View Full Version : Most attractive ethnicity in Europe?

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05-13-2011, 05:33 PM
Scandinavians and Celts, in different ways. Blonde hair and blue eyes is good, but so is red hair and green eyes. I'm fully aware, of course, that these traits are not universal among those peoples, and nor can I really narrow it down to specific ethnicities. It goes without saying that the English have both traits in abundance.

05-13-2011, 05:39 PM
Scandinavians and Celts, in different ways. Blonde hair and blue eyes is good, but so is red hair and green eyes. I'm fully aware, of course, that these traits are not universal among those peoples, and nor can I really narrow it down to specific ethnicities. It goes without saying that the English have both traits in abundance.

I would have to say Swedish women have some of the most natural beauty that can not be found anywhere else in the world. I also like Ukrainians, Italians, Germans, Dutch, and Norwegian women.

Grumpy Cat
05-13-2011, 05:41 PM
red hair and green eyes

Wow. My day is made, I got Wulfhere's seal of approval.

05-13-2011, 05:57 PM
Scotland, Ireland, and Wales definitely have a disproportionately high frequency of attractive lady-persons, regardless of their hair or eye colour.

05-13-2011, 05:59 PM
it's all a matter of taste. For me personally, I find the central European countries to have the most attractive women, Austria, the Czech Republic, parts of Germany, etc. The problem with the Scandinavian countries is that their women tend to be a little too depigmented for my taste.

05-13-2011, 06:00 PM
it's all a matter of taste. For me personally, I find the central European countries to have the most attractive women, Austria, the Czech Republic, parts of Germany, etc. The problem with the Scandinavian countries is that their women tend to be a little too depigmented for my taste.

I like their pale complexion I tend to like girls with much lighter complexion then darker complexion and usually ones from more North and Western parts of Europe.

Comte Arnau
05-13-2011, 06:00 PM
Catalans and Danes. Without a doubt.

05-13-2011, 06:01 PM
Wow. My day is made, I got Wulfhere's seal of approval.

Lol, he must be a Celt then. Maybe.

05-13-2011, 06:02 PM
Scotland, Ireland, and Wales definitely have a disproportionately high frequency of attractive lady-persons, regardless of their hair or eye colour.

Totally agree. Celts do indeed produce some nice totty.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 06:23 PM
I :heartbea: hungarian women: always have, always will. I find them to be the most beautiful stock on the planet.

05-13-2011, 06:32 PM
Catalans and Danes. Without a doubt.

That's not cheap talk.:cool:

05-13-2011, 06:36 PM
U.K. (included all the Costitutives Nations), Spain, Italy,Russia and Romania.

05-13-2011, 06:36 PM
U.K. (included all the Costitutives Nations), Spain, Italy,Russia and Romania.

Dont miss France.

05-13-2011, 06:39 PM
Dont miss France.

Of course, if they have pure french blood.

Not maghreb, not negri.

Comte Arnau
05-13-2011, 06:40 PM
That's not cheap talk.:cool:

It's "truths like fists". :cool:

U.K. (included all the Costitutives Nations), Spain, Italy,Russia and Romania.

In Spain and Russia you don't include the Constitutive Nations? :(

05-13-2011, 06:44 PM
It's "truths like fists". :cool:

In Spain and Russia you don't include the Constitutive Nations? :(

ok, i rewrite: ...in Spain, especially in Catalunya, Castiglia and Leon,...etc etc. :D

05-13-2011, 06:47 PM
Spanish, Italians, Portuguese. The most I would say spanish.

05-13-2011, 07:04 PM
Norwegian women are the most beautiful in all of Minnesota.

05-13-2011, 07:15 PM
italians, germans with very high cheekbones.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 07:36 PM
Hungarians :amour101:

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9761/ashin.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/ashin.jpg/)

http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/6682/000e2d57medium.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/860/000e2d57medium.jpg/)

http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/95/41758100000426053906379.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/863/41758100000426053906379.jpg/)

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/6007/yc5t2drybhfp5c2f.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/yc5t2drybhfp5c2f.jpg/)

05-13-2011, 07:44 PM
now i say hungarians!


nico was half hungarian<3

05-13-2011, 07:53 PM
My personal tastes.

MEN: Germans :love: , Czech, Italians (mostly Northerns), British
WOMEN: I prefer brunettes, so brunette Hungarians, Russians, Romanians, Italians, Czech.

The most beautiful woman of Europe in my opinion:


so yeah, also Ukrainian brunettes.

05-13-2011, 07:59 PM
Men; Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, northern Italian, Corsican
Women; Southern Italian, Sardinian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Greek, Ukrainian, and Romanian.

05-13-2011, 08:01 PM
I cannot really make up my mind ... they're all adorable to me. :icon_redface:

05-13-2011, 08:01 PM
A point worth of mention: I like the femme française, but the one who likes no specifically French but more generically European. For example, the famous Audrey Tatou is not much of my taste.

05-13-2011, 08:01 PM
In different times in my life I changed my mind about the most beautiful women, in the last times were the Russians, now, coming from the gym, without a doubt I choose the Spanish girls.

05-13-2011, 08:03 PM
The Vikings! :p


05-13-2011, 08:03 PM
In different times in my life I changed my mind about the most beautiful women, in the last times were the Russians, now, coming from the gym, without a doubt I choose the Spanish girls.

Yes, I know at last years gym has becoming to be a worth place to visit. :cool:

Although is not a very feminine activity...well, in fact, neither masculine. :D

05-13-2011, 08:05 PM
The Vikings! :p

They're not actually what they used to be. Nowadays they speak English and show respectful manners. :D

05-13-2011, 08:07 PM
They're not actually what they used to be. Nowadays they speak English and show respectful manners. :D

Good :)

05-13-2011, 08:15 PM
Better a real Viking that belches. Pros't!

Comte Arnau
05-13-2011, 08:20 PM
Vikings are still quite fiery when they get crossed. Specially women. :p

Definitely, Catalan men and Danish women.


05-13-2011, 08:25 PM
northern european men and central european women. moldavian women look very good on average and the city of iași is well known for its beauties

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 08:28 PM
For women I'd say Moldovan Romanians. It's unbelievable that they're so poor and still are goodlooking. The rest of European nations I'd say, are quite similar in attractiveness comparing averages, depends of what you like.

05-13-2011, 08:33 PM
well really i think in all countries there variety and beauty but i don't like England and Holland, this refer to common people

05-13-2011, 08:59 PM
Swedes for shure. It's just look to they're soccer team. All blond, tan and tall mans.

Olaf Melberg

05-13-2011, 09:15 PM
Norwegians too.


Kosovo je Sjrbia
05-13-2011, 09:17 PM
Serbians :p

05-13-2011, 09:19 PM
huuum... What about Australians?



05-13-2011, 09:20 PM
I've noticed here that latin-american women like so much the Nordic guys

05-13-2011, 09:23 PM
I've noticed here that latin-american women like so much the Nordic guys

Actually, brazilian womans like more the med type, tan, strong and dark haired. But there's some guys that all womans in world would like.

05-13-2011, 09:25 PM
Russians, Czechs, Slovakians, Slovenians,Dutch,French, Swedish and Danish

I like Slavic Women. Russian and Czechs/Slovakians are very gourgeous

05-13-2011, 09:29 PM
Actually, brazilians womans like more the med type, tan, strong and dark haired. But there's some guys that all womans in world would like.

Isso é verdade, mas os suecos são bonitos independente da pigmentação. Eles tem bonitos traços e sorrisos.

05-13-2011, 09:32 PM
Isso é verdade, mas os suecos são bonitos independente da pigmentação. Eles tem bonitos traços e sorrisos.

Todos os suecos que eu conheci são bonitos. =]

I like nordid guys, but I speak for myself and not for all latin womans.

05-13-2011, 09:35 PM
Women with a more Germanic looks usually are more attractive I like that they have those rather cheekbones and the strong jaw line. I also like the inset eyes as well almost makes them a mystery to solve while some of the more Southern women are too vibrant and expressive for my taste. I also like the Celtic women as well from the British Isles area but for the most part a high cheekbone with a strong jaw line or a nordid appearance is usually something that I seek for in an attractive women.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 09:56 PM
I've noticed here that latin-american women like so much the Nordic guys

Not here at least. Here in Argentina from what I can see they prefer hairy Med, Dinarid or Castizo types of any hair color. I wouldn't take Lorene's opinion too seriously. A balkan guy would easily get more girls here than any Dolph Lundgren would. Nordic countries have many chubby faced East Baltid people that aren't considered an attractive standard.

05-13-2011, 10:03 PM
Not here at least. Here in Argentina from what I can see they prefer hairy Med, Dinarid or Castizo types of any hair color. I wouldn't take Lorene's opinion too seriously. A balkan guy would easily get more girls here than any Dolph Lundgren would.

This is not true at all, the tastes are quite varied. You're too much flattering yourself, isn't? :D:thumb001:

05-13-2011, 10:05 PM
This is not true at all, the tastes are quite varied. You're too much flattering yourself, isn't? :D:thumb001:

This thread verifies that beauty is in the eye of the beholder I doubt we can agree to a European phenotype which tends to be more attractive then another because I think you will find both attractive and ugly types regardless of sub type.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:05 PM
This is not true at all, the tastes are quite varied. You're too much flattering yourself, isn't? :D:thumb001:

How so? I am not Balkanian nor Dinarid, nor truly Med and much less Castizo. This is an unbiased observation as it gets. Most women here don't quite have snow fever as you do.

05-13-2011, 10:07 PM
This is not true at all, the tastes are quite varied. You're too much flattering yourself, isn't? :D:thumb001:

I know some girls crazy about japanese guys. I also know a girl that like big negros >D But guys like this are the favorites.

http://babado.ig.com.br/images/466/215/13/1157275.gente_caua_reymond_1gente___fotos_225_300. jpg

It's dificult to find a lady who likes indian dudes, for exemple.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 10:09 PM
I also know a girl that loves big negros >D

Is she white? Can you talk her out of her sick mentality?

05-13-2011, 10:09 PM
English (i.e. Kate Winslet and Emma Wastson rawr).
Spanish (Penelope Cruz, I find her to be attractive even though some Spaniards don't find her to be so hot). Also Romance women in general, such as Audrey Tautou or Cecile de France.
Slavic in general, like Nastia Liukin (Russian), but especially the West and South Slavs.

05-13-2011, 10:13 PM
Is she white? Can you talk her out of her sick mentality?

Yes, blonde (inked in black) xD
but she's kinda crazy. She have tattoos all over her neck.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 10:26 PM
Yes, blonde (inked in black) xD
but she's kinda crazy. She have tattoos all over her neck.

She must be crazy to find an ape attractive. That is zoophilia in my opinion.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:28 PM
She must be crazy to find an ape attractive. That is zoophilia in my opinion.

There are lots of peoples with weird perversions. I knew a Bolivian once who was aroused by horses. In a world like that it's hardly surprising that some girl would like Negros.

05-13-2011, 10:31 PM
There are lots of peoples with weird perversions. I knew a Bolivian once who was aroused by horses. In a world like that it's hardly surprising that some girl would like Negros.

Most girls and friends who I know did not like black men and I live in Brazil, but some do, you write it with such anger and frustration as if this was your business.

05-13-2011, 10:31 PM
Most girls and friends who I know did not like black men and I live in Brazil, but some do, you write it with such anger and frustration as if this was your business.

Coons will fuck anything.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 10:34 PM
Most girls and friends who I know did not like black men and I live in Brazil, but some do, you write it with such anger and frustration as if this was your business.

That is one of the reason why forums like this exists: to speak out againts miscegenation and sick race-mixing because doing so in public would only ostracize a person as we live in a sissy P.C world.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:34 PM
Most girls and friends who I know did not like black men and I live in Brazil, but some do, you write it with such anger and frustration as if this was your business.

What's angry about what I'm writing?

You seem more angry that I pointed out a correction after a Spanish user suggested most Latin American women prefered Nordic men. This doesn't correlate with experiences with my female friends. Most like something resembling either South Europeans, Balkans and some Castizos. And I'm not flattering myself as I don't exactly look like any of those. I'm of Hungarian descent so I am not trying to portray myself as the alpha male regarding my looks.

If you like Nordic people go ahead, but you should know your opinion doesn't reflect the majority.

05-13-2011, 10:36 PM
That is one of the reason why forums like this exists: to speak out againts mysagenation and sick race mixing because doing so in public would only ostracize a person as we live in a sissy P.C world.

Miscegenation is part of the history of Latin America you fool. E eu vivo aqui, eu não posso ser contra quem eu sou.

05-13-2011, 10:36 PM
That is one of the reason why forums like this exists: to speak out againts miscegenation and sick race-mixing because doing so in public would only ostracize a person as we live in a sissy P.C world.

I agree completely with this statement.

05-13-2011, 10:38 PM
Miscegenation is part of the history of Latin America you fool. E eu vivo aqui, eu não posso ser contra quem eu sou.

Why did you join this forum then? For the looks of your posts you'd be much better off posting on Anthrocivitas.

05-13-2011, 10:40 PM
Why did you join this forum then? For the looks of your posts you'd be much better off posting on Anthrocivitas.

I don't understand these people who want to slam others for speaking their mind and using their right to speak freely on the web. Truly do you Leftist Liberals ever know when to stop hounding people with your ideologies. Its bad enough all your Ideologies are feminized and full of utter trash and garbage.

05-13-2011, 10:41 PM
This discution alread happens -.- you guys dont have to fight for the same reason again.

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 10:41 PM
Miscegenation is part of the history of Latin America you fool. E eu vivo aqui, eu não posso ser contra quem eu sou.

You are a brainwashed drone.

05-13-2011, 10:41 PM
I don't understand these people who want to slam others for speaking their mind and using their right to speak freely on the web. Truly do you Leftist Liberals ever know when to stop hounding people with your ideologies. Its bad enough all your Ideologies are feminized and full of utter trash and garbage.

I accept miscegenation as a fact, and am even mildly Amerindian myself
(16th I believe), but I don't support blatant race-mixing. My Amerindian ancestry were Christianized Iroquois, and not coons. At the time, intermarriage between Europeans and Amerindians sometimes took place in the northeast. I don't sweat it.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:42 PM
Miscegenation is part of the history of Latin America you fool. E eu vivo aqui, eu não posso ser contra quem eu sou.

Great way of throwing shit at the history of those European Latin Americans, Indigenous Latin Americans who have stayed pure.

05-13-2011, 10:45 PM
I accept miscegenation as a fact, and am even mildly Amerindian myself
(16th I believe), but I don't support blatant race-mixing.

Yes but we should miscegenation at all cost in order not to devalue our ways of life. It is just plain and simple I know this is for another thread but given that you are advocating for race mixing do you just want the suicide of the human race to occur. I sure hope you know what you are saying because it is some of the most foolish rubbish ever. Race-mixing is what caused the great civilizations to collapse not to mention uncontrollable immigration of foreign types who just did not share the same instinct which had been the catalyst of their former greatness. Blatant supporters of race mixing should be sent to an island or deported to Siberia.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:45 PM
I accept miscegenation as a fact, and am even mildly Amerindian myself
(16th I believe), but I don't support blatant race-mixing. My Amerindian ancestry were Christianized Iroquois, and not coons. At the time, intermarriage between Europeans and Amerindians sometimes took place in the northeast. I don't sweat it.

Indeed. A lot of us Argentines have Indigenous blood in moderate to minor ways (not me though but we consider each other as equally Argentine). That doesn't mean most of us would fuck anything that stands in front of them just to follow some miscegenation doctrine.

05-13-2011, 10:46 PM
Great way of throwing shit at the history of those European Latin Americans, Indigenous Latin Americans who have stayed pure.

I am sure of those poor indigenous peoples could have done without the Spaniards coming and ruining their ways of life and forcing Christianity on them.

Dario Argento
05-13-2011, 10:50 PM
I am sure of those poor indigenous peoples could have done without the Spaniards coming and ruining their ways of life and forcing Christianity on them.

I believe what held them down was the lack of fast transportation animals. Most Amerindian peoples only had contacts with their immediate neighbors. Had they possessed horses like in Eurasia from ancient times, travel and exchange of knowledge/competition would have been easier and they would have been a lot more advanced by the time of European contacts. But as they say, what is done is already done.

05-13-2011, 10:51 PM
Yes but we should miscegenation at all cost in order not to devalue our ways of life. It is just plain and simple I know this is for another thread but given that you are advocating for race mixing do you just want the suicide of the human race to occur. I sure hope you know what you are saying because it is some of the most foolish rubbish ever. Race-mixing is what caused the great civilizations to collapse not to mention uncontrollable immigration of foreign types who just did not share the same instinct which had been the catalyst of their former greatness. Blatant supporters of race mixing should be sent to an island or deported to Siberia.

Oh sure, this happened with the Roman Empire. Initially the Romans were very jealous of allowing foreigners into their imperium, but as it enlarged its citizen roll. Some of this had positive affects: Celts, Greeks, Iberians, for example. Schools of oratory and rhetoric in Gaul eventually rivalled those in Italy irself (due to the oral traditions of the Celtic Gauls, so they made natural speakers). Or some of the toughest infantry in the legions were the Iberians.

This is positive ethnic mixture, Indo-European. I'd even extend it to the Carthaginians/Phoenicians, for example, since the ancient Carthaginians/Phoenicians often intermarried with Greeks, Iberians and Romans. IIRC, I believe that the Phoencians were related to the IE/IA Hittites. Hannibal's wife was an Iberian noble's daughter named Himilce, in the legends, and she came from Castulo, in ancient Andalusia. Also, Hannibal's mother may've been an Iberian as well.

Intermarriage with jigs is counter-productive and lowers the moral and racial equality of a given nation.

05-13-2011, 10:53 PM
Oh sure, this happened with the Roman Empire. Initially the Romans were very jealous of allowing foreigners into their imperium, but as it enlarged its citizen roll. Some of this had positive affects: Celts, Greeks, Iberians, for example. Schools of oratory and rhetoric in Gaul eventually rivalled those in Italy irself (due to the oral traditions of the Celtic Gauls, so they made natural speakers). Or some of the toughest infantry in the legions were the Iberians.

This is positive ethnic mixture, Indo-European. I'd even extend it to the Carthaginians/Phoenicians, for example, since the ancient Carthaginians/Phoenicians often intermarried with Greeks, Iberians and Romans. IIRC, I believe that the Phoencians were related to the IE/IA Hittites. Hannibals wife was an Iberian noble's daughter named Himilce, in the legends, and she came from Castulo, in ancient Andalusia. Also, Hannibal's mother may've been an Iberian as well.

Intermarriage with jigs is counter-productive and lowers the moral and racial equality of a given nation.

An Empire that can preserve its own internal identity is doomed to collapse and suffer the fate of outsiders who do not understand the instinct of that internal identity.

05-13-2011, 10:53 PM
Indeed. A lot of us Argentines have Indigenous blood in moderate to minor ways (not me though but we consider each other as equally Argentine). That doesn't mean most of us would fuck anything that stands in front of them just to follow some miscegenation doctrine.

I don't trumpet my Amerindian ancestry. It's just a fact that I accept, and it also gives me a stronger connection to North America. I like to study the Amerindian folklore but if I were to try to pretend to be an Amerindian they'd laugh me out of town and call me a wannabe. Claiming some "Indian princess" as an ancestor is a romanticized notion; my actual Amerindian ancestry comes via way of a Christianized Amerindian of Seneca and Cayuga with the given name of Abraham. :lol:

05-13-2011, 10:55 PM
I don't trumpet my Amerindian ancestry. It's just a fact that I accept, and it also gives me a stronger connection to North America. I like to study the Amerindian folklore but if I were to try to pretend to be an Amerindian they'd laugh me out of town and call me a wannabe. Claiming some "Indian princess" as an ancestor is a romanticized notion; my actual Amerindian ancestry comes via way of a Christianized Amerindian of Seneca and Cayuga with the given name of Abraham. :lol:

That is also quite a way back I also I have a little Amerindian ancestry on my Irish side its very small though and it goes back to the 1600s I usually refer to people as Amerindian if they have at least 1/8th of it in their blood.

05-13-2011, 10:56 PM
An Empire that can preserve its own internal identity is doomed to collapse and suffer the fate of outsiders who do not understand the instinct of that internal identity.

Within related ethnic groups, I agree with out-marriage. This might sound a bit scandalous, but I'd even outmarry with a Eurasian of East Asian ancestry (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). It's a case of the East Asian being more or less blooded out in a couple of generations by keeping intermarrying with whites, and the East Asians are pretty much the only other truly worth people in the world when compared to IEs imo. Bruce Lee was already 1/8th German when he married his wife Linda (Swedish and English) and his children look fairly normal, with some exotic features like some castizos in Central and South America.

However, marrying some jigaboo or beaner, how many generations will it take to produce a capable offspring?

Many of the finest figures in Roman history are the progeny of Romanized IEs, such as Diocletian, who was from a Romanized Illyrian background.

05-13-2011, 10:59 PM
Within related ethnic groups, I agree with out-marriage. Many of the finest figures in Roman history are the progeny of Romanized IEs, such as Diocletian, who was from a Romanized Illyrian background.

The same applies to Hannibal Barca who was of Iberian and Carthaginian abstraction. I think sometimes a hybrid mixes between two different types that are apt to get along is healthy but I think that sometimes some types don't jibe. I don't think a Carthaginian or Roman would try to marry someone from Africa.

05-13-2011, 11:02 PM
The same applies to Hannibal Barca who was of Iberian and Carthaginian abstraction. I think sometimes a hybrid mixes between two different types that are apt to get along is healthy but I think that sometimes some types don't jibe. I don't think a Carthaginian or Roman would try to marry someone from Africa.

Africa was an entirely different term in the ancient world! The Greeks and Romans largely used it to described Punic North Africa.

05-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Within related ethnic groups, I agree with out-marriage. This might sound a bit scandalous, but I'd even outmarry with a Eurasian of East Asian ancestry (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). It's a case of the East Asian being more or less blooded out in a couple of generations by keeping intermarrying with whites, and the East Asians are pretty much the only other truly worth people in the world when compared to IEs imo. Bruce Lee was already 1/8th German when he married his wife Linda (Swedish and English) and his children look fairly normal, with some exotic features like some castizos in Central and South America.

I'm not saying to go out and marry a Eurasian, just a hypothetical situation that might arise if, say, suitable IE spouses were lacking and some Eurasian was available.

And trust me, when I see at work a white girl pushing around a shopping cart filled with shrieking half-castes (probably bastards of course with their mum on welfare), I am filled with sheer disgust and am reminded that some white girls will spread their legs for just about any kind of beastly man to come along.

05-13-2011, 11:04 PM
Africa was an entirely different term in the ancient world! The Greeks and Romans largely used it to described Punic North Africa.

I am talking about Sub Saharan people that occasionally were brought up to Punic Africa as slaves.

05-13-2011, 11:06 PM
I am talking about Sub Saharan people that occasionally were brought up to Punic Africa as slaves.

Doubtful, the Romans seemed to have been aware of the distinction between light and dark skin. :)

Jack B
05-13-2011, 11:10 PM
I like to study the Amerindian folklore but if I were to try to pretend to be an Amerindian they'd laugh me out of town and call me a wannabe.

This isn't entirely unheard of in the American/European context either. I remember when these old people near me had some random American relative staying with them and everyone in the area referred to him simply as "the American" or the "yank", and he was second generation with full Irish ancestry apparently.

05-13-2011, 11:11 PM
Doubtful, the Romans seemed to have been aware of the distinction between light and dark skin. :)

Yes but they never would have married or had intercourse with them for a reason they merely dealt with European types and if you throw in the Carthaginians who were already mixed with other European types they also married some semitic peoples. I personally think though that for the Romans who were mostly of Med and Dinarid background it would not seem out of sorts for them to marry with some semites which they did occasionally in the east because the Med race has a close affinity with the Semitic people.

05-13-2011, 11:22 PM
This isn't entirely unheard of in the American/European context either. I remember when these old people near me had some random American relative staying with them and everyone in the area referred to him simply as "the American" or the "yank", and he was second generation with full Irish ancestry apparently.

Well for some of us there exists a genetic connection to North America, which gives us a distant tie to the Amerindian tribes. In chats with Iroquois I've been told that it's normal, since the Amerindian blood can still have an effect on their distant IE progeny (since it's not so much about the blood about a connection, a vague one, that comes from the Spirit World).

The traditional ones literally believe that they've been in this land since time immemorial and welcome open-minded whites with Amerindian ancestors as sort of distant cousins.. Distant cousins who're white, of course, which is why many Amerindian tribes have a certain quota to be recognized as a member of a given tribe.

For example, one tribe posits say 1/4 Amerindian ancestry to be accepted as a member. Another 1/2. And so on. So, for me (1/16th) it's not even a possibility, not that I'd want it anyways. The traditional ones, the chiefs and whatnot, sort of think that such white people as myself are Christian (or whatever) but also with a genetic pull to their old ways. They don't encourage us to pretend to be Amerindians but they also welcome the open-minded.

05-13-2011, 11:24 PM
Well for some of us there exists a genetic connection to North America, which gives us a distant tie to the Amerindian tribes. In chats with Iroquois I've been told that it's normal, since the Amerindian blood can still have an effect on their distant IE progeny (since it's not so much about the blood about a connection, a vague one, that comes from the Spirit World).

The traditional ones literally believe that they've been in this land since time immemorial and welcome open-minded whites with Amerindian ancestors as sort of distant cousins.. Distant cousins who're white, of course, which is why many Amerindian tribes have a certain quota to be recognized as a member of a given tribe.

For example, one tribe posits say 1/4 Amerindian ancestry to be accepted as a member. Another 1/2. And so on. So, for me (1/16th) it's not even a possibility, not that I'd want it anyways. The traditional ones, the chiefs and whatnot, sort of think that such white people as myself are Christian (or whatever) but also with a genetic pull to the old ways. They don't encourage us to pretend to be Amerindians but they also welcome the open-minded.

My German ancestors from New York had a strong affinity with the Mohawks they even had statues of them in their house they even talked about one of them being of Amerindian descent although this is myth that is just how obsessed they were with the Amerindian people.

05-13-2011, 11:26 PM
My German ancestors from New York had a strong affinity with the Mohawks they even had statues of them in their house they even talked about one of them being of Amerindian descent although this is myth that is just how obsessed they were with the Amerindian people.

Iroquois, which is where my Amerindian ancestry comes from (Cayuga/Seneca).

05-13-2011, 11:28 PM
Well my friends and I prefer blondes! I think the facial features of Slavic beautiful. All Russian, Czech and Slovak I met were wonderful!!

But there's also a lot of attractive brunettes

On women, my friends like blondes and brunettes, but they their like all men tall, strong and light-eyed

05-13-2011, 11:28 PM
Yes but they never would have married or had intercourse with them for a reason they merely dealt with European types and if you throw in the Carthaginians who were already mixed with other European types they also married some semitic peoples. I personally think though that for the Romans who were mostly of Med and Dinarid background it would not seem out of sorts for them to marry with some semites which they did occasionally in the east because the Med race has a close affinity with the Semitic people.

Carthaginians/Phoenicians are a mixture of IE/Semitic imo, so far worthier of admixture with than some Kushite.

05-13-2011, 11:33 PM
Carthaginians/Phoenicians are a mixture of IE/Semitic imo, so far worthier of admixture with than some Kushite.

Yes but when the Carthaginians started mixing in with the Romans they had started mixing in with the Iberians and Celtic people already.

05-13-2011, 11:34 PM
Yes but when the Carthaginians started mixing in with the Romans they had started mixing in with the Iberians and Celtic people already.

The Romans were the penultimate foemen of the Carthaginians, beaten and absorbed. There was an imperial dynasty of Punic ancestry (the Severans).

05-13-2011, 11:38 PM
The Romans were the penultimate foemen of the Carthaginians, beaten and absorbed. There was an imperial dynasty of Punic ancestry (the Severans).

I also have heard that later on in the Empire there was some absorbing and admixing with Arabian ancestry actually there was a Roman Empire of Arabian abstraction.

05-13-2011, 11:38 PM
Is she white? Can you talk her out of her sick mentality?

Let's be honest, women often prefer black men, certainly not women of Apricity, but in the real world.

05-13-2011, 11:40 PM
I also have heard that later on in the Empire there was some absorbing and admixing with Arabian ancestry actually there was a Roman Empire of Arabian abstraction.


Ruled by Zenobia, who was supposedly a descendant of one of Antony and Cleopatra's children.

05-13-2011, 11:41 PM
Let's be honest, women often prefer black men, certainly not women of Apricity, but in the real world.

I don't know why this I think you should all read Lenz von Liebenfeld a Cistercian monk who explains why white women have liked black men ever since the fall it has something to do with white women needing more strong white men to keep them in check spiritually so they don't corrupt the race with intermixing.

05-13-2011, 11:42 PM
Italian women > French women > All.

05-13-2011, 11:46 PM
Let's be honest, women often prefer black men, certainly not women of Apricity, but in the real world.

I speak for my friends. They don´t like blacks

Black Sun Dimension
05-13-2011, 11:53 PM
Let's be honest, women often prefer black men, certainly not women of Apricity, but in the real world.

This must be a recent phenomena. (1950 onwards ???) I dont think Pre-WWI-WWII Europe was like this, neither Pre-Civil Right Movement America.

In Venezuela, white girls and women prefer dating white men 9/10 of the time. Whites here are usually mid/upper-mid class, so the chances of a low-class non-white scoring with a white are slim. Not to mention the fact that whites are mostly right wing anti-Chavez, and non-whites are pro-Chavez: like water and oil.

I dont know how is it in America and in Europe. I ask you personally, do spanish girls prefer black men?

05-13-2011, 11:59 PM
usually a women who is witha black guys she is ugly and fat

05-14-2011, 12:04 AM
Let's be honest, women often prefer black men, certainly not women of Apricity, but in the real world.

Only the most degraded sort, that you wouldn't want to touch anyway. In fact I think it's becoming even less common, as we gradually get the message across that they're soiled goods forever.

05-14-2011, 12:06 AM
I dont know how is it in America and in Europe. I ask you personally, do spanish girls prefer black men?

Spanish men and women in general, prefer dark-haired couples, morenazas/os que decimos, there is also a strong afrophilia.

05-14-2011, 12:08 AM
i would say the italians, greek, spaniards etc.. im a sucker for meds :P

05-14-2011, 12:10 AM
I speak for my friends. They don´t like blacks

You live in a country where most are black, in your country, black = poor and uneducated, I speak of blacks as Denzel Washington, not a seller of watches lying on a sidewalk.

Black Sun Dimension
05-14-2011, 12:17 AM
Spanish men and women in general, prefer dark-haired couples, morenazas/os que decimos, there is also a strong afrophilia.

This is news to me: I always considered the spaniards to be one of the most racist (see racially aware) people in europe; I didnt imagine them having fantasies over chocolate.

All I can say is: fuck.

05-14-2011, 12:22 AM
You live in a country where most are black, in your country, black = poor and uneducated, I speak of blacks as Denzel Washington, not a seller of watches lying on a sidewalk.

Firstly,Pure blacks are 6 % of Brazilian population. There are + 40% pardos!!

Black, who end up having some self-serving relationships are usually football players or musicians. Over 90% of blacks are poor. With whites, the majority is located in the middle and upper class, but also has some poor.

However, there may when I talked about my friends, I speak not of the financial question. They do not think black beautiful. Never intersected with Blacks. No matter if the guy is famous or have money, they prefer white

05-14-2011, 12:27 AM
This is news to me: I always considered the spaniards to be one of the most racist (see racially aware) people in europe; I didnt imagine them having fantasies over chocolate.

All I can say is: fuck.

Is a nice fantasy that the Spanish are the most racist people in Europe, ojalá fuera cierto, but I fear it is only black legend, anyway, prefer dark-brown-haired couples is not racism in Spain, where most people presents this look.

Pero que las morenazas triunfan entre nosotros, y me incluyo en ese gusto.

05-14-2011, 12:29 AM
Pero que las morenazas triunfan entre nosotros, y me incluyo en ese gusto.

Same here.

05-14-2011, 12:31 AM
Ireland, Greece, Russia, France & Serbia.

Black Sun Dimension
05-14-2011, 12:32 AM
Is a nice fantasy that the Spanish are the most racist people in Europe, ojalá fuera cierto, but I fear it is only black legend, anyway, prefer dark-brown-haired couples is not racism in Spain, where most people presents this look.

Pero que las morenazas triunfan entre nosotros, y me incluyo en ese gusto.

Im refering to spanish women liking negros. It has nothing to do with hair color.

05-14-2011, 12:34 AM
Im refering to spanish women liking negros. It has nothing to do with hair color.
There are not many negros in Spain (at least compared to France or UK), and they are very poor, I never see spanish woman with a negro

05-14-2011, 12:34 AM
Firstly,Pure blacks are 6 % of Brazilian population. There are + 40% pardos!!

Black, who end up having some self-serving relationships are usually football players or musicians. Over 90% of blacks are poor. With whites, the majority is located in the middle and upper class, but also has some poor.

However, there may when I talked about my friends, I speak not of the financial question. They do not think black beautiful. Never intersected with Blacks. No matter if the guy is famous or have money, they prefer white

Sorry, when I said black, I wanted to include the Indians and mulatos (they are black or dark brown or whatever), anyway, in a country where most are black/indians/mixed and the white a minority, always going to prefer the nordic blond/blue eyes type, the opposite side to the reality that exist in the country.

05-14-2011, 12:37 AM
Guys you're all losers, this topic is about attractive people in Europe not their frustrations about blacks. :rolleyes2:

05-14-2011, 12:39 AM
Im refering to spanish women liking negros. It has nothing to do with hair color.

Morenazas = dark-haired white women, with blue/green/brown eyes.

And about of blacks and spanish women, look -----> http://foro.putalocura.com/foro/foro-general/96707-la-mayoria-las-espanoles-el-mundo-estan-negros.html

Or better http://foro.putalocura.com/foro/foro-rapinas/95869-el-foro-las-follanegros.html

05-14-2011, 12:40 AM
Guys you're all losers, this topic is about attractive people in Europe not their frustrations about blacks. :rolleyes2:

Yes I do not know how a topic diverges like this but it has become a commonality which makes it inevitable that this topic was going to have a tilt that had nothing to do with the original topic. Well the frustrations with blacks have a part to do with it. I think that this actually be brought into the topic I would not mind posting a thread about it.

05-14-2011, 12:55 AM
Yes I do not know how a topic diverges like this but it has become a commonality which makes it inevitable that this topic was going to have a tilt that had nothing to do with the original topic. Well the frustrations with blacks have a part to do with it. I think that this actually be brought into the topic I would not mind posting a thread about it.

Wow you look discuss it all the time in this forum in almost all the threads, I think some of you, have a personal problem with that. :rolleyes:

05-14-2011, 12:57 AM
Guys you're all losers, this topic is about attractive people in Europe not their frustrations about blacks. :rolleyes2:

You are a winner! :p ohhh I am a little mestiza girl who loves the Vikings! :thumb001:

05-14-2011, 12:59 AM
You are a winner! :p ohhh I am a little mestiza girl who loves the Vikings! :thumb001:

Better to love Vikings than to be on a daily forum crying over blacks. :p

Comte Arnau
05-14-2011, 12:59 AM
I never see spanish woman with a negro

Joder, e incluso antes de la ola inmigratoria, pues no había mañas preñadas de negro ni ná, con la base yanki al lado... :rolleyes:

05-14-2011, 12:59 AM
I also have heard that later on in the Empire there was some absorbing and admixing with Arabian ancestry actually there was a Roman Empire of Arabian abstraction.


With the word "Araba gente" the romans meant the Nabataeans, a levantine proto-Palestinian population, not to the present days arabic peoples (at the time called "Sabeians").

05-14-2011, 01:00 AM


05-14-2011, 01:01 AM
Better to love Vikings than to be on a daily forum crying over blacks. :p

Where's your Nordic uberman then? :confused: :P

05-14-2011, 01:03 AM
Where's your Nordic uberman then? :confused: :P

http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f52/dennis-johnson-69655.html :p

05-14-2011, 01:06 AM
http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f52/dennis-johnson-69655.html :p

What a WEAK and GAY body! :rofl:

05-14-2011, 01:08 AM
http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f52/dennis-johnson-69655.html :p

Seems come out from Mauthausen or Treblinka.

05-14-2011, 01:08 AM
What a WEAK and GAY body! :rofl:

Envious :rolleyes:

05-14-2011, 01:11 AM
Lorene, where this guy are from?

05-14-2011, 01:11 AM
Better to love Vikings than to be on a daily forum crying over blacks. :p

You understand that, according on your taste and preference in guys, a "Viking" should not mix with you, a little girl latin mixed with Indians to keep his childrens being blonde and attractive?

05-14-2011, 01:11 AM
Lorene, where this guy are from?


05-14-2011, 01:13 AM
Envious :rolleyes:

Hardly... :thumbs up

05-14-2011, 01:18 AM
This is the perfection.


Good job, Mr.Clooney!

Dario Argento
05-14-2011, 01:22 AM
Better to love Vikings than to be on a daily forum crying over blacks. :p

Why not love something similar to you? Some Maradona? I think your presence in this forum = failure. A mestiza girl who wants to breed with a Scandinavian. You look way more Amerindian than the Argentine average. You look more Chilean or Mexican than Argentine. I guess there wasn't enough Scandinavians in your villa except than this:


Your presence in this forum is akin to a Negro posting threads about how much he loves white girls.

05-14-2011, 01:25 AM
Why not love something similar to you? Some Maradona? I think your presence in this forum = failure. A mestiza girl who wants to breed with a Scandinavian. You look way more Amerindian than the Argentine average. You look more Chilean or Mexican than Argentine. I guess there wasn't enough Scandinavians in your villa except than this:

It's not true!


They are hardly whites to American standarts.

05-14-2011, 01:26 AM
Why not love something similar to you? Some Maradona? I think your presence in this forum = failure. A mestiza girl who wants to breed with a Scandinavian. You look way more Amerindian than the Argentine average. You look more Chilean or Mexican than Argentine. I guess there wasn't enough Scandinavians in your villa except than this:


Your presence in this forum is akin to a Negro posting threads about how much he loves white girls.

This guy looks like a gabber/raver from Rotterdam that i know :laugh::laugh:

Dario Argento
05-14-2011, 01:27 AM
It's not true!


They are hardly whites to American standarts.

The hell is that supposed to mean? You just have a Mestizo complex common in Latin America which is a fixiation with blond hair/blue eyes. You even disregarded what I said about the preference of Argentine girls and did a stupid rant about how "angry I was".

I am glad most Argentines don't have the same troubles you do. That's a trouble of lowclass people who are usually way darker in skin and mixing with someone who is "really white and pale" is the only way to even themselves out with the rest of the population.

Since you hardly agree with what is discussed in this place I guess you only registered here in a swimsuit as avatar to find attention of some Germanic looking dude you can't find in your villa/favela, only to be dissapointed by extreme ideas and say "dats racis!!!". Most Argentine women don't like those people from Northern countries and I'm sure most of these people in Northern countries won't like you either.

05-14-2011, 01:39 AM
The hell is that supposed to mean? You just have a Mestizo complex common in Latin America which is a fixiation with blond hair/blue eyes. You even disregarded what I said about the preference of Argentine girls and did a stupid rant about how "angry I was".

I am glad most Argentines don't have the same troubles you do. That's a trouble of lowclass people who are usually way darker in skin and mixing with someone who is "really white and pale" is the only way to even themselves out with the rest of the population.

Mejorar la raza, legacy of the caste system.

05-14-2011, 01:42 AM
Why not love something similar to you? Some Maradona? I think your presence in this forum = failure. A mestiza girl who wants to breed with a Scandinavian. You look way more Amerindian than the Argentine average. You look more Chilean or Mexican than Argentine. I guess there wasn't enough Scandinavians in your villa except than this:


Your presence in this forum is akin to a Negro posting threads about how much he loves white girls.

I don't think they should intermarry whatsoever with other types. Johann Von Herder said that each race has its own unique qualities and that we should all preserve those instincts and not try to preturb them by mixing in with other races. I think it would be necessary to say that if we continue to mix it will corrupt the the good instinct and unique qualities bred in each race by nature.

05-14-2011, 01:43 AM
Mejorar la raza, legacy of the caste system.

this is a phrase which the Italian Communists repeat until they are exhausted...."dalla mescolanza di razze nascono gli individui migliori"....

I have to ask them why the countries with a mixed majority, like Mexico or Paraguay, are "shitholes" devasted by high crime rates and corruption, and not the "Paradiso in Terra" :laugh::laugh:

05-14-2011, 01:45 AM
Argentina es mitad Europeo y la otra mitad son Mestizos casi Europeos que le pondrian unas trompadas a cualquiera que sugiriese lo contrario a excepcion de algunos negros (mestizos más indios) de clase baja o parasitos boliguayos. El mestizo Argentino es aproximadamente 80% Europeo. Es obvio que vos no encajas ni en eso.

Composición étnica de Argentina http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composici%C3%B3n_%C3%A9tnica_de_Argentina

05-14-2011, 01:45 AM
Maria Sharapova





Dario Argento
05-14-2011, 01:45 AM
this is a phrase which the Italian Communists repeat until they are exhausted...."dalla mescolanza di razze nascono gli individui migliori"....

I have to ask them why the countries with a mixed majority, like Mexico or Paraguay, are "shitholes" devasted by high crime rates and corruption, and not the "Paradiso in Terra" :laugh::laugh:

There's no comparision between Mexico and Paraguay. Mexico isn't so behind of Argentina in terms of development while Paraguay....

Dario Argento
05-14-2011, 01:46 AM
Composición étnica de Argentina http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composici%C3%B3n_%C3%A9tnica_de_Argentina

Eso no me contradice de alguna forma u otra.

"Por otra parte los distintos grupos que integran su población han establecido intensos mestizajes interétnicos. Se estima que un 90% de la población tiene algún antepasado europeo,2 3 sobre todo italianos y españoles, un 56% tiene antepasados indígenas,4 y alrededor del 3% algún antepasado africano."

Aprendé a leer, boliguaya villera. Bien sé que la educación en la villa no es buena pero...

05-14-2011, 01:48 AM
There's no comparision between Mexico and Paraguay. Mexico isn't so behind of Argentina in terms of development while Paraguay....

True, but depends by states.

States like Yucatan or Campeche, that have a mestizo and indios majority, are very poors and backlogs than the northern states.

05-14-2011, 01:51 AM
True, but depends by states.

States like Yucatan or Campeche, that have a mestizo and indios majority, are very poors and backlogs than the northern states.

This is what I don't understand that these leftist liberals are so progressive with trying to advocate for admixture while these admixtures create sociological conflict and other problems as well. The poverty that is created by having some races marrying with others should be self evident and if people do not want to take notice of this they are truly pushing an agenda that is worthless. Unfortunately some people want to ignore and be blind towards mixing certain races with other races all for the sake of equality when in the end we get a bunch of people are poor and desperate. Maybe Libtards just like poor and desperate people so its easier to control and manipulate them.

05-14-2011, 02:01 AM
Im sorry, Tribuno. But this is perfection:

Charlie Hunnam. English actor!

05-14-2011, 02:05 AM
Im sorry, Tribuno. But this is perfection:

Charlie Hunnam. English actor!

Smoking is considered attractive in Brazil? yellowed fingers, smelly breath ect ...

05-14-2011, 02:06 AM
Smoking is considered attractive in Brazil? yellowed fingers, smelly breath ect ...

In him, it is. :cool:

05-14-2011, 02:10 AM
In him, it is. :cool:

:confused: a smelly breath attractive? :confused:

05-14-2011, 02:12 AM
:confused: a smelly breath attractive? :confused:

you're destroying my perfection scenarium. :coffee:

05-14-2011, 02:43 AM
Italian women are very beautiful


They've something familiar but also exotic than the others European women.

05-14-2011, 03:28 AM
Spanish (Penelope Cruz, I find her to be attractive even though some Spaniards don't find her to be so hot)

She is also half-gypsy too.

05-14-2011, 03:34 AM
She is also half-gypsy too.

I don't know about her.. but her brother looks the part. Hardly what I see as Spanish looking.


05-14-2011, 07:24 AM
Italian women are very beautiful


They've something familiar but also exotic than the others European women.

They are not usually to my taste unless lighter-haired and -skinned.
Gina Lollobrigida, more "Italic" and less "exotic"-looking, called Sofia Loren above the "Neapolitan Giraffe".

05-14-2011, 07:25 AM
They are not usually to my taste unless lighter-haired and -skinned.

I agree for the most part as well. :thumb001:

05-14-2011, 07:46 AM
Better to love Vikings than to be on a daily forum crying over blacks. :p

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that miscegenation represents a logical threat to your race.

Saying that people are "crying" over an issue like miscegenation on a preservation board is ridiculous. It's probably the most important issue there is in terms of preservation. Again, you don't have to be a neurosurgeon to figure out why.

Should we just flood Japan full of white guys and then denigrate the male Japanese population for "crying" about their women going with foreigners?

And guys, I hate to burst your bubbles about only ugly or fat white girls going with blacks, but very attractive women often do go with black guys. In fact, a lot of times it is the most beautiful women that are found with them. Thousands of years of evolution at work to create such beauty and these women throw it out the window to show how liberal they are or because they like the "m'dik"s. I just got back from a diner. The two best looking women in the whole joint (white and blond) were with groids. I ate light.

Women cannot be counted on to be the guardians of a race. When our culture was masculine, it was sure of itself and miscegenation was low. Now that our culture is more "accepting" and feminized, everything--borders, culture, race--is being destroyed.

05-14-2011, 07:49 AM
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that miscegenation represents a logical threat to your race.

Saying that people are "crying" over an issue like miscegenation on a preservation board is ridiculous.

Should we just flood Japan full of white guys and then denigrate the male Japanese population for "crying" about their women going with foreigners?

And I hate to your bubbles, guys, but very attractive women often do go with black guys. In fact, a lot of times it is the most beautiful women. I just got back from a diner. The two best looking women in the whole joint (white and blond) were with groids. I ate light.

Its almost like that is twice the blow first they take our women and then they sort of leave us in the dark. It is definitely killing off the race and if these goons are not stopped sooner rather then later we will have children who belong to a dysfunctional family setting. I think its time we take the law into our own hand when people want to be vile and vulgar. They are rebelling against the most basic and fundamental principles in nature and are definitely setting themselves up for a monstrosity of sorts. These people should be deemed criminals they have done their race a dishonor and it is time we take their rights to produce away because they truly do not have a straight enough head to see the clear problems a mixed race presents.

05-14-2011, 07:56 AM
^Well, then they want people's tax dollars in an effort to minimize the severity of their mistake of breeding with a "low caste." Anyways,....

I'm partial to Polish and Austrian girls.

05-14-2011, 08:02 AM
^Well, then they want people's tax dollars in an effort to minimize the severity of their mistake of breeding with a "low caste." Anyways,....

I'm partial to Polish and Austrian girls.

I think they like racial mixes because usually it produces a dysfunctional family system this sometimes lead to poverty and dysfunctional youth who are much easier to control. Racial mixing leads towards the road of poverty and desperation and politicians like nothing more then this. Also Racial Mixing corrupts the next generation and the youth that are produced so we have a generation of people lacking a strong cultural identity and this actually means they have a very weak spiritual foundation.

05-14-2011, 08:24 AM
Hmm... maybe French guys...
Czech guys aren't bad either.
And all other nations similar to those...
But when talking about Czechs, they have some not very attractive "round" looking types. So, i'm thinking about those others, a bit taller and more attractive-mostly with darker hair and light eyes :D

As for a girls, Italians and Czechs again.

05-14-2011, 08:24 AM
All ethnicities in Europe have their own beauty but Slavic,Celtic women are the best looking imho. Russian,Polish,Irish girls really get my heart rate up :love0031: :D

05-14-2011, 08:33 AM
Psh @ these threads ;/
But, I have to admit that I've always been partial to English, Danish and German boys for some reason. Affinity, perhaps?
I've seen some breathtakingly handsome Slavs around, though ... and Spaniards.

05-14-2011, 10:14 AM
Im sorry, Tribuno. But this is perfection:

Charlie Hunnam. English actor!




05-14-2011, 10:20 AM
I do rather like a lot of the Polish girls we've been seeing lately, working in bars and such, which is why I can't quite get myself so worked up about Polish immigration as I can about, say, Muslim immigration.

Aces High
05-14-2011, 10:43 AM
IMO,Italian women.Hands down no contest......they must killl the ugly ones at birth.

05-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Why did you join this forum then? For the looks of your posts you'd be much better off posting on Anthrocivitas.

She is also welcome here.

05-14-2011, 01:05 PM
French women, those who look like Mylene, are absolutely gorgeous!!!


05-14-2011, 01:06 PM
Iroquois, which is where my Amerindian ancestry comes from (Cayuga/Seneca).

So without miscegenation you wouldn't be here? How ironic.

05-14-2011, 02:07 PM
IMO,Italian women.Hands down no contest......they must killl the ugly ones at birth.

What part of Italy have you seen?:confused:
Many look like ladyboys.:eek:

05-14-2011, 02:09 PM
French women, those who look like Mylene, are absolutely gorgeous!!!


French girls are the best.
Even the plainer ones have a natural femininity rare in many other Europeans.

05-14-2011, 02:20 PM
French girls are the best.
Even the plainer ones have a natural femininity rare in many other Europeans.

Even those for who we can even say that they are on ugly side, have femininity, charm and elegance without being vulgar.
Woman should never lose her femininity; i agree about all that story with gender's equality, but we see so many masculine women today, and no matter how much pretty they can be, way they move, talk, watch, walk is very important. Woman need to be herself, not to compete with man and try to act same way.

05-14-2011, 02:25 PM
IMO,Italian women.Hands down no contest......they must killl the ugly ones at birth.

You probabily are went in another Italy, not in my Country. :laugh:

05-14-2011, 02:39 PM
Estonian women win hands down, every male being who has ever seen any, will agree with me.

Most Estonian men don't boast about it, though, there are few of us and we want to keep our women all to ourselves. We don't make a fuss when some random foreigners keep mentioning the Swedes, when talking about beautiful women, as we know the truth. ;)

...But from an objective point of view, the Swedes aren't that bad either, as they don't look different from us. I once saw a Swedish woman who could have been my cousin's twin sister.

05-14-2011, 02:41 PM
Estonian women win hands down, every male being who has ever seen any, will agree with me.

Most Estonian men don't boast about it, though, there are few of us and we want to keep our women all to ourselves. We don't make a fuss when some random foreigners keep mentioning the Swedes, when talking about beautiful women, as we know the truth. ;)

Here in London we see plenty of women from the Baltic states. Estonians and Latvians are pretty, but in my experience the Lithuanians were most impressive ...

05-14-2011, 02:43 PM
Here in London we see plenty of women from the Baltic states. Estonians and Latvians are pretty, but in my experience the Lithuanians were most impressive ...

Well, I have never seen any Lithuanians, but when looking at Pallantides' professional anthropological threads about them, they look rather different from us.

Crypto-Livonians* are definitely good looking, most of their current territory was still Finnic when going back a few thousand years.


05-14-2011, 02:53 PM
You probabily are went in another Italy, not in my Country. :laugh:
I am exaggerating but I don't find Italian brunettes attractive.
The only Italian girls I like are the lighter ones.

05-14-2011, 03:00 PM
Italian and slavic women are winning. Gooo Italy!!!
Now I am thinking to a guy attempting my ex school who stayed with a blonde Russian girl and had for lover an Italian girl with green cat eyes. Lucky bastard.

As for me, Italian women don't like them. The most liked male ethnicities here are Italians (we are nationalist), Spaniards and Swedish.

05-14-2011, 03:01 PM
I am exaggerating but I don't find Italian brunettes attractive.
The only Italian girls I like are the lighter ones.

Italians don't have all black hairs, we are mixed too.
Maybe we are one of the most mixed nations of Europe, in terms of hair colors.

05-14-2011, 03:05 PM
Italian and slavic women are winning. Gooo Italy!!!
Now I am thinking to a guy attempting my ex school who stayed with a blonde Russian girl and had for lover an Italian girl with green cat eyes. Lucky bastard.

Russian girls can be very attractive, but also very ugly. Some of them are really model looking with great features, but i also saw 30 years old looking like grandmas. I guess big nation like them must have all.

Veleda, about those girls, I admit i would rather choose to be in position of Italian girl. It would hurt my vanity less.

05-14-2011, 03:06 PM
Italians don't have all black hairs, we are mixed too.
Maybe we are one of the most mixed nations of Europe, in terms of hair colors.

I like black haired people, actually. But when they have light skin. Lucky in Italy we have that category. I don't like olive skinned people, whatever is their haircolour.

@Mymy: every nation between Italy and Russia worths a visit, including Serbja. ;) Apart from beauty, that more or less is found everywhere, they are more feminine and wear sexier.

05-14-2011, 03:07 PM
I like black haired people, actually. But when they have light skin. Lucky in Italy we have that category. I don't like olive skinned people, whatever is their haircolour.

Like many calabrian guys :laugh:

05-14-2011, 03:16 PM
Like many calabrian guys :laugh:

Indeed Calabria is definitely out of my tastes. But there is an olive skinned guy that I find attractive:

Marco Borriello <3 The fact that he plays in Roma team doubles his score XD


Il fascino del zezzone...

05-14-2011, 03:22 PM
What about Antonio Albanese? :laugh::laugh:


05-14-2011, 03:54 PM
What about Antonio Albanese? :laugh::laugh:


Where's he from? Looks like one of those Italian Jews you posted in another topic. :eek:

05-14-2011, 04:12 PM
Where's he from? Looks like one of those Italian Jews you posted in another topic. :eek:

He's a calabrian cabaret-man/showman that bases its humor on the stereotyping of Southerners, particularly of the calabrian.

05-14-2011, 04:47 PM
The French
Western Slavs

Aces High
05-14-2011, 05:14 PM
What part of Italy have you seen?:confused:
Many look like ladyboys.:eek:

Lazio,Tuscany,Umbria,Abruzzo,Sardinia and to a certain extent Trentino.

The only ladyboys i have seen have been a lot of the Italian males who are still sucking on their mothers tit and live at home until they are 40 yrs old.....and i know my way round Italy enough to know nowdays thats the norm and not the exception.

Italy is the only country i have ever been in where some of the women are knee weakaningly beautifull......and i have been round the world and back.
I imagine it has something to do with the old Romans bringing back trophys of war in the form of beautifull womanhood from around Europe.

05-14-2011, 05:20 PM
Lazio,Tuscany,Umbria,Abruzzo,Sardinia and to a certain extent Trentino.

The only ladyboys i have seen have been a lot of the Italian males who are still sucking on their mothers tit and live at home until they are 40 yrs old.....and i know my way round Italy enough to know nowdays thats the norm and not the exception.

Italy is the only country i have ever been in where some of the women are knee weakaningly beautifull......and i have been round the world and back.
I imagine it has something to do with the old Romans bringing back trophys of war in the form of beautifull womanhood from around Europe.

This is the norm (Especially in the South), when there is not much work and the houses are expensive.

05-14-2011, 06:58 PM
Every European ethnicity has got beautiful and ugly people.

Concerning women there are two stereotypes in Germany I know:
1. the most admired and adored women are French ones, for they are considered to be très chic, passionate, profound, sophisticated a little bit volatile/flighty and have a natural erotic charisma
2. Italian women score second, they are attributed to almost the same, but instead of being profound and sophisticated they are supposed to have a hot temper and to be rather wild.

Those are just stereotypes of course.

05-14-2011, 09:47 PM
beatiful women of Timeless Beauty

Grace kelly: Irish origin
Marilyn Monroe: norwergian origin??
Sophia Loren: italian
Audrey Herburn: English and dutch origin
Rita Hayworth: Spaniard and Irish
Raquel Welch: Spaniard and English

Mix med and nordic??

05-14-2011, 10:29 PM
I forgot a thrid stereotype which many German males feel attracted to:
3. All blonde Swedish uber valkyrie sexbombs

05-14-2011, 11:05 PM
I forgot a thrid stereotype which many German males feel attracted to:
3. All blonde Swedish uber valkyrie sexbombs

In Spain too exist a myth with the sweedish

05-14-2011, 11:20 PM
In Spain too exist a myth with the sweedish

If there's a people that works in God's masterplan, must be the Swedish. They're beautiful, educated, and their country works.

They pay expensive taxes but with the shure that will have have clean hospitals, education and security for their kids, and a beautiful country to be proud of. In Brazil you pay absurd taxes for some stupid reason, and die on some durty hole they call "hospital" when a senator buys a new car.

Maybe not just the Swedish, but all Scandinavians.

05-14-2011, 11:23 PM
If there's a people that works in God's masterplan, must be the Swedish. They're beautiful, educated, and their country works.

They pay expensive taxes but with the shure that will have have clean hospitals, education and security for their kids, and a beautiful country to be proud of.

Maybe not just the Swedish, but all Scandinavians.

Which has been compromised by allowing foreigners in.

05-14-2011, 11:26 PM
Which has been compromised by allowing foreigners in.

That's they're choice.

05-14-2011, 11:27 PM
That's they're choice.

Maybe. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

05-14-2011, 11:49 PM
Nay Tatyz, the Swedish are doomed. They are only a people of 9,5 million and they let everyone in and are completely pc brainwashed. Immigrants will outnumber the Swedish very soon.
Ok, the Germans and Brits are also completely pc indoctrinated and will be destroyed the sooner or later, but Sweden is really wretched. Give it 50 years and the average Swedish will be an immigrant.

05-14-2011, 11:50 PM
Maybe. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Nay Tatyz, the Swedish are doomed. They are only a people of 9,5 million and they let everyone in and are completely pc brainwashed. Immigrants will outnumber the Swedish very soon.
Ok, the Germans and Brits are also completely pc indoctrinated and will be destroyed the sooner or later, but Sweden is really wretched. Give it 50 years and the average Swedish will be an immigrant.

From what I read on the forum threads i'm realizing they're not happy >D But how don't be? They're balance are threatened. Hope there's conservative people to hold on.

05-15-2011, 12:01 AM
It's only a small percentage of Swedes which are conservative or right wing, only recently a right wing party (the Sverigedemokraterna (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratas_Suecos)) entered their national parliament with 5,7 % of votes. That's clearly not enough power to stop the demise.
Maybe they'll gain more votes in the coming years, but still the demographic bomb is evident and the Swedes just entered a race against time they can hardly win.

Comte Arnau
05-15-2011, 12:02 AM
Even those for who we can even say that they are on ugly side, have femininity, charm and elegance without being vulgar.

Er... no vulgar girls in France? How often you've been there, Mymy, quoi? :rolleyes2:

05-15-2011, 12:03 AM
From what I read on the forum threads i'm realizing they're not happy >D But how don't be? They're balance are threatened. Hope there's conservative people to hold on.

According to all or almost posters of this forum everybody is doomed. :rolleyes:

Guys do you have any social life?

05-15-2011, 12:04 AM
Er... no vulgar girls in France? How often you've been there, Mymy, quoi? :rolleyes2:

Not many times tbh... I guess i still believe in France from romantic stories :embarrassed

05-15-2011, 12:35 AM
Nay Tatyz, the Swedish are doomed. They are only a people of 9,5 million and they let everyone in and are completely pc brainwashed. Immigrants will outnumber the Swedish very soon.
Ok, the Germans and Brits are also completely pc indoctrinated and will be destroyed the sooner or later, but Sweden is really wretched. Give it 50 years and the average Swedish will be an immigrant.

I think the tide should be turned immediately and if not I will come over personally and clean up the mess. The Swedes used to have such a noble culture and now they are being overrun by Easterners and people from the deep South its time that Europe stands up and kicks these foreigners out. It should only be natural and instinctive that they should drives these savage hordes back to their lands immediately. Unfortunately the people of Europe have become too atheistic and agnostic for my liking if they started in believing in things of substance then it might be possible to bring back their cultures and restore them.

05-15-2011, 12:36 AM
According to all or almost posters of this forum everybody is doomed. :rolleyes:

Guys do you have any social life?

You need to be careful what you say we are going to be doomed people are testing the natural ORDER!!!!! That alone should get you fired up and should get you upset if you are of the right mind. It is unnatural for people to mix and if anything things it is in the least appropriate they should have the right to reproduce children plain and simple.

05-15-2011, 01:01 AM
If there's a people that works in God's masterplan, must be the Swedish. They're beautiful, educated, and their country works.

They pay expensive taxes but with the shure that will have have clean hospitals, education and security for their kids, and a beautiful country to be proud of. In Brazil you pay absurd taxes for some stupid reason, and die on some durty hole they call "hospital" when a senator buys a new car.

Maybe not just the Swedish, but all Scandinavians.

Have you been in scandinavian countries recently? I think you idealize them
I mean I´ve seen more fights in Oslo´s night and more drunk-wasted people in Helsinki than in Madrid. The boat between Helsinki and Tallin is a show of +40 years old people completely wasted and buying loads of vodka in the duty free and drunk drivers arent uncommon
Of course they´re richer and they´ve a better education than most of the world but it´s not like that´s some kind of paradise

05-15-2011, 01:03 AM
According to all or almost posters of this forum everybody is doomed. :rolleyes:

Guys do you have any social life?

Why do you always ask the same over and over? Appart from posting naked blond dudes I dont know why are you in this forum :confused:

Comte Arnau
05-15-2011, 01:12 AM
Why do you always ask the same over and over? Appart from posting naked blond dudes I dont know why are you in this forum :confused:

Do you have to be right-winged and racist to write in here? There is not one single way to be preservationist, IMO. Not every leftist is a pro-mixing hippy.

05-15-2011, 01:19 AM
If there's a people that works in God's masterplan, must be the Swedish. They're beautiful, educated, and their country works.

They pay expensive taxes but with the shure that will have have clean hospitals, education and security for their kids, and a beautiful country to be proud of. In Brazil you pay absurd taxes for some stupid reason, and die on some durty hole they call "hospital" when a senator buys a new car.

Maybe not just the Swedish, but all Scandinavians.

I agree with you TatyZ. I've been to Sweden myself a few times (and other Scandinavian countries). People who tell you otherwise here are mostly jealous.

Denmark is probably the most awesome country I've been to. Wonderful lifestyle, beautiful people. Probably more so than Sweden.

05-15-2011, 01:20 AM
Do you have to be right-winged and racist to write in here? There is not one single way to be preservationist, IMO. Not every leftist is a pro-mixing hippy.

You dont have to be right wing or left wing. But posting naked nordic guys in the 90% of your posts and insulting people calling them loosers in the other 10% just because for them preservationism involves also race is stupid.

05-15-2011, 01:33 AM
I agree with you TatyZ. I've been to Sweden myself a few times (and other Scandinavian countries). People who tell you otherwise here are mostly jealous.

I like your tolerance and open mind to hear different opinions :)

This is like this and if somebody says something different its because he sucks. Great :coffee:

05-15-2011, 03:17 AM
I think the tide should be turned immediately and if not I will come over personally and clean up the mess. The Swedes used to have such a noble culture and now they are being overrun by Easterners and people from the deep South its time that Europe stands up and kicks these foreigners out. It should only be natural and instinctive that they should drives these savage hordes back to their lands immediately. Unfortunately the people of Europe have become too atheistic and agnostic for my liking if they started in believing in things of substance then it might be possible to bring back their cultures and restore them.

Who are these eastern,southern savages?Russians,Poles,Bulgarians,Greeks? You're a European mutt yourself so don't talk about purity:coffee:

05-15-2011, 08:59 PM
I agree with you TatyZ. I've been to Sweden myself a few times (and other Scandinavian countries). People who tell you otherwise here are mostly jealous.

Denmark is probably the most awesome country I've been to. Wonderful lifestyle, beautiful people. Probably more so than Sweden.

Yeah!! Denmark is the best country in Scandinavia. Beautiful and sympathic people,lifestyle,the nature,etc. Dnishs are very interesting,funny and polite

05-16-2011, 01:43 PM
I agree with you TatyZ. I've been to Sweden myself a few times (and other Scandinavian countries). People who tell you otherwise here are mostly jealous.

Denmark is probably the most awesome country I've been to. Wonderful lifestyle, beautiful people. Probably more so than Sweden.

Nobody is perfect but people who attack countries and ethnicities for no reason out of nowwhere is jealous or have some personal hatred against a certain people and country.:)

05-16-2011, 01:49 PM
Why do you always ask the same over and over? Appart from posting naked blond dudes I dont know why are you in this forum :confused:

That's up to moderators to judge me, if you do not like my posts just ignore them.

alzo zero
05-16-2011, 02:11 PM
The most liked male ethnicities here are Italians (we are nationalist), Spaniards and Swedish.
I'm not a nationalist and I don't like Italians that much. I think that Serbian women, for example, look much better. Also I don't have a "talent" for judging male beauty, but I think that North Europeans on average look better (but not all North European ethnicities).

Not every leftist is a pro-mixing hippy.
Sorry but I don't see how you can reconcile being left wing and anti-mixing at the same time. It sounds like those (many) people who are capitalist and leftist at the same time.

05-19-2011, 10:28 PM
many apricians are v.attractive! :thumb001:

05-19-2011, 10:37 PM
Lazio,Tuscany,Umbria,Abruzzo,Sardinia and to a certain extent Trentino.

The only ladyboys i have seen have been a lot of the Italian males who are still sucking on their mothers tit and live at home until they are 40 yrs old.....and i know my way round Italy enough to know nowdays thats the norm and not the exception.

Italy is the only country i have ever been in where some of the women are knee weakaningly beautifull......and i have been round the world and back.
I imagine it has something to do with the old Romans bringing back trophys of war in the form of beautifull womanhood from around Europe.

No, Romans simply killed deformed children. It's not a case that, excluding Sardinia and Trentino, all the regions you mentioned had a strong Roman culture.
Add also that Abruzzo, Tuscany and Lazio have a thing for fashion, women care a lot about their look.

05-19-2011, 10:41 PM
I'm not a nationalist and I don't like Italians that much.

I was speaking about girls here. They like mostly Italian and Spanish men. Among Northern Europeans, Swedish men seem to have the primate.

Comte Arnau
05-19-2011, 10:44 PM
Sorry but I don't see how you can reconcile being left wing and anti-mixing at the same time. It sounds like those (many) people who are capitalist and leftist at the same time.

I'm not pro-mixing but I'm not anti-mixing either. I just consider it a personal option, nothing of my business. I might only be concerned about it if suddenly a big number of my ethnic fellows decided to mix, because then it'd mean a significant change in my society. So far Catalans mainly mix with Catalans, other Iberians or other Europeans. Maybe what is increasing a bit is mixing with South American castizos/mestizos. Yet most 'Asian Catalans', for instance, are rather adopted than a product of mixing.

05-19-2011, 11:19 PM
They are only a people of 9,5 millions

...is a shockingly small number of inhabitants, for a nation...

alzo zero
05-20-2011, 10:09 AM
I just consider it a personal option, nothing of my business. I might only be concerned about it if suddenly a big number of my ethnic fellows decided to mix, because then it'd mean a significant change in my society.
I also think that it's a personal choice and once damage is done no third party should meddle in. I was speaking of "approving" it rather than not at theoretical level. And it seems to me that you don't either.

05-20-2011, 10:20 AM
France, Italy, Sweden, Wales, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic

05-20-2011, 10:47 AM
In terms of extremes, the English seem to be all over the place. They range from ideal forms to hideous. But that makes them interesting.

The Italians do seem to have some high levels of beauty in their gene pool, I must admit. (I think Americans see Sicilian "Italians" and equate that look with Italian Italian.)

But I still suspect the highest beauty that is unmistakenly European rests somewhere in the heart of continental Europe.

I really need to just visit Europe and make a more thorough assessment. :)

05-20-2011, 12:17 PM

05-24-2011, 07:58 PM
Men - Italy, Spain and Greece.
Women - Russia, Sweden and France.

The Alchemist
10-22-2011, 07:49 PM
Swedish and danes, no doubt about it. I'm personally not mad for ultrablond hair and fairy skin, but i find them the most beautiful in the world (i've been there so i can say it). An average person over there is tall, long-limbed, with big light eyes, angel face, beautiful nose and proportioned body. For me, the top are the swedish ones with brown hair. Fantastic contrast!!!! :thumb001:

10-22-2011, 07:49 PM

The Alchemist
10-22-2011, 07:53 PM
I've been in Praha last summer and i have to say, i've seen pretty girls but NO pretty guys :( :(

Queen B
10-22-2011, 07:55 PM

The Alchemist
10-22-2011, 07:56 PM
For my taste:
1. Swedish
2. Danes
3. Norwegians
4. Dutch
5. Germans
6. Baltic countries in general
7. Czech (but only the girls)

The Alchemist
10-22-2011, 08:01 PM

I've been in Samotraki and to be honest i didn't see any beautiful man, but i saw some pretty girls with delicate faces, light hair and eyes, and feminine bodies. They looked more "nordic" than average greeks, i don't know if they were all strangers or what :confused:

10-22-2011, 08:07 PM
I am not going to overthink it. I am sure we each have our own opinion. I'll keep it to three each.

Women: Sweden, Poland, Denmark
Men: Italy, Spain, Sweden

Were we supposed to select one? And of both sexes? It should have been a poll.

10-22-2011, 08:10 PM

Dude, get away from the mirror!

10-22-2011, 08:10 PM

Sagitta Hungarica
10-22-2011, 08:11 PM
There are certain physical features specific to a certain nation that I can go crazy about, so I appreciate various types of beauties, coming from all regions of Europe. Maybe I will post pictures of that specific look I think about a beauty from nation x, and what I appreciate. I think the biggest variety is in Central Europe, you can really find all types of women here, and it never gets boring to see similar looking women all the time.

10-22-2011, 09:59 PM
The war of "Tastes", this is not going to end well, and no one is going to change their opinion :D Personally, Slavic women, with a slight preference for South Slavic, as they are a bit more exotic looking than North Slavic. Also I find Southern European babes very attractive. Brunets float my boat ;)

10-22-2011, 10:11 PM
Dude, get away from the mirror!

Go to Slovakia and you will shit your pant. :....

10-22-2011, 10:30 PM
Monaco & Monte Carlo


10-22-2011, 10:33 PM
Whatever ethnicity the girl in BanjaLukas signature have.

10-22-2011, 10:35 PM
Whatever ethnicity the girl in BanjaLukas signature have.

Monaco & Monte Carlo


10-22-2011, 10:39 PM
I couldn't really say, every european ethnicity has fascinating beautiful women, but if I were allow to choose, I might go with french women.

I find this phenotype extremely attractive and hawt:




Being her phenotype atlantid with alpinoid tendencies I guess that one would be my fave phenotype.

10-22-2011, 11:01 PM
I couldn't really say, every european ethnicity has fascinating beautiful women, but if I were allow to choose, I might go with french women.

I find this phenotype extremely attractive and hawt:




Being her phenotype atlantid with alpinoid tendencies I guess that one would be my fave phenotype.

How can one disagree with that? They look sensual and feminine, you can't go wrong with a French lady. Plus, what language sounds sexier than French? Definitely on the short list.

10-22-2011, 11:09 PM
I might better, and be more likely, to choose a breed of animal. I think the European types to each have their own particular charm.

'One is prettier than another, I could not choose.'

Sean Connery


10-22-2011, 11:13 PM
I also love ginger and freckled women whatever their nationallity is:



10-22-2011, 11:42 PM
How can one disagree with that? They look sensual and feminine, you can't go wrong with a French lady. Plus, what language sounds sexier than French? Definitely on the short list.

Alizee is not properly French, she's Corsican.

Sebastianus Rex
10-22-2011, 11:51 PM
I particulary like dark or red haired women with light eyes.






10-23-2011, 12:35 AM
I go with Scandinavia, the German lands, the Netherlands, Northern Italy and Finland. :)
I also love ginger and freckled women whatever their nationallity is
Listen, I got freckles in my face and on my shoulder and I hate them. They look like rash or skin cancer, are oversensitive and itch in summer when exposed to the sun for longer than just some minutes.:dead0000: I made the discovery that most people who love freckes don't have freckles themselves and don't need to run around with them for all of their life.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-23-2011, 01:09 AM
As I said earlier I will post images of women that I find the ideal and most attractive look when I think of a certain nationality.

Part I

Romania-Monica Barladeanu

Russia-Maria Sharapova

Denmark-Maria Gregersen

Spain-Paz Vega

Italy-Emanuela Fulgori

Ireland-Natascha McElhone

England-Keira Knightley

Sweden-Malin Akerman

Ukraine-Galyna Andreeva

Finland-Kiira Korpi

Bulgaria-Laura Kirilova

Croatia-Lana Jurcevic

Sagitta Hungarica
10-23-2011, 01:10 AM
Part II

Netherlands-Kyra de Jong

Germany-Diane Kruger

Czech Republic-Hana Soukupova
http://www1.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Cinema+Society+Details+Screening+Hangover+3a5Vj6rc 7kml.jpg

Poland-Natasza Urbanska

Lithuania-Edita Vilkeviciute

France-Marion Cotillard

Hungary-Cseh Zsuzsa

Jake Featherston
10-23-2011, 01:26 AM
Meds > Celts > Slavs > Germanics

Jake Featherston
10-23-2011, 01:30 AM
If I had to pick a specific nationality, I'd probably go with Italian, but I'd likely be just as happy with Spanish, French, Croatian, or Bulgarian.

The Muse
10-23-2011, 01:46 AM
I'm going to go with Finns and Germans.

10-23-2011, 02:35 AM
Alizee is not properly French, she's Corsican.

French or not she is definitely on the short list ;)