View Full Version : Outside the Levant, where can these councillors from Gaza City pass?

Tooting Carmen
12-25-2018, 06:09 PM
https://www.gaza-city.org/index.php?page=Vm1wR1UxTnJOVlpOVm1oVVlteEtWbGx0ZEV 0alJsWjBZMGhPYWsxWGVEQlVWbHBMVlZaV1ZVMUVhejA9


12-25-2018, 06:21 PM
Egypt and Iraq. Other than that, they don't really pass elsewhere.

They look distinct from non-Arab West Asians, and they don't look like anyone in Europe either. They don't even pass in Cyprus.

I see 2 who might pass in Sicily or Cyprus.

Tooting Carmen
12-25-2018, 06:23 PM
Egypt and Iraq. Other than that, they don't really pass elsewhere.

They look distinct from non-Arab West Asians, and they don't look like anyone in Europe either. They don't even pass in Cyprus.

I see 2 who might pass in Sicily or Cyprus.

Couldn't some pass in Arabia, South Asia or NW Africa? And which two might pass in Sicily or Cyprus?

12-25-2018, 06:23 PM
Egypt and Iraq. Other than that, they don't really pass elsewhere.

They look distinct from non-Arab West Asians, and they don't look like anyone in Europe either. They don't even pass in Cyprus.

I see 2 who might pass in Sicily or Cyprus.


12-25-2018, 06:34 PM
Couldn't some pass in Arabia, South Asia or NW Africa? And which two might pass in Sicily or Cyprus?

They look distinct from Moroccans/Algerians, but they all may fit in Egypt/Libya/Tunisia with varying degrees of being typical. My personal view is Egyptians/Libyans look more like Levantines and Arabians with SSA influence, while Algerians/Moroccans look more distinct... Tunisians are somewhere in the middle to me. I don't see any resemblance to South Asians, and they also look distinct from Arabians but they may also "pass".

These two pass in Sicily or Cyprus.


This one might pass as an extreme fringe example but I won't count him.


12-25-2018, 06:40 PM
Only in Middle Eastern

12-25-2018, 06:58 PM

This one looks panhuman,passes in every sapienoid community.

Seth MacFarlane
12-25-2018, 07:56 PM

This one might pass as an extreme fringe example but I won't count him.

This one passes in Arabian Peninsula

Tooting Carmen
12-25-2018, 09:42 PM
Anyone else?

Tooting Carmen
01-04-2019, 12:16 AM