have shown me you like posting Gypsies, Jews and Arabs and present them as other ethnicities (Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian, Turkish) - that's what you showed with your Niko23 account.
And you can't speak over actual Bulgarians. Besides, people in one of your videos were mainly old barely classifiable communists. You can't prove anything about any other nation, especially by lying and cherrypicking.
I still remember that from your frdfgcg account you called a Pontid woman "Gypsy" and then equaled Gypsies, Greeks and Turks:
And yes, she doesn't represent the ancient Slavic look. Who cares? East Slavs had already turned Neo-Danubian/East Baltid/Baltoid by the late medieval period due to Finno-Ugric input:
''THE Nordic blood disappeared in the peoples of Slav speech, just as quickly as it did in those of Romance speech. The original home of the tribes of Slav speech is put by philology along the upper and middle Dnieper. The graves of the Old Slavs from the times of the wandering of the peoples show a ruling class which is still almost purely Nordic. It may be taken that the north and west Slavs were mainly Nordic into the twelfth century. Then, however, owing to contra-selection among the warrior ruling classes, the conquest through the birth-rate by the East Baltic race among the north and west Slavs, and by the Dinaric race among the south Slavs, must have had its beginning, and soon have become definitive. This racial change has also made itself felt in the speech: the assertion has been made that there is an inward change in the Russian tongue towards the Finnish-Ugrian group.

The Nordic upper classes, too, of Germanic descent, who at the disappearance of the Nordic classes of the Old Slavs, once more strengthened the Nordic blood of the peoples of Slav speech, passed away again. In the border fighting against the German tribes it was the Nordic leaders of the Slavs who fell, while the less Nordic Slav lower class, after the German recovery of the districts east of the Elbe, gradually took over the German tongue, and in the end -- in spite of the defence made through centuries by the German municipal laws against the intruding 'Slav' blood -- as it was bound to be, brought their East Baltic and Alpine blood into the body of the German people. The denordization of the peoples of Slav speech, however, even to-day has not gone so far in the districts about the Baltic as the denordization of the peoples of Romance speech, except perhaps for the northern French. It has been shown how, from the mouth of the Vistula, of the Neva, and, above all, of the Dwina, Nordic blood still goes far into the Slav districts. The establishment of the Polish State about A.D. 1000 was started from the north Polish districts, those with most Nordic blood."
Source is The Racial Elements of European History by Hans Günther:
Nowadays East Slavs are mainly in the range he described - Eastern Euro brachycephals with Finno-Ugric affinities, followed by Nordics. Pontic and other Meds are rare among them - she still looks better than East Baltid/Neo-Danubian/Baltid women, imo, and, what is more important, looks normal European, not Gypsy.

I wonder why I am frdfgcg?

You've called me like that a few times.

My point is that all Europeans belong to several phenotypes Alpines, Baltics, Dinarics, Meds, Nordics or mix between them.

Like I sad I think mainly Bulgarians are mix between Alpines, Dinarics and Meds.

I showed you two Bulgarian crowds and yes mainly are Alpines with Dinaric or Med input.

I asked you to show me Bulgarian crowd if you think that I'm wrong.

12-25-2018, 03:27 PM
I wonder why I am frdfgcg?

You've called me like that a few times.

My point is that all Europeans belong to several phenotypes Alpines, Baltics, Dinarics, Meds, Nordics or mix between them.

Like I sad I think mainly Bulgarians are mix between Alpines, Dinarics and Meds.

I showed you two Bulgarian crowds and yes mainly are Alpines with Dinaric or Med input.

I asked you to show me Bulgarian crowd if you think that I'm wrong.

Because one dick made you all. Your style is the same and predictable.
Refrain from trolling AND ITS okay

12-25-2018, 03:33 PM
Because one dick made you all. Your style is the same and predictable.
Refrain from trolling AND ITS okay

Where do you see trolling?

When I said that pure Nordics like Elena Dementiva are very rare among Northern Slavs no Polish or Russian has ever called me a troll.

When I said that this type is very rare among Bulgarians Bulgarians called me troll.

12-25-2018, 04:10 PM
Atlanto-med, Pontids, Dinarics, Gracile-med and so on. Look mainly Iberians as what expected.

The Blade
12-25-2018, 10:08 PM
Where do you see trolling?

When I said that pure Nordics like Elena Dementiva are very rare among Northern Slavs no Polish or Russian has ever called me a troll.

When I said that this type is very rare among Bulgarians Bulgarians called me troll.
Your definition of rare must be 15-20%.
My definition of rare is 2-3%.

The Blade
12-25-2018, 10:24 PM
I wonder why I am frdfgcg?

You've called me like that a few times.

My point is that all Europeans belong to several phenotypes Alpines, Baltics, Dinarics, Meds, Nordics or mix between them.

Like I sad I think mainly Bulgarians are mix between Alpines, Dinarics and Meds.

I showed you two Bulgarian crowds and yes mainly are Alpines with Dinaric or Med input.

I asked you to show me Bulgarian crowd if you think that I'm wrong.
Yes but proportions are very different in the respective regions. And there are local subtypes - like Keltic Nordid being more typically British/Irish (on the other hand, Corded is quite pan-Euro), there are various looks in the East Med spectrum, etc. Plus, extra-European influences of Mongoloid, Semitic and/or SSA type exist in certain parts of the continent.
As pelikarski said, your writing style shows you are the same member.

12-26-2018, 03:02 AM
[meiliren] called a Pontid woman "Gypsy" and then equaled Gypsies, Greeks and Turks.
Ah, that brings me to my childhood when a clueless whiteboy who had a crush on me thought I was a "Gypsy." I scored Pontid very high with BETAFACE so it's interesting to see you niggas quarreling about this now. #FunnyCoincidences

Very informative post there my man.
(Me giving you a trophy)
https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/00/15/63/500_F_100156391_0eImLeP5Ri5QlKFpBssyK7TEWTcCaALR.j pg

12-26-2018, 02:17 PM
Phahaa. You just can't hide it. Even if one tries to remain tolerant and think of other chances, you show you are the same guy as frdfgcg, Niko23 and Dreamcatcher. I told you when you operated from your third account, Dreamcatcher, you can't hide your agenda. Most Bulgarians can't be Dinaric-Alpine mix, as the average cephalic index of Bulgaria based on all anthropology maps is meso/low meso, not brachy. There is a Dinaric input but tall Mediterranean is more frequent. Alpine is rare, like I said providing you with anthropology data in another thread.
You have shown me you like posting Gypsies, Jews and Arabs and present them as other ethnicities (Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian, Turkish) - that's what you showed with your Niko23 account.
And you can't speak over actual Bulgarians. Besides, people in one of your videos were mainly old barely classifiable communists. You can't prove anything about any other nation, especially by lying and cherrypicking.
I still remember that from your frdfgcg account you called a Pontid woman "Gypsy" and then equaled Gypsies, Greeks and Turks:
And yes, she doesn't represent the ancient Slavic look. Who cares? East Slavs had already turned Neo-Danubian/East Baltid/Baltoid by the late medieval period due to Finno-Ugric input:
''THE Nordic blood disappeared in the peoples of Slav speech, just as quickly as it did in those of Romance speech. The original home of the tribes of Slav speech is put by philology along the upper and middle Dnieper. The graves of the Old Slavs from the times of the wandering of the peoples show a ruling class which is still almost purely Nordic. It may be taken that the north and west Slavs were mainly Nordic into the twelfth century. Then, however, owing to contra-selection among the warrior ruling classes, the conquest through the birth-rate by the East Baltic race among the north and west Slavs, and by the Dinaric race among the south Slavs, must have had its beginning, and soon have become definitive. This racial change has also made itself felt in the speech: the assertion has been made that there is an inward change in the Russian tongue towards the Finnish-Ugrian group.

The Nordic upper classes, too, of Germanic descent, who at the disappearance of the Nordic classes of the Old Slavs, once more strengthened the Nordic blood of the peoples of Slav speech, passed away again. In the border fighting against the German tribes it was the Nordic leaders of the Slavs who fell, while the less Nordic Slav lower class, after the German recovery of the districts east of the Elbe, gradually took over the German tongue, and in the end -- in spite of the defence made through centuries by the German municipal laws against the intruding 'Slav' blood -- as it was bound to be, brought their East Baltic and Alpine blood into the body of the German people. The denordization of the peoples of Slav speech, however, even to-day has not gone so far in the districts about the Baltic as the denordization of the peoples of Romance speech, except perhaps for the northern French. It has been shown how, from the mouth of the Vistula, of the Neva, and, above all, of the Dwina, Nordic blood still goes far into the Slav districts. The establishment of the Polish State about A.D. 1000 was started from the north Polish districts, those with most Nordic blood."
Source is The Racial Elements of European History by Hans Günther:
Nowadays East Slavs are mainly in the range he described - Eastern Euro brachycephals with Finno-Ugric affinities, followed by Nordics. Pontic and other Meds are rare among them - she still looks better than East Baltid/Neo-Danubian/Baltid women, imo, and, what is more important, looks normal European, not Gypsy.

My god, when you will stop with your gypsy theories?

The Blade
12-26-2018, 02:46 PM
My god, when you will stop with your gypsy theories?
When will you, путка (cunt), stop with your Finno-Uralic bullshit?
I have a suggestion for you, eat some Arab kebab, as you are obsessed with such comparisons.
Actually Arabs did better than you ever would - a lot of Arab contribution in philosophy, arts, war tactics and literature.
Go to Australia and jump from the Ayers rock:
Or be chopped by Aboriginals.

12-26-2018, 02:50 PM
When will you, путка (cunt), stop with your Finno-Uralic bullshit?
I have a suggestion for you, eat some Arab kebab, as you are obsessed with such comparisons.
Actually Arabs did better than you ever would - a lot of Arab contribution in philosophy, arts, war tactics and literature.
Go to Australia and jump from the Ayers rock:
Or be chopped by Aboriginals.

Dude you are a Bulgarian gypsy :D Keep coping with that fact. You little shit :D

The Blade
12-26-2018, 02:55 PM
Dude you are a Bulgarian gypsy :D Keep coping with that fact. You little shit :D
You don't know a thing about Bulgaria, you beta moron. Be grateful other Finnish members here act normally - this is the reason I don't curse you more often. And I don't insult your people, I insult only you.

12-26-2018, 02:58 PM
You don't know a thing about Bulgaria, you beta moron. Be grateful other Finnish members here act normally - this is the reason I don't curse you more often. And I don't insult your people, I insult only you.

Let it all come out bro. Nobody gives a fuck what Bulgarian says. You are absolute shit of in this world.

I want that we hate each other. Try to understand. This is what I want.

12-26-2018, 03:03 PM
You don't know a thing about Bulgaria, you beta moron. Be grateful other Finnish members here act normally - this is the reason I don't curse you more often. And I don't insult your people, I insult only you.

I know you want to play some passive aggressive little games, because that is the little shit you are. You fucking twat.

The Blade
12-26-2018, 03:12 PM
Let it all come out bro. Nobody gives a fuck what Bulgarian says. You are absolute shit of in this world.

I want that we hate each other. Try to understand. This is what I want.
Harkonnen (don't know if that's your real surname, nor do I care but it's your current nick), seriously, man, don't mistake internet sarcasm and insults with hate, really.
When I turn off the computer you are nobody to me. I may not like your bullshit here and maybe I'll be glad if you get a several days ban (though I have reported you only once long ago) but in the end of the day you know nothing about my life or what is like when I ACTUALLY HATE someone, nor will you know. Those I hate fear seeing me and have their good reasons and bad memories.

The Blade
12-26-2018, 03:17 PM
I know you want to play some passive aggressive little games, because that is the little shit you are. You fucking twat.
Passive aggressive isn't an accurate definition in this case.
I act as you deserve it - so, a dick in your ass, monkey.

12-26-2018, 03:46 PM
Passive aggressive isn't an accurate definition in this case.
I act as you deserve it - so, a dick in your ass, monkey.

You need go to see the vicar to drive that devil out of your head.