View Full Version : Who invented the bagpipe? The Macedonians or the Scottish?

12-27-2018, 11:16 PM
https://scontent.fsyd3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/48964944_10216171900264298_3420159586827501568_n.j pg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd3-1.fna&oh=906fc87fadf61c30d7e1c6318f70f075&oe=5C91122B

12-27-2018, 11:18 PM
The Macedonian one looks like a giant monkey nut lol.

12-27-2018, 11:18 PM

Ancient origins

The evidence for pre-Roman era bagpipes is still uncertain but several textual and visual clues have been suggested. The Oxford History of Music says that a sculpture of bagpipes has been found on a Hittite slab at Euyuk in the Middle East, dated to 1000 BC. Several authors identify the ancient Greek askaulos (ἀσκός askos – wine-skin, αὐλός aulos – reed pipe) with the bagpipe.[2] In the 2nd century AD, Suetonius described the Roman emperor Nero as a player of the tibia utricularis.[3] Dio Chrysostom wrote in the 1st century of a contemporary sovereign (possibly Nero) who could play a pipe (tibia, Roman reedpipes similar to Greek and Etruscan instruments) with his mouth as well as by tucking a bladder beneath his armpit.[4]

I've heard they were first developed in the Middle East.

12-27-2018, 11:19 PM
The Macedonian highlanders?


Or the Scottish highlanders?


12-27-2018, 11:20 PM
The Macedonian one looks like a giant monkey nut lol.

Aww leave him he's just an old man.

12-27-2018, 11:24 PM


12-27-2018, 11:31 PM
I guess it was invented in the middle east, maybe in Iran.

12-27-2018, 11:37 PM
The people who invented bagpipe must have been shepards

Because bagpipe is made from the goats or sheep's stomach

Ancient Greeks already had bagpipes they played at their feasts
The sound of the bagpipe was associated with the god of wine and excessive partys with raving and dancing

From what i remember i think Greeks said the bagpipe came orignally from Egypt

12-27-2018, 11:38 PM

I've heard they were first developed in the Middle East.

Me too, Middle East

12-27-2018, 11:41 PM

12-27-2018, 11:44 PM
I guess it was invented in the middle east, maybe in Iran.

How did the Scotts adopt it then? Possibly from the Balkans?

12-27-2018, 11:46 PM
There may have been some connection between the Macedonians and the Scots:

The favourite Scottish order of battle somewhat resembled the Macedonian phalanx. Their infantry formed a compact body, armed with long spears, impenetrable even to the men-at-arms of the age, though well mounted, and arrayed in complete proof.


Crn Volk
12-27-2018, 11:48 PM
There may have been some connection between the Macedonians and the Scots:



12-27-2018, 11:50 PM

Cretan feast with bagpipe music



12-27-2018, 11:50 PM

12-27-2018, 11:54 PM
How did the Scotts adopt it then? Possibly from the Balkans?

Possibly from the Romans.

12-27-2018, 11:56 PM
Possibly from the Romans.

Aegean Greeks probably knew the bagpipe before the Romans

Bagpipe came from the Med region according to Greeks from Egypt

But yes from the Romans it was brought to the Celts in Britain this is what i believe too

12-27-2018, 11:58 PM
Macedonian-Scottish conection. The Gordon clan:

The origin of the Gordon clan in Scotland was not Gaelic. The Gordon clan is originally from Normandy, where their ancestors are said to have had large possessions. From the great antiquity of the race, many fabulous accounts have been given of the descent of the Gordons. Some derive them from a city of Macedonia, called Gordonia (Close to modern day Gevgelija). The best description that the Gordons are not Gaelic is described in H. Potter’s book, Blood Feud.


There are three different claims about the origins of red hair
in the Scottish Highlands. One claim is that it was common
among the Picts and has always been there. Another claim is
that it was brought by the Kelts. Yet another claim is that
it was brought by the Vikings.

At one time the area was settled by people with Mediterranean skulls.
Then came tall brachycephalic Beaker Folk. Hallstatt Nordics from
central Europe invaded the British Isles, but didn't penetrate
to northern Scotland, which remained Pictish. Celts often had
red hair. However, Vikings and Germanics were often described
as red-haired too. The Rus in Russia were described as redheads.
They came from Sweden, where red hair is uncommon today.


Anthony PV
12-27-2018, 11:59 PM
I guess it was invented in the middle east, maybe in Iran.
Yeah, probably by mountaineers as a training tool to work their breathing in high altitude. :p

There may have been some connection between the Macedonians and the Scots:

The favourite Scottish order of battle somewhat resembled the Macedonian phalanx. Their infantry formed a compact body, armed with long spears, impenetrable even to the men-at-arms of the age, though well mounted, and arrayed in complete proof.

Lol, shortly before the Renaissance, in the late Middle Ages, the Swiss became renowned as mercenaries who fought as pikemen in dense formations similar to the Macedonian phalanx. Huh... Does that mean Macedonians and Swiss are related? :confused:

12-28-2018, 12:03 AM
Yeah, probably by mountaineers as a training tool to work their breathing in high altitude. :p

Lol, shortly before the Renaissance, in the late Middle Ages, the Swiss became renowned as mercenaries who fought as pikemen in dense formations similar to the Macedonian phalanx. Huh... Does that mean Macedonians and Swiss are related? :confused:

Not related. May have a connection though. Gordon clan supposedly came from present day Republic of Macedonia. And that is coming from a Scottish source.


12-28-2018, 12:05 AM
I didn't know that

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12-28-2018, 12:07 AM
Not related. May have a connection though. Gordon clan supposedly came from present day Republic of Macedonia. And that is coming from a Scottish source.


I wonder what their Y haplogroups are.

12-28-2018, 12:09 AM
Not related. May have a connection though. Gordon clan supposedly came from present day Republic of Macedonia. And that is coming from a Scottish source.


Nonsense. They descend from Adam de Gordoun, a Norman. the clan is I1-P109 which is common in Normandy


ADAM DE GORDON/GORDOUN, SIR, * was born Abt. 1035 in France, and died Nov 13, 1093 in In battle nearAlnwick, Northumberland, England.

12-28-2018, 12:09 AM
Nonsense. They descend from Adam de Gordoun, a Norman. the clan is I1-P109 which is common in Normandy



12-28-2018, 12:10 AM

12-28-2018, 12:13 AM
Nonsense. They descend from Adam de Gordoun, a Norman. the clan is I1-P109 which is common in Normandy


We are talking about ancient times here. People have mixed since then. Obviously they don't have anything to do with any Balkan people today. But it's interesting that it's coming from a Scottish source.

12-28-2018, 12:16 AM
Another Scottish source:

The Gordon Name: Origin and SurvivalThe Gordon name is not Gaelic in origin, but is instead said to originate from Normandy. Many attribute the name Gordon to the Macedonian city of Gordonia. Due to its foreign origins, Clan Gordon is often also referred to as the House of Gordon.
The first Gordons were welcomed to Scotland by King David I, and by the start of the 12th century they had set up home near Kelso in the Scottish Borders, under the watchful eye of the nearby Earl of Dunbar. In the centuries that followed, Clan Gordon would rise to become a powerful name further north, in the Aberdeenshire area of the Scottish Highlands.


12-28-2018, 12:16 AM
We are talking about ancient times here. People have mixed since then. Obviously they don't have anything to do with any Balkan people today. But it's interesting that it's coming from a Scottish source.

Science debunks the website's theory.

12-28-2018, 12:18 AM
Could the Gordon clan be the connection that took the idea of the bagpipe from Macedonia to Scotland?

12-28-2018, 12:19 AM
Nonsense. They descend from Adam de Gordoun, a Norman. the clan is I1-P109 which is common in Normandy


I thought that as well. Irish monks said that the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh ruled over Scotland and that's where the name was derived (the monks said her name was Scota), but this supposition was based on Biblical chronology and wild extrapolations. The Macedonian origin story is probably a similar tale.

My maternal grandfather's middle name was Gordon.

12-28-2018, 12:20 AM
Scottish Lion:

Macedonian Lion:


12-28-2018, 12:22 AM
OP is the biggest cockhead known to mankind.

12-28-2018, 12:22 AM
The Macedonian pipe music is written in middle eastern scale it sounds like.

12-28-2018, 12:26 AM
OP is the biggest cockhead known to mankind.

OP is perplexed


12-28-2018, 12:27 AM
I like the sound of bagpipe

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12-28-2018, 12:31 AM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-28-2018, 12:31 AM
Science debunks the website's theory.

To date, no studies have focused upon the time relationships between the haplogroups of the Gordons (R1b1, I1 and I2 groupings), nor has any previous study revealed the relationships of the Gordons and their subclusters.

Yet other ancient historians and even Chalmers in his research indicate that the Gordons likely already had their surname prior to arriving in Scotland, and he surmises possibly from France, and Macedonia before that, giving their name to the town of Gordon in the borderlands. Thus, Chalmers acknowledges that prior to Scotland, the Gordons may have originated in Gordonia in Macedonia and migrated to ancient Gaul, with their seat in present-day city of Gent, Belgium (Chalmers (1742-1825)).


Gaul. Interesting.

In Macedonia there is a national park and mountain called Galicica.

And a Village called Galicnik:

12-28-2018, 12:32 AM
The Macedonian pipe music is written in middle eastern scale it sounds like.

Ok. More interested in the origins of the instrument and how it got to Scotland. Sounds change over time due to many different factors.

12-28-2018, 12:35 AM

Gaul. Interesting.

In Macedonia there is a national park and mountain called Galicica.

And a Village called Galicnik:

It's I2a2 and not the same as I2a1 in the Balkans. First you guys claim Greek history and now Scottish history. Who's next, Bosniensisatatata

12-28-2018, 12:35 AM
OP is the biggest cockhead known to mankind.

Fuck off Grk cunt.

12-28-2018, 12:36 AM
Ok. More interested in the origins of the instrument and how it got to Scotland. Sounds change over time due to many different factors.

I would suggest that naturally it would seem that it would have migrated up to the isles somehow

12-28-2018, 12:38 AM
It's I2a2 and not the same as I2a1 in the Balkans. First you guys claim Greek history and now Scottish history. Who's next, Bosniensisatatata

I'm not claiming Greek or Scottish history. Where did i ever do that?

I have not posted one single Macedonian source. All have been Scottish or western sources.

And i am in nooooooo way claiming Macedonians and Scotts are the same. That's laughable. I am merely spotting the connection, not only with Macedonians, but the Balkans in general.

12-28-2018, 12:40 AM
I would suggest that naturally it would seem that it would have migrated up to the isles somehow

Without making any mark in between Scotland and the Southern Balkans?

Edit: There are infact Bagpipe variants all across Europe

12-28-2018, 12:49 AM
https://books.google.com.au/books?id=MY87LUv6LEoC&pg=PT416&lpg=PT416&dq=gordonia+macedonia&source=bl&ots=-XxASBTasR&sig=R7Gwdnw2INOhtCRmAX3HH--Ahmo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY08j1s8HfAhVCe7wKHS4mChAQ6AEwCXoECAIQA Q#v=onepage&q=gordonia%20macedonia&f=false

12-28-2018, 12:51 AM
Origin of the name

The given name Gordon originates from a transferred use of the Scottish surname Gordon. The origin of this surname is debated. While it is considered to be derived from a place name, it is not certain that the place name of Gordon, in Berwickshire, Scotland, is the origin of the surname.[1] Berwickshire was once the home of Clan Gordon, and the earliest member of the family on record is of Richer de Gordun, who was lord of the barony of Gordon, in the mid-12th century.[2] This place name may be derived from the Welsh gor, meaning "spacious"; and din, meaning "fort".[3]

However, it is also possible that the Scottish surname originated from a place name in Normandy, France, and was brought over to Scotland, where it gave rise to the place name in Berwickshire.[1] For example, the English surname Gordon is considered to be derived from Gourdon in Saône-et-Loire, France.[3] Early records of this surname occur in England in the early 13th century (such as Adam de Gurdon, in 1204).[2] This French place name is derived from the Gallo-Roman personal name Gordus and the locative suffix -o, -onis.[3]


Clearly, it makes more sense to go with Occam's razor here. The author that you cited also doesn't clarify which Macedonia they're referring to, and this claims to try to trace the origins to the Roman era, so there have been all sorts of demographic and political shifts since then.

12-28-2018, 12:54 AM

Clearly, it makes more sense to go with Occam's razor here. The author that you cited also doesn't clarify which Macedonia they're referring to, and this claims to try to trace the origins to the Roman era, so there have been all sorts of demographic and political shifts since then.

The author says in Gordonia, Macedonia near present day Gevgelija:


End of the day there is only one Macedonia.

12-28-2018, 12:59 AM
Scottish Lion:

Macedonian Lion:


Just noticed they both have a double tale.

12-28-2018, 01:00 AM
Scottish are Macedonians.
Dick was right.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-28-2018, 01:05 AM
Scottish are Macedonians.
Dick was right.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

You cunts are fucked. Only Macedonians cant make claims using sources. We just get mocked no matter what.

No I am not claiming Scottish are Macedonians. No chance. But is there a connection? Looks like there might be.

12-28-2018, 01:08 AM
You cunts are fucked. Only Macedonians cant make claims using sources. We just get mocked no matter what.Alexander the Great was Scottish.
Greece just opened a new name dispute with Scotland

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-28-2018, 01:08 AM
Alexander the Great was Scottish.
Greece just opened a new name dispute with Scotland

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

Why the fuck are you trolling my thread?

Multiple Scottish websites are claiming the Gordon clan come from Macedonia, and i'm the weird one for showing it.

12-28-2018, 01:10 AM
Why the fuck are you trolling my thread?

Multiple Scottish websites are claiming the Gordon clan come from Macedonia, and i'm the weird one for showing it.You have no sense of humor bro.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-28-2018, 01:58 AM
Why the fuck are you trolling my thread?

Multiple Scottish websites are claiming the Gordon clan come from Macedonia, and i'm the weird one for showing it.

And Ydna debunks their theories, Aleksandar škotski :rotfl:

12-28-2018, 02:06 AM
And Ydna debunks their theories, Aleksandar škotski :rotfl:


12-28-2018, 02:07 AM
You take too much weight in YDNA.

12-28-2018, 02:07 AM

Nonsense. They descend from Adam de Gordoun, a Norman. the clan is I1-P109 which is common in Normandy



12-28-2018, 02:09 AM
You take too much weight in YDNA.

It's science, not pseudo science like what you posted. Deal with the fat that you're a fool now.

12-28-2018, 02:10 AM

Smee se, smee se.

12-28-2018, 02:12 AM
It's science, not pseudo science like what you posted. Deal with the fat that you're a fool now.

YDNA is oldest living paternal ancestor, correct? There is much much more then that in DNA.

I think a while ago they found Native American YDNA in Icelanders.

12-28-2018, 02:13 AM
YDNA is oldest living paternal ancestor, correct? There is much much more then that in DNA.

I think a while ago they found Native American YDNA in Icelanders.

Ayetooey asked if there was Ydna from the clan. If the clan had dna from the Balkans then I'd buy what you're selling but they don't. Deal with it.

12-28-2018, 02:15 AM
YDNA is oldest living paternal ancestor, correct? There is much much more then that in DNA.

I think a while ago they found Native American YDNA in Icelanders.

This doesn't even seem to be a credible theory even by the source you provided. The source clearly states Norman origin, then mentions that some ancient writers in antiquity made vague references to a connection between the two groups. Writers during antiquity were all on substances, and half the shit they wrote was politically biased fairy tails, anyone who studies ancient history knows to take these theories with a grain of salt. The Y dna results show a direct line of descent back to the Normans, I don't see how else Macedonians and Scots could be genetically related, unless the Normans took Macedonian wives? A trading connection at some point is more likely.

12-28-2018, 02:29 AM
Opa hi ha.


12-28-2018, 02:29 AM
This doesn't even seem to be a credible theory even by the source you provided. The source clearly states Norman origin, then mentions that some ancient writers in antiquity made vague references to a connection between the two groups. Writers during antiquity were all on substances, and half the shit they wrote was politically biased fairy tails, anyone who studies ancient history knows to take these theories with a grain of salt. The Y dna results show a direct line of descent back to the Normans, I don't see how else Macedonians and Scots could be genetically related, unless the Normans took Macedonian wives? A trading connection at some point is more likely.

Why people don't just accept Occam's razor blows my mind. Irish monks wrote that Scotland was ruled over by the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, Scota. They also believed the world was only 6,000 years old. That this persists nowadays makes me so angry.

12-28-2018, 02:34 AM
This doesn't even seem to be a credible theory even by the source you provided. The source clearly states Norman origin, then mentions that some ancient writers in antiquity made vague references to a connection between the two groups. Writers during antiquity were all on substances, and half the shit they wrote was politically biased fairy tails, anyone who studies ancient history knows to take these theories with a grain of salt. The Y dna results show a direct line of descent back to the Normans, I don't see how else Macedonians and Scots could be genetically related, unless the Normans took Macedonian wives? A trading connection at some point is more likely.

Nah man i never said anything about genetics in this thread. You asked about YDNA. My question was originally about the bagpipe connection. But then lead to other connections. Like the lion coat of arms for example.

Plus, it wasn't just one isolated source claiming that Gordons came from Macedonia, but a few different sources that i posted claiming the same thing. I did not come up with that theory. Scottish people did.

Crn Volk
12-28-2018, 02:34 AM
Greek trade with Celts is fact. Perhaps bagpipes came from this??



12-28-2018, 03:06 AM
1951 - Albert Hall, LONDON !

Quote from the newspaper:

"THE COLORFULLY dressed man who appears to be inflating a pigskin, is a Macedonian. Actually, he is a bagpiper rehearsing at Chelsea Polytechnic, London, for the folk-dance festival at the Albert Hall."

https://scontent.fsyd3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/48429305_10216171920424802_7385209794618982400_n.j pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd3-1.fna&oh=9b6d0bbee232a9d5295d1b4484bad5a3&oe=5C908B53

https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/48630613?searchTerm=Macedonians&searchLimits=l-illustrated%3Dtrue&fbclid=IwAR05tNHlKi9lNmfrdx7IYp4RsPyygVUVHGyg6gb5c kXgS2R9WxOr9qhULPY

12-28-2018, 03:38 AM
Definitely not the Macedonians. Its probably a Pan-Celtic thing that originated in Central Europe and then spread to the British Isles, Iberia, and the Balkans from its base. They also play bagpipes in Central Europe (Hungary, Czech Republic, etc).

Another user here said the Middle East, but I don't know anything about that and don't feel like researching it ATM. But based on my limited info, it probably originated in Celtic Central Europe.

12-28-2018, 06:08 AM
Inventor of the bagpipe was inspired by watching the wife blow him and squeeze his cujones.

12-28-2018, 07:07 AM
Polish highlanders also have bagpipes (dudy):


In fact there are 5 different native types of bagpipes in Poland.
(according to the video above)

12-28-2018, 11:16 AM
I think Kelts already had the bagpipe when they came in Europe.
Is clear that Kelts were in Balkans and on some land of Romania.
But telling that Scotts is same with Kelts,is weird.
Kelts were a large group of different ethnicities, sharing languages that were somehow close and way of life that was somehow close.
Also,it seems that the structure of the society was somehow close.
Scottish people are mostly a Keltic ethnicity but from 2000 years ago or more since some Keltic tribes settled in Scotland and mixed with locals there,which should have been Picts and till in our days a lot of things have changed.
In the mean time Scottish people got some influence from teh Vikings, some influence from teh AngloSaxons and this is is how the current Scottish ethnicity was formed which is rather Kelto-Pictish-Germanic.

12-28-2018, 03:27 PM
The people who invented bagpipe must have been shepards

Because bagpipe is made from the goats or sheep's stomach

Ancient Greeks already had bagpipes they played at their feasts
The sound of the bagpipe was associated with the god of wine and excessive partys with raving and dancing

From what i remember i think Greeks said the bagpipe came orignally from Egypt

And guess what?

Dyonisios was a Thracian god initially!
The Greeks borrowed him tho!

12-28-2018, 03:30 PM
This doesn't even seem to be a credible theory even by the source you provided. The source clearly states Norman origin, then mentions that some ancient writers in antiquity made vague references to a connection between the two groups. Writers during antiquity were all on substances, and half the shit they wrote was politically biased fairy tails, anyone who studies ancient history knows to take these theories with a grain of salt. The Y dna results show a direct line of descent back to the Normans, I don't see how else Macedonians and Scots could be genetically related, unless the Normans took Macedonian wives? A trading connection at some point is more likely.

Guess what?

I do have Scottish relatives!


12-28-2018, 03:34 PM
And Ydna debunks their theories, Aleksandar škotski :rotfl:



12-28-2018, 03:38 PM
Guess what?

I do have Scottish relatives!


Doesn't your Y dna come from central Albania? This just proves Scotland should be part of greater Albania. Paint Britain red and black!

12-28-2018, 03:40 PM
It's I2a2 and not the same as I2a1 in the Balkans. First you guys claim Greek history and now Scottish history. Who's next, Bosniensisatatata

We don't claim any Greek or Scottish history.
We claim Macedonian heritage!
Our music, our culture and now our DNA proves that!

12-28-2018, 03:42 PM
Doesn't your Y dna come from central Albania? This just proves Scotland should be part of greater Albania. Paint Britain red and black!

Hahaha, your clueless!
My subclade is non existent among the Albos!
Epirus was where my ancestors came from initially!
Epirus and Macedonia were inhabited by the same people according the ancient historians!

Sebastianus Rex
12-28-2018, 03:56 PM
I guess it was invented in the middle east, maybe in Iran.

Yes, possibly, for sure in the middle-east anyway, the origin of the bagpipe is quite ancient and similar instruments are tranversal in many cultures.

12-28-2018, 05:32 PM
When Brennus invaded Macedon, he was defeated by the Antigonids. The Celts ultimately settled in Anatolia(Galatia) close to the city of Gordium, that was the capital of Phrygia where Alexander had earlier cut the infamous Gordian knot. Be careful because identifying with them can make you both an invader an a prosfig from an ancient Macedonian perspective.

The bagpipe is used all around West-Eurasia, the versions in Vardar are similar to the versions of Bulgaria, Albania and Greece(both mainland and islands).

12-28-2018, 07:50 PM
Guess what?

I do have Scottish relatives!


Me too. Notice the British and Irish and northwest euro? Combined with broadly euro? :p


12-28-2018, 07:57 PM
This clever invention, was Wallace's own creation. Wallace, it is believed, had no prior knowledge of the great Greek and Macedonian phalanxes used by armies such as those of Alexander the Great centuries before. This classical literature and the wealth of information it contained remained a secret from most Europeans until Spanish Lords captured the great palaces in the Moorish Kingdoms of Granada, and earlier in Spain itself. Much classical knowledge was reclaimed from the Spanish Reconquista, or the "reconquering" of Spain, by Christian Europeans.

Discovering a weath of books and information all written in Arabic from original Greek texts, one Spanish lord sought help to decipher them. He found that his Jewish man-servant had a knowledge of Arabic language, having lived so near the Moors and Arabs. The servant translated the texts thus unlocking vast stores of information about Greek, Macedonian, Persian, and Roman history which had been lost to Europe. Therefore, many experts feel, and I would agree, Wallace had no prior knowledge of the phalanxes used by the ancients as sometimes stated in older Scottish history texts.


12-29-2018, 06:21 AM
When Brennus invaded Macedon, he was defeated by the Antigonids. The Celts ultimately settled in Anatolia(Galatia) close to the city of Gordium, that was the capital of Phrygia where Alexander had earlier cut the infamous Gordian knot. Be careful because identifying with them can make you both an invader an a prosfig from an ancient Macedonian perspective.

The bagpipe is used all around West-Eurasia, the versions in Vardar are similar to the versions of Bulgaria, Albania and Greece(both mainland and islands).

That's interesting...
There is an ancient city called Gordynia near my hometown.


It is located around 55 km north-west of Salonica.
Homer mentions king Mygdon instead of Midas and the Mygdonians lived nearby in Chalkidiki.
So, maybe this Gordynia is the real Gordium, the first capital city of the Fhrygians before migration in Anatolia!

12-29-2018, 06:26 AM
You people are worse than Bosniensis

12-29-2018, 06:29 AM
That's interesting...
There is an ancient city called Gordynia near my hometown.


It is located around 55 km north-west of Salonica.
Homer mentions king Mygdon instead of Midas and the Mygdonians lived nearby in Chalkidiki.
So, maybe this Gordynia is the real Gordium, the first capital city of the Fhrygians before migration in Anatolia!

Yes! that is the place these Scottish people are claiming that the Gordons come from. They say it was near Gevgelija, your home town.

12-29-2018, 06:30 AM
You people are worse than Bosniensis

Have you seen Novi Pazar? He thinks Russians are Serbs.

12-29-2018, 06:31 AM
Yes! that is the place these Scottish people are claiming that the Gordons come from. They say it was near Gevgelija, your home town.

Yes. I1 originated in gevgelija. Gordonski clan!

12-29-2018, 06:31 AM
Gord in Macedonian means Proud.

12-29-2018, 06:32 AM
Have you seen Novi Pazar? He thinks Russians are Serbs.

I don’t read his posts and don’t change the subject you ducking retard

12-29-2018, 06:33 AM
Yes. I1 originated in gevgelija. Gordonski clan!

OK lets back it up. Who exactly was tested as being I1?

12-29-2018, 06:36 AM

12-29-2018, 06:41 AM
Tony Hawk did not invent the halfpipe

12-29-2018, 06:42 AM
Yes. I1 originated in gevgelija. Gordonski clan!

So its natural for me bein I1 elhamdulliah sandzak norse

12-29-2018, 06:46 AM
OK lets back it up. Who exactly was tested as being I1?

Gordon clan

Crn Volk
12-29-2018, 07:26 AM
You people are worse than Bosniensis

Or Novi Pazar

12-29-2018, 07:28 AM
Gordon clan

Today's Gordon clan members do have this Haplogroup (I-M253). You are right.


Crn Volk
12-29-2018, 07:30 AM

12-29-2018, 07:32 AM

Srbija do Tokija was the saying wasn't it?

Crn Volk
12-29-2018, 07:33 AM
Srbija do Tokija was the saying wasn't it?

Serbs :picard2:

12-29-2018, 07:35 AM
Srbija do Tokija was the saying wasn't it?What does that mean?

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk

Crn Volk
12-29-2018, 07:37 AM
What does that mean?

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Serbia to Tokyo

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSbqm7YMJ97WIufJmP2xQl6poDn1XZ N3SzAwRU9gO8-7qVtUiut

Daco Celtic
12-31-2018, 05:01 AM
Don't sleep on the Romanian bagpipes!



12-31-2018, 05:06 AM
Don't sleep on the Romanian bagpipes!



Can you post a video example?

Daco Celtic
12-31-2018, 05:10 AM
Can you post a video example?



12-31-2018, 05:16 AM

It sounds very similar to Thracian

Also a little bit to this which is from Dodecanese


12-31-2018, 05:25 AM
Old Instrumentata of Aleksandrata na Velikata

12-31-2018, 06:03 AM
Old Instrumentata of Aleksandrata na Velikata

Drunken Iskender

Thanas Django
12-31-2018, 06:59 AM
We've reached the point where we don't know if people calling the products of Bulgarian shepherds as "Macedonian" mean it or are trolling us collectively.