View Full Version : Hair Color looks to be the least recessive trait for all Humans.

02-19-2019, 02:24 AM
So I noticed that most people in the world have black hair. However, you will find some MENA , Indians, Africans with lighter skin and eyes on occasion. However, almost all non-European or mixed peoples have black hair. I think hair color is one of the easiest factors to use to determine race if you want to go by pigmentation alone.

Brown hair is really something that is rare among the human race. It is truly a recessive trait that billions of people do not have.

For example you can have many South Asians with light white skin and even eyes but very few will have brownish hair. Therefore their children will likely pass on black hair.

However, in European populations most everyone carries a brown hair trait. I have brown hair therefore my children will have brown hair. However, many whites also have black hair but odds are they can easily produce a child with lighter hair. My children have a light to medium brown color which lighter than mine.

02-19-2019, 12:47 PM