View Full Version : Classify Spanish bagpiper Susana Seivane

01-09-2019, 05:59 PM
She's Galician, and she's one of the Galicians who do indeed look Celtic and not Southern Euro. Probably what Spaniards call "Payo".


The Blade
01-09-2019, 06:18 PM

01-09-2019, 06:24 PM
I think she looks Anglo-Saxon.


01-09-2019, 06:30 PM
Subnordid + Celtic

01-09-2019, 06:31 PM
I think she looks Anglo-Saxon.


Yup. She also most likely has Suebi blood.

01-09-2019, 06:41 PM
Not atypical for Galician.

Tooting Carmen
01-09-2019, 06:45 PM

Sebastianus Rex
01-09-2019, 06:57 PM


Not nordid, she's not blond.

Her natural hair colour is brown. Approaches most the North-Atlantid type imo.



01-09-2019, 07:11 PM
She looks like Pink.

01-09-2019, 07:13 PM
Not nordid, she's not blond.

Her natural hair colour is brown. Approaches most the North-Atlantid type imo.



lmaooooooooo that's how you classify people? according to their hair color? :rotfl:
"North Atlantid" is an anthrotard term used to describe light-eyed, dark-haired Anglo-Saxons. No serious anthropologist ever used that term. She could be dark-haired and brown-eyed for what I care and she would still be morphologically Nordid.

01-09-2019, 07:15 PM
Anyway, on a side note, probably there would be more Iberians like her, and less Penelopes, had the Visigothic Kingdom not fallen in 711 to the swarthy Moors.

Sebastianus Rex
01-09-2019, 07:21 PM
lmaooooooooo that's how you classify people? according to their hair color? :rotfl:
"North Atlantid" is an anthrotard term used to describe light-eyed, dark-haired Anglo-Saxons. No serious anthropologist ever used that term. She could be dark-haired and brown-eyed for what I care and she would still be morphologically Nordid.

You are obviously retarded.

The Blade
01-09-2019, 07:28 PM
Not nordid, she's not blond.

Her natural hair colour is brown. Approaches most the North-Atlantid type imo.


No serious source ever claimed Nordic Aurignacids to be exclusively blond.
A brown-haired Dane Augustus Henry Keane used as an example of a Nordic type - Man, Past and Present (1899):
Madison Grant on Nordids:
"long skulled, very tall, fair skinned, with blond, brown or red hair and light coloured eyes. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture."
A brown-haired Portuguese Coon rated as Nordic:
Yamnaya and Corded Ware people were also often brown-haired/brunette. Blondism isn't a mandatory condition even if certain depigmentation happened at some point. Brown to dark hair is still in Nordic range.
"The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA studies conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al. (2014) and Mathieson et al. (2015): they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. Despite their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence."
"In terms of phenotypes, Wilde et al. (2014) and Haak et al. (2015) found that the intrusive Yamna population, generally inferred to be the first speakers of an Indo-European language in the Corded Ware culture zone, were overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. These studies also showed that light pigmentation traits had already existed in pre-Indo-European Neolithic Europeans (in both farmers and hunter-gatherers), so long-standing philological attempts to correlate them with the arrival of Indo-Europeans from the steppes were misguided."
Unless other characteristics of skull and facial morphology, as well as to a certain extent body ones and hair texture (heavily curly hair is not a Nordic quality), are affected, brunette colour isn't enough of a reason to remove one from Nordic category.

01-11-2019, 01:07 AM
She seems something like (sligh)Alpinized Anglo-Saxon.
She doesn't look atypical in Galicia but she would look quite typical in UK in the North Sea Coast.

01-11-2019, 01:12 AM
"Dark"-haired Nordid to my eyes. Nothing especially unusual for Spain, despite the protests (and thoughts otherwise) of individuals here.

01-11-2019, 10:18 PM

Cristiano viejo
01-11-2019, 10:20 PM
She's Galician, and she's one of the Galicians who do indeed look Celtic and not Southern Euro. Probably what Spaniards call "Payo".

Stop talking with knowing. First, you can look Celtic and South Euro at the same time. Are you stupid or what?
Second, we Spaniards dont say "Payo". "Payo" is how Gypsies call to every non-Gypsy. Are you ignorant or what?

01-12-2019, 01:25 AM
Are you stupid or what?
Are you ignorant or what?

There's no need to chimp out on me. I'm not your enemy. :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2019, 01:49 AM
There's no need to chimp out on me. I'm not your enemy. :rolleyes:

You should know some things before talking, that is all. This Galician actress, María Castro, is very Celtic looking... and still she looks clearly Spanish
https://static01.diariodenavarra.es/uploads/imagenes/bajacalidad/2013/11/02/_actriz_b782682f.jpg?c4229993b5ea8d504d4e9a4e89ab4 664

And no, we dont call payo to these kind of persons. Payo only means non-Gypsy, and only Gypsies use this term.

Sebastianus Rex
01-13-2019, 12:56 AM
No serious source ever claimed Nordic Aurignacids to be exclusively blond.
A brown-haired Dane Augustus Henry Keane used as an example of a Nordic type - Man, Past and Present (1899):
Madison Grant on Nordids:
"long skulled, very tall, fair skinned, with blond, brown or red hair and light coloured eyes. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture."
A brown-haired Portuguese Coon rated as Nordic:
Yamnaya and Corded Ware people were also often brown-haired/brunette. Blondism isn't a mandatory condition even if certain depigmentation happened at some point. Brown to dark hair is still in Nordic range.
"The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA studies conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al. (2014) and Mathieson et al. (2015): they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. Despite their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence."
"In terms of phenotypes, Wilde et al. (2014) and Haak et al. (2015) found that the intrusive Yamna population, generally inferred to be the first speakers of an Indo-European language in the Corded Ware culture zone, were overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. These studies also showed that light pigmentation traits had already existed in pre-Indo-European Neolithic Europeans (in both farmers and hunter-gatherers), so long-standing philological attempts to correlate them with the arrival of Indo-Europeans from the steppes were misguided."
Unless other characteristics of skull and facial morphology, as well as to a certain extent body ones and hair texture (heavily curly hair is not a Nordic quality), are affected, brunette colour isn't enough of a reason to remove one from Nordic category.

Ok, then from now on I will supress the Atlantid type from my classifications. The number of nordic types is going up by 3000%. xD

01-13-2019, 01:44 AM
Ok, then from now on I will supress the Atlantid type from my classifications. The number of nordic types is going up by 3000%. xD

Nordid types (Mainly Hallstatt, Tronder and Corded types in these examples)
^Meyers Blitz-Lexikon (Leipzig, 1932) shows German war hero Karl von Müller as an example of the Nordic type.

^Looks like Longbowman, who is also an Atlantid.
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM3MzY2MDYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODQ3MDA0Nw@@._ V1_UY1200_CR84,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

If you can't see the difference, then good riddance. Keep believing blond-haired pacific islanders and depigmented Gracile-Meds are any more Nordid than the former examples.

Sebastianus Rex
01-13-2019, 02:12 AM
Nordid types (Mainly Hallstatt, Tronder and Corded types in these examples)
^Meyers Blitz-Lexikon (Leipzig, 1932) shows German war hero Karl von Müller as an example of the Nordic type.

^Looks like Longbowman, who is also an Atlantid.
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM3MzY2MDYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODQ3MDA0Nw@@._ V1_UY1200_CR84,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

If you can't see the difference, then good riddance. Keep believing blond-haired pacific islanders and depigmented Gracile-Meds are any more Nordid than the former examples.

To the anthropologists those "Atlantids" are Atlanto-Meds but OK.

In my opinion Susana is north-atlantid but if you want me I can perfectly classify without recognizing those stabilized types. Whatever dude.

Michael Madsen nordic, whatever dude, if on your classification system these guys are both Nordic it's your problem, Nordic just lost its sense and it is nothing but a silly amalgamation.


This is Nordid on my book:
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTY3NDI3MDc4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDI0MTUyMTE@._ V1_.jpg

This is not

Answering the other asshole who came with the morphological argument, I just answer that Iranid and Nordid skulls are very similar morpholigically, so what's his point ?

But whatever, classify according to whatever makes more sense to you.

01-13-2019, 02:24 AM
North Atlantid

01-13-2019, 02:25 AM
To the anthropologists those "Atlantids" are Atlanto-Meds but OK.

In my opinion Susana is north-atlantid but if you want me I can perfectly classify without recognizing those stabilized types. Whatever dude.

Michael Madsen nordic, whatever dude, if on your classification system these guys are both Nordic it's your problem, Nordic just lost its sense and it is nothing but a silly amalgamation.


This is Nordid on my book:
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTY3NDI3MDc4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDI0MTUyMTE@._ V1_.jpg

This is not

Answering the other asshole who came with the morphological argument, I just answer that Iranid and Nordid skulls are very similar morpholigically, so what's his point ?

But whatever, classify according to whatever makes more sense to you.

Mads Mikkelsen is brown haired (grey hair doesn't count as blond :rolleyes:) so you're giving in to my point. And curiously enough if Pigmentation>Features, then it turns out his eyes are darker than Madsen's( who was classified as Tronder in the thread I made)

But we can agree to disagree. I don't care about Seivane either.

The Blade
01-24-2019, 08:17 PM
To the anthropologists those "Atlantids" are Atlanto-Meds but OK.

In my opinion Susana is north-atlantid but if you want me I can perfectly classify without recognizing those stabilized types. Whatever dude.

Michael Madsen nordic, whatever dude, if on your classification system these guys are both Nordic it's your problem, Nordic just lost its sense and it is nothing but a silly amalgamation.


This is Nordid on my book:
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTY3NDI3MDc4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDI0MTUyMTE@._ V1_.jpg

This is not

Answering the other asshole who came with the morphological argument, I just answer that Iranid and Nordid skulls are very similar morpholigically, so what's his point ?

But whatever, classify according to whatever makes more sense to you.
Ah, now I am an asshole? For what - stating anthropology facts?
And, yes, Iranids are metrically similar to Nordids and the more robust Mediterranean types (yet differences exist).
If we disagree then we do but don't come up with the Robocop kind of behaviour as if you are forced to do something.
Pages 40 to 43 - random posts of his and mine:
You're a level-headed man, don't start with his complaints:
Mads Mikkelsen has obvious Lappid eye shape, btw: