View Full Version : Classify Mixed Australian Photographer

01-06-2019, 03:03 AM
Dylan River is an Aboriginal octoroon photographer who specializes in photographing Australian Aboriginals and the Australian Countryside. He was recently featured in Tales By Light, a series on Netflix which features various photographers.

1. Can he pass as white in the anglosphere?
2. Where else can he pass?
3. How would you classify him?

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Personally, I think he can pass as long as no one knows he's mixed, otherwise people will see it. And I also don't think he can pass anywhere else. He looks distinctly Australian.

01-06-2019, 03:41 AM
He wouldn't catch one's eye in a crowd, but perhaps face to face one might wonder if he has some non-European admixture

01-06-2019, 04:15 AM
He wouldn't catch one's eye in a crowd, but perhaps face to face one might wonder if he has some non-European admixture

That's what I think too. Abo genes mix better with white than SSA, which is interesting because of how disparate the two races are from each other.

01-06-2019, 04:46 AM
That's what I think too. Abo genes mix better with white than SSA, which is interesting because of how disparate the two races are from each other.
I believe Caucasoids are more closer to Aboriginals than they are to many Negroid/SSA types.

As fos the mixed guy in the OP, he can pass in southern Europe, such as in Portugal, and perhaps even Turkey. He looks similar to Nick Stahl: