View Full Version : Classify Flemish politicians

12-25-2018, 07:39 PM






12-25-2018, 07:40 PM
Three far right ones. ;) Especially with Filip Dewinter and Tom Van Grieken you can somehow see they're of said ideology. It's like a gaydar, far right wing people have a special look on them.

Filip Dewinter lives very close to where I live and even votes at the same ballots I do. I even saw him at the local Chrismas Market a week ago. Very likeable man actually.

12-25-2018, 07:43 PM
1 and 2 are Nordic - Alpine mix and 3 is Alpine.

12-25-2018, 07:45 PM
Imo, they are true patriots. While Bart De Wever & co are liberals who pretend to be nationalist (to get right votes). If i was an ethnic fleming (4 grandparents from Flanders) i'd vote for vlaams belang or cd&v.

12-25-2018, 07:47 PM
Imo, they are true patriots. While Bart De Wever & co are liberals who pretend to be nationalist (to get right votes). If i was an ethnic fleming (4 grandparents from Flanders) i'd vote for vlaams belang or cd&v.

Why CD&V?

12-25-2018, 07:50 PM
If Filip was born in Ankara, he'd be a grey wolf or a hardcore republican/militarist. I admire his efforts. Cordon sanitaire is the worst thing that happened to democracy in Belgium.

12-25-2018, 07:52 PM
If Filip was born in Ankara, he'd be a grey wolf or a hardcore republican/militarist. I admire his efforts. Cordon sanitaire is the worst thing that happened to democracy in Belgium.

On that we agree. Though I think he'd be a hardcore republican in Turkey. He's not that far right actually. Hard to say, as Turkey is very different from the Flemish Region.

That cordon sanitaire also caused many to vote for Vlaams Belang and the media framing it as Flemish being intolerant (also the Guide du Routard about Belgium does it in their section about Antwerp lol). :p Even I voted for Vlaams Belang twice and my parents still do it. If Vlaams Belang had less lowbrow campaigns, and were more like the Sweden Democrats or the AfD, I might have voted for them again as well.

24% of the votes was their record in 2004, and that was due to the political culture of Belgium at the time and also a disastrous cabinet of purple-green with Verhofstadt as PM (also too much Flemish career politics whereas linguistic nationalism is the mainstream of Francophones; people were fed up with that). A political barometer, so to speak.

They're a party you can't admit to have voted for or employers won't hire you or you might get fired.

12-25-2018, 08:02 PM
Why CD&V?

Because they are the only hope for conservatives and will in near future cooperate with VB. Thats is in my opinion the only way to stop liberals (nva/open vld).

12-25-2018, 08:03 PM
Because they are the only hope for conservatives and will in near future cooperate with VB. Thats is in my opinion the only way to stop liberals (nva/open vld).

N-VA is more likely to cooperate with Vlaams Belang in the future to be honest. CD&V are what you'd call a 'cuckservative party' with no real opinion and always vague about everything.
Yves Leterme tried to have a pro-Flemish course, but he got betrayed by his own party members like Wouter Beke in the end. That guy even suffered health issues from the political crisis in 2011.

12-25-2018, 08:07 PM
The NVA will never cooperate with vb. Vb is an existential threat for nva. Their success is a by-product of the "cordon sanitaire".