View Full Version : Which Murderous Villain Are You?

01-18-2019, 04:48 AM

Murderous Villain Test
You are the most like:
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
Chancellor of Nazi Germany
"I hate to disappoint people."

Personality Match

Like Adolf Hitler, you are introverted but nevertheless possess a charisma that is second to none because you are strongly attuned to people. When you put your mind to it, you can charm anyone. You have a dramatic flair and you like testing other people's boundaries to see what will happen. Be careful that you do not end up playing with fire and getting yourself into a dangerous situation which you cannot charm your way out of.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Disregarded the injunctions of friends and loved ones who tried to advise you against a decision in which they had a stake because you felt they did not see the comprehensive, underlying truth of the problem like you did?
Used your personal magnetism and charm to play favorites among the people in your life, keeping them in a position where each wanted to exceed the other in order to please you?
Trusted in premonitions and compelling mental images in situations where hard numbers might have served you better?
Refused a prudent compromise to the detriment of everyone involved because it went against the gist of your overall vision?
Used your empathic understanding to selectively edit your message and alter your demeanor so that people were led to believe that you were in agreement with them and shared their sentiments when you really didn't?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
More preoccupied with the give and take of social relations than the average person; someone who spends much time pondering the impressions that people make on one another and their feelings and views.
Likely to change moods more frequently than the average person and to tense up when subjected to stress.
More alert to threats and stressors in your environment than the average person, knowing that you must take care of yourself to maintain your balance and cool.
Likely to be worse at performing under pressure than the average person, being someone who needs their space in order to operate at their best.

Historical Background

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler and his policies precipitated the rise of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.

A sensitive fine arts painter and decorated veteran of World War I, he joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, became its leader in 1921 and attempted a coup to seize power in 1923. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, 'Mein Kampf,' in which he denounced international capitalism and communism as being part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler's political program brought about the largest armed conflict in history, leaving behind a devastated and impoverished world. His policies inflicted human suffering on an unprecedented scale and resulted in the death of an estimated 50 million people. Hitler's defeat marked the end of a phase of European history dominated by Germany as well as the defeat of fascism.

01-18-2019, 04:58 AM
According to this test I am an angel.


Personality Match

Your sweet personality does not match any Murderous Villain. It seems you are too pure of heart and introspective to ever inflict true evil upon the world. Being too sensitive for this world, you are more likely to take your own life than that of another.

Words of Warning

You are an angel, but even angels have dark sides - have you ever:

Assumed an innocuous attitude where you purposefully downplayed your resourcefulness as a means of making others step in and assume responsibility for you?
Intentionally "forgotten" objects in someone's home as a way of making sure that you were active in their consciousness and that they were thinking about you?
Internalized the opinions of others, blindly parroting their opinions back to them, as a way of avoiding conflict and trying to please?
Been so docile in a romantic relationship that it brought out antisocial, narcissistic, or sadistic traits in your partner, even though such traits had not been a part of your partner's personal history up to that point?
Projected your own need for a competent and nurturing 'other' onto someone who really did not have these traits - in other words, seeing them for what you wanted them to be, rather than for what they were?
Ignored someone's requests to break off a relationship by attempting to force the status quo on them and continue as if nothing has changed?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Angels are supernatural beings, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs and halos around their heads. They are found in various religions and mythologies.

In Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence. However, the term 'angel' has gradually been expanded to include various other meanings, such as protective 'guardian angels' and celestial guides for human beings, benevolently carrying out God's will.

In contemporary pop culture, the term 'angel' is sometimes used to refer to self-sacrificing humans who are seemingly 'too good for this world' and incapable of doing evil. However, in the Abrahamic tradition, angels have historically also been portrayed as celestial soldiers and warriors, imposing divine retribution upon the enemies of God.

01-18-2019, 05:07 AM
You are the most like:
Joseph Goebbels

Personality Match
Like Joseph Goebbels, you have exceptional sensitivity to the emotional elements of a situation and know just what to say to make others feel how you want them to feel. Your special combination of social and artistic sensitivities is a hit with all manner of people and you truly are a force to be reckoned with. However, take care that you do not abuse your charisma to morally condemn and invalidate the disagreement of others, lest you find yourself resented for pursuing a self-serving agenda under the cover of flowery rhetoric.

01-18-2019, 05:24 AM

Like Vladimir Putin, you always keep your cool, even under circumstances that would cause others to break out a sweat. Normally you keep a low profile, but when an opportunity arises, you decisively spring into action, catching others off-guard and making the most of the opening presented to you. Take care to reign in the smartassery, though, or risk antagonizing others to the point of provoking massive retaliation.

Scientific Research
According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More likely than the average person to judge people by their actions, rather than by their words.
More likely than the average person to cut straight to the chase when talking.
More likely than the average person to simply look at the bottom line as opposed to pondering a lot of qualifications and maybes.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

01-18-2019, 05:31 AM

Personality Match

Like Karl Doenitz, you tend to your tasks with conscientiousness and steady perseverance and as a result find yourself entrusted with ever-increasing responsibility as others learn that they can rely on you to excel. While you are an asset to any endeavor, you should not be afraid to question the judgment of those who are in authority lest you find yourself faithfully pulling the project in the wrong direction.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

- Been so used to being the only one capable of handling things responsibly and by the book that you failed to take stock of a great new idea that somebody else had once it finally came your way?

- Placed too much credence in others' ability to be reasonable and prudent, perhaps hoping that more fanciful natures than your own could be brought to their senses by way of calm and rational presentation?

- Been so strong-willed and dutiful that you refused to abandon a project or obligation that you had committed to, even though it might have been thoroughly justified (and indeed wise) to do so?

- Been so over-focused on work and professional obligations that you neglected to spend time with your family, friends, and loved ones?

- Used your knowledge of the facts, and experience of how things work, to judge and dismiss others on factual grounds, even though their qualms may have been emotional, not factual?

- Unreasonably blamed yourself for the lapses and poor work ethic of others, taking it upon yourself to carry their responsibilities along with your own?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

- More likely than the average person to judge people by their actions, rather than by their words.
- More likely than the average person to cut straight to the chase when talking.
- More likely than the average person to simply look at the bottom line as opposed to pondering a lot of qualifications and maybes.
- More planful, organized, and goal-oriented than the average person.
- Likely to have had a higher grade point average in school than the average person.
- Less likely than the average person to ever have cheated on your homework, exams, or a loved one.
- More likely than the average person to leave an orderly room when you go to work in the morning.

01-18-2019, 05:33 AM

Murderous Villain Test
You are the most like:
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
Chancellor of Nazi Germany
"I hate to disappoint people."

Personality Match

Like Adolf Hitler, you are introverted but nevertheless possess a charisma that is second to none because you are strongly attuned to people. When you put your mind to it, you can charm anyone. You have a dramatic flair and you like testing other people's boundaries to see what will happen. Be careful that you do not end up playing with fire and getting yourself into a dangerous situation which you cannot charm your way out of.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Disregarded the injunctions of friends and loved ones who tried to advise you against a decision in which they had a stake because you felt they did not see the comprehensive, underlying truth of the problem like you did?
Used your personal magnetism and charm to play favorites among the people in your life, keeping them in a position where each wanted to exceed the other in order to please you?
Trusted in premonitions and compelling mental images in situations where hard numbers might have served you better?
Refused a prudent compromise to the detriment of everyone involved because it went against the gist of your overall vision?
Used your empathic understanding to selectively edit your message and alter your demeanor so that people were led to believe that you were in agreement with them and shared their sentiments when you really didn't?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
More preoccupied with the give and take of social relations than the average person; someone who spends much time pondering the impressions that people make on one another and their feelings and views.
Likely to change moods more frequently than the average person and to tense up when subjected to stress.
More alert to threats and stressors in your environment than the average person, knowing that you must take care of yourself to maintain your balance and cool.
Likely to be worse at performing under pressure than the average person, being someone who needs their space in order to operate at their best.

Historical Background

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler and his policies precipitated the rise of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.

A sensitive fine arts painter and decorated veteran of World War I, he joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, became its leader in 1921 and attempted a coup to seize power in 1923. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, 'Mein Kampf,' in which he denounced international capitalism and communism as being part of a Jewish conspiracy.

Hitler's political program brought about the largest armed conflict in history, leaving behind a devastated and impoverished world. His policies inflicted human suffering on an unprecedented scale and resulted in the death of an estimated 50 million people. Hitler's defeat marked the end of a phase of European history dominated by Germany as well as the defeat of fascism.

What would Hitler do if he knew you were 4.7% Ashkenazi

01-18-2019, 05:37 AM
What would Hitler do if he knew you were 4.7% Ashkenazi

It wouldn't count.

Crimson Winds
01-18-2019, 05:39 AM

Personality Match

Like Muammar Gaddafi, you are extravagantly and unashamedly quirky, prizing experiences and conversations that are out of the ordinary. You are lively and free-spirited - maybe a little too free-spirited - and won't be trapped and suffocated by anything. You find conformity stifling in every sense, whether it be regular everyday 9-5 routines, mainstream fashion, or rigorous academic requirements of intellectual consistency. By all means keep doing your own thing, but realize that a greater awareness of practical concerns may benefit both yourself and those around you.

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.

01-18-2019, 05:40 AM
It wouldn't count.

because you have a Germanic build?

01-18-2019, 05:52 AM


Personality Match

Like Mao Zedong, you are intellectually curious and novelty-seeking to a fault. You are bored by doing things the tried-and-true way and love nothing better than to embark on a new and challenging project. However, keep in mind that those around you may not appreciate experiments as much as you do - particularly if they will have to deal with the consequences long after you've lost interest and moved on.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Chased after something completely new and untried because it stimulated your imagination, only to find that there were very good practical reasons that this particular solution had never been tried?
Found yourself unable to focus because you were on such an intellectual high that you positively wanted to do everything at once?
Driven others to exhaustion by seeking out argument and controversy, possibly even arguing both sides of a case just for the fun of it?
Found yourself unable "to leave well enough alone," always having to tinker and push against the boundaries just to see what would happen?
"Sweated the small stuff" and forgotten about important things like flight times, tax returns, and subscription renewals simply because you could not be bothered to deal with the nitty-gritty of practical matters?
Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

01-18-2019, 06:05 AM
According to this test I am an angel.


Personality Match

Your sweet personality does not match any Murderous Villain. It seems you are too pure of heart and introspective to ever inflict true evil upon the world. Being too sensitive for this world, you are more likely to take your own life than that of another.

Words of Warning

You are an angel, but even angels have dark sides - have you ever:

Assumed an innocuous attitude where you purposefully downplayed your resourcefulness as a means of making others step in and assume responsibility for you?
Intentionally "forgotten" objects in someone's home as a way of making sure that you were active in their consciousness and that they were thinking about you?
Internalized the opinions of others, blindly parroting their opinions back to them, as a way of avoiding conflict and trying to please?
Been so docile in a romantic relationship that it brought out antisocial, narcissistic, or sadistic traits in your partner, even though such traits had not been a part of your partner's personal history up to that point?
Projected your own need for a competent and nurturing 'other' onto someone who really did not have these traits - in other words, seeing them for what you wanted them to be, rather than for what they were?
Ignored someone's requests to break off a relationship by attempting to force the status quo on them and continue as if nothing has changed?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Angels are supernatural beings, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs and halos around their heads. They are found in various religions and mythologies.

In Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence. However, the term 'angel' has gradually been expanded to include various other meanings, such as protective 'guardian angels' and celestial guides for human beings, benevolently carrying out God's will.

In contemporary pop culture, the term 'angel' is sometimes used to refer to self-sacrificing humans who are seemingly 'too good for this world' and incapable of doing evil. However, in the Abrahamic tradition, angels have historically also been portrayed as celestial soldiers and warriors, imposing divine retribution upon the enemies of God.

This should have been mine

01-18-2019, 07:19 AM
I got Albert Speer. I'm slightly less focused and carefree (being slightly more flexible and brooding instead) than him supposedly with us more or less matching up in other areas on the graph. Info below looks pretty accurate for me.

Personality Match

Like Albert Speer, you are intellectually minded. You see yourself as an observer of events rather than as a partaker in them - as someone who analyzes rather than influences, and thinks rather than does. However, you should remember that your detached analytical stance does not make you an innocent bystander in life and that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Passivity is also a choice that affects others.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

• Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
• Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
• Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
• Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
• Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

• Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
• Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
• Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
• More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
• More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
• More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
• More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
• More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
• More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
• More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
• More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
• More preoccupied with the give and take of social relations than the average person; someone who spends much time pondering the impressions that people make on one another and their feelings and views.
• Likely to change moods more frequently than the average person and to tense up when subjected to stress.
• More alert to threats and stressors in your environment than the average person, knowing that you must take care of yourself to maintain your balance and cool.
• Likely to be worse at performing under pressure than the average person, being someone who needs their space in order to operate at their best.

Historical Background

Albert Speer (1905-1981) was a German architect who served as the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments and War Production for part of World War II. Speer became a member of the Nazi Party in 1931. His impressive architectural skills won him entry into Hitler's inner circle. He designed stadiums for Nazi Party rallies. In 1942, he was appointed to the war production cabinet position. Despite constant Allied bombings, German war production continued to increase while he was in charge.

In 1946, he was tried at Nuremberg and was apologetic for his crimes. He was sentenced to twenty years, mainly due to his use of forced labor for production. He served most of his sentence in Spandau Prison and spent his remaining years living in relative obscurity in West Germany. He published three books about his experiences with the Third Reich and died in 1981 of natural causes.

01-18-2019, 11:51 AM
Vladimir Lenin.

Like Vladimir Lenin, you are confident in your intellectual ability and supremely driven to improve the world according to your vision - even if it means you have to steamroll those who fail to understand how your way is better. You probably think that it takes a special and unique kind of person to understand the full merit of your abilities and therefore see little reason to listen to others anyway. Our advice to you is to not be so dismissive of other people's input - but we don't expect that you are willing to take it.

Words of Warning
Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
Been so possessed by an intellectual idea that you felt it was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, feeling that you simply had to implement it in the real world, no matter the cost?

Misconstrued the motives of others, believing they were out to belittle or diminish you, throwing acerbic sarcasm in their faces when all they wanted was to call your attention to their perspective as well?

Lived so thoroughly in your head that you vacillated between binge-eating, drinking, etc. and then practically fasting?
Construed yourself as the sole light of the world, neglecting to give credit to the people whose contributions were in some sense a prerequisite of yours?

Used your analytical acumen to vehemently point out the flaws and deficiencies in the doings of others, while seeing little need to state the good?

01-18-2019, 12:18 PM

Personality Match

Your sweet personality does not match any Murderous Villain. It seems you are too pure of heart and introspective to ever inflict true evil upon the world. Being too sensitive for this world, you are more likely to take your own life than that of another.

Words of Warning

You are an angel, but even angels have dark sides - have you ever:

Assumed an innocuous attitude where you purposefully downplayed your resourcefulness as a means of making others step in and assume responsibility for you?
Intentionally "forgotten" objects in someone's home as a way of making sure that you were active in their consciousness and that they were thinking about you?
Internalized the opinions of others, blindly parroting their opinions back to them, as a way of avoiding conflict and trying to please?
Been so docile in a romantic relationship that it brought out antisocial, narcissistic, or sadistic traits in your partner, even though such traits had not been a part of your partner's personal history up to that point?
Projected your own need for a competent and nurturing 'other' onto someone who really did not have these traits - in other words, seeing them for what you wanted them to be, rather than for what they were?
Ignored someone's requests to break off a relationship by attempting to force the status quo on them and continue as if nothing has changed?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.
More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

Historical Background

Angels are supernatural beings, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs and halos around their heads. They are found in various religions and mythologies.

In Zoroastrianism and Abrahamic religions, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence. However, the term 'angel' has gradually been expanded to include various other meanings, such as protective 'guardian angels' and celestial guides for human beings, benevolently carrying out God's will.

In contemporary pop culture, the term 'angel' is sometimes used to refer to self-sacrificing humans who are seemingly 'too good for this world' and incapable of doing evil. However, in the Abrahamic tradition, angels have historically also been portrayed as celestial soldiers and warriors, imposing divine retribution upon the enemies of God.

01-18-2019, 12:35 PM
heinrich himmler

ioan assen
01-18-2019, 01:04 PM
Personality Match

Like Albert Speer, you are intellectually minded. You see yourself as an observer of events rather than as a partaker in them - as someone who analyzes rather than influences, and thinks rather than does. However, you should remember that your detached analytical stance does not make you an innocent bystander in life and that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Passivity is also a choice that affects others.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
•Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
•Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
•Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
•Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
•Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

• More preoccupied with the give and take of social relations than the average person; someone who spends much time pondering the impressions that people make on one another and their feelings and views.
•Likely to change moods more frequently than the average person and to tense up when subjected to stress.
•More alert to threats and stressors in your environment than the average person, knowing that you must take care of yourself to maintain your balance and cool.
•Likely to be worse at performing under pressure than the average person, being someone who needs their space in order to operate at their best.

Historical Background

Albert Speer (1905-1981) was a German architect who served as the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments and War Production for part of World War II. Speer became a member of the Nazi Party in 1931. His impressive architectural skills won him entry into Hitler's inner circle. He designed stadiums for Nazi Party rallies. In 1942, he was appointed to the war production cabinet position. Despite constant Allied bombings, German war production continued to increase while he was in charge.

In 1946, he was tried at Nuremberg and was apologetic for his crimes. He was sentenced to twenty years, mainly due to his use of forced labor for production. He served most of his sentence in Spandau Prison and spent his remaining years living in relative obscurity in West Germany. He published three books about his experiences with the Third Reich and died in 1981 of natural causes.

01-18-2019, 01:12 PM
Saddam Hussein
Personality Match

Like Saddam Hussein, you are tough-minded, blunt, no-nonsense and authoritarian. You enjoy being in charge, and you are skeptical of both starry-eyed idealists and slippery, smooth-tongued operators. Nevertheless, you must take such people seriously or else you may one day find the rug being pulled out from under you.

01-18-2019, 02:57 PM
Albert Speer
Minister of Armaments in Nazi Germany
"One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder."

Personality Match
Like Albert Speer, you are intellectually minded. You see yourself as an observer of events rather than as a partaker in them - as someone who analyzes rather than influences, and thinks rather than does. However, you should remember that your detached analytical stance does not make you an innocent bystander in life and that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Passivity is also a choice that affects others.

Words of Warning
Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
• Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
• Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
• Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
• Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
• Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?

Scientific Research
According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:
• Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
• Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
• Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
• More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
• Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
• Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
• Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
• More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
• More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
• More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
• More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.

Historical Background
Albert Speer (1905-1981) was a German architect who served as the Third Reich's Minister of Armaments and War Production for part of World War II. Speer became a member of the Nazi Party in 1931. His impressive architectural skills won him entry into Hitler's inner circle. He designed stadiums for Nazi Party rallies. In 1942, he was appointed to the war production cabinet position. Despite constant Allied bombings, German war production continued to increase while he was in charge.
In 1946, he was tried at Nuremberg and was apologetic for his crimes. He was sentenced to twenty years, mainly due to his use of forced labor for production. He served most of his sentence in Spandau Prison and spent his remaining years living in relative obscurity in West Germany. He published three books about his experiences with the Third Reich and died in 1981 of natural causes.

01-18-2019, 03:14 PM


Personality Match

Like Vladimir Putin, you always keep your cool, even under circumstances that would cause others to break out a sweat. Normally you keep a low profile, but when an opportunity arises, you decisively spring into action, catching others off-guard and making the most of the opening presented to you. Take care to reign in the smartassery, though, or risk antagonizing others to the point of provoking massive retaliation.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Used your hard-headedness and social reticence to 'psych people out' and intimidate them into not voicing legitimate criticisms of you?
Regarded other people as oversensitive crybabies, simply because they were not as 'hard-boiled' as you?
Seized an opportunity so fully as it arose, guns blazing, that you found yourself unable to account for the long-term consequences of your initial audacity?
Held back vital information from allies and teammates because you did not see the point of sharing and you thought you could handle everything yourself?
Abandoned a course of action just as it was about to bear fruit because you felt tied down and wanted to be free to adapt?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

01-18-2019, 03:24 PM
^^ privet, kak delo?

01-18-2019, 03:54 PM
Not very exact as I thought, but it did well.



Personality Match

Like Joseph Stalin, you are a force to be reckoned with. Tough-minded, effective, combative, and controlling, you assert yourself and dominate the situation wherever you go. Anything that can be approached as a challenge you approach with full intent to dominate and succeed. However, you would do well to remember that a ruthless 'in it to win it' attitude does not inspire much love and may leave you lonely in the long run.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Steamrolled others in a debate and pushed your solution through with impunity, simply because others were not able to produce the sort of rational and objective analysis that you were?
Used your own standard of efficiency and competence as a universal yardstick by which you measured *all* human beings, thus leading you to see softer and slower natures than your own as subpar?
Used your intellectual superiority to offer people an over-simplified worldview in which they could easily find meaning and freedom from the anxiety of having to fend for themselves, if only they did what you asked of them?
Exploited your ability to appear authoritative and imposing to stress someone out and subdue them, even though they might have had good reasons for disagreeing with you?
Sought power for power's sake without ever questioning the assumption that this was what would make you happy?

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More planful, organized, and goal-oriented than the average person.
Likely to have had a higher grade point average in school than the average person.
Less likely than the average person to ever have cheated on your homework, exams, or a loved one.
More likely than the average person to leave an orderly room when you go to work in the morning.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.

Historical Background

Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) led the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death. Georgian by birth, he was a member of the Bolshevik Party which was a major participant in the 1917 Russian Revolution. After the death of Lenin in 1924, Stalin quickly consolidated political power and eliminated opposition to his rule.

Upon seizing power, he launched an agricultural reform program to convert the Soviet Union into an industrial power. The resulting famines and forced labor camps caused the deaths of as many as ten million peasants between 1926 and 1934. Following that, he had millions of supposed 'enemies of the Soviet Union' executed, exiled, or imprisoned during the Great Purge. Stalin died of natural causes in 1953, by which time the Soviet Union had became a superpower, but that was insufficient to prevent Stalin's successor, Nikita Khrushchev, from decrying Stalin's legacy and issuing a program of de-Stalinization in 1956.

01-18-2019, 04:24 PM
Benito Mussolini

Like Benito Mussolini, you are high in energy, sociable and spontaneous. When you are inspired to throw yourself into something, your enthusiasm is contagious, and others enjoy coming along with you for the ride. However, if you do not take care to think things through, you may find yourself trapped by consequences that could easily have been foreseen and avoided by more cautious people.

01-18-2019, 09:23 PM

Personality Match

Like Vladimir Putin, you always keep your cool, even under circumstances that would cause others to break out a sweat. Normally you keep a low profile, but when an opportunity arises, you decisively spring into action, catching others off-guard and making the most of the opening presented to you. Take care to reign in the smartassery, though, or risk antagonizing others to the point of provoking massive retaliation.

Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More likely than the average person to judge people by their actions, rather than by their words.
More likely than the average person to cut straight to the chase when talking.
More likely than the average person to simply look at the bottom line as opposed to pondering a lot of qualifications and maybes.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.

01-18-2019, 09:39 PM
How is Putin considered a "Murderous Villain" ?

01-18-2019, 09:46 PM
Apparently I’m a more cool-headed version of Adolf.


01-18-2019, 10:02 PM
Got Putin.


01-18-2019, 10:21 PM
Vladimir Putin

01-18-2019, 10:28 PM
How is Putin considered a "Murderous Villain" ?

Who knows but I would suggest those who "matched" him are the very best of TA. Level-headed and relatively normal :joker000:

01-18-2019, 10:43 PM

01-18-2019, 10:57 PM
Ironic that Richmondbread, a self proclaimed Germanic with partial Jewish origin, matches Hitler, a man of similar ilk.

01-18-2019, 11:16 PM
Ironic that Richmondbread, a self proclaimed Germanic with partial Jewish origin, matches Hitler, a man of similar ilk.

No. no no no no .

01-19-2019, 12:43 AM
Apparently I’m a more cool-headed version of Adolf.


And I'm an introvert Stalin, go to gulag!

01-19-2019, 05:12 AM
Albert Speer

Armenian Bishop
01-19-2019, 10:27 AM
I got matched with Hitler. It shows me as more extroverted; I'm a borderline introvert/extrovert. It shows me as a bit more of a dreamer, and brooder too. The rest of it matches closely.

01-19-2019, 06:22 PM
How is Putin considered a "Murderous Villain" ?

He is responsible for many deaths, this way or another.

01-19-2019, 06:26 PM
He is responsible for many deaths, this way or another.

Few heads of state aren't responsible for deaths. From murder by migrants, to weapons sold to certain unruly states or their direct involvement by ordering the armed forces to "intervene".

01-19-2019, 06:34 PM
probably because i am a pragmatist

https://i.ibb.co/XsDs2J5/lenin.jpg (https://ibb.co/vPhPwzd)

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
01-19-2019, 06:39 PM

Personality Match

Like Karl Doenitz, you tend to your tasks with conscientiousness and steady perseverance and as a result find yourself entrusted with ever-increasing responsibility as others learn that they can rely on you to excel. While you are an asset to any endeavor, you should not be afraid to question the judgment of those who are in authority lest you find yourself faithfully pulling the project in the wrong direction.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Been so used to being the only one capable of handling things responsibly and by the book that you failed to take stock of a great new idea that somebody else had once it finally came your way?
Placed too much credence in others' ability to be reasonable and prudent, perhaps hoping that more fanciful natures than your own could be brought to their senses by way of calm and rational presentation?
Been so strong-willed and dutiful that you refused to abandon a project or obligation that you had committed to, even though it might have been thoroughly justified (and indeed wise) to do so?
Been so over-focused on work and professional obligations that you neglected to spend time with your family, friends, and loved ones?
Used your knowledge of the facts, and experience of how things work, to judge and dismiss others on factual grounds, even though their qualms may have been emotional, not factual?
Unreasonably blamed yourself for the lapses and poor work ethic of others, taking it upon yourself to carry their responsibilities along with your own?
Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More likely than the average person to judge people by their actions, rather than by their words.
More likely than the average person to cut straight to the chase when talking.
More likely than the average person to simply look at the bottom line as opposed to pondering a lot of qualifications and maybes.
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
More planful, organized, and goal-oriented than the average person.
Likely to have had a higher grade point average in school than the average person.
Less likely than the average person to ever have cheated on your homework, exams, or a loved one.
More likely than the average person to leave an orderly room when you go to work in the morning.
More critical, cold-headed, and detached than the average person.
More suspicious of the motives of others than the average person and quicker to detect a lie or an attempt to manipulate you than the average person.
More at ease with making cynical and tough decisions than the average person.
More likely than the average person to be barbed and acerbic with people who irritate you.
Less preoccupied than the average person with how you are perceived in the eyes of others.
More psychologically robust and better at absorbing shocks and setbacks than the average person.
Less worried about stressors and threats in your environment than the average person; not being one to be easily irritated or upset.
Someone who performs better under pressure than the average person.
Historical Background

Karl Doenitz (1891-1980) was a German naval officer who had a major role in the naval battles of World War II. Doenitz's career started in the Imperial Navy, and during World War I he was captured by British soldiers. While in captivity, he formulated the tactic known as wolfpack. He was the senior officer of submarines in the Kriegsmarine at the start of World War II. In 1943, he was awarded the rank of Grand Admiral and became the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

After Hitler's death, Doenitz was named as the new head of state and given the title of President as specified in Hitler's will. Doenitz's presidency was fleeting because of the ongoing Allied invasion and occupation of Germany. He was found guilty at the Nuremberg trials and served a ten-year sentence. He spent the rest of his life living in West Germany and was unrepentant about his role in the Third Reich

01-19-2019, 06:39 PM
Personality Match

Like Benito Mussolini, you are high in energy, sociable and spontaneous. When you are inspired to throw yourself into something, your enthusiasm is contagious, and others enjoy coming along with you for the ride. However, if you do not take care to think things through, you may find yourself trapped by consequences that could easily have been foreseen and avoided by more cautious people.

Words of Warning

Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:

Used your boldness and spontaneity to do and get away with things that you really shouldn't have?
Used your charm and ability to form personal connections with people to get them on board with a course of action that they might not otherwise have been willing to support?
Downplayed or ignored genuine points of conflict with others that you really should have tended to, simply because you did not want it to spoil your enjoyment of the moment?
Let your preference for immediacy and directness blot out more academic or complexity-laden voices that might otherwise have been able to offer a valuable, if belabored, perspective?
Let your own positive feelings about present and past accomplishments overpower your sense of equitability, leading you to take center stage in social situations and come across as boastful?
Scientific Research

According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:

More likely than the average person to judge people by their actions, rather than by their words.
More likely than the average person to cut straight to the chase when talking.
More likely than the average person to simply look at the bottom line as opposed to pondering a lot of qualifications and maybes.
More spontaneous and flexible in your approach to problem solving than the average person.
More risk-prone, and less afraid of exposing yourself to risk, than the average person.
More likely than the average person to believe that "rules are meant to be broken" and to utilize that belief to your own advantage.
More likely than the average person to leave a messy room when you go to work in the morning.

01-19-2019, 06:40 PM
He is responsible for many deaths, this way or another.


01-19-2019, 06:45 PM


01-19-2019, 07:24 PM

But this is true. What does me being Polish have anything in common with it? :confused: He was also a KGB agent.

If you think that all these murders / poisonings on independent journalists or politicians hostile / those who even disagree with him have nothing to do with him than you are naive. And all that still holds water even if you are a supporter of Putin. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, he's nasty but then again many other politicans also are.

Here you have a comprehensive list of journalists killed in Russia.


01-19-2019, 07:25 PM