View Full Version : CLASSIFY!... Eddie Murphy

The Great Uniter
01-20-2019, 05:51 AM

01-20-2019, 05:52 AM

Enviado desde mi SM-T239M mediante Tapatalk

The Great Uniter
01-20-2019, 05:53 AM

Enviado desde mi SM-T239M mediante Tapatalk

:picard2: next

The Great Uniter
01-20-2019, 06:01 AM
Imo he is definitely Central Bantuid/Senegalid-Sudanid combination probably with some white but it's a small percentage of white ingrained into his genetic structure.

01-20-2019, 06:07 AM
I love his movies

The Great Uniter
01-20-2019, 06:18 AM
I love his movies

I do suspect he might be a benevolent psychopath/sociopath with some stupid racist ideology which he transverses it in the form of humour and stand-up comedy to save face. Why do I think so? For the following reasons:

- He is extremely successful, almost on par with few.
- He is very charming and quiet at times.
- He displayed promiscuous and filthy-mouthed behaviour in the past and his 10th child in a row objectively proves it, he is known for talking down to "white" people especially Italians for Rocky but did it in a form of comedy.
- He shows no signs of emotions such as sadness and crying. None.
- He is excellently talented at putting mask and impresonating without remorse, without being called that whatever he does is "for psychiatric hospitals" and he definitely proved that with his fully undetectably impresonation of Saul in "Coming in America".
- He had a tragic past meaning one of his parents was murdered in a crime of passion.
- Excellent actor, excellent singer and very good comedian.

The Great Uniter
01-20-2019, 06:57 AM
O o o o o! Somebody just unreasonably downvoted my first original thread-post, man! We caught the WACIST! Looking, atchu B a n d e s h a