View Full Version : can you classify these school kids can guess where country picture was taken

01-26-2019, 02:38 PM

01-26-2019, 03:21 PM
The look like latinos.

01-26-2019, 03:22 PM
The look like latinos.

specifique classification

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 03:32 PM
France. Or some North African country.

01-26-2019, 03:34 PM
France. Or some North African country.

do you have specific classification because they don't lool the same

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 03:38 PM
do you have specific classification because they don't lool the same

all of them look Maghrebis to me. Only the first boy does not, at least typically.

01-26-2019, 03:57 PM
other ops

01-26-2019, 04:09 PM
How are we supposed to guess country when they look so different?

1. boy, southern european.
2. boy, african and southern european mix
3. girl in the back, north african/southern european.

It could be anything, so im going Brazil?

01-26-2019, 04:18 PM

01-26-2019, 04:19 PM

do you have specific classification ? for each kid

01-26-2019, 04:26 PM
do you have specific classification ? for each kid

Kids are not classifiable because their skulls are not fully developed and traits are less marked, all babies look the same if you noticed.
I would just vaguely guess: two on the right look Saharid with variant SSA admix, and boy on left is Med.

01-26-2019, 04:30 PM
boy on the left looks ukrainian, boy on the right - south euro or even north africa, girl behind looks either mexican or gypsy

01-26-2019, 05:49 PM
I would say the US or Brazil.
Left one looks SW European- Germanic mix, with best classification, some kind of Atlantid.
Right one in first row, Brit-Subsaharan African mix.
So,is the US.
Right 2nd row girl, Mexican. Iberian - native Mexican mix.
Left 2nd row cannot tell, but looks Mexican also.
Picture was taken in the US.

Seth MacFarlane
01-26-2019, 06:09 PM
Latin America ? Hard to guess because they are children .

Vlatko Vukovic
01-26-2019, 06:27 PM
France or Spain. They're too young to be clearly calssified.

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 07:12 PM
I am surprised with you, "experts" of Apricity. It is more than clear that is some North African country, according the phenotypes of these children.

01-26-2019, 07:14 PM
I would guess Algeria. Is it?

01-26-2019, 07:18 PM
I would guess Algeria. Is it?

true can you make classification of kid in pic if u can

01-26-2019, 07:18 PM
The boy with grey shirt looks Euro, the others..."Latinos".

01-26-2019, 07:22 PM
true can you make classification of kid in pic if u can

They're too young for classification. But I can say that the kid on the right in the foreground gave it away that they're from Algeria. He looks quite typical.

01-26-2019, 08:36 PM
true can you make classification of kid in pic if u can

Familiar faces.

01-26-2019, 08:41 PM
The boy on the left looks East/South European, right Brazilian/North African and girl in the back looks North African too.

01-26-2019, 08:55 PM
Familiar faces.

who's the most atypical of them

01-26-2019, 09:06 PM
who's the most atypical of them

All, depends on the region, Maghreb is 100 million people, don't expect them to look alike.
One on the left looks from Eastern Plains, the two of the right could be from High Plateau. When many phenotypes appear in one photo I conclude it was taken from a city or capital. Let's say the boy on the right is national average.

I chose Morocco because they are a bit more darker than for my region in Algeria, but we are the same ethnicity after all.

01-26-2019, 09:08 PM
All, depends on the region, Maghreb is 100 million people, don't expect them to look alike.
One on the left looks from Eastern Plains, the two of the right could be from High Plateau. When many phenotypes appear in one photo I conclude it was taken from a city or capital. Let's say the boy on the right is national average.

I chose Morocco because they are a bit more darker than for my region in Algeria, but we are the same ethnicity after all.

what do you mean eastern plants what region eastern Algeria ... I understand high plateau ...

01-26-2019, 09:11 PM
what do you mean eastern plants what region eastern Algeria ... I understand high plateau ...

Setif, Bouira, Bordj Bou Arreridj...

Finnish Swede
01-26-2019, 09:14 PM
Southern Europeans ....

01-26-2019, 09:17 PM
Southern Europeans ....

Lol, Africa starts from Pyrenees as Albert Camus said.

Finnish Swede
01-26-2019, 09:24 PM
Lol, Africa starts from Pyrenees as Albert Camus said.

And Europe ends to Ural mountains....

01-26-2019, 09:30 PM
And Europe ends to Ural mountains....

Enjoy life before the change of this crappy definition.


Damião de Góis
01-26-2019, 09:31 PM
These kids don't look southern european obviously. My first guess was actually somewhere in latin america, but i see now that they are north africans.

01-26-2019, 09:34 PM
Ps fa vromiara mogkola

01-26-2019, 09:53 PM
France. Or some North African country.

France?!! NOT AT ALL!! Definitely North African children.

01-26-2019, 09:54 PM
France?!! NOT AT ALL!! Definitely North African children.

He was trolling.

01-26-2019, 09:56 PM
France or Spain. They're too young to be clearly calssified.

Impossible!!Not at all Europeans!

01-26-2019, 10:02 PM
Impossible!!Not at all Europeans!

This one is unconsciously trolling himself, TA is terrible than JVC.

01-26-2019, 10:05 PM
This one is unconsciously trolling himself, TA is terrible than JVC.

What?! I live in South France, and they would not at all pass as French Native, just as what they are: NORTH AFRICANS!

01-26-2019, 10:09 PM
What?! I live in South France, and they would not at all pass as French Native, just as what they are: NORTH AFRICANS!

This has nothing to do with north/south divide, people just don't know what North Africans really look like, they barely heard one or two things about the region.
In general I think North African and Southern European proximity is overestimated.

01-26-2019, 10:11 PM
This has nothing to do with north/south divide, people just don't know what North Africans really look like, they barely heard one or two things about the region.
In general I think North African and Southern European proximity is overestimated.

if you live in coastal Algeria you would realise that north Africa and South European look very similar did you actually see southern European .. Portuguese literally look very excotic and southern Spanish too

Damião de Góis
01-26-2019, 10:15 PM
if you live.im coastal Algeria you would realise they north Africa and South European look very similar did you actually see.southern European .. Portuguese literally look very excotic and southern Spanish too

Indeed, i would definitely look very exotic in Algeria.

01-26-2019, 10:19 PM
This has nothing to do with north/south divide, people just don't know what North Africans really look like, they barely heard one or two things about the region.
In general I think North African and Southern European proximity is overestimated.

Please, in France Maghrebi are the first minority, and most of my friends are, I used to live in the 93 in Paris which is full of North Africans, so I know what they look, I even went to Maghreb many times (especially Tunisia and Morocco.) Those children look North African and can't be mistaken as French, just the one with light hair is less "typical" and in fact his kind of face is frequent in Kabylie for exemple.. Or as a chaoui.

Vlatko Vukovic
01-26-2019, 10:27 PM
Impossible!!Not at all Europeans!

I did not say they are europeans, i say that country of origin is France. since very different racial types, including north Africa.

01-26-2019, 10:54 PM
Nothing is clear,those are kids, it's difficult to classify and place.

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 11:02 PM
These kids don't look southern european obviously. My first guess was actually somewhere in latin america, but i see now that they are north africans.
I always have said that Latinos, Gypsies, MENAs etc are very similar, but the kid on the right is so Maghrebi looking that hurts.

This has nothing to do with north/south divide, people just don't know what North Africans really look like, they barely heard one or two things about the region.
In general I think North African and Southern European proximity is overestimated.
I do know it.

He was trolling.

Not really, I meant it could be a random French school.

if you live in coastal Algeria you would realise that north Africa and South European look very similar did you actually see southern European .. Portuguese literally look very excotic and southern Spanish too

01-26-2019, 11:09 PM
I always have said that Latinos, Gypsies, MENAs etc are very similar, but the kid on the right is so Maghrebi looking that hurts.

I do know it.

Not really, I meant it could be a random French school.


I didn't say that northern African look European I said that Iberian look north african beside Iberia has the highest ssa admixture in all Europe and was invaded by the moors many time and average Iberian score about 20 % in the test and average NA score about 20% Iberian and they both have same climat and especially Spain had Portugal are the hottest place in Europe which mean hot temperature more melanin that makes skin dark

01-26-2019, 11:11 PM
Please, in France Maghrebi are the first minority, and most of my friends are, I used to live in the 93 in Paris which is full of North Africans, so I know what they look, I even went to Maghreb many times (especially Tunisia and Morocco.) Those children look North African and can't be mistaken as French, just the one with light hair is less "typical" and in fact his kind of face is frequent in Kabylie for exemple.. Or as a chaoui.

You seem to have not understood my post, let me explain it one more time.
1- Of course kids look Nafris.
2- I said that Southern Europeans look different from North Africans and are less similar than most people would think.
3- Kid on the right is typical to Eastern Algeria, being light skined is not rare, but uncommon.
4- Our statements are not contradictory.
5- I'm Algerian in Algeria, don't need to go to 93,94,95 et j'en passe pour en voir de toutes les couleurs.

01-26-2019, 11:12 PM
I didn't say that northern African look European I said that Iberian look north african beside Iberia has the highest ssa admixture in all Europe and was invaded by the moors many time and average Iberian score about 20 % in the test and average NA score about 20% Iberian and they both have same climat and especially Spain had Portugal are the hottest place in Europe which mean hot temperature more melanin that makes skin dark

Oh boy, he is going to massacre you.

Damião de Góis
01-26-2019, 11:21 PM
lol :D

01-26-2019, 11:21 PM
I always have said that Latinos, Gypsies, MENAs etc are very similar, but the kid on the right is so Maghrebi looking that hurts.

I do know it.

Not really, I meant it could be a random French school.


1- My eyes were bleeding days after seeing your uber-Iberian face, won't pass outside of Castile and Leon.
2- Of course you do, you must see them regularly.
3- It can not be a French school (or not yet), books are in Arabic, and the girl is writing from right to left.
4- I could say 30% of "coastal" Maghrebis can pass in South Europe, and same amount of SE could take the opposite direction, don't be that irritable about your Nafris neighbors.

01-26-2019, 11:23 PM
Oh boy, he is going to massacre you.


Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 11:23 PM
I didn't say that northern African look European I said that Iberian look north african
Yeah, and I said and repeat: TROLOLOL.

beside Iberia has the highest ssa admixture in all Europe
Having the highest admixture does not make us to look like North Africans, sorry.

and was invaded by the moors many time
Really? how many times Moors invaded Galicia? and Cantabria? and Asturias? and Castilla y León?

and average Iberian score about 20 % in the test and average NA score about 20% Iberian and they both have same climat and especially Spain had Portugal are the hottest place in Europe which mean hot temperature more melanin that makes skin dark
hahahaha ;)

01-26-2019, 11:24 PM
Is it North Africa?

01-26-2019, 11:27 PM

The legend says that he butchered a Hungarian teenager for telling him there are Gitanos in his country.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-26-2019, 11:38 PM
Brazil or Colombia.

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 11:41 PM
Brazil or Colombia.

Not enough TA expert.

01-26-2019, 11:42 PM
Is it North Africa?

It should be obvious.
It’s Algeria.

01-26-2019, 11:43 PM
Cannot classify children. sorry.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-26-2019, 11:44 PM
Not enough TA expert.


Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 11:45 PM

They are Algerians. I think it was obvious they were some type of NAs.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-26-2019, 11:47 PM
They are Algerians. I think it was obvious they were some type of NAs.

They are kids so it is impossible to know with precision the phenotypes since most traits haven't developed yet. I presumed Brazil and Colombia because they were pretty diverse.

01-26-2019, 11:50 PM
They look like from a Mediterenean country

But i would rather say Mena than a European one.

The first boy on the left looks European the others look more Mena

Cristiano viejo
01-26-2019, 11:57 PM
They are kids so it is impossible to know with precision the phenotypes since most traits haven't developed yet. I presumed Brazil and Colombia because they were pretty diverse.

The kid on the right has written on his forehead he is North African, for God, Allah and Buda sake...


01-27-2019, 12:01 AM
They look to have SSA.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-27-2019, 12:04 AM
The kid on the right has written on his forehead he is North African, for God, Allah and Buda sake...

Doesn't make my guess less valid anyway as he could easily be from Brazil or Colombia too.

Cristiano viejo
01-27-2019, 12:20 AM
Doesn't make my guess less valid anyway as he could easily be from Brazil or Colombia too.

Sorry, you just lost your title of TA expert. I still have it.

01-27-2019, 12:27 AM
Idk if I am wrong, but they look latinoamericans or from USA Imo

01-27-2019, 12:29 AM
Kids are not classifiable because their skulls are not fully developed and traits are less marked, all babies look the same if you noticed.
I would just vaguely guess: two on the right look Saharid with variant SSA admix, and boy on left is Med.

ok this one

01-27-2019, 02:52 AM
There is a lot of overlap between lations of mixed origin and north africans, so I think it could be both. I'm curious about the answer myself. :D

01-27-2019, 03:35 AM
Spaniards or Mexicanos.

01-27-2019, 07:31 AM
Boy on the left looks Southern European, the rest look mixed. Cuba or something.

01-27-2019, 10:36 AM
How are we supposed to guess country when they look so different?

1. boy, southern european.
2. boy, african and southern european mix
3. girl in the back, north african/southern european.

It could be anything, so im going Brazil?

I agree with this classification.
Only the boy in the left look European

01-27-2019, 10:37 AM
do you have specific classification ? for each kid

Proper Classification can only be done on Adults.

01-27-2019, 11:13 AM
They are kids so it is impossible to know with precision the phenotypes since most traits haven't developed yet. I presumed Brazil and Colombia because they were pretty diverse.

I got mistaken for a Latino in classification thread, we do look like them sometimes.

01-27-2019, 11:15 AM
I got mistaken for a Latino in classification thread, we do look like them sometimes.

do you have classification thread ?

01-27-2019, 11:16 AM
Why for Odin's sake do you guys think the left boy is not Nafri? he is clearly coastal Maghrebi.

01-27-2019, 11:17 AM
do you have classification thread ?

I deleted it.

01-27-2019, 11:18 AM
Why for Odin's sake do you guys think the left boy is not Nafri? he is clearly coastal Maghrebi.

the left boy got classified as euro and he doesn't look typically at all maybe uncommon but not typcial if so he would be classfied as North African

01-27-2019, 11:20 AM
the left boy got classified as euro and he doesn't look typically at all maybe uncommon but not typcial if so he would be classfied as North African

He is typical in the region I mentioned previously.

01-27-2019, 11:22 AM
He is typical in the region I mentioned previously.

not typcial at all but not rare you can find lighter and more euro looking than him in kabyle region but still not typcial it he was typical why wasn't he classfied as NA even that Iberian crazy guy said he's not typcial ( 4 comments I guess )

01-27-2019, 11:25 AM
He is typical in the region I mentioned previously.

I m Algerian I know how eastern plants people look light hair and skin is not typcial in any region in NA most of NA are med looking including me

01-27-2019, 11:39 AM
not typcial at all but not rare you can find lighter and more euro looking than him in kabyle region but still not typcial it he was typical why wasn't he classfied as NA even that Iberian crazy guy said he's not typcial ( 4 comments I guess )

Than by this logic, a Nordid French is not typical French because he can't pass in Marseille or Corsica.

I m Algerian I know how eastern plants people look light hair and skin is not typcial in any region in NA most of NA are med looking including me

Pigmentation of kids is always lighter, in few years he will look no less Maghrebi than his compatriots, some 20% of Maghrebis can have his lightness at adult age, but then of course he would look stranger in Msila, Ghardaia, or Bechar; Maghreb should be regarded like Latin America, there is no such thing as homogeneity here.

01-27-2019, 11:43 AM
Than by this logic, a Nordid French is not typical French because he can't pass in Marseille or Corsica.

Pigmentation of kids is always lighter, in few years he will look no less Maghrebi than his compatriots, some 20% of Maghrebis can have his lightness at adult age, but then of course he would look stranger in Msila, Ghardaia, or Bechar; Maghreb should be regarded like Latin America, there is no such thing as homogeneity here.

well I agree same kids get darker including me and that's not because of gens it's because of sunny climat to provoke melanin to make skin darker ... but don't forget skull shape and eye shape do not change
and yes Nordid French is not typcial but not rare most of French is very diverse and have alot of ethnic groupe ... Celtic in Brittany and Germanic in east French Iberian and med in the south whereas Algeria is not there are only known people are kabyle and they are med looking .. if you find light kabyle it means that he has got euro ancestry from ancient time beside most of Algerian are brun

01-27-2019, 12:02 PM
well I agree same kids get darker including me and that's not because of gens it's because of sunny climat to provoke melanin to make skin darker ... but don't forget skull shape and eye shape do not change
and yes Nordid French is not typcial but not rare most of French is very diverse and have alot of ethnic groupe ... Celtic in Brittany and Germanic in east French Iberian and med in the south whereas Algeria is not there are only known people are kabyle and they are med looking .. if you find light kabyle it means that he has got euro ancestry from ancient time beside most of Algerian are brun

You passed too much time in USA apparently that you can't even recognize your people, the left kid is clearly Nafri, those who answered Ukrainian or Iberian have no idea what they are talking about, even the most pale blonde haired Maghrebi can be recognizable by some traits like wide nose, brown eyes, and thick lips, this kid has them.

To end this I would say an average coastal Algerian look like this:


While the nation-wide average is more comparable to this:


Difference is evident, but for a local they are both typical for their respective regions. And of course over 90% of Algerian are brunet, no need to say it.