View Full Version : Classify/state main phenotypes/place high school students/staff from Alabama

01-21-2019, 11:26 AM
From Southside High School, Alabama. Southside, AL is 96.54% White.

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01-21-2019, 11:50 AM
My favourite american state is Alabama. Atlantids, alpinids, dinarids, norids, nordids.

01-21-2019, 11:55 AM
Keltic-Nordids, Hallstatts, Brünns, Borrebies, Subnordids, Faelids and some few Atlantids and West-Baltids.

01-21-2019, 02:11 PM
WASPo-German stock

01-21-2019, 04:27 PM
Anyone else?
How do they compare as a whole to whites in your area?

01-21-2019, 04:44 PM
Anyone else?
How do they compare as a whole to whites in your area?

They are darker and have much rounder faces. They look mostly Central European but with some British looking people.

01-21-2019, 05:34 PM
In that place almost everyone is of British ancestry. Still, their look is somewhere between UK and Scandinavia. As we all know, English Americans look more true to their Anglo-Saxon roots than their brothers in England....

Girls would easily pass in Sweden, whereas guys look more British:

https://scontent.flis2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/39966889_2340331862673900_4957672516320493568_o.jp g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent.flis2-1.fna&oh=041d36f92929eb8c23e00f482a3ddabe&oe=5CF8FB7F

01-21-2019, 06:15 PM
In that place almost everyone is of British ancestry. Still, their look is somewhere between UK and Scandinavia. As we all know, English Americans look more true to their Anglo-Saxon roots than their brothers in England....

Girls would easily pass in Sweden, whereas guys look more British:

https://scontent.flis2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/39966889_2340331862673900_4957672516320493568_o.jp g?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent.flis2-1.fna&oh=041d36f92929eb8c23e00f482a3ddabe&oe=5CF8FB7F

As a Swede I disagree that they "easily" pass in Sweden. They are too dark, alpine-influenced (and to a lesser extent Dinaric-influenced) to pass in Sweden. For example on picture #1, #11, none of the girls look Swedish. On picture #5, the first and fourth girl can pass. In general they look more British and German than Swedish.

01-21-2019, 06:21 PM
As a Swede I disagree that they "easily" pass in Sweden. They are too dark, alpine-influenced (and to a lesser extent Dinaric-influenced) to pass in Sweden. For example on picture #1, #11, none of the girls look Swedish. On picture #5, the first and fourth girl can pass. In general they look more British and German than Swedish.

The blonde girls in picture #2 and #5 are anything but "too dark". But I agree they don't look typical Swedish and rather more English. Perhaps because they lack this slight Baltid component that is present in many Scandinavians.

01-21-2019, 06:31 PM
The blonde girls in picture #2 and #5 are anything but "too dark". But I agree they don't look typical Swedish and rather more English. Perhaps because they lack this slight Baltid component that is present in many Scandinavians.

Yeah I didn't mean them specifically, just the people in general. In them it's mostly their facial features, although (probably fake blonde) girl #2 in picture #5 looks she has dark brown eyes (very hard to see but I can see that the girl on her left has blue) which is extremely rare among ethnic Swedes.

You may have a point about the Baltid component, I noticed that they have a bit thinner lips than Scandinavians. I think the a bit (not very much though) thicker lips in Scandinavians can be from Baltid influence.

01-21-2019, 06:45 PM
Brunns, Alpines, Keltic Nordids

01-21-2019, 06:48 PM
Brunns, alpines, atlantids, nordids and norics/keltic nordids.

Davy Jones's Locker
01-22-2019, 11:41 AM
Nordid, 'Atlantid', Alpine, several also approach the Brunn type imo.

Anyone else?
How do they compare as a whole to whites in your area?

Not exactly the same but I see many familiar faces.

In the 1980 census: 1,139,976 people in Alabama cited that they were of English ancestry out of a total state population of 2,824,719 making them 41% of the state at the time and the largest ethnic group.