View Full Version : Viktor Rydberg...Teutonic Mythology ebook.

11-14-2008, 06:04 AM

Idun was the beautiful goddess who in Asgard was keeper of the apples which the gods ate to preserve eternal youth. She is most generally regarded as the wife of Brage. Heimdal, the son of nine mothers, was guardian against the giants of the bridge of the gods, Bifröst. With a trumpet he summoned all the gods together at Ragnarok when he and Loke slew each other. He was the god of light. Loke though beautiful in form was like Lucifer in character and was hence called the god of destruction. By the giantess Angerboda he had three offspring, viz: the Midgard serpent, the Fenris-wolf, and Hela, the latter becoming goddess of Hel. Brage was the son of Odin and being represented as the chief skald in Valhalla he is called the god of poetry.

01-30-2009, 04:16 PM
I like the way Viktor Rydberg thought..

The following writings can be found under the articles section of www.aetaustralia.org. They were written by William P. Reaves.

Here is a quote from The Myth in Regard to the Mead (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrodingunnlod.htm)

Thus, from the surviving record in regard to the genuine heathen mead-myth, we can summarize as follows:

In the beginning of time, Mimir and Surt worked closely together, both in possession of the mead of inspiration. Together they created the dwarves and elves. At some point, they dissolve their association and Surt takes a number of dwarves with him to sunken dales, deep in the south, inaccessible to the gods. In Surt's hall,.a wedding is planned in which Svigđir, who
from other sources, not mentioned here, has previously obtained a supply of mead from Mimir's well, and brought it for safe keeping to Surt's realm. In exchange for the mead, he plans to marry Fjalar's daughter Gunnlod. The enemies of the gods, both "Suttungs Synir," the fire-giants and "Hrim-thursar," frost-giants are gathered in the hall awaiting Svigdir's arrival. The expected guest arrives, but, unbeknownst to them, it is secretly Odin in disguise. The real Svigđir is dispatched outside the hall. Odin takes the place of the groom, and marries the giantess Gunnlod. At the wedding feast he drinks to excess, dropping careless words which endanger his masquerade. Sometime in the night, the fire-giants ambush Odin, who kills one of Fjalars sons. Odin manages to escape through a hole in the rock with the mead, and returns safely to Asgard. However, he has made a mortal enemy of Surt who plots to kill Odin's own son, Thor. Unsuccessful in his attempt on Thor's life, and fearful of his power, Surt bides his time until he appears at Ragnarok, wielding Frey's sword, and destroys heaven and earth. Thus we have uncovered an unbroken chain of events from the Creation through to the destruction of the powers lying hidden in plain sight in the poems of the Elder Edda. Had it not been for the confusion perpetuated by Snorri, the tale would be well-known.

The Aesir and The Elves (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwraesirelves.htm)
The Concept of Epic Mythology (Dr. V Rydberg - Translated & Edited by William Reaves) (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrinvestigations.htm)
Food of the Gods (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrfoodgods.htm)
Gullveig (Dr. V Rydberg - Edited by William Reaves) (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrgullveig.htm)
Heimdallr (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrheimdallr.htm)
The Identity of Gullveig in Völuspá (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrgullveig1.htm)
Indo-European Origins of The Contest of The Artists (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrartistscontest.htm)
Literal Mythic Geography (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrmythgeo.htm)
Loki Bound (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrlokibound.htm)
"Lost" Myths (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrlostmyths.htm)
The Myth in Regard to the Mead (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrodingunnlod.htm)
Mythic Geography (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrmythicgeography.htm)
Nerthus: Towards an Identification (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrnerthus.htm)
Nine Reasons to Identify Frigg with Jord (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrfrigg.htm)
Position of Urds Well (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrfrigg.htm)
The Problem of Harbard (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrharbard.htm)
Relevancy of Myth (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrrelevancymyth.htm)
Saxo, Tacitus and Grains of Salt (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrsaxotacitus.htm)
Urd: Spinning Fate Among the Stars (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrspinningfate.htm)
The Use of the Name Narvi (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrnarvi.htm)
Voluspa 9-10: Creation of the Dwarves (http://www.aetaustralia.org/articles/arwrdwarves.htm)
