View Full Version : Classify Sicilian-Australian, Joe Scalzi

12-28-2018, 02:07 AM
He was an Australian Big Brother contestant in 2007. A couple of housemates thought he was Pakistani. Is he atypical to Sicily and does he look south Asian?


12-28-2018, 06:29 AM
Is he atypical to Sicily and does he look south Asian?
He looks pseudo-Indo Iranid and even low-key reminds me of Aziz Ansari but in reality he's some sort of Taurid or Alpinid-influenced Trans Mediterranid with a touch of "pan-Orientalid." I would place him more in Malta or Cypriot than Southern Italy but he definitely fits in Southern Italy more than India.

12-28-2018, 07:14 AM
Mediterranean + Alpine.

12-28-2018, 07:32 AM

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12-28-2018, 05:57 PM
Here is A Dinaro-Med + CM.

12-28-2018, 10:39 PM
He looks pseudo-Indo Iranid and even low-key reminds me of Aziz Ansari but in reality he's some sort of Taurid or Alpinid-influenced Trans Mediterranid with a touch of "pan-Orientalid." I would place him more in Malta or Cypriot than Southern Italy but he definitely fits in Southern Italy more than India.
I can see Trans Med btw.

12-28-2018, 10:41 PM
He looks pseudo-Indo Iranid and even low-key reminds me of Aziz Ansari but in reality he's some sort of Taurid or Alpinid-influenced Trans Mediterranid with a touch of "pan-Orientalid." I would place him more in Malta or Cypriot than Southern Italy but he definitely fits in Southern Italy more than India.

Maltese are Sicilians on a different island. And Cypriots are roughly halfway between South Italy/Aegean islands and Levant genetically.

He looks kind of Iranian, Kurdish, Armenian.

12-28-2018, 10:41 PM
Trans med+alpine+nord indid

12-28-2018, 10:49 PM
He varies by photo. In this one he looks more Egyptian or Palestinian.


12-28-2018, 11:23 PM
Maltese are Sicilians on a different island. And Cypriots are roughly halfway between South Italy/Aegean islands and Levant genetically.

He looks kind of Iranian, Kurdish, Armenian.
Iranian and maybe Kurdish, but definitely not Armenian.

As you said, he looks more Egyptian or Palestine. He looks more Arab than anything. He looks similar to this Australian Arab Jew, Avi Yemini:


12-28-2018, 11:26 PM
Iranian and maybe Kurdish, but definitely not Armenian.

As you said, he looks more Egyptian or Palestine. He looks more Arab than anything. He looks similar to this Australian Arab Jew, Avi Yemini:


Yes, I see what you mean. I would not say he is extremely atypical for Sicily but he looks more exotic than the average. Do you know if both parents are Sicilian?

The issue with Sicilian genes is, while we can isolate Berber input, it is very difficult to tell how much Phoenician versus Arabian input exists, as Phoenicians and other Canaanites are very close genetically to the Arabian Peninsula to begin with, once you remove SSA input from the Arabian Peninsula.

12-29-2018, 04:01 AM
Looks Euro

12-29-2018, 04:41 AM
Yes, I see what you mean. I would not say he is extremely atypical for Sicily but he looks more exotic than the average. Do you know if both parents are Sicilian?

The issue with Sicilian genes is, while we can isolate Berber input, it is very difficult to tell how much Phoenician versus Arabian input exists, as Phoenicians and other Canaanites are very close genetically to the Arabian Peninsula to begin with, once you remove SSA input from the Arabian Peninsula.
Not sure about his mother, but his father Joe Scalzi is full Sicilian.

12-30-2018, 01:53 AM
definitely not Armenian.

He looks kind of [...] Kurdish.

He varies by photo. In this one he looks more [...] Palestinian.

I would not say he is extremely atypical for Sicily but he looks more exotic than the average.
I see Sikeliot's Palestinian and Kurdish. He's very ethnically-ambiguous, pan-Red Sea/Mediterranean Sea-looking although I am still going all in with Sicily as the best place where he can fit in.

God, I love these threads.

12-30-2018, 02:53 AM
I see Sikeliot's Palestinian and Kurdish. He's very ethnically-ambiguous, pan-Red Sea/Mediterranean Sea-looking although I am still going all in with Sicily as the best place where he can fit in.

God, I love these threads.
Fair enough. I honestly don't see him fitting anywhere in Europe and many parts of the Levant as well. And it isn't his complexion, but his features as well. Hell, if he were a legit Pakistani or North Indian, and someone says he'd fit in south Italy or western Asia they would get scorned and reprimanded. :cool:

12-30-2018, 02:56 AM
Fair enough. I honestly don't see him fitting anywhere in Europe and many parts of the Levant as well. And it isn't his complexion, but his features as well. Hell, if he were a legit Pakistani or North Indian, and someone says he'd fit in south Italy or western Asia they would get scorned and reprimanded. :cool:

In this picture he could even be Arabian, though atypical.


12-30-2018, 02:57 AM

12-30-2018, 03:00 AM
Yeah man he looks like straight out from Ancient Egypt

12-30-2018, 03:07 AM
In this picture he could even be Arabian, though atypical.

And Yemeni too. But overall, he looks more south Asian. Passes somewhere in northern India and Pakistan. His features don't strike me as very Semitic.

12-30-2018, 03:18 AM
And Yemeni too. But overall, he looks more south Asian. Passes somewhere in northern India and Pakistan. His features don't strike me as very Semitic.

He can pass as Romani Gypsy in Europe too

But slightly atypical

11-02-2023, 12:01 PM
I thought this was a gotcha/trolling thread! Had to search him to check if he was legit....Can't believe this guy is fucking legit Italian! You sure he isn't mixed!? He is unpassable even for atypical Italian standards. He looks Saudi or something, but he can pass as a normal palestinian.


11-02-2023, 12:11 PM
I thought this was a gotcha/trolling thread! Had to search him to check if he was legit....Can't believe this guy is fucking legit Italian! You sure he isn't mixed!? He is unpassable even for atypical Italian standards. He looks Saudi or something, but he can pass as a normal palestinian.

For an American you seem to know a lot about obscure Australians....

Haven't seen this guy in literally 16 years but have a vague memory of him (as a shady character).

And there is nothing particularly unusual about such looks in Italians, cut out the fake shock. Another Italian-Australian b-list celeb Chas Licciardello is somewhat similar.

11-02-2023, 12:26 PM
For an American you seem to know a lot about obscure Australians....

Haven't seen this guy in literally 16 years but have a vague memory of him (as a shady character).

And there is nothing particularly unusual about such looks in Italians, cut out the fake shock. Another Italian-Australian b-list celeb Chas Licciardello is somewhat similar.
What you on about? I don't know him at all. I bumped this thread cos I read "sicilian" under similar threads and I was shocked to see this face, as a sicilian myself! I thought the Op was trolling and was about to do a gotcha moment by revealing his true ethnicity! Fake shock my ass!

You must be blind or "taking the piss" (as y'all say it down there) if you think Chas is similar looking to him:

https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_1.9087518518518518%2C$multiply_0.7554%2C$rat io_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_73%2C$y_247/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/2fa98e8132f989f683e0d5673f4d9ce3cb595d42

The guy has light skin and typical italian features. I've seen dark irish who look similar to this chas guy. You really can't be serious? :picard1: Let's be real if Joel was Iranian and I said he looked italian you'd laugh at me. I'm pretty sure I know how italians look like, much more than you do! Aaaand speaking of "fake shock", this forum is full of it. You seem blind to it when it doesn't fit your narrative! ...I just said this greek guy can fit as a lighter levantine/lebanese, and I got tremendous amount of "fake shocks", but you weren't there to call them out (and I'm sure you've seen levantines who look similar to him as well): https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?378192-Classify-this-hunky-Greek-author-Nikos-Sotirakopoulos

11-02-2023, 08:19 PM
Gracile Med + Orientalid

11-02-2023, 08:36 PM
Dinarized Trans Mediterranid

11-02-2023, 11:05 PM
He can pass as Punjabi, so Nord-Indid.

Grace O'Malley
11-03-2023, 10:15 AM
What you on about? I don't know him at all. I bumped this thread cos I read "sicilian" under similar threads and I was shocked to see this face, as a sicilian myself! I thought the Op was trolling and was about to do a gotcha moment by revealing his true ethnicity! Fake shock my ass!

You must be blind or "taking the piss" (as y'all say it down there) if you think Chas is similar looking to him:

https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_1.9087518518518518%2C$multiply_0.7554%2C$rat io_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_73%2C$y_247/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/2fa98e8132f989f683e0d5673f4d9ce3cb595d42

The guy has light skin and typical italian features. I've seen dark irish who look similar to this chas guy. You really can't be serious? :picard1: Let's be real if Joel was Iranian and I said he looked italian you'd laugh at me. I'm pretty sure I know how italians look like, much more than you do! Aaaand speaking of "fake shock", this forum is full of it. You seem blind to it when it doesn't fit your narrative! ...I just said this greek guy can fit as a lighter levantine/lebanese, and I got tremendous amount of "fake shocks", but you weren't there to call them out (and I'm sure you've seen levantines who look similar to him as well): https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?378192-Classify-this-hunky-Greek-author-Nikos-Sotirakopoulos

That guy does not look "dark Irish". He's super exotic.


11-03-2023, 11:13 AM
looks part Paki/Indian because of his unbalanced short, squarre face- not sure if he is.