View Full Version : Classify Franz Boas

12-30-2018, 06:01 PM

"Father of american anthropology"

Jew ancestry.

02-12-2020, 05:54 PM
The idea of racial equality was forced on the White race by Jewish intellectuals, such as Franz Boas and Ashley Montague in the field of Anthropology decades ago.

Their goal was to brainwash White people into racially mixing with the more primitive races to create a less intelligent slave race that the Jews could more easily control. Meanwhile, the Jews would refrain from race-mixing thanks to their cultural traditions so they would preserve their intelligence and rule the world with no challengers.

Serious racial realist anthropologists, such as Carleton Coon, Charles Murray, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton, correctly pointed out that White people have consistently scored higher than Blacks despite all attempts to raise up the Blacks. These scholars have either been slandered as racistsor completely ignored by the Jewish media so that few people have ever heard of them.