View Full Version : You are the casting director for the new Hannibal Barca film.. who do you cast as Hannibal?

01-20-2019, 09:03 AM

You can post an image of any actor/plumber/person that would make for an aesthetic fit for the role..

Thread may become interesting, given the contention surrounding Hannibal's appearance..

01-20-2019, 09:06 AM
from TA members?

01-20-2019, 09:11 AM
from TA members?

No, from actors (or any other non TA folks).. I'm interested in this because of the contention surrounding the generalissimo's appearance..

01-20-2019, 09:36 AM
I don't know who is who in the acting profession but from past members, maybe Egyptian.

01-20-2019, 09:39 AM
I don't know who is who in the acting profession but from past members, maybe Egyptian.

Cheers, but I don't mean out of TA members.. It could be an actor/sportsman/politician/plumber.. whoever fits the role aesthetically, in your opinion..

02-05-2020, 11:22 PM
seriously myself

The Blade
02-06-2020, 02:48 PM
Rami Malek.

02-06-2020, 08:07 PM
A jew or a lebanese

02-06-2020, 08:19 PM
Hannibal Barca was mainly Levantine. So a typical Lebanese would fit well.


02-06-2020, 08:23 PM
Denzel Washington.

02-06-2020, 08:24 PM
Myself, i bet Hannibal looked like me back in

02-06-2020, 09:58 PM
Hannibal Barca was mainly Levantine. So a typical Lebanese would fit well.


There is no evidence that he was levantine no historians (and i have tons of books here) support the theory of him being of foreign origin. The argument : "carthage was founded by phoenicians so hannibal must have been levantine" is beyond ridiculous.

02-06-2020, 09:58 PM
Nicholas Cage

02-06-2020, 09:59 PM
Idris Elba

just joking

02-06-2020, 10:02 PM
Idris Elba

just joking


02-06-2020, 10:08 PM
There is no evidence that he was levantine no historians (and i have tons of books here) support the theory of him being of foreign origin. The argument : "carthage was founded by phoenicians so hannibal must have been levantine" is beyond ridiculous.

His father was from the landed aristocracy of Carthage, that was Levantine.

I think however that he had surely berber ancestry.

Going by pictures I definitely think that a jew or a Lebanese would fit very well.There are italians with that look occasionaly as well.

02-06-2020, 10:29 PM
His father was from the landed aristocracy of Carthage, that was Levantine.

I think however that he had surely berber ancestry.

Going by pictures I definitely think that a jew or a Lebanese would fit very well.There are italians with that look occasionaly as well.

There is no evidence that the carthaginian aristocracy was levantine either his father's family wasn't even from carthage and we know nothing about his mother. Meanwhile the carthaginian aristocracy wasn't closed to the locals as good examples you have the wedding between syphax and sophonisba or naravas and salaambô actually it was very common for them to mixed with berbers. Also hannibal lived 550 years after the foundation of carthage and carthage was already independent from the mainland since the 6th century BCE so I really doubt he was levantine but probably just a punicized berber. As for the bust of hannibal historians are still not sure if it really represent him but if it's him then he's pan-med. BTW in the book about the punic wars of yann le bohec he said that the real bust of hannibal is actually the bust of juba 2 present at the madrid's museum (i found it weird that a bust of a moorish king was found in spain so the hannibal hypothesis sounds more logical) if it's true then he clearly wasn't levantine this bust looks like the average moroccan

02-06-2020, 10:37 PM
There is no evidence that the carthaginian aristocracy was levantine either his father's family wasn't even from carthage and we know nothing about his mother. Meanwhile the carthaginian aristocracy wasn't closed to the locals as good examples you have the wedding between syphax and sophonisba or naravas and salaambô actually it was very common for them to mixed with berbers. Also hannibal lived 550 years after the foundation of carthage and carthage was already independent from the mainland since the 6th century BCE so I really doubt he was levantine but probably just a punicized berber. As for the bust of hannibal historians are still not sure if it really represent him but if it's him then he's pan-med. BTW in the book about the punic wars of yann le bohec he said that the real bust of hannibal is actually the bust of juba 2 present at the madrid's museum (i found it weird that a bust of a moorish king was found in spain so the hannibal hypothesis sounds more logical) if it's true then he clearly wasn't levantine this bust looks like the average moroccan

If you see the coins, to me he could be anywhere in the med area but more Levantine than anything else.

I know that Carthigian aristocrats weren't exactly pure Levantine, still they had elevated Levantine ancestry contrary to the "common" population. I also said that he surely had berber ancestry, without any doubt, and in very significant proportions.

I'm not someone that think that Hannibal was a pure Levantine because Carthage being created by Tyr merchants, it's ridiculous. Those who say that likely never opened a history book.

02-06-2020, 10:49 PM
Jokes aside I would pick Benicio Del Toro just because he is a good actor and is somewhat ambiguous looking.

02-06-2020, 10:58 PM
If you see the coins, to me he could be anywhere in the med area but more Levantine than anything else.

I know that Carthigian aristocrats weren't exactly pure Levantine, still they had elevated Levantine ancestry contrary to the "common" population. I also said that he surely had berber ancestry, without any doubt, and in very significant proportions.

I'm not someone that think that Hannibal was a pure Levantine because Carthage being created by Tyr merchants, it's ridiculous. Those who say that likely never opened a history book.

I don't think coins are an accurate way to portray someone especially during his time where these coins had a clear greek influence. You would say that the berber kings portrayed on the coins in the second century bce also looked levantine

02-06-2020, 11:52 PM
Bruce Willis

02-07-2020, 12:36 AM
They're making a Hannibal Barca movie?

02-07-2020, 12:42 AM
They're making a Hannibal Barca movie?

What do you mean, "they"?

02-07-2020, 12:45 AM
What do you mean, "they"?

Hollywood? I don't know, just wondering if there were actual plans for this.

02-07-2020, 12:48 AM
Hollywood? I don't know, just wondering if there were actual plans for this.

I'm just being silly.

Daco Celtic
02-07-2020, 12:48 AM
Daniel Day Lewis with a tan

02-07-2020, 08:39 AM
The best man for Hannibal would be Will Smith.

02-07-2020, 06:41 PM
A native from Lebanon or a Palestinian.