View Full Version : Does a big head means more inteligence?

01-24-2019, 11:29 PM
Does a bigh head or a bigger brain means more inteligence? People say that borreby are more inteligent because of their large heads

01-24-2019, 11:47 PM
On average, yes. That is according to this source: https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/actually-people-with-larger-heads-really-do-tend-to-be-smarter-but-not-for-reason-you-might-think.html

01-24-2019, 11:53 PM
My guess is, for head sizes within the normal range, there is no correlation between intelligence and head size.

01-24-2019, 11:58 PM
I would say no, according to my own life experience, as I knew many smart people with little heads and quite enough dumbasses with big heads. As for me I have a rather big head and I think I am intelligent (there are several kinds of I intelligences and I have a certain development of some of them as everybody usually have one or more)

01-25-2019, 12:20 AM
Big Brained

Jacques de Imbelloni
01-25-2019, 12:25 AM
No, neanderthals had larger brain capacity than us, and there is no evedence that they were in a similar level of development than cromanoids.

01-25-2019, 12:31 AM
No, neanderthals had larger brain capacity than us, and there is no evedence that they were in a similar level of development than cromanoids.

But maybe if Neanderthals learned the same thing as us, like going to school etc, maybe they would show more their inteligence, which maybe would be bigger than ours?

Jacques de Imbelloni
01-25-2019, 12:38 AM
But maybe if Neanderthals learned the same thing as us, like going to school etc, maybe they would show more their inteligence, which maybe would be bigger than ours?

By what was left by them(stone tools, rest of camps, burying sites) we can ifered that they werent as smart as us.
Also their Vocal tract (Phonetic Apparatus) wasn't enough developed to reproduce an articulated languaje.

01-25-2019, 12:39 AM
By what was left by them(stone tools, rest of camps, burying sites) we can ifered that they werent as smart as us.
Also their Vocal tract (Phonetic Apparatus) wasn't enough developed to reproduce an articulated languaje.

This is also what I understand and have heard about them.

01-25-2019, 02:51 AM

01-25-2019, 03:38 AM
Brain size have little to do with intelligence. Larger brain does offer somewhat more potential for growth and thus ends up with higher chances of being intelligent. But there is no direct correlation.

That's short answer. I can give detailed explanation if you're interested.

01-25-2019, 03:45 AM
I was always under the impression that it's not so much the size of the brain that determines intelligence (however this might be defined..)..

Rather, that the key consideration is how large the area of the brain being actively "utilized" is.. I.e. Einstein's greater brain power was related to a greater total area of his brain being utilized..

I suppose utilization would refer to active Vs passive contributions to cognition..

01-25-2019, 03:49 AM
No, son solamente cabezones xd

01-25-2019, 03:13 PM

That's short answer. I can give detailed explanation if you're interested.

Do it, please

01-25-2019, 03:45 PM
No, neanderthals had larger brain capacity than us, and there is no evedence that they were in a similar level of development than cromanoids.

They were capable of making weapons, also music, and mostly everything else what the homo sapiens could do. They were obviously not stupid (for a prehistoric cavemen), I will not link that article now, but it was clear from that study. Ofcourse there was something missing from their development what would've saved them from extinction, maybe it was an accident or the climate, and the wars with the homo sapiens together.

Answering the thread question, I think there can be relations between the head shape/size and some cognitive skills.

Jacques de Imbelloni
01-25-2019, 04:36 PM
They were capable of making weapons, also music, and mostly everything else what the homo sapiens could do. They were obviously not stupid (for a prehistoric cavemen), I will not link that article now, but it was clear from that study. Ofcourse there was something missing from their development what would've saved them from extinction, maybe it was an accident or the climate, and the wars with the homo sapiens together.

Answering the thread question, I think there can be relations between the head shape/size and some cognitive skills.

The differences with the modern man are pretty wide.

Neanderthal wepons:
levallois hand axe stick in to a branch to make a spear.
The spear was only to pierce, it wasn't meant for being thrown


Modern humans weapons:
https://slideplayer.es/slide/4619566/14/images/3/PALEOLITICO+SUPERIOR+Desde+el+comienzo+del+auri%C3 %B1aciense-perigordiense%2C.jpg

Neanderthal "art":

https://ep01.epimg.net/elpais/imagenes/2018/02/22/ciencia/1519314761_836333_1519318493_sumario_normal_recort e1.jpg

Modern humans art:

01-25-2019, 04:53 PM
one invents/thinks, another fights/plays, like Pinky and the Brain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinky_and_the_Brain)

01-25-2019, 04:57 PM
:) Nah, I don't think so.

01-25-2019, 05:04 PM
No, neanderthals had larger brain capacity than us, and there is no evedence that they were in a similar level of development than cromanoids.

Level of development of a society certainly correlates with intelligence of society's members, but that information alone doesn't imply anything about the actual intelligence.

The Blade
01-25-2019, 07:31 PM
No correlation between the two, in my observation.
Many Borreby people are good with technologies, inventing stuff, etc., but some of the dumbest people I have met belonged to that type, too.

The Blade
01-25-2019, 07:36 PM
Some of the most intelligent and nationalistic men I know in reality are Dinarids and Norids, women - less so.

01-25-2019, 09:24 PM
Of the two great wits I have come across in life, one had a large head, the other a small one..

01-25-2019, 09:31 PM
There is some correlation between brain size and intelligence,

01-25-2019, 09:35 PM
No, brain size would not determine this anymore than this had more computing power

Than this

01-25-2019, 09:44 PM
Probably. However, a Pianist is known to make their brain more powerful just by playing a piano.

01-25-2019, 09:58 PM
The differences with the modern man are pretty wide.

good photos!

01-25-2019, 10:07 PM

01-25-2019, 10:32 PM
There is some correlation between brain size and intelligence,

Can you elaborate more please

01-28-2019, 04:08 AM
Do it, please

Our brains are made up of strictly determined functional fields. Each field processing some basic information, for example one field deciphering visual shapes into letters, then another field associating letters with sounds etc. Few fields then combined into systems that perform processes like reading, writing, singing, doing math, moving our body the way we need it to move. Some systems overlaps, for example both systems for reading and writing are differ in fields for information input and output while middle data processing fields are same. That's why we can't do both reading and writing at same time. But we can listen and write simultaneously because there is no overlap in systems for these processes.

In all human brains same functional fields positioned the same but always differ in size. For example visual fields always positioned at the back of brain. Size of specific functional field in specific individual determines potential for this individual to perform the function associated with this field. The person with larger visual fields will have sharper vision, larger fields controlling movement will produce better athlete, larger fields responsible for math processing will produce some relevant engineer or scientist.

But size only determines potential, it's up to individual to develop it to full scale. Basically every neuron is like an individual computer and number of neurons in specific field determines maximum computational capacity of that field thus maximum potential of person to perform associated function. To achieve this maximum all neurons should be connected into network and degree to which they are connected determines how developed this specific function is. Obviously to develop a function individual have to train in it. On average to build proficient network between neurons a person have to dedicate about 10.000 hours to associated activity. But to develop a talent or genius you need far more time than that.

However there comes the limit. The size of every field is fixed at birth. Our neurons are one single most expensive cell to produce so they are only made while we get all our feed from attachment to our mother's body. Once we are out there are many other survival issues to overcome so formation of new neurons is stopped for good. From that point only connections between existing neurons are forming. For that reason our potential for development of talents and geniuses is fixed at birth, that's the moment in our life when we have highest amount of neurons in our brain and they are all distributed among functional fields already. There is no changing that.

Obviously once development of connection network in some field had reached it's peak and there is no more neurons to connect that's when development of this function stops. And if individual have rather small field for example in math then once peak development is reached there is no room for further improvement. That's why some people can't learn math and others can't be athletes. Their associated functional fields are too small for that.

On the other hand if some functional fields are large and person taking an interest in developing associated functions such person could develop a talent or even genius. For that to happen one doesn't need a large brain, only specific system of fields to be large enough. That's why we know geniuses with rather small brains, such people could develop extraordinary high performance in some activities but will suffer extreme lack of performance in others due to all other fields being small.

A person with larger brain potentially could develop expertise in few areas due to more of his fields being rather large. But that comes at a cost, such person will have to learn to alternate between different functions which could lead to mental illness in some extreme cases. In this regard small-brained geniuses are at advantage, they could only do one thing well and they have no choice but to stick to it.

Just to understand importance of field sizes. The difference in size of same field in two different brains could be up to 40 times. That's like if one person have hands 40 times longer than the other. That's how different we could perform intellectually or in any other form of brain activity.

01-28-2019, 04:11 AM
No it is probably the neural network connections in the brain more so that raw physical size, is my guess

though size can be a general factor too, but not the end all be all one

01-28-2019, 05:21 AM
Must compare head size to body size.

02-09-2019, 08:49 PM

02-10-2019, 02:22 AM
My head is giant and I think I am pretty intelligent.

02-10-2019, 02:30 AM
My head is giant and I think I am pretty intelligent.

Brachycephalic types tend to have bigger heads. Dinarids must have big heads and are often very inteligent like Nikola Tesla, it seens

02-10-2019, 02:32 AM
Brachycephalic types tend to have bigger heads. Dinarids must have big heads and are often very inteligent like Nikola Tesla, it seens

There are some Anthropologist that claim Dinarics are the most progressive type of man and the most intelligent.

02-10-2019, 02:34 AM
There are some Anthropologist that claim Dinarics are the most progressive type of man and the most intelligent.

I think cro-magnids are the most inteligent Europeans, followed by nordids and dinarids, possibly alpines in third

02-10-2019, 02:37 AM
I think cro-magnids are the most inteligent Europeans, followed by nordids and dinarids

Dinarids are basically some form of CM they are both very robust. Mediterraneans are also highly intelligent.

Italy,Switzerland, Austria and Germany all have the highest IQ within Europe. These are all places with large concentrations of Dinaric people.

02-10-2019, 02:41 AM
Dinarids are basically some form of CM they are both very robust. Mediterraneans are also highly intelligent.

Italy,Switzerland, Austria and Germany all have the highest IQ within Europe. These are all places with large concentrations of Dinaric people.

Dinarids are meds adaptated to mountains. They may have some CM influence, specially in the vault, that is broad and high but they are still mostly med-like.

02-10-2019, 02:46 AM
Dinarids are meds adaptated to mountains. They may have some CM influence, specially in the vault, that is broad and high but they are still mostly med-like.

They really do not look much like Meds except for the pigmentation as some Dinarica are quite dark. Their skull is not Med looking at all and they are taller in stature. Their sunken in eyes are more in common with Nordids than Meds which have more protruding eyes. Dinarics are kind of the their own thing like a mix of CM/Med/Nordid. They have features in common with all these types.

02-10-2019, 02:59 AM
They really do not look much like Meds except for the pigmentation as some Dinarica are quite dark. Their skull is not Med looking at all and they are taller in stature. Their sunken in eyes are more in common with Nordids than Meds which have more protruding eyes. Dinarics are kind of the their own thing like a mix of CM/Med/Nordid. They have features in common with all these types.

Dinarids are a bit hard to explain indeed, but i still think they are med with CM admixture that were adaptated to mountains, then suffered elongation and brachycephalization.
Some dinarid traits like sunken in eyes, high nose bride, etc.. are explained by mountain adaptation. Other mountain adaptated types like amerindians and Tibetans have these traits too.
Dinarids are also hypsicranic, which is a common trait in mountain adaptated types.
These are the reasons dinarids look distinctly to meds even though being closely related to them.

02-10-2019, 03:26 AM
Dinarids are a bit hard to explain indeed, but i still think they are med with CM admixture that were adaptated to mountains, then suffered elongation and brachycephalization.
Some dinarid traits like sunken in eyes, high nose bride, etc.. are explained by mountain adaptation. Other mountain adaptated types like amerindians and Tibetans have these traits too.
Dinarids are also hypsicranic, which is a common trait in mountain adaptated types.
These are the reasons dinarids look distinctly to meds even though being closely related to them.

They are there own category I think. They are very common in Austria,Switzerland,Italy, Bavaria, and the Balkans. Most of these places are mountainous.

02-10-2019, 09:35 AM
There is 0.35 correlation, which is not high. If you include animals it is around zero, elephants are intelligent animal species, despite their brain to body mass ratio is 1:560

♥ Lily ♥
02-10-2019, 09:36 AM
No, see my thread;- https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?156311-Northerners-Have-Bigger-Brains-And-Eye-Sockets-According-To-Science-Researchers-At-Oxford-University

It's not the size of the brain, but the quality and health of the brain which matters.

One scientist said his intelligence and healthy brain was due to a result of him also being a violinist. Learning to read and play music simultaneously is the best known exercise for a healthy brain, followed by dance lessons, followed by learning another language.



A lot of British people have narrow skulls, but we have a lot of scientists, inventors, discoverers, etc.


I don't believe that IQ is an accurate indication of intelligence though.

Genius Stephen Hawking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking

A wide and big head:

02-10-2019, 10:06 AM
Someone close to me has a HUGE head, hes a Phd in hard sciences, top 5% in the world through the Mensa test. On top of that he excels in sports too. He inherited the big head through his father who is also a phd in science. (They’re not borreby though but atlanto-med type people.)

BTW the internet is full of scientific articles that say people with big heads tend to be smarter.

02-10-2019, 02:11 PM
Someone close to me has a HUGE head, hes a Phd in hard sciences, top 5% in the world through the Mensa test. On top of that he excels in sports too. He inherited the big head through his father who is also a phd in science. (They’re not borreby though but atlanto-med type people.)

BTW the internet is full of scientific articles that say people with big heads tend to be smarter.

Is he really atlanto-med?? I doubt it. Atlanto-meds have very small heads, similar to gracile-meds.... There is no way an atlanto-med can have a huge head.

02-10-2019, 03:00 PM
Not at all.
For example a raven has a brain with a size of a chickpea is smarter than some humans.

To associate the size of the brain with the intelligence is a racist and sexist idea of early 19th century.
It was a way to demonstrate that men of one ethnicity were superior to the others that's all.

I know some french anthropologist measured the brains of different ethnic groups of males and females for research.
But the results have been interpreted by some racists and sexists to prove their superiority so the studies stopped.

02-10-2019, 03:06 PM
Does a bigh head or a bigger brain means more inteligence? People say that borreby are more inteligent because of their large heads


Meet the most intelligent man on earth.

IQ level: god.


02-10-2019, 03:31 PM
I do not think size is a great indicator as the Neanderthal had a larger brain than modern humans. I think efficiency is the main key to intelligence and for modern humans specific proteins than were provided by eating fish helped the brain develop.

Sperm Whales have the largest brains on earth but I believe the Orca and Dolphin are smarter than the sperm whale. Ocras have culture and can communicate with language and many believe they can even project images in their head through sound waves for communication.

02-10-2019, 03:56 PM

Meet the most intelligent man on earth.

IQ level: god.


He looks like my father

02-15-2019, 10:16 AM
Yes, did you never see/saw Jimmy Neutron? He was a genius lol

10-14-2021, 04:49 PM
I have a rather big back skull but I wouldn't say I am more intelligent than the average person.