View Full Version : Most darkwashed Europeans on TA?

02-11-2019, 01:42 AM
Which European ethnity is most darkewashed on TA?

02-11-2019, 01:51 AM
Don't get the darkwashing towards Romanians from other Euros

02-11-2019, 01:55 AM
Gypsies and Jews, though not proper Europeans, are highly darkwashed here.

02-11-2019, 01:56 AM
Italians and nothing else is even remotely close

02-11-2019, 02:06 AM
Albanians get darkwashed a lot too I've noticed.

02-11-2019, 02:08 AM
Same goes for Armenians IMO and Turks* too

*May as well include Turkish people

02-11-2019, 02:08 AM
And Greeks also are darkwashed IMO

02-11-2019, 02:09 AM
Italians and nothing is even remotely close


02-11-2019, 02:22 AM
Italians and nothing is even remotely close

I agree, Italians are darkwashed here (Alpinids for instance are underestimated/under reported, IMO)

02-11-2019, 02:29 AM
South Italians no question

02-11-2019, 02:31 AM
Albanians get darkwashed a lot too I've noticed.

Albanians get light washed, over 90% of them have dark eyes, dark hair and med skin tones, yet ones posted here are usually blonde haired, blue eyed, pale, something that is extremely rare. Typical Pristina crowd.


02-11-2019, 02:32 AM
And Greeks also are darkwashed IMO

No we are "whitewashed" to hell on TA. People think atypical Northern Greek pseudo-Slavic types posted here often are the norm. When in reality, no Greek would ever guess them to be Greek.

02-11-2019, 02:33 AM
Albanians get light washed, over 90% of them have dark eyes, dark hair and med skin tones, yet ones posted here are usually blonde haired, blue eyed, pale, something that is extremely rare. Typical Pristina crowd.


I agree that Albanians may be darker on average than other Balkanites (but the difference isn't that drastic)

02-11-2019, 02:34 AM
Albanians get light washed, over 90% of them have dark eyes, dark hair and med skin tones, yet ones posted here are usually blonde haired, blue eyed, pale, something that is extremely rare. Typical Pristina crowd.


Albania is not a real country. Albanians don't exist. Those are aliens.

02-11-2019, 02:36 AM
No we are "whitewashed" to hell on TA. People think atypical Northern Greek pseudo-Slavic types posted here often are the norm. When in reality, no Greek would ever guess them to be Greek.

Fair enough, I guess that's just TA, though (a few countries have their aesthetic spin doctors on TA, IMO)

02-11-2019, 02:39 AM
Italians, far and away.

02-11-2019, 02:40 AM
I think people also darkwash Bulgarians and Romanians in different ways

Daco Celtic
02-11-2019, 02:49 AM
I think people also darkwash Bulgarians and Romanians in different ways

Yes, and what some refer to as "Vlachs", a really vague term

02-11-2019, 02:53 AM
Yes, and what some refer to as "Vlachs", a really vague term

Vlachs would have had the same aesthetics and averages as modern Balkan countries (given that the former became the latter, generally speaking) IMO.

02-11-2019, 03:29 AM
Kurds get it pretty bad too xD

02-11-2019, 03:31 AM
Southern Italians/Sicilians.

02-11-2019, 03:46 AM
European Jews, sorry they are White.

02-11-2019, 04:28 AM
And Greeks also are darkwashed IMO

That was quite true a few years back. Nowadays, not so much (though still existing).

02-11-2019, 04:32 AM
That was quite true a few years back. Nowadays, not so much (though still existing).

With my reference to Greeks.. I didn't mean to suggest that there are necessarily more blondes/pallids/gingers in Greece than is commonly thought on TA.. But maybe that things like passability in Central Europe, Alpinids, Pan European aesthetics etc etc are understated..

02-11-2019, 04:36 AM
^ Ehh.. fair enough. I can agree with that to a certain extent.

On topic: Italians would be the most darkwashed. British/Irish are darkwashed quite a bit too (they might as well be the most darkwashed North Euro ethnicity).

02-11-2019, 05:09 AM
Brits and Irish in the North

> People still mention R1b out of Iberia on here in 2019
> Claims they are Celtic and so are similar to french and Iberians (despite no autosomal similarity)
> constant threads about swarthy brits despite most gingers + more blue eyes than germany
> Many still refuse to believe irish and scottish and welsh Steppe component is among the highest


> 70% european 30% levantine (who are white in pre SSA ancestry era), they cluster with Greeks. Yet they are seen as Semetic here.

02-11-2019, 05:33 AM
Italian Jews, Cypriots, Sicilians, Iberians.

02-11-2019, 07:31 AM
Brits and Irish in the North

> People still mention R1b out of Iberia on here in 2019
> Claims they are Celtic and so are similar to french and Iberians (despite no autosomal similarity)
> constant threads about swarthy brits despite most gingers + more blue eyes than germany
> Many still refuse to believe irish and scottish and welsh Steppe component is among the highest


> 70% european 30% levantine (who are white in pre SSA ancestry era), they cluster with Greeks. Yet they are seen as Semetic here.

I don't disagree with you. How would you explain that which you've alluded?

02-11-2019, 07:33 AM
Which European ethnity is most darkewashed on TA?

You should ask which is the most whitewhased, because all of them are whitewhased on TA.

02-11-2019, 07:48 AM
You should ask which is the most whitewhased, because all of them are whitewhased on TA.
Do you mean the ethnicities in this poll?

02-11-2019, 07:52 AM
Do you mean the ethnicities in this poll?

Yeah. The phenomenon is stronger among Southern Europeans, who tend to post the lightest individuals of their ethnicities. If you don'd do it, then you have an agenda...

02-11-2019, 08:00 AM
Without insignificant Scandinavians ( and fans ) ... poll like more darkwashed or more blondewashed would not have attracted interest...

02-11-2019, 08:03 AM
Without insignificant Scandinavians ( and fans ) ... poll like more darkwashed or more blondewashed would not have attracted interest...

I agree. In my mind, Europe has two dominant meta aesthetics: the Northern & the Southern.

02-11-2019, 08:06 AM
I agree. In my mind, Europe has two dominant meta aesthetics: the Northern & the Southern.

I don't even think it was important how I entitled the two in the above post.. I think the keystone thing to keep in mind is the actual instance of binariness..

02-11-2019, 08:16 AM

02-11-2019, 08:17 AM
I agree. In my mind, Europe has two dominant meta aesthetics: the Northern & the Southern.

Read this book: Italy's Primacy in Musical History - Guy Graybill - USA

It explains how and when and where the culture and science spread in Europe.... Scandinavia in accordance with Guy Graybill ( American english) was almost never included in any culturally ( science and arts ) movement in Europe... Only Marvel Comics spent some efforts to spread fairy and fantasy tales of THOR ODINO LOKI...

02-11-2019, 08:42 AM
Read this book: Italy's Primacy in Musical History - Guy Graybill - USA

It explains how and when and where the culture and science spread in Europe.... Scandinavia in accordance with Guy Graybill ( American english) was almost never included in any culturally ( science and arts ) movement in Europe... Only Marvel Comics spent some efforts to spread fairy and fantasy tales of THOR ODINO LOKI...
I disagree,Marvel adaptions of Norse mythology are Americanized and some folkish Asatruars don't like Marvel's Thor.And I don't think Scandinavia was almost never included in any culturally movement in Europe.Don't forget that Hans Christian Andersen and Alfred Nobel were from Scandinavia,not Italy.
BTW,Scandinavian black metal(even I dislike most of them) are very famous in metal groups.

02-11-2019, 08:54 AM
Read this book: Italy's Primacy in Musical History - Guy Graybill - USA

It explains how and when and where the culture and science spread in Europe.... Scandinavia in accordance with Guy Graybill ( American english) was almost never included in any culturally ( science and arts ) movement in Europe... Only Marvel Comics spent some efforts to spread fairy and fantasy tales of THOR ODINO LOKI...

In the sense of Europe's identity (history), I would be more inclined towards the Southern binary. In terms of contemporary history (last however many centuries) there are even honors, it might be argued. Speaking in generalities.


02-11-2019, 08:54 AM
Ashkenazi jews if you count them as European

Sent from my ZUK Z2132 using Tapatalk

02-11-2019, 09:03 AM
On a wee tangent, I'd also say that South Asian women in particular are criminally underrated IMO (so much phenotypic diversity, so many different types of aesthetics and hotties.. Not trolling at all by the way, this is my actual opinion.

02-11-2019, 09:04 AM
I disagree,Marvel adaptions of Norse mythology are Americanized and some folkish Asatruars don't like Marvel's Thor.And I don't think Scandinavia was almost never included in any culturally movement in Europe.Don't forget that Hans Christian Andersen and Alfred Nobel were from Scandinavia,not Italy.
BTW,Scandinavian black metal(even I dislike most of them) are very famous in metal groups.

Hans Christian Andersen ? Do you want the list of the books in the private library of Newton.. Shakespeare.. Goethe Leibniz Descarstes Kant Pascal Barrow Gauss Bernoulli and bla bla bla bla ?

Asatru ( what ever can be ) is based on "nothing"...... there are some Contradictory myth ( written by Christian monks ) nothing else.. the best source for ASATRU followers are MARVEL COMICS..
Caesar claimed that the Germans had no druids (i.e., organized priesthood), nor zeal for sacrifice, and counted as gods only the Sun, the fire god (Vulcan or Vulcanus), and the Moon....

Thor Odin Loki arose from the fantasy of Christian Monks during middle age.

02-11-2019, 09:05 AM

02-11-2019, 09:18 AM
Asatru ( what ever can be ) is based on "nothing"...... there are some Contradictory myth ( written by Christian monks ) nothing else.. the best source for ASATRU followers are MARVEL COMICS..
Ever heard of The Eddas,Sagas and even the charms of Merseburg? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merseburg_charms
And how about these? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sources_on_Germanic_paganism
I'm not a heathen, I just disagree the view of "the best source for ASATRU followers are MARVEL COMICS":disapproving

02-11-2019, 09:19 AM

02-11-2019, 09:27 AM
Ever heard of The Eddas,Sagas and even the charms of Merseburg? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merseburg_charms
And how about these? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sources_on_Germanic_paganism
I'm not a heathen, I just disagree the view of "the best source for ASATRU followers are MARVEL COMICS":disapproving

Caesar claimed that the Germans had no druids (i.e., organized priesthood), nor zeal for sacrifice, and counted as gods only the Sun, the fire god (Vulcan or Vulcanus), and the Moon....

Thor Odin Loki arose from the fantasy of Christian Monks during middle age. ..and Today THE FANTASY OF MARVEL EXCEEDS THAT OF THE ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MONKS

Grace O'Malley
02-11-2019, 10:03 AM
Brits and Irish in the North

> People still mention R1b out of Iberia on here in 2019
> Claims they are Celtic and so are similar to french and Iberians (despite no autosomal similarity)
> constant threads about swarthy brits despite most gingers + more blue eyes than germany
> Many still refuse to believe irish and scottish and welsh Steppe component is among the highest


> 70% european 30% levantine (who are white in pre SSA ancestry era), they cluster with Greeks. Yet they are seen as Semetic here.

There appears to be a problem with accepting British and Irish as Northern Europeans. I think most of my posts have been explaining the genetics of Irish and by extension British on here. It used to be a frequent thing on here and I used to get a lot of flak from now banned posters. There are still threads on here about how Mediterranean British and Irish are and how dark they are compared to other Northwestern populations. You don't get the same threads about even Central Europeans on here let alone other Northwestern Europeans. I've always found it interesting how many people want to claim Irish as misplaced Southern Europeans. It would be interesting if they were because that would mean they had different migrations from other populations in their vicinity but genetics shows they are just like their neighbours and cluster with them.

02-11-2019, 10:04 AM
Italians, especially the ones from the South.

02-11-2019, 10:30 AM

This is purely on a tangent not related to the high stakes in-thread proper..: I've only come into contact with one Cypriot in NZ (Greek) and she had a Helleno-Slavic aesthetic.

02-11-2019, 10:40 AM
If it wasn't for Sikeliot who allows every sort of trolling against Italians, especially S.italians, we would be as darkwashed as any other ethnic group i think.
What lacks here is a serious anti-trolls policy then.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
02-11-2019, 10:45 AM
Iberians. South Italians aren't darkwashed, they really are dark usually and there's nothing wrong with that.
I saw some Latino trolls comparing Iberians with North Africans and North Italians with Germans lmao

02-11-2019, 10:52 AM
If it wasn't for Sikeliot who allows every sort of trolling against Italians, especially S.italians, we would be as darkwashed as any other ethnic group i think.
What lacks here is a serious anti-trolls politic then.

I just think of Sikeliot as being interested in particular Italian aesthetics (without necessarily harboring sedition in his heart against the Italic peoples or State..)

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
02-11-2019, 10:55 AM
Welsh are darkwashed also. Most look average NW European but there's a stereotype they are dark haired meds.

02-11-2019, 10:58 AM
Welsh are darkwashed also. Most look average NW European but there's a stereotype they are dark haired meds.

I assume no Southern European country has blonde hair at a rate equal to or higher than the Welsh?

02-11-2019, 11:08 AM
Italians, by far.

02-11-2019, 11:18 AM
On a wee tangent, I'd also say that South Asian women in particular are criminally underrated IMO (so much phenotypic diversity, so many different types of aesthetics and hotties.. Not trolling at all by the way, this is my actual opinion.

I also wonder how the majority of Asian & South Asian men feel about European aesthetics.. And if the argument for an Asian/South Asian (both in the male and female contexts) inferiority complex towards European aesthetics might be overstated (in the Anglo (USA)/European realms of consciousness, and as relates to the actual numbers..)

02-11-2019, 12:15 PM
Which European ethnity is most darkewashed on TA?

Italians are the most darkwashed ones for sure.

The Blade
02-11-2019, 12:51 PM
Depends on when and by whom.

02-11-2019, 02:22 PM
Welsh are darkwashed also. Most look average NW European but there's a stereotype they are dark haired meds.

The pics of average Welsh posted here looked no diferent from other British Isles countries. Maybe they have more Med types, but still looks very NW on average.

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2019, 02:30 PM

02-11-2019, 03:06 PM
How to pass from traitor to national hero: post a dark native, then you are a villain; post a light one, then you become a hero, lol.

02-11-2019, 03:20 PM
Hungarians, Bosnians. Maybe Ukrainians/Albanians/Welsh. I don't think most of the answers here are darkwashed.

Most whitewashed are North Italians.

02-11-2019, 03:20 PM
Albanians, Italians, Ashkenazi Jews

02-11-2019, 03:35 PM

> 70% european 30% levantine (who are white in pre SSA ancestry era), they cluster with Greeks. Yet they are seen as Semetic here.

European Jews, sorry they are White.

Ashkenazi jews if you count them as European

Nonsense, not darkwashed at all - although we're not super whitewashed either. There's a balance of those who say either.
Here's a generally accurate summary I made - https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?274906-Ashkenazi-Jews-An-Explanation

02-11-2019, 03:48 PM
How to pass from traitor to national hero: post a dark native, then you are a villain; post a light one, then you become a hero, lol.

Too bad that the proportion is always 20 darkies and one light in this forum. Averages are vanished from people perception.
Let's be honest.. this forums is run with troll threads mostly.

02-11-2019, 04:05 PM
Too bad that the proportion is always 20 darkies and one light in this forum. Averages are vanished from people perception.
Let's be honest.. this forums is run with troll threads mostly.

Not just this forum, anthropology boards are filled with people with personal agendas. You have the ones that always post "albino Nordids" to represent the average Northern Italians and also the complete opposite: the cherrypicked exotic/MENA looking types in order to represent the average Southern Italian.

02-11-2019, 04:12 PM
Not just this forum, anthropology boards are filled with people with personal agendas. You have the ones that always post "albino Nordids" to represent the average Northern Italians and also the complete opposite: the cherrypicked exotic/MENA looking types in order to represent the average Southern Italian.

I have never seen Italians posting Albino looking North Italians with such high frequencies to be real, nor exotic South italians, but i have seen people like Sikeliot and Rossignol troll hard Italians though.
The difference with other forums is that here they never get rid of trolls unless they don't behave like raging animals.

02-11-2019, 04:30 PM
Not just this forum, anthropology boards are filled with people with personal agendas. You have the ones that always post "albino Nordids" to represent the average Northern Italians and also the complete opposite: the cherrypicked exotic/MENA looking types in order to represent the average Southern Italian.

TA is the most populated anthroforum and still have a sizeable community of knowledgeable people, but if you want only ''serious'' discussions without trolling I'd recommend Anthrogenica. TA is funny for the lulz.

02-11-2019, 06:43 PM
TA is the most populated anthroforum and still have a sizeable community of knowledgeable people, but if you want only ''serious'' discussions without trolling I'd recommend Anthrogenica. TA is funny for the lulz.

I still prefer here, Anthrogenica seems too serious/formal. I want to learn new things and still have fun, which is not the case in that forum.

02-11-2019, 06:46 PM
And we should not forget that neighbouring countries with political rivalries between them like to present eachother as dark, as if the border between them is the gibraltar strait.

02-11-2019, 06:48 PM
And we should not forget that neighbouring countries with political rivalries between them like to present eachother as dark, as if the border between them is the gibraltar strait.

''WHY ARE ROMANIANS SO SWARTHY'' by Stears (is he banned?).

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2019, 06:52 PM
''WHY ARE ROMANIANS SO SWARTHY'' by Stears (is he banned?).

People should travel to Romania. Then their conception about Romanians probably would change :rolleyes:

02-11-2019, 06:56 PM
TA is the most populated anthroforum and still have a sizeable community of knowledgeable people, but if you want only ''serious'' discussions without trolling I'd recommend Anthrogenica. TA is funny for the lulz.

Anthrogenica doesn't allow discussion of classifications, even if you're not trolling. So recommending a TA veteran to AG isn't the best idea unless they're one of those that doesn't care about classifications (which only applies to a small minority here). Another thing about AG is they don't allow politics/religion-related discussion and the discussions related to history are more condensed in comparison to here since a lot of topics relating to history don't relate to genetics (in addition to having political undertones), which the mods over there don't like.

02-11-2019, 07:24 PM

According to the apricity, Cypriots are Iraqis.

02-11-2019, 10:12 PM
Nonsense, not darkwashed at all - although we're not super whitewashed either. There's a balance of those who say either.
Here's a generally accurate summary I made - https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?274906-Ashkenazi-Jews-An-Explanation

I suppose the OP was talking about ethnicities that are darkwashed amongst the classification crowd on TA. European Jews are outright denied being White by some, usually during discussions on politics, for me I consider them to be White, that's why I said they are most darkwashed.

02-11-2019, 10:15 PM
Welsh are darkwashed also. Most look average NW European but there's a stereotype they are dark haired meds.

There's definitely a "dark welsh" minority that is higher than England or Scotland, rates of dark hair and dark eyes are higher in parts of Wales than anywhere else in Britain. But most do look average NW European and I do think the dark welsh minority are exaggerated.

Though dark brown/black hair is in higher percentage in Wales, on the flip side, there's also more gingers.

Grace O'Malley
02-11-2019, 11:44 PM
I still prefer here, Anthrogenica seems too serious/formal. I want to learn new things and still have fun, which is not the case in that forum.

There is an awful lot of rubbish posted on this forum though. As I'm really interested in genetics and history I find Anthrogenica much more credible and there are people there that really know their stuff. They have people that post there that have been authors and also archaeologists and Davidski also posts there among others. These people have a good knowledge and you can learn a lot from them. They have so many interesting discussions that are based on facts. Here people can say anything and it doesn't matter if it is fact or fiction. Very difficult to sort good from bad information. Then there is the endless trolling. You can get some good information from some posters here and also the discussions are more broad. You have a much freer reign here over what you can discuss. I just wish people wouldn't be so trollish. :)

02-12-2019, 12:07 AM
South Italians have the genetics to justify their 'dark washing'. And now we have a study that shows the Levantine influence arrived in historic times and is not Neolithic. Yes, most of them look ordinary Southern European but a significant minority can pass in West Asia, and a smaller minority in North Africa (the latter rivaled only by Iberia).

Iberians, and mainland Greeks do not have the genetics to justify portraying them as swarthy or Near Eastern as a whole.

02-12-2019, 12:07 AM
There is an awful lot of rubbish posted on this forum though. As I'm really interested in genetics and history I find Anthrogenica much more credible and there are people there that really know their stuff. They have people that post there that have been authors and also archaeologists and Davidski also posts there among others. These people have a good knowledge and you can learn a lot from them. They have so many interesting discussions that are based on facts. Here people can say anything and it doesn't matter if it is fact or fiction. Very difficult to sort good from bad information. Then there is the endless trolling. You can get some good information from some posters here and also the discussions are more broad. You have a much freer reign here over what you can discuss. I just wish people wouldn't be so trollish. :)

Yes. This forum is heavily emotional whereas genica is strictly fact based.

Tooting Carmen
02-12-2019, 12:11 AM
South Italians have the genetics to justify their 'dark washing'. And now we have a study that shows the Levantine influence arrived in historic times and is not Neolithic. Yes, most of them look ordinary Southern European but a significant minority can pass in West Asia, and a smaller minority in North Africa (the latter rivaled only by Iberia).

Iberians, and mainland Greeks do not have the genetics to justify portraying them as swarthy or Near Eastern as a whole.

But even most of the more Levantine-influenced Southern Italians look like Ariel Sharon, not like King Hussein of Jordan.

02-12-2019, 12:13 AM
But even most of the more Levantine-influenced Southern Italians look like Ariel Sharon, not like King Hussein of Jordan.

I'm thinking of people who look like Kathy Najimy and Danny Thomas. Their phenotypes would not be uncommon in Sicily and Calabria.

02-12-2019, 12:14 AM
There is an awful lot of rubbish posted on this forum though. As I'm really interested in genetics and history I find Anthrogenica much more credible and there are people there that really know their stuff. They have people that post there that have been authors and also archaeologists and Davidski also posts there among others. These people have a good knowledge and you can learn a lot from them. They have so many interesting discussions that are based on facts. Here people can say anything and it doesn't matter if it is fact or fiction. Very difficult to sort good from bad information. Then there is the endless trolling. You can get some good information from some posters here and also the discussions are more broad. You have a much freer reign here over what you can discuss. I just wish people wouldn't be so trollish. :)


Tooting Carmen
02-12-2019, 12:15 AM
I'm thinking of people who look like Kathy Najimy and Danny Thomas. Their phenotypes would not be uncommon in Sicily and Calabria.

Types like them aren't necessarily that dark though. Just their features look Semitic. With all due respect, I find many Gracile Meds and Berids to be more 'borderline' for Europe.

02-12-2019, 12:21 AM

Good catch! Even Piers Morgan who was shipped over and fought in favour in gun control on his show, is of Irish descent! I think you're on to something!


Tooting Carmen
02-12-2019, 12:23 AM
Good catch! Even Piers Morgan who was shipped over and fought in favour in gun control on his show, is of Irish descent! I think you're on to something!


Where once we had the Jewish conspiracy, now we have the Irish conspiracy! xD

02-12-2019, 12:27 AM
Good catch! Even Piers Morgan who was shipped over and fought in favour in gun control on his show, is of Irish descent! I think you're on to something!


If you look well at the image, there is a guy called "Martin O'Maley", which i suspect is a close relative of Grace O'Maley.
No wonder why she never talks about politics, it is way for her to not reveal more than the necessary, typical conspiracious behaviour.

Grace O'Malley
02-12-2019, 09:42 AM

I'm with Richard on this one. :)


02-12-2019, 04:01 PM
Italians, specifically Southerners ones. Their mostly DW by Iberians, that's what the most clownesque stuff.

02-12-2019, 04:07 PM
North europeans often litterally darkwash themselves with paint to look tanned. Not that it's strange or anything, but still wtf.

Damião de Góis
02-12-2019, 08:26 PM
Italians, specifically Southerners ones. Their mostly DW by Iberians, that's what the most clownesque stuff.

Care to explain why iberians would want to darkwash south italians?

02-12-2019, 08:33 PM
Care to explain why iberians would want to darkwash south italians?

correction :

it's only one IberiaN , not all of them that engage in this infantilistic behaviour.

02-12-2019, 08:36 PM
Yes, Damião and gıulıoımpa are right, only one Iberian like to darkwash Southern Italians: CV.

02-12-2019, 08:43 PM
Yes, Damião and gıulıoımpa are right, only one Iberian like to darkwash Southern Italians: CV.

Only Sikeliot talk about Southern Italians here but most of what he saiys is true, even because he is into is since 2011 or so.

02-12-2019, 09:45 PM
Only Sikeliot talk about Southern Italians here but most of what he saiys is true, even because he is into is since 2011 or so.

CV is always saying Italians don't look Euro and that all shit.

02-13-2019, 10:14 AM
correction :

it's only one IberiaN , not all of them that engage in this infantilistic behaviour.

Idk what's worst those (Iberians) who indirectly and sometimes directly cautioned CV by his constant trolling, or CV himself. He is a cunt but others ones are probably even more pathetic since they end up stating and thinking the same very thing. Their hypocrisy lies on their Torquemada clown defender. If i was Iberian, i would have asked him to be banned since he's paradoxically denigrating his supposed community. They get along very well with him at the end of the day.

02-13-2019, 10:37 AM
IMO: Southern European aesthetics are best understood in terms of:

East Vs West
Gracile Vs Robust

02-13-2019, 10:41 AM
Poor Italians playing the victims of darkwashing. But they don’t complain when someone posts a Germanic-looking Italian from Tyrol or Lombardy who are like only 5% of the population according to some authors.

02-13-2019, 10:42 AM
And the notion of AtlantoMed ought be banished.

02-13-2019, 10:44 AM

02-13-2019, 10:45 AM
Poor Italians playing the victims of darkwashing. But they don’t complain when someone posts a Germanic-looking Italian from Tyrol or Lombardy who are like only 5% of the population according to some authors.

This is as dumb, already had a fight with Minerva about that, you clearly don't know what your talking about. On the other hand Iberians don't look in the slightest sense like North Italians, you are even less legitimates to post your constant BS. Just stay quiet.

02-13-2019, 11:05 AM
Poor Italians playing the victims of darkwashing. But they don’t complain when someone posts a Germanic-looking Italian from Tyrol or Lombardy who are like only 5% of the population according to some authors.

I must agree with that. Of course Italians are white, but they’re not blond/German-looking on average. Neither the North ones nor the South ones. Just don’t be hypocrite.

02-13-2019, 11:24 AM
What people misunderstand is no one (not even me!) has ever said MOST south Italians look exotic. Just that a significant minority do in a way only otherwise rivaled by outlying regions such as the Canary Islands, Dodecanese, Crete, and Malta.

But even then it is not all of southern Italy. Apulia, Basilicata, and the Adriatic regions look pretty close to Peloponnesian Greeks. The "exotic" phenotypes are mostly found in the western and southern part of Sicily, and in Calabria.

02-13-2019, 11:27 AM
Poor Italians playing the victims of darkwashing. But they don’t complain when someone posts a Germanic-looking Italian from Tyrol or Lombardy who are like only 5% of the population according to some authors.

You multiple socks douche...lol don't worry, to re-equilibrate things there are always all your socks with which you work hard 24\24 and btw i barely see Italians posting nordic looking people.
You are too stupid to understand that many people here agree that the most darkwashed are Italians and that the notion that we play the victim lies only in your ass then. Look that fucking poll and shut up.

02-13-2019, 11:29 AM
I must agree with that. Of course Italians are white, but they’re not blond/German-looking on average. Neither the North ones nor the South ones. Just don’t be hypocrite.

Who the fuck has ever said that new "Junior memeber"?. Find me an Italian here that is advocating Italians are Nordic. Too bad for you we don't even look like Teresa Giudice though, maybe that's what you'd like to promote.

02-13-2019, 11:30 AM
What people misunderstand is no one (not even me!) has ever said MOST south Italians look exotic. Just that a significant minority do in a way only otherwise rivaled by outlying regions such as the Canary Islands, Dodecanese, Crete, and Malta.

But even then it is not all of southern Italy. Apulia, Basilicata, and the Adriatic regions look pretty close to Peloponnesian Greeks. The "exotic" phenotypes are mostly found in the western and southern part of Sicily, and in Calabria.

Exotic types are found throughout all of Europe. Only some Nordicists trolls has decided this were more prevalent over Sicilians due to genetics, that's all.

02-13-2019, 11:31 AM
Who the fuck has ever said that "Junior memeber". Find me an Italian here that is advocating Italians are Nordic. Too bad for you we don't even look like Teresa Giudice though, maybe that's what you'd like to promote.

Do you think my comment above was reasonable? That most south Italians look like ordinary Southern Europeans (closer to Greek than to Iberian though), with a minority of exotic types that look Levant/North African like mostly in the southern and western part of Sicily, and in Calabria.

Exotic types are found throughout all of Europe. Only some Nordicists trolls has decided this were more prevalent over Sicilians due to genetics, that's all.

Sicilians have significant post-Bronze Age Levantine ancestry, of course it will show in *some* people. With that said you also have North African input in Portugal, Levantine input in Aegean islanders and Maltese, and so on too.

02-13-2019, 11:32 AM
Who the fuck has ever said that new "Junior memeber"?. Find me an Italian here that is advocating Italians are Nordic. Too bad for you we don't even look like Teresa Giudice though, maybe that's what you'd like to promote.

He has mistaken Italians for Iberians actually.

02-13-2019, 11:47 AM
Who the fuck has ever said that new "Junior memeber"?. Find me an Italian here that is advocating Italians are Nordic. Too bad for you we don't even look like Teresa Giudice though, maybe that's what you'd like to promote.

Why are you so aggressive? I didn't attack anyone, I was just saying my opinion.
Anyway, Teresa Giudice is actually funny. I love her Ahahahah

02-13-2019, 12:01 PM
Why are you so aggressive? I didn't attack anyone, I was just saying my opinion.
Anyway, Teresa Giudice is actually funny. I love her Ahahahah

Agressive?? What are you a sissy that can't survive to a manly comment without whining?? LOL
The opinion of a "new user" who after few comments is already agreeing with a troll and it is so much interested in Italians?? Been there seen that...

02-13-2019, 12:11 PM
You multiple socks douche...lol don't worry, to re-equilibrate things there are always all your socks with which you work hard 24\24 and btw i barely see Italians posting nordic looking people.

You have a very fertile imagination. Congratulations!

You are too stupid to understand that many people here agree that the most darkwashed are Italians and that the notion that we play the victim lies only in your ass then. Look that fucking poll and shut up.

Didn't your parents teach you any good manners? All you do good is swearing at people whom you disagree with. Get a life and stop stalking me.

02-13-2019, 12:18 PM
You have a very fertile imagination. Congratulations!

Didn't your parents teach you any good manners? All you do good is swearing at people whom you disagree with. Get a life and stop stalking me.

My parents teach me to have good manners with nice people, not with retards who spends their life trolling like you. What did your parents teach to you??
To be e looser with multiple socks?

02-13-2019, 12:28 PM
You have a very fertile imagination. Congratulations!

Didn't your parents teach you any good manners? All you do good is swearing at people whom you disagree with. Get a life and stop stalking me.

You actually try to darkwash Italians. These recent Northern Italians mayors you posted are not darkwashing (most look normal, Northern Italians are not Germanic people ofc) but I've seen more subtler comments by you trying to swarthify Italians and whitewash Iberians.

I've seen some members of this forum saying absurd stuff like when one particular member said the closest people to Italians are Maltese and Aegean Islanders (lololol), there was a guy called Peter Nirsch in the past who was constantly saying most Italians are ''East-Med'' and look closer to Levantines than even to Iberians and then your ridiculous comment yesterday that Italians look closer to Indians than to Scandos, and of course we have Cristiano Viejo who says lots of absurd things like Italians don't look European on average, people who are genetically 95%+ Spanish can't pass in Spain, South Italians look closer to Iraqis than to Spaniards etc. Most Iberians seem to be conivent with him.

The only reason the forum called ''Italic Roots'' exist is because some Italians got tired of being misrepresented here and got banned for speaking the obvious truth that all these things above are lies. Ofc you can see lots of weirdos there as well, like idiots saying Italians look closer to Germans than to Iberians and similar absurd statements.

But there's clearly an agenda and only those with no eyes can't see it.

02-13-2019, 12:44 PM
You actually try to darkwash Italians. These recent Northern Italians mayors you posted are not darkwashing (most look normal, Northern Italians are not Germanic people ofc) but I've seen more subtler comments by you trying to swarthify Italians and whitewash Iberians.

Some Italian members insulted me for posting them and suggested I was darkwashing them. And yes, I agree with you, those mayors are just average Italians and that's what most people look like, I don't see how that could be darkwashing. I can count with my fingers the "exotic" Italians I've posted on this forum.

I've seen some members of this forum saying absurd stuff like when one particular member said the closest people to Italians are Maltese and Aegean Islanders (lololol), there was a guy called Peter Nirsch in the past who was constantly saying most Italians are ''East-Med'' and look closer to Levantines than even to Iberians and then your ridiculous comment yesterday that Italians look closer to Indians than to Scandos, and of course we have Cristiano Viejo who says lots of absurd things like Italians don't look European on average, people who are genetically 95%+ Spanish can't pass in Spain, South Italians look closer to Iraqis than to Spaniards etc. Most Iberians seem to be conivent with him.

I didn't mean they're closer to Indians in general, that would be absurd, I meant that they're phenotypically more similar, on average, to those North Indians who are mostly light types and Europid-shifted (such as most Bollywood actors).

But there's clearly an agenda and only those with no eyes can't see it.

Maybe, but I don't have any.

02-13-2019, 12:55 PM
I didn't mean they're closer to Indians in general, that would be absurd, I meant that they're phenotypically more similar, on average, to those North Indians who are mostly light types and Europid-shifted (such as most Bollywood actors).

Let's test your theory of unbias: some could say the Portuguese look closer to these Bollywood types than to Scandos. Yes or no?

And I've visited India, keep in mind that people who look like lighter/white Indians like Akshay Kumar or Nikki Haley are a extremely tiny minority.

02-13-2019, 01:10 PM
Gypsies and Jews, though not proper Europeans, are highly darkwashed here.

Gypsies darkwashed? LMAO

02-13-2019, 01:12 PM
Let's test your theory of unbias: some could say the Portuguese look closer to these Bollywood types than to Scandos. Yes or no?

No, because morphologically and metrically, the Scandinavian Nordid phenotypes are closer to the Atlanto and Gracile-Mediterranid ones, just depigmented. But I won't further discuss that.

And I've visited India, keep in mind that people who look like lighter/white Indians like Akshay Kumar or Nikki Haley are a extremely tiny minority.

Yes, I am aware of that.

02-13-2019, 01:16 PM
No, because morphologically and metrically, the Scandinavian Nordid phenotypes are closer to the Atlanto and Gracile-Mediterranid ones, just depigmented. But I won't further discuss that.


I remember when I posted a (100% non-gypsy) Catalan guy I've met in India and he was mistaken regularly as Kashmiri/Punjabi there and Iberians couldn't accept. I would even say Nikki Haley look Iberian.

You said everything I need to know, troll.

02-13-2019, 01:20 PM

I remember when I posted a (100% non-gypsy) Catalan guy I've met in India and he was mistaken regularly as Kashmiri/Punjabi there and Iberians couldn't accept. I would even say Nikki Haley look Iberian.

You said everything I need to know, troll.

Well, to me she looks closer to how Southern Italians look. So we're going to agree to disagree.

You said everything I need to know, troll.


02-13-2019, 01:24 PM
Well, to me she looks closer to how Southern Italians look. So we're going to agree to disagree.

Haley looks pseudo-Paleo-Atlantid/Atlanto-Med, according to Iberian gang in TA these are common phenotypes in Iberia but not in South Italy (and I agree to an extent, most S. Italians are Dinaro-Med, Alpine and Alpine-Med).

02-13-2019, 01:24 PM
Personally, I’ve never said Italians were closer to Indians. Obviously Italians don’t share anything with Indians.
I’ve just said Italians are white, but not blond on average. Nothing offensive about that. But if you don’t say that Italians are all blonds and German-looking, some Italian people get triggered and start acting like hysterical sissies.
Also, Italians are much closer to Iberians than to Germans.

02-13-2019, 01:54 PM
Personally, I’ve never said Italians were closer to Indians. Obviously Italians don’t share anything with Indians.
I’ve just said Italians are white, but not blond on average. Nothing offensive about that. But if you don’t say that Italians are all blonds and German-looking, some Italian people get triggered and start acting like hysterical sissies.
Also, Italians are much closer to Iberians than to Germans.

Right, Italians are not blonde. They are redhead

02-13-2019, 02:38 PM
Right, Italians are not blonde. They are redhead


Sebastianus Rex
02-13-2019, 02:59 PM
Yes, Damião and gıulıoımpa are right, only one Iberian like to darkwash Southern Italians: CV.

Idk what's worst those (Iberians) who indirectly and sometimes directly cautioned CV by his constant trolling, or CV himself. He is a cunt but others ones are probably even more pathetic since they end up stating and thinking the same very thing. Their hypocrisy lies on their Torquemada clown defender. If i was Iberian, i would have asked him to be banned since he's paradoxically denigrating his supposed community. They get along very well with him at the end of the day.

I first joined TA in 2011, there was no such silly anthrowars going on, it was a forum focused more on european issues, genetics and anthropology (there was some really knowleadgable users like Agrippa).

I was a few years off and when I came back in 2015/16 alot had changed, this was had been trasnformed into a troll/anthrowar forum. I was informed that there was a long and violent anthrowar between some Italian (some new worlders among them) and some Iberian users (also some not native and obsessed about the "Atlantic facade"). By that time most of those users had been either banned (some created Italicroots wich is dedicated almost exclusively to troll Iberians) and others had abandoned or stayed with a milder posture.

Still some users from that time, like CV remained (Rossignol I believe is from that time also) and some socks and trolls (many new worlders among them) keep appearing from time to time to bring back the war, so things never really calmed completely, there was always some tension on the air.

At first I tought all this a complete stupidity, why would peoples that have many things in common would engage in such deliriums, all can check my thread creation history and God knows how many times I went against Sikeliot for constantly posting nightclub threads passing an image that is not accurate about S.Italians, and I posted several videos in day light showing the people of S.Italy. At the time most Portuguese and North Italian users stayed out of it.

Anyway, at some point the trolling became escalating and also beacause of the constant use of the term "Iberian" when Portuguese tried to stay out of it, I saw myself trolling back and actively participating in that stupid anthrowar (wich I confess it was hillarious sometimes and made me some good laughs). So, mea culpa. :p

Nowadays it's mostly going on some tensions because of some old users involved in that anthrowar and because the butthurt and resentment is too big for some to let go.

Poor Italians playing the victims of darkwashing. But they don’t complain when someone posts a Germanic-looking Italian from Tyrol or Lombardy who are like only 5% of the population according to some authors.

Actually Spaniards (especially CV) do the same and even some of us did it on ocasion. Altough it's truth that of all those users I think that at least Portuguese don't try to avoid posting dark/exotic people of their own ethnicity and classify them for what they are (I posted many, like for ex. even yesterday João Félix etc).

He has mistaken Italians for Iberians actually.

You also don't help with your attitude Barkoo, try not to extrapolate your personal war with CV or any other particular member to the rest of the forum.

Right, Italians are not blonde. They are redhead

Actually some Brazilians lately act like Italicroot socks. But anyway, there was always a significant number of weirdo users from Latin America.

02-13-2019, 02:59 PM
Sicilians are genetically closer to levantines than to Iberians. That's not up for debate.

Phenotype could be different but that's the genetic situation.

Sebastianus Rex
02-13-2019, 03:22 PM
Sicilians are genetically closer to levantines than to Iberians. That's not up for debate.

Phenotype could be different but that's the genetic situation.

They're about halfway. But why do you focus constantly that instead of focusing that Sicilians are genetically closer to Greeks than anyone else ?

It's like seeing the glass half-full or half-empty, objectively one could also point that Greeks are also genetically halfway between Levantines and Iberians, or one could point that Greeks are closer genetically to Bulgarians and other Balkan pop. than to Levantines.

All that is perfectly normal and logic given (not only history) but also the geographical situation.

02-13-2019, 03:46 PM
Actually some Brazilians lately act like Italicroot socks. But anyway, there was always a significant number of weirdo users from Latin America.

Yeah because Portuguese users that darkwash Northern Italians like Rossingtroll are ok...

02-13-2019, 03:55 PM
Yeah because Portuguese users that darkwash Northern Italians like Rossingtroll are ok...

I don’t darkwash anyone. My posting history is proof that I almost never post Italians let alone exotic ones. Now please stop your trolling session under the username “savvas”. Thanks.

Chaos One
02-13-2019, 03:58 PM
Italians, and Iberians after that. But let me put my 50 cents about all this, too.

Seems that some South European users are clear afraid (and without any reason) that anytime someone puts a picture of a dark haired guy with olive skin, all NW or American users will point it out as "SEE, THEY AREN'T WHITE, IT'S OBVIOUS, THEY LOOK LIKE ARABS" to a point the discussion about this got so crooked up that there's no way to say about it on a serious tone.

Then, some SEuros users start to put pics of blond guys from those countries to show things are like that, and a fight starts because "You're trying to make you people look german" or "ATYPICALS" and all that shit.

Plus, some NW Euro users also whitewash their population a lot. In counter measures, SEuros go and darkwash them so they can hold some tie when the battle begins.

People do not care about truth anymore, it's only a matter of who can hold more argument about "I'm Euro and you can't say anything" because pure blondism made 1st: NW vs. SEuros; 2nd: Different SEuros fighting so they can't be labeled by NW Euros.

02-13-2019, 04:00 PM
I don’t darkwash anyone. My posting history is proof that I almost never post Italians let alone exotic ones. Now please stop your trolling session under the username “savvas”. Thanks.

There is no need to post dark selected Italians to darkwash or troll , it is enough to throw in the usual crap and you do more than often with your tens socks.

02-13-2019, 04:08 PM
Personally, I’ve never said Italians were closer to Indians. Obviously Italians don’t share anything with Indians.
I’ve just said Italians are white, but not blond on average. Nothing offensive about that. But if you don’t say that Italians are all blonds and German-looking, some Italian people get triggered and start acting like hysterical sissies.
Also, Italians are much closer to Iberians than to Germans.

You are here since few days but you already said a couple doucheries like Teresa Giudice is typical Italian, duh... There is a big difference between not being blonde and blue eyed on average and look like Teresa Giudice. :picard2:

I'm sure if i said that Matteo Renzi has a typical Italian face Rossincuck and "You" would say that it isn't true. Douchery at its best.

brennus dux gallorum
02-13-2019, 04:10 PM
greeks from crete and dodecanese, probably sicilians as well

02-13-2019, 05:19 PM
They're about halfway. But why do you focus constantly that instead of focusing that Sicilians are genetically closer to Greeks than anyone else ?

It's like seeing the glass half-full or half-empty, objectively one could also point that Greeks are also genetically halfway between Levantines and Iberians, or one could point that Greeks are closer genetically to Bulgarians and other Balkan pop. than to Levantines.

All that is perfectly normal and logic given (not only history) but also the geographical situation.

They're closer to Aegean islands who also have Levantine input. Mainland Greeks have a shift toward Slavic peoples on the other hand even if they're still closer to Sicilians than levantines are to Sicilians. Sicilians can be modeled as 75 percent Greek 25 percent Levant if you pick the least Slavic of mainland Greeks.

Half Levant half Iberia doesn't work in Greece because of the Slavic.

brennus dux gallorum
02-13-2019, 05:28 PM
They're closer to Aegean islands who also have Levantine input. Mainland Greeks have a shift toward Slavic peoples on the other hand even if they're still closer to Sicilians than levantines are to Sicilians. Sicilians can be modeled as 75 percent Greek 25 percent Levant if you pick the least Slavic of mainland Greeks.

Half Levant half Iberia doesn't work in Greece because of the Slavic.

But most of mainland Greeks are still closer to Abruzzo and Tuscany than South Balkan Slavs, sometimes even Apulia and Campania.

And don't forget that unlike South Slavs, in most of Greece northwest components (atlantic and north sea) are higher than northeast (baltic and eastern Euro)

02-13-2019, 06:24 PM
I first joined TA in 2011, there was no such silly anthrowars going on, it was a forum focused more on european issues, genetics and anthropology (there was some really knowleadgable users like Agrippa).

I was a few years off and when I came back in 2015/16 alot had changed, this was had been trasnformed into a troll/anthrowar forum. I was informed that there was a long and violent anthrowar between some Italian (some new worlders among them) and some Iberian users (also some not native and obsessed about the "Atlantic facade"). By that time most of those users had been either banned (some created Italicroots wich is dedicated almost exclusively to troll Iberians) and others had abandoned or stayed with a milder posture.

Still some users from that time, like CV remained (Rossignol I believe is from that time also) and some socks and trolls (many new worlders among them) keep appearing from time to time to bring back the war, so things never really calmed completely, there was always some tension on the air.

At first I tought all this a complete stupidity, why would peoples that have many things in common would engage in such deliriums, all can check my thread creation history and God knows how many times I went against Sikeliot for constantly posting nightclub threads passing an image that is not accurate about S.Italians, and I posted several videos in day light showing the people of S.Italy. At the time most Portuguese and North Italian users stayed out of it.

Anyway, at some point the trolling became escalating and also beacause of the constant use of the term "Iberian" when Portuguese tried to stay out of it, I saw myself trolling back and actively participating in that stupid anthrowar (wich I confess it was hillarious sometimes and made me some good laughs). So, mea culpa. :p

Nowadays it's mostly going on some tensions because of some old users involved in that anthrowar and because the butthurt and resentment is too big for some to let go.

Actually Spaniards (especially CV) do the same and even some of us did it on ocasion. Altough it's truth that of all those users I think that at least Portuguese don't try to avoid posting dark/exotic people of their own ethnicity and classify them for what they are (I posted many, like for ex. even yesterday João Félix etc).

The turning key point about CV is that he's taking everybody's else Iberian in hostage with his deliriums. I don't think your personally responsable of his behavior, are you ? You and other fair Iberian should go on a simple principle of disengagement about him, and not the other way around, this is very basic actually.

For my part, i came in June 2015 i believe, retroactively it was probably the worst period to get in there, Italo-Iberians was reaching the pinnacle of hatred, 3rd worlder like MN1 used the situation to go even further that can be tolerated, personally and Italians overall too (banned since), then just don't talk about resentment, these persons are precisely at the genesis of the detestation of Italian members. You reap what you sow, period.

Also, IR is in several aspects, way fairer than TA and the Spanish Armada trolls could possibly be about Italians.

02-13-2019, 06:36 PM

02-13-2019, 08:35 PM

02-13-2019, 08:53 PM
But most of mainland Greeks are still closer to Abruzzo and Tuscany than South Balkan Slavs, sometimes even Apulia and Campania.

And don't forget that unlike South Slavs, in most of Greece northwest components (atlantic and north sea) are higher than northeast (baltic and eastern Euro)

It depends. Peloponnesians are closer to what we might call "central-south Italy" (Abruzzo, Apulia, Campania, and Molise) whereas other mainlanders, on average, are closer to their northern neighbors and/or equidistant. Only Aegean islanders and Cretans are close to Sicilians/Calabrians because of mutual shared Levantine input which as you also know, is higher there and lower in Campania, Apulia, and Abruzzo.

02-13-2019, 09:05 PM
Idk what's worst those (Iberians) who indirectly and sometimes directly cautioned CV by his constant trolling, or CV himself. He is a cunt but others ones are probably even more pathetic since they end up stating and thinking the same very thing. Their hypocrisy lies on their Torquemada clown defender. If i was Iberian, i would have asked him to be banned since he's paradoxically denigrating his supposed community. They get along very well with him at the end of the day.

You look like his boyfriend always talking about him, why don't you just ignore the guy if you can't tolerate him so much?

I don't like that Lincantropo/Bande Nere guy but I do not care. I decide to ignore him.

02-13-2019, 10:42 PM
You look like his boyfriend always talking about him, why don't you just ignore the guy if you can't tolerate him so much?

I don't like that Lincantropo/Bande Nere guy but I do not care. I decide to ignore him.

I don't even know who you are to begin with and i'm glad to continue to don't know.
I just reply to trolls and trolling even in a harsh manner and i'm aware that i don't like to people because of this.
I have nothing against Iberians either unless they don't attack me like CV did the very 1st day.

Who is Bande nere?? :picard2:

02-13-2019, 10:48 PM
And Greeks also are darkwashed IMO

In this forum?

Not at all!

02-13-2019, 10:51 PM
In this forum?

Not at all!

They are, and it's you doing it, or anyone who tries to say mainland Greece is closer to Sicilians than to their Balkan neighbors.

02-13-2019, 10:52 PM
In this forum?

Not at all!

I meant in specific ways, though, in my defence.

02-13-2019, 10:57 PM
Iberians. South italians are pretty much right

02-13-2019, 10:58 PM
You are here since few days but you already said a couple doucheries like Teresa Giudice is typical Italian, duh... There is a big difference between not being blonde and blue eyed on average and look like Teresa Giudice. :picard2:

I'm sure if i said that Matteo Renzi has a typical Italian face Rossincuck and "You" would say that it isn't true. Douchery at its best.

What do you have against Teresa Giudice? She’s very proud of her Italianita, y’all must be proud of her too lol

02-13-2019, 11:26 PM
They're closer to Aegean islands who also have Levantine input. Mainland Greeks have a shift toward Slavic peoples on the other hand even if they're still closer to Sicilians than levantines are to Sicilians. Sicilians can be modeled as 75 percent Greek 25 percent Levant if you pick the least Slavic of mainland Greeks.

Half Levant half Iberia doesn't work in Greece because of the Slavic.

Its a bullshit you repeat here everytime

Greeks have no particular shift towards Slavic people.

If you rule out the Slavic Balkan population and talk only about Slavic homeland regions,Poland,Ukraine,Bellarus then
even French and Iberians are closer to Mainland Greeks than Slavs are.

In the one study on Peloponnesian Greeks they turned out to be equidistant to Slavic homeland folks and Levantines.

Sebastianus Rex
02-14-2019, 12:15 AM
Its a bullshit you repeat here everytime

Greeks have no particular shift towards Slavic people.

If you rule out the Slavic Balkan population and talk only about Slavic homeland regions,Poland,Ukraine,Bellarus then
even French and Iberians are closer to Mainland Greeks than Slavs are.

In the one study on Peloponnesian Greeks they turned out to be equidistant to Slavic homeland folks and Levantines.

The evidence of dna tests and the corresponding pca plot maps corroborate what you and I have stated, as all can see where C.Greeks plot (very close to Sicilians & South Italians) and that all Greeks are closer to other South Europeans (and even equidistant to western euros like the French) than to the core of Slavic populations with high baltic input such as Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians etc.


But nevermind, despite the evidence he will keep repeating over and over that S.Italians are closer to Levantines than to other S.europeans and that Greeks are half slavic. :rolleyes:

02-14-2019, 12:32 AM
The evidence of dna tests and the corresponding pca plot maps corroborate what you and I have stated, as all can see where C.Greeks plot (very close to Sicilians & South Italians) and that all Greeks are closer to other South Europeans (and even equidistant to western euros like the French) than to the core of Slavic populations with high baltic input such as Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians etc.


But nevermind, despite the evidence he will keep repeating over and over that S.Italians are closer to Levantines than to other S.europeans and that Greeks are half slavic. :rolleyes:

Central Greek sample is NOT from the mainland, it is from the North Aegean islands and Sporades islands which are located geographically centrally.

the Sicilian and South Italian samples are closer to the Levantines than to the Iberians is all I said. And the "Greek Thessaly' sample which IS representative of mainland Greeks, is shifted 25% of the way toward NE Europe compared to the Sicilians and South Italians there.

That chart verifies what I said, doesn't contradict it.

02-14-2019, 12:38 AM
Right, Italians are not blonde. They are redhead

No,most Italians are brunette,even the north

02-14-2019, 12:41 AM
Yeah because Portuguese users that darkwash Northern Italians like Rossingtroll are ok...


And other Iberians like Cristiano Viejo too

02-14-2019, 12:42 AM
No,most Italians are brunette,even the north

Yes, i know but this map is wrong

02-14-2019, 12:47 AM
They are, and it's you doing it, or anyone who tries to say mainland Greece is closer to Sicilians than to their Balkan neighbors.

Man you are simply pathetic

Again also lying about that i allegedly claim Mainland Greeks are closest to Sicilians

Again what i say brief and short is

1)Not all Mainland Greeks are closer to all of their Balkan neighbours than to Sicilians
2)There is several other Italian groups also Southern ones such as Abruzzo,Apulia who are closer
to Mainland Greeks than many Balkanites are
3) Many Serbians,Croatian but even Romanians simply don't plot closer to Mainland Greeks than Apulians,Tuscans,Central Italians do
let alone Slavic homeland populations such as Poles,Ukrainians and so on
Its not Rocket science.

As for Slavic homeland folks its crystal clear that Mainland Greeks are not close to them
A Sicilian is still closer to Mainland Greeks than any of these Slavic homeland countries is

02-14-2019, 12:49 AM
Man you are simply pathetic

Again also lying about that i allegedly claim Mainland Greeks are closest to Sicilians

Again what i say brief and short is

1)Not all Mainland Greeks are closer to all of their Balkan neighbours than to Sicilians
2)There is several other Italian groups also Southern ones such as Abruzzo,Apulia who are closer
to Mainland Greeks than many Balkanites are
3) Many Serbians,Croatian but even Romanians simply don't plot closer to Mainland Greeks than Apulians,Tuscans,Central Italians do
let alone Slavic homeland populations such as Poles,Ukrainians and so on
Its not Rocket science.

As for Slavic homeland folks its crystal clear that Mainland Greeks are not close to them
A Sicilian is still closer to Mainland Greeks than any of these Slavic homeland countries is

Let me address these one by one.

1. Apart from some Peloponnesians, you're unlikely to find mainland Greeks closer to Sicilians than to Bulgarians, and absolutely not going to find any closer to Sicily than to Albania unless they have islander, Anatolian, or Pontic ancestry and aren't a full mainlander.

2. Apulians are NE European shifted too relative to Sicilians, so using them as an example isn't helping your case when you even need some degree of Slavic input to model Apulians.

3. This I agree with. I'm speaking of Macedonia, Albania and Bulgaria... NOT Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia.

02-14-2019, 01:03 AM
Let me address these one by one.

1. Apart from some Peloponnesians, you're unlikely to find mainland Greeks closer to Sicilians than to Bulgarians, and absolutely not going to find any closer to Sicily than to Albania unless they have islander, Anatolian, or Pontic ancestry and aren't a full mainlander.

2. Apulians are NE European shifted too relative to Sicilians, so using them as an example isn't helping your case when you even need some degree of Slavic input to model Apulians.

3. This I agree with. I'm speaking of Macedonia, Albania and Bulgaria... NOT Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia.

Arguing with you is like arguing against a wall

Bulgarians are not that close to all of Mainland Greeks anyway
its bullshit

Greek Islanders are not that far off from the Greek Mainland as you want them to be

02-14-2019, 01:09 AM
Bulgarians are not that close to all of Mainland Greeks anyway
its bullshit

Then you cannot say Sicilians are close either.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
02-18-2019, 03:23 PM
Croats. White European people with predominately Slavic genetics and lightest pigmentation in southern part of Europe apart from Slovenians are trolled as either extreme dinaric Balkanoids or Olive skinned Meds.

Fucking ridiculous.

Tooting Carmen
02-18-2019, 03:24 PM
Croats. White European people with predominately Slavic genetics and lightest pigmentation in southern part of Europe apart from Slovenians are tolled as either extreme dinaric Balkanoids or Olive skinned Meds.

Fucking ridiculous.

Well I have said for a long time that Slovenes and Croats mostly look Central rather than (stereotypically) Southern European.

Cristiano viejo
02-18-2019, 03:32 PM
And other Iberians like Cristiano Viejo too
But I am not Iberian but Peruvian, according you stupid retards of Italic Rats :p

Croats. White European people with predominately Slavic genetics and lightest pigmentation in southern part of Europe apart from Slovenians are trolled as either extreme dinaric Balkanoids or Olive skinned Meds.

Fucking ridiculous.

You has been the first to claim maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany Croatians have olive skin, iirc.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
02-18-2019, 03:35 PM
You has been the first to claim maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany Croatians have olive skin, iirc.

I haven't. I said many people are dark haired and tanned, especially in Dalmatia. Trying to be without bias as possible bro.

11-21-2021, 09:18 PM
South Italians without a shadow of a doubt and Greeks.

11-26-2021, 06:16 AM
South Italians without a shadow of a doubt and Greeks.


03-29-2022, 02:46 PM
Iberians by italian and chicano trolls

03-29-2022, 02:57 PM
Brits and Irish, they have almost albino pigmentation and yet they are compared to iberians...

03-29-2022, 03:54 PM

Cristiano viejo
03-29-2022, 04:21 PM


03-29-2022, 04:38 PM

Peter Parker
04-23-2022, 09:41 AM
Southern Germans and Austrians.

There are really too many people (not only on TA but in general) who believe that Bavaria is full of Med-looking tanned people with dark brown hair. I visited Germany once and - in fact - people with Med phenotypes are often assumed to be of Italian or Turkish descent.

04-24-2022, 06:08 PM
Southern Germans and Austrians.

There are really too many people (not only on TA but in general) who believe that Bavaria is full of Med-looking tanned people with dark brown hair. I visited Germany once and - in fact - people with Med phenotypes are often assumed to be of Italian or Turkish descent.

Yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. One apricity poster - Ubermensch seems to have an agenda trying to substantiate this notion like a moron.

04-24-2022, 06:11 PM
Germans and Brits are darkwashed??????

04-24-2022, 06:12 PM
Yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. One apricity poster - Ubermensch seems to have an agenda trying to substantiate this notion like a moron.

He does it both ways. Darkwashes Southern Germans, lightwashes Northern Germans.

In reality Germans look more or less the same around the country.

04-24-2022, 06:14 PM
Yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. One apricity poster - Ubermensch seems to have an agenda trying to substantiate this notion like a moron.

But he has a agenda, he darkwashes southern germans and say that people like Bjork are perfect examples of "white".

Cristiano viejo
04-24-2022, 06:26 PM
But he has a agenda, he darkwashes southern germans and say that people like Bjork are perfect examples of "white".

Of course he has an agenda, look the PM that mongrel Ubermensch sent me the other day (he was discussing with the German user Rothaer):

Title: Alleance

Iberians are my worst enemy but i hate Germans as well.
I offer to you a peace treaty.
We will troll the germans in that 3d.
Don't mistake me, you are still my enemy but i need your help.

My answer: Fuck off, espagueti, and dont send me more pms, mongrel :thumb001:

04-24-2022, 10:05 PM
I'm just stating my opinion.
I'm not exactly trolling, i'm doing sarcasting humor.
My point is that racism is stupid.
Human biodiversity is a beautiful thing, no one should be considered inferior or stupid just because of their culture or look.

04-24-2022, 10:08 PM
To be honest i think cristiano vejo is trolling and is not even funny.
He just want to portait CASTILIAN (and not spanish, he even thinks catalans are not spanish) as nordic and blond people.
He just insults people in a rude way, he never argument, he just insult.
And he call himself a ''cristain'', Jesus said to respect other people and to be kind and gentile.
This guy is defenetelly a troll.

04-25-2022, 02:55 AM
My point is that racism is stupid.
Human biodiversity is a beautiful thing, no one should be considered inferior or stupid just because of their culture or look.
Agree with this.

Cristiano viejo
04-26-2022, 07:27 PM
To be honest i think cristiano vejo is trolling and is not even funny.
He just want to portait CASTILIAN (and not spanish, he even thinks catalans are not spanish) as nordic and blond people.

Why would want I to portrait Castilian as Nordics, if I dislike Nordics, idiot?

04-26-2022, 07:30 PM
Southern Italians, Cypriots, Pontics.

Richard Alvarez
07-27-2023, 11:21 AM
British & Irish people.
People believe that they are the "Iberians of the North" lol.

Cristiano viejo
07-27-2023, 05:31 PM
British & Irish people.
People believe that they are the "Iberians of the North" lol.

who exactly think so?

unfortunately for them that is not true.

07-27-2023, 05:52 PM
My point is that racism is stupid.

Racism: The desire to live, work, marry and mingle with one's own kind: A nearly-universal desire and virtual law of nature, often expressed as 'Birds of a feather flock together', and denied only by liberals who live and work in areas much too expensive to have any more than a token number of minorities. Racism is so ingrained and universal that it is reflected not once but twice in our language: The word kind (type) and kind (nice) have the same origin, as does the word like (similar) and like (appreciate), from which we infer that we like those whom we are like, and we are kind to those of our own kind.



11-07-2023, 10:27 PM
Italians, Iberians, and Greeks by far.

11-07-2023, 10:54 PM
French. I noticed people here talk as if native French and Spaniards were the same when in reality most French look far closer to Germans and other Central Europeans than to Spaniards and southern europeans.

Also russians. Many talk as if they were blonde chinese when in reality most of them look like generic Northern Europeans.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2023, 10:55 PM
French. I noticed people here talk as if native French and Spaniards were the same when in reality most French look far closer to Germans and other Central Europeans than to Spaniards and southern europeans.

French are intermediate between both.

Also russians. Many talk as if they were blonde chinese when in reality most of them look like generic Northern Europeans.

Haha true.

11-07-2023, 11:03 PM
I noticed how this type of threads "who is the darkest european" is not common anymore.

Tooting Carmen
11-07-2023, 11:12 PM
I noticed how this type of threads "who is the darkest european" is not common anymore.

Thankfully, and I am saying that as someone who once enthusiastically participated in such threads myself, which I now regret.

11-08-2023, 12:40 AM
Thankfully, and I am saying that as someone who once enthusiastically participated in such threads myself, which I now regret.

I noticed it either.

11-13-2023, 10:13 PM
I've noticed French, Italians, and Greeks are all very darkwashed on TA and IRL.

11-13-2023, 10:29 PM
I've noticed French, Italians, and Greeks are all very darkwashed on TA and IRL.

Every southern european is darkwashed here, except north italians.

11-13-2023, 11:35 PM
Every southern european is darkwashed here, except north italians.
How? Most of the Southern Europeans posted here for 'classification' have light eyes and/or light hair.

11-14-2023, 12:10 AM
How? Most of the Southern Europeans posted here for 'classification' have light eyes and/or light hair.
The exception confirms the rule, why do you think they do it?

11-14-2023, 12:59 AM
In the past Spanish by Shitcano and Spaghetti Trolls mostly

Tooting Carmen
11-14-2023, 08:09 AM
How? Most of the Southern Europeans posted here for 'classification' have light eyes and/or light hair.

A lot are indeed, but to say most is an exaggeration.

11-14-2023, 09:19 AM
A lot are indeed, but to say most is an exaggeration.

In south Italy less than 5% of the people have blonde ( dark medium and very few light blonde ) hair..

In Veneto ( north east Italy ) less than 15% ot the people have blonde ( dark medium and very few light blonde ) hair..

In the alps area of north Italy 20% of the people have blonde hair...

11-14-2023, 09:25 AM
everything below parallel 45 North is stereotyped as darker than it is and everything above parallel 45 North is stereotyped as lighter than it is.

also strictly in terms of looks there is much more overlap between European regions than acknowledged and there are much more neutral types that can equally pass in Southern, Western, Northern and Eastern Europe than acknowledged, mostly those in the Alpine range, that sometimes have a perfectly neutral face, not Germanic, not Mediterranean, not Slavic

Richard Alvarez
11-14-2023, 05:46 PM
Iberians are rather lightwashed on TA and darkwashed on the rest of the internet.

11-14-2023, 07:21 PM
Iberians are rather lightwashed on TA and darkwashed on the rest of the internet.
I agree with you, Southern Europeans, in particular Spaniards, are very Darkwashed by people from other countries but at the same time they are the ones who Lightwashed themselves in this forum is an example. Although of course that on the internet, in real life Spaniards are not as lightwashed as In Internet

Damião de Góis
11-14-2023, 07:54 PM
Iberians are rather lightwashed on TA and darkwashed on the rest of the internet.

I don't think so. Sudacas are now the most active community on TA and they take their darkwashing seriously:

Brazilians of Portuguese descent tend to be lighter-skinned than actual Portuguese people.

11-15-2023, 12:29 AM
I don't think so. Sudacas are now the most active community on TA and they take their darkwashing seriously:

I see that some old threads remarking iberian brazilians having extra central - northern european heritage thus being lighter than proper tugas got you traumatized. I dont think you should take it too seriously.

11-15-2023, 12:30 AM
How? Most of the Southern Europeans posted here for 'classification' have light eyes and/or light hair.

Because of Gallops posts ?

11-17-2023, 09:54 PM
I don't think so. Sudacas are now the most active community on TA and they take their darkwashing seriously:



11-17-2023, 10:00 PM
How? Most of the Southern Europeans posted here for 'classification' have light eyes and/or light hair.

90% are posted by Gallop.

11-17-2023, 11:46 PM
It happens with every cou try that isnt Scandinavia. Any time Irish people are mentioned you can be sure Colin Farrell is mentioned.

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2023, 11:54 PM
It happens with every country that isnt Scandinavia. Any time Irish people are mentioned you can be sure Colin Farrell is mentioned.

Actually, many non-Europeans in particular (but even some Europeans themselves too) think the British and Irish are lighter than is in fact the case, when in truth dark brown hair is actually more common than truly blond hair and especially red har. (Although the most common hair colour here is still light-to-medium brown).

Put simply: Northern Europeans are stereotyped as being lighter than is actually the case. In the meantime, not only Southern Europeans but also many other human ethnicities and nationalities apart from Black Africans, Australian Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders are stereotyped as being darker than is actually the case.

Grace O'Malley
11-18-2023, 12:02 AM
It happens with every cou try that isnt Scandinavia. Any time Irish people are mentioned you can be sure Colin Farrell is mentioned.

In the past people constantly linking Ireland with Iberia and it still happens now but to a lesser extent.

Grace O'Malley
11-18-2023, 12:03 AM
Actually, many non-Europeans in particular (but even some Europeans themselves too) think the British and Irish are lighter than is in fact the case, when in truth dark brown hair is actually more common than truly blond hair and especially red har. (Although the most common hair colour here is still light-to-medium brown).

Put simply: Northern Europeans are stereotyped as being lighter than is actually the case. In the meantime, not only Southern Europeans but also many other human ethnicities and nationalities apart from Black Africans, Australian Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders are stereotyped as being darker than is actually the case.

That might be the case with England and Scotland but Ireland is portrayed as darker than it is. The same with Wales.

Tooting Carmen
11-18-2023, 12:05 AM
In the past people constantly linking Ireland with Iberia and it still happens now but to a lesser extent.

Although trolls and weirdos like Bloody undoubtedly blew it out of all proportion, I do believe that the British Isles are distinct from Scandinavia/Netherlands/(Northern) Germany, with people here being on average more brunet and shorter than in those other places. Contrary to a certain other forum, I would say the disparity in blondism between Germany and Britain is greater than that between Italy and Spain.

Grace O'Malley
11-18-2023, 12:21 AM
Although trolls and weirdos like Bloody undoubtedly blew it out of all proportion, I do believe that the British Isles are distinct from Scandinavia/Netherlands/(Northern) Germany, with people here being on average more brunet and shorter than in those other places. Contrary to a certain other forum, I would say the disparity in blondism between Germany and Britain is greater than that between Italy and Spain.

They are distinct as in all countries are distinct. They all have their uniqueness. Even in things like skin. The Irish for instance are more likely to have freckling than any Scandinavian or Dutch population it's not just the differences in hair colour. Also it's more to do with more brown hair and less blond than one population being blond and one being brunet. Anyway Scandinavians and Dutch definitely have their own look and it is easy to pick if a population is Scandinavian or Irish or British for example.

Tooting Carmen
11-18-2023, 12:23 AM
They are distinct as in all countries are distinct. They all have their uniqueness. Even in things like skin. The Irish for instance are more likely to have freckling than any Scandinavian or Dutch population it's not just the differences in hair colour. Also it's more to do with more brown hair and less blond than one population being blond and one being brunet. Anyway Scandinavians and Dutch definitely have their own look and it is easy to pick if a population is Scandinavian or Irish or British for example.

I agree to a large extent. Still, my point is that the British Isles are unusual inasmuch that dark brown hair is more common than truly blond hair, whereas in most of Northern Europe it is the other way round.

Grace O'Malley
11-18-2023, 12:55 AM
I agree to a large extent. Still, my point is that the British Isles are unusual inasmuch that dark brown hair is more common than truly blond hair, whereas in most of Northern Europe it is the other way round.

It's not that unusual if you look at it as a sort of cline with Baltics having most blonds and it slowly decreasing from the epicentre. It is also comparing British Isles in comparison to Scandinavia, Finland, Netherlands etc but in comparison to other European countries British Isles are lighter haired. In regards to red hair it is the opposite as in British Isles have the highest amount and it decreases from there. Anyway most of the Isles is more brown haired and not majority dark brown. It all gets a bit tedious and as I've been on here a long time I find some people are not honest and have some agendas but I try to use evidence to support my posts.

I ask people directly sometimes what exactly they are trying to promote as many ignore evidence and I think they just want to troll. Sometimes people are just uninformed as there is a lot of incorrect information if you don't know what you are talking about.

Tooting Carmen
11-18-2023, 01:05 AM
It's not that unusual if you look at it as a sort of cline with Baltics having most blonds and it slowly decreasing from the epicentre. It is also comparing British Isles in comparison to Scandinavia, Finland, Netherlands etc but in comparison to other European countries British Isles are lighter haired. In regards to red hair it is the opposite as in British Isles have the highest amount and it decreases from there. Anyway most of the Isles is more brown haired and not majority dark brown. It all gets a bit tedious and as I've been on here a long time I find some people are not honest and have some agendas but I try to use evidence to support my posts.

I ask people directly sometimes what exactly they are trying to promote as many ignore evidence and I think they just want to troll. Sometimes people are just uninformed as there is a lot of incorrect information if you don't know what you are talking about.

Something I have noticed throughout the years about the British media - particularly TV magazines and glamour magazines - is that particularly regarding men, but sometimes women too, they will often have the darkest people from a particular show or event plastered on the front covers. For example, TV magazines for some reason like to constantly put on their front covers Jeff Hordley of Emmerdale and Chris Gascoyne of Coronation Street:
https://i2-prod.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/incoming/article23074637.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/1_Emmerdale.jpghttps://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article1479828.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/Chris%20Gascoyne%20as%20Peter%20Barlow%20in%20Coro nation%20Street

Yet even a cursory glance at the casts of those two programmes will show that most don't look like that:

11-18-2023, 01:17 AM
I don't think so. Sudacas are now the most active community on TA and they take their darkwashing seriously:

Why are some iberians and italians so complexed with that? They don't act much different than complexed south americans you are talking at all.

And there are also some south americans that lightwash iberians very much, just to be approved by iberians, these guys are very complexed, there are some specific kind of latin americans that keep kissing colonial's ass everyday on the internet, it is very weird.

11-18-2023, 08:33 AM
Most dark washed: South Italians and South French
Most light washed: North Italians and North French

11-18-2023, 10:05 AM
My ethnicity gets ridiculously darkwashed as well.

Damião de Góis
11-18-2023, 04:00 PM
I see that some old threads remarking iberian brazilians having extra central - northern european heritage thus being lighter than proper tugas got you traumatized. I dont think you should take it too seriously.

It's an hilarious concept, but it was repeated so much by other sudacas that even retards like Roy the Polack and Tooting Carmen were starting to claim it as well. To this day as you can see.



I'm not talking about the last 15 days, i'm talking in general. The Latin American sub forum is the most active one by far, even if it was the last one to be created and sucadas aren't concentrated in one account but in multiple accounts, many of them fake.

Why are some iberians and italians so complexed with that? They don't act much different than complexed south americans you are talking at all.

And there are also some south americans that lightwash iberians very much, just to be approved by iberians, these guys are very complexed, there are some specific kind of latin americans that keep kissing colonial's ass everyday on the internet, it is very weird.

So sudacas claim brazilians of portuguese descent are "lighter skinned" than portugese from Portugal and i'm the one who has complexes?

Tooting Carmen
11-18-2023, 04:15 PM
Actually, the Latin American subforum is a lot quieter than e.g. two years ago, due to some users either disappearing altogether e.g. Daven and El Jibaro, or being somewhat less active e.g. axel.aleman, Andullero and mixdguy.

11-18-2023, 08:33 PM
Something I have noticed throughout the years about the British media - particularly TV magazines and glamour magazines - is that particularly regarding men, but sometimes women too, they will often have the darkest people from a particular show or event plastered on the front covers. For example, TV magazines for some reason like to constantly put on their front covers Jeff Hordley of Emmerdale and Chris Gascoyne of Coronation Street:
https://i2-prod.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/incoming/article23074637.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/1_Emmerdale.jpghttps://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article1479828.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/Chris%20Gascoyne%20as%20Peter%20Barlow%20in%20Coro nation%20Street

Yet even a cursory glance at the casts of those two programmes will show that most don't look like that:

That's been happening for decades especially started in the 80s when all the bad guys/dickheads in films would be blond men. People think that started in the last decade but they've just taken things up a few notches.

11-19-2023, 09:47 PM
Most dark washed: South Italians and South French
Most light washed: North Italians and North French
Southern French are extremely light-washed on here so I disagree, but agree with Northern French but who isn't light-washed on here..

11-19-2023, 10:02 PM
Romanians are amongst the top most dark-washed on TA.

On average, they're just a mix of all the neighbors, wogs are as common as blondes.

11-19-2023, 10:29 PM
Actually, the Latin American subforum is a lot quieter than e.g. two years ago, due to some users either disappearing altogether e.g. Daven and El Jibaro, or being somewhat less active e.g. axel.aleman, Andullero and mixdguy.

How much active was the Latin American subforum between 2021 and 2022? and which members were well know?

Tooting Carmen
11-19-2023, 10:43 PM
How much active was the Latin American subforum between 2021 and 2022? and which members were well know?

Very active, in large part thanks to those users I mentioned, plus Erronkari who recently returned.

11-20-2023, 12:34 AM
I don't think Greeks are dark washed - Greeks are just Greeks. Southern spectrum of the European-wide cluster. Someone has to occupy it and put a full stop to the cluster.

11-20-2023, 09:31 AM
Actually, the Latin American subforum is a lot quieter than e.g. two years ago, due to some users either disappearing altogether e.g. Daven and El Jibaro, or being somewhat less active e.g. axel.aleman, Andullero and mixdguy.

Yes,i think since some mexican users got banned,the forum got more chill,and better to navigate into.

11-20-2023, 12:10 PM
Yes,i think since some mexican users got banned,the forum got more chill,and better to navigate into.

Not Mexicans, but Chicanos and Costa Ricans.

11-20-2023, 06:33 PM
Not Mexicans, but Chicanos and Costa Ricans.

Why do you differ between mexicans and chicanos