View Full Version : How to get people to talk to you

01-02-2019, 12:44 AM
People simply don’t want to talk to me or acknowledge me. There is a store I go to and the cashiers there are the same race as me and even they won’t. Each time I go in and I expect them to start a conversation asking me where I’m from or speaking to me in their language that they speak with each other but they never do. I am too shy to start taking on my own to people so in these kinds of situation I just do what I need and go.

01-02-2019, 12:51 AM
People simply don’t want to talk to me or acknowledge me. There is a store I go to and the cashiers there are the same race as me and even they won’t. Each time I go in and I expect them to start a conversation asking me where I’m from or speaking to me in their language that they speak with each other but they never do. I am too shy to start taking on my own to people so in these kinds of situation I just do what I need and go.

Perhaps you are to vigilant when involved in the interpersonal, in the sense that, instead of being a participant fully immersed in the interactions themselves, you divert too much of your consciousness towards analysing the aforementioned interactions as if you were an observer rather than a participant..

I sympathize with you, in any case, as often I too find myself observing my interactions with people at the expense of participating more truly..

01-02-2019, 12:56 AM
Why don't you start the conversation yourself? Like hey, how is it going. They'll say good, you. Then you ask where they're from.

01-02-2019, 12:59 AM
Also, keep in my mind, as per the human condition, we are all self-centric, so to speak.. it is surpassingly likely that if those cashiers haven't initiated interactions with you, it is because you yourself made no play to register yourself on their self-centric radar, rather than because they deemed you wanting in some way..

01-03-2019, 02:54 AM
Was it conversation with a man or a woman?

01-03-2019, 02:57 AM
Just try to say something, you will not die. If it don't works, you can try better next time. No need to worry.

04-22-2019, 11:09 PM
Why don't you start the conversation yourself? Like hey, how is it going. They'll say good, you. Then you ask where they're from.

Yeah, starting off like this isn’t a bad way to break the ice.

This is kind of what I mean by creating flow charts. You anticipate what they’re going to say and have some preplanned responses.

I wonder if people would benefit generally by taking improv classes. I’ve been thinking of it myself to see if I can gain any extra wisdom or practical experience to do it.

04-22-2019, 11:23 PM
Force them at gunpoint

04-22-2019, 11:40 PM
Force them at gunpoint

Oh damn. I mean yeah, this works, but I could probably have a convo without the gun too. Idk if it’s the same for everyone.