View Full Version : Classify Cretan musician- interesting phenotype.

01-13-2019, 10:54 PM

Seth MacFarlane
01-13-2019, 11:01 PM
Cromagnid mediterran. Very Greek looking and he can pass in southern Italy well also

01-13-2019, 11:03 PM
Cromagnid mediterran. Very Greek looking and he can pass in southern Italy well also

Does he pass better as Jewish, Turkish or ex-Yugo?

01-13-2019, 11:05 PM
Looks like a morocan guy i know.

01-13-2019, 11:13 PM
Looks like a morocan guy i know.

moroccans score around 80% med, so it doesnt susrprise me. Does this man pass in Turkey as native?

01-13-2019, 11:20 PM
moroccans score around 80% med, so it doesnt susrprise me. Does this man pass in Turkey as native?

I haven't seen anyone like him but i think he can pass.. not sure tho

Seth MacFarlane
01-14-2019, 02:34 AM
Does he pass better as Jewish, Turkish or ex-Yugo?

Could probably pass as all three to some extent but not so much yugo

01-14-2019, 02:37 AM
a much older European phenotype, imo..

01-14-2019, 02:50 AM
Dinaro-Med + CM

Nothing interesting IMO. Looks typical.

01-14-2019, 07:49 AM
Could probably pass as all three to some extent but not so much yugo

He doesn't look Yugo as the majority of Cretans does not

I don't understand why anyone would expect Cretans to look like Yugos.

Its easy to find out if one realy wants to know just take a trip to Crete then
you will understand that people there don't look like South Slavs

Individualy in Greece everything exists you can find extremely Balkan Slavic or even Polish looking
Greeks till Assyrian looking ones but always on an individual basis not as a common thing.

Majority of Greek will look like you would expect people in that geographical location,climate and
landscape to look like

01-14-2019, 08:33 AM
Looks brachy.Some kind of dinaroCM type.Very typical face for greek mainland!

01-14-2019, 08:39 AM
Looks very greek. I cant imagine him as italian

Seth MacFarlane
01-14-2019, 12:09 PM
He doesn't look Yugo as the majority of Cretans does not

I don't understand why anyone would expect Cretans to look like Yugos.

Its easy to find out if one realy wants to know just take a trip to Crete then
you will understand that people there don't look like South Slavs

Individualy in Greece everything exists you can find extremely Balkan Slavic or even Polish looking
Greeks till Assyrian looking ones but always on an individual basis not as a common thing.

Majority of Greek will look like you would expect people in that geographical location,climate and
landscape to look like

Yea I agree , I said he doesent really pass . Passes better in turkey then exyugo Slavia because he’s looks mediterrean . But he’s a Very Greek looking man to say the least

01-14-2019, 12:18 PM
He doesn't look Yugo as the majority of Cretans does not

I don't understand why anyone would expect Cretans to look like Yugos.

Its easy to find out if one realy wants to know just take a trip to Crete then
you will understand that people there don't look like South Slavs

Individualy in Greece everything exists you can find extremely Balkan Slavic or even Polish looking
Greeks till Assyrian looking ones but always on an individual basis not as a common thing.

Majority of Greek will look like you would expect people in that geographical location,climate and
landscape to look like

Depends on what you consider common, for me even 1% of something can be considered common ,it would fill a whole decent city ,uncommon is something like Kasidiaris I would put guys like him under 5 digits /less than 0,1%

01-14-2019, 12:29 PM
Depends on what you consider common, for me even 1% of something can be considered common ,it would fill a whole decent city ,uncommon is something like Kasidiaris I would put guys like him under 5 digits /less than 0,1%

1% shouldn't be considered more common than a majority of 50% or 70%.
this is what i mean

Majority of Greeks look like what they are a South East European Mediteranean people
equidistant to Slavs and Levantines.

Note when i mean Mediteranean i don't mean pure Med in terms of phenotype but
that they look like people from a Mediteranean region in Europe.

01-14-2019, 04:59 PM

01-15-2019, 03:07 AM
He doesn't look Yugo as the majority of Cretans does not

I don't understand why anyone would expect Cretans to look like Yugos.

Its easy to find out if one realy wants to know just take a trip to Crete then
you will understand that people there don't look like South Slavs

Individualy in Greece everything exists you can find extremely Balkan Slavic or even Polish looking
Greeks till Assyrian looking ones but always on an individual basis not as a common thing.

Majority of Greek will look like you would expect people in that geographical location,climate and
landscape to look like

nice post

01-15-2019, 03:08 AM
1% shouldn't be considered more common than a majority of 50% or 70%.
this is what i mean

Majority of Greeks look like what they are a South East European Mediteranean people
equidistant to Slavs and Levantines.

Note when i mean Mediteranean i don't mean pure Med in terms of phenotype but
that they look like people from a Mediteranean region in Europe.


01-15-2019, 03:18 AM
Depends on what you consider common, for me even 1% of something can be considered common ,it would fill a whole decent city ,uncommon is something like Kasidiaris I would put guys like him under 5 digits /less than 0,1%

True wth