View Full Version : State main phenotypes among city councilors of Bra (Piedmont, Italy) v. French

02-15-2019, 12:01 PM
Bra, a small town in Piedmont, Italy.
A few surnames are not native to Piedmont, but are Italian nonetheless.
Compare/state differences/similarities to these ethnic French from Rhône-Alpes (borders Piedmont) and Normandie (NW France): https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?278116-State-main-phenotypes-among-city-councilors-of-Grenoble-Rh%F4ne-Alpes-(France)-v-Italians and https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?278225-State-main-phenotypes-among-city-councilors-of-Valogne-(Normandy-France), respectively.


Source: http://www.comune.bra.cn.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90&Itemid=129

02-15-2019, 03:21 PM
A few? 4-5 out of 14 (the 29-36%) are southern Italians. A fucking third. You realize Piedmontese are genetically closer to French than to southern Italians, don't you? What the fuck do you mean by ''they are Italian nonetheless''? What is the point of including people with southern Italian surnames if you want to make a comparison between ethnic northern Italians and French?

Southern Italian surnames:

Milazzo (Sicilian)


Isu (Sardinian)


Gemma (found in Apulia, Naples and Sicily)


Tripodi (Calabrian)


Dubious surnames:

Ambrogio (either Piedmontese or Calabrian)


02-15-2019, 03:58 PM
Man, how many threads about Italians are you planning to create? Go post Portugueses. Go.

02-15-2019, 04:07 PM
A few? 4-5 out of 14 (the 29-36%) are southern Italians. A fucking third. You realize Piedmontese are genetically closer to French than to southern Italians, don't you? What the fuck do you mean by ''they are Italian nonetheless''? What is the point of including people with southern Italian surnames if you want to make a comparison between ethnic northern Italians and French?

Southern Italian surnames:

Milazzo (Sicilian)


Isu (Sardinian)


Gemma (found in Apulia, Naples and Sicily)


Tripodi (Calabrian)


Dubious surnames:

Ambrogio (either Piedmontese or Calabrian)


Thank you for pointing them out. So now people can compare the remainder. Or are you going to tell me they're not "ethnic northern Italian" too? ;)

02-15-2019, 04:10 PM
Man, how many threads about Italians are you planning to create? Go post Portugueses. Go.

Italians get banned while this retard not.
I doubt this asshole is Portuguese in any case.

02-15-2019, 04:14 PM
I wonder how a council from Normandie can be representative of genereal French, granted that obviously an imbecile retard troll like you always chose the darkest Italian councils he finds as opposed to the ones you want to compare with.
Want you bet i can make French pass as darker and swarthier even than a Maltese council if i want??

02-15-2019, 04:14 PM
A few? 4-5 out of 14 (the 29-36%) are southern Italians. A fucking third. You realize Piedmontese are genetically closer to French than to southern Italians, don't you? What the fuck do you mean by ''they are Italian nonetheless''? What is the point of including people with southern Italian surnames if you want to make a comparison between ethnic northern Italians and French?

THERE IS NOT A NORTH ITALIAN ETHNICITY you dumb. Now, Marolinepint, stop using that sock account to create threads about Italians in order to troll.

02-15-2019, 04:18 PM
There is not a NORTH ITALIAN ETHNICITY you dumb.

non lo capisce Marolinepint/Jobodwanna/Savvas

tra i due estremi ovvero lui da una parte e Renaissance12 dall'altra non so chi è peggio. detto ciò il nostro amico atlantico qua è un po' fissato.

02-15-2019, 04:19 PM
Thank you for pointing them out. So now people can compare the remainder. Or are you going to tell me they're not "ethnic northern Italian" too? ;)

Who knows about the remainder. Do you happen to know their mothers' surnames?

02-15-2019, 04:21 PM
Who knows about the remainder. Do you happen to know their mothers' surnames?

Next you're going to ask for a DNA test? Please. :picard1:

02-15-2019, 04:29 PM
non lo capisce Marolinepint/Jobodwanna/Savvas

tra i due estremi ovvero lui da una parte e Renaissance12 dall'altra non so chi è peggio. detto ciò il nostro amico atlantico qua è un po' fissato.

Senti, tu e quell'altro mona avete rotto il cazzo. La distanza genetica tra un Italiano di Bergamo e un Siciliano è uguale a quella tra un Islandese e uno Sloveno. O vuoi negare anche questo? Vai su nMonte, seleziona i gruppi che vuoi nelle caselle di ricerca e apri le mappe, guardati i numeri e poi confronta, vai:

Sei tu che non lo capisci, anzi lo sai benissimo ma non lo vuoi accettare.

02-15-2019, 04:34 PM
Senti, tu e quell'altro mona avete rotto il cazzo. La distanza genetica tra un Italiano di Bergamo e un Siciliano è uguale a quella tra un Islandese e uno Sloveno. O vuoi negare anche questo? Vai su nMonte, seleziona i gruppi che vuoi nelle caselle di ricerca e apri le mappe, guardati numeri e poi confronta, vai:

Sei tu che non lo capisci, anzi lo sai benissimo ma non lo vuoi accettare.

aridaje . Scommetto che garibaldi stava a vede i grafici di Nmonte quando è sbarcato in Sicilia, poi ha aperto un thread e s'è blastato co Cavour

02-15-2019, 04:34 PM
English, please. This is not the Italian sub-forum.

02-15-2019, 04:37 PM
English, please. This is not the Italian sub-forum.

if you were humble and curious enough you would discretely use google translate just to get the grasp of what is going on.

then you would realize that what is happening is that italian people are arguing between themselves

after that, (third step i hope you already know that) you don't interrupt two or more italians arguing for whatever reason.

02-15-2019, 04:43 PM
if you were humble and curious enough you would discretely use google translate just to get the grasp of what is going on.

then you would realize that what is happening is that italian people are arguing between themselves

after that, (third step i hope you already know that) you don't interrupt two or more italians arguing for whatever reason.

haha XD

02-15-2019, 04:49 PM
after that, (third step i hope you already know that) you don't interrupt two or more italians arguing for whatever reason.

You hope wrong. I'm not aware of your cultural idiosyncrasies. But thanks for letting me know.

02-15-2019, 04:55 PM
Take it easy.... Brah! :lol:

The Blade
02-15-2019, 08:56 PM
Mainly Dinarics, Alpines, Atlanto-Meds and blends of such. Minor Borreby in some.
French are both on your sets and in general more Northern European admixed though not near British/Irish level, and especially not on Scando level, as some have tried to present it in the past.