View Full Version : Classify a very South Italian looking Levantine

02-18-2019, 04:39 PM
Paul Anka

He looks very much Sicilian or Calabrian. But he is half Syrian, half Lebanese.


02-18-2019, 06:26 PM

Tooting Carmen
02-18-2019, 07:51 PM
A bit more Semitic-looking than average for anywhere in Italy.

02-18-2019, 08:57 PM
Could pass as atypical. Would pass better as Jewish imo
Better when younger before the freak tan.

He probably had rinoplasty at some stage.
Here a younger pic.

02-18-2019, 09:00 PM
I agree with Sikeliot. Looks closer to Europe than to the Levant.

02-18-2019, 10:47 PM
A bit more Semitic-looking than average for anywhere in Italy.

He isn't that Semitic looking. He looks more Sicilian than his good friend Frank Sinatra who was half North Italian :lol:

Sebastianus Rex
02-18-2019, 10:57 PM
Looks 100% Levantine imo. Armenoid/Syrid range.





02-18-2019, 11:00 PM
Looks 100% Levantine imo. Armenoid/Syrid range.





He looks less distinctly Levantine in old age.

02-18-2019, 11:02 PM
A South Italian looking Lebanese is someone like this guy:


The man in the OP looks Semitic/Syrid, a type inexistent in South Italy.

Cristiano viejo
02-18-2019, 11:06 PM
Loos even Gypsy in some images.

02-18-2019, 11:09 PM
A South Italian looking Lebanese is someone like this guy:


The man in the OP looks Semitic/Syrid, a type inexistent in South Italy.

I agree about the man above, yes.

I have seen people who look like him. I don't perceive his look as "Syrid" actually. I was surprised to find out he was fully Levantine honestly.

Sebastianus Rex
02-18-2019, 11:10 PM
He looks less distinctly Levantine in old age.

Of course, he did several obvious plastic surgeries.

02-18-2019, 11:11 PM
He does not look Italian.

02-18-2019, 11:12 PM
Looks too Syrid to pass as South Italian.

Here is a contemporary Calabrian singer of the era, Rocco Granata:



02-18-2019, 11:13 PM
Looks too Syrid to pass as South Italian.

Can he pass in Greece or in Cyprus?

02-18-2019, 11:14 PM
Can he pass in Greece or in Cyprus?

He looks Mexican.

02-18-2019, 11:16 PM
Can he pass in Greece or in Cyprus?

As a very atypical individual he could in Greece. Cyprus has exotic types but they have a different vibe.

02-18-2019, 11:17 PM
As a very atypical individual he could in Greece. Cyprus has exotic types but they have a different vibe.

What type of Greek? Pontic?

I would guess more Sicilian or Calabrian rather than Greek but I don't know about Cyprus.

02-18-2019, 11:18 PM
He even have the semitic smile, so he must have arabid influence with armenoid. I don't think he looks South Italian tbh

02-18-2019, 11:20 PM
What type of Greek? Pontic?

I would guess more Sicilian or Calabrian rather than Greek but I don't know about Cyprus.

Not as pontic or Anatolian Greek, probably he could pass as some type of exotic Islander.

02-18-2019, 11:21 PM
A more southern shifted Carpathid.

02-18-2019, 11:22 PM
Not as pontic or Anatolian Greek, probably he could pass as some type of exotic Islander.

There is no genetic difference between Aegean islands and southern Italian that would justify passing in one place versus the other.

02-18-2019, 11:24 PM
There is no genetic difference between Aegean islands and southern Italian that would justify passing in one place versus the other.

I said he would be extremely atypical for Greece, so by the same logic he would be extremely atypical for southern Italy.

In his older years he gives a pseudo Italic look similar to former Italian PM Berlusconi but that's because both persons probably had tons of plastic surgery.

02-18-2019, 11:26 PM
I said he would be extremely atypical for Greece, so by the same logic he would be extremely atypical for southern Italy.

I thought you were saying he could pass in Greece but not in southern Italy. I am saying that the genetics between Aegean islands and southern Italian differ extremely minimally, whereas mainland Greece is differ.

I am going by when he is older I do think he has a look I think of as Italian. I think most Americans would guess the same.

02-18-2019, 11:30 PM
I thought you were saying he could pass in Greece but not in southern Italy. I am saying that the genetics between Aegean islands and southern Italian differ extremely minimally, whereas mainland Greece is differ.

I am going by when he is older I do think he has a look I think of as Italian. I think most Americans would guess the same.

Yeah I was talking from personal experience. I may have seen one or two Greeks with a similar look but none that were Italian.

Overall this type of look is very rare to non existent to both S. Italy and Greece.

02-18-2019, 11:33 PM
Yeah I was talking from personal experience. I may have seen one or two Greeks with a similar look but none that were Italian.

Overall this type of look is very rare to non existent to both S. Italy and Greece.

I probably see more southern Italians than you do so I would say I have seen this look. I personally do not see much phenotypical difference between Aegean islands and Sicily. I don't even think it is a rare look in either place so I disagree with you.

I think the Slavicized phenotypes in northern Greece stand out much more than this one.

02-19-2019, 05:09 AM
A more southern shifted Carpathid.

Carpathid [is a] European type with Gorid and Dinaro-Armenid elements.
Imma go with Taurid (Dinarid/Armenid) + Red Sea tbh.

02-19-2019, 05:28 AM
Imma go with Taurid (Dinarid/Armenid) + Red Sea tbh.
I guess Taurid is good, but they tend to have the long Dinaridized foreheads with classic dark hair and eyes. This guy has a round face with the short forehead and blue eyes. Hence he appeared Carpathid-like.

Armenoid-Alpine is also a fitting phenotype (if Carpathid is too northern shifted for him).

02-19-2019, 06:10 AM
His aesthetic lays somewhere within the aesthetic kiss exchanged between Southern Europe and Western Asia.

05-26-2019, 03:31 AM
A bit more Semitic-looking than average for anywhere in Italy.

Yeah I do not see him as being Southern Italian or Southern European at all.

05-26-2019, 06:56 AM
Levantines look like non SSA shifted North Africans or Lighter Egyptians for the most part. This guy look 10x more Egyptian, Libyan than anything South European. Maybe in Cyprus he pass as a not common type.

05-28-2019, 05:16 AM
He looks quite levantine in his youth, but in his older age he looks like an old school Sicilian mobster or something lol