View Full Version : South Americans

08-09-2009, 06:59 PM
We don't often talk about the white people in South America. We should ! It's sort of a giant SouthAfrica with still millions of white but many blacks, mestizos threatening.

I did some research on wikipedia about all the countries there with a signifincant white population :


Country % local Population
Brazil 49.7 or 53.7[7] 93 or 105
Argentina 97[22] 39
Mexico 9[23] or ~16[9] 9.6 or 18
Colombia 20[24] or 25[1] 8.9 or 11.2
Cuba 65.1[10] 7.3
Venezuela 20[11] 5.6
Chile 30[12] or 52.7[13] 5.1 or 8.8
Peru 15[25] 4.3
Costa Rica 85[14] 3.8[14]
Puerto Rico 80.5[26] 3.1
Uruguay 88[27] 3
Dominican Republic 16[28] 1.5
Bolivia 15[29] 1.4
Ecuador 10.4[15] 1.4
Paraguay 20[13] 1.3
Nicaragua 17[30] 1

About 200 millions. Which is still almost the entire white population in the United States.

08-09-2009, 08:42 PM
The definition of 'White" is different in Latin America. An octoroon (1/8 Negro) or Castizo (1/4 Amerindian) could be considered White in Latin America.

Rafael Correa, president of Ecuador, considered White in Latin America.


Augusto Pinochet, the White guy who use to rule Chile.

08-09-2009, 08:53 PM
There was a great poster on Skadi who was from Argentina. I forget his username now.

How did I ever forget. There is also the greatest metal band to walk this blessed Earth that came from Brasil.


08-09-2009, 09:00 PM
http://www.peronvencealtiempo.com.ar/imagenes/rosas/slides/Brigadier%20General%20Don%20Juan%20Manuel%20de%20R osas%20XIII.jpg
You are thinking of Mazorquero. His avatar was of Juan Manuel de Rosas, who looks like an Englishman.

Argentina has a high percentage of Europeans. Also Uruguay & parts of Southern Brazil. But many Brazilian Whites have significant Amerindian &/or Negroe admixture. And Whites in the Andean countries have a high degree of Amerindian admixture.

08-09-2009, 09:00 PM
Due to historical reasons it's true in Latin America the concept of race is much more blurred than in USA , a concept where also USA is heading , but still there's a lot of whites over there and many of them are racially conscious thou too many times richness and whiteness overlap and are mistaken each other , in short it happens whites are almost always the richest and they tend to live among themselves i.e. whites but also ligh skinned mestizios and semi-whites as well.

08-09-2009, 09:33 PM
About 200 millions. Which is still almost the entire white population in the United States.

I doubt that data since the U.S. absorbs nearly 80% of all European immigration to the Americas, look it contradictory.

08-09-2009, 09:56 PM
Very true. The Latin American definition of "white" typically includes light-skinned people with Amerindian and African ancestry. The one-drop rule has never existed in that region the way it did in the USA.*
Plus the Spanish and Portuguese settlers brought fewer women, so they often had intermarry with indigenous women. The places where self-identified Europeans or whites make up the biggest majorities are those that experienced mass immigration from Europe after independence (Argentina, Uruguay). Even so, a plurality or small majority of Argentines probably have at least a small amount of Amerindian ancestry (average about 18-19 percent) as single male immigrants married Argentine-born women. (1)

(1) Seldin et al, Argentine population genetic structure : large variance in Amerindian contribution, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2007, vol. 132, pp. 455-462

*In the USA the one-drop rule did not necessarily apply to Amerindians the way it applied to Africans, so it is hard to believe that all white North American claims of distant Amerindian ancestry are apocryphal.
On the other hand, compared even to Argentina (one of the 2 "whitest" Latin American countries) a significantly smaller percentage of white Americans have Amerindian ancestors (these are typically old-stock Americans in the south and west, or people of French Canadian origin). I don't know of any studies on this topic though.

08-09-2009, 10:44 PM
South America has been nothing but a struggle between colonists and natives. It's an excellent example of the failure that we call multiculturalism.

05-28-2011, 04:53 PM
If there's a South Amerika pictures thread, i don't saw it. And we are strongly represent on this forum. Since we are interesting culturaly and racialy, i'll begin posting Brazilian pictures. I don't find a regional forum, so, i'll post it in this area. If I'm doing something wrong please warn me.



05-28-2011, 04:58 PM
A loira da terceira foto se chama Luiza Pimentel?(se parece muito com uma amiga minha) Por favor, tira essa foto dessa torcida imunda do flamengo!!!1 Bom tópico!!1

Sempre procurei um desse aqui e não achei

05-28-2011, 04:59 PM
More Brazilians

05-28-2011, 05:00 PM
A loira da terceira foto se chama Luiza Pimentel?(se parece muito com uma amiga minha) Por favor, tira essa foto dessa torcida imunda do flamengo!!!1 Bom tópico!!1

Sempre procurei um desse aqui e não achei

Não faço a menor ideia =[
A unica pessoa q eu conheço dessa foto é a Dhana! A de vermelho ^^

05-28-2011, 05:04 PM
Ao menos colocou a do fluzão. Sua amiga é médica?

Po, parece muito com Luiza!1

05-28-2011, 05:08 PM
Most white in Brazil are a mix of portugueses, italians, germans, scandinavians and spaniards, i'm correct?

05-28-2011, 05:13 PM
Most white in Brazil are a mix of portugueses, italians, germans, scandinavians and spaniards, i'm correct?

Scandinavians is not correct. poles, Ukrains, Frenchs, Englands,Dutchs,Russians,Belgians,etc... Danishs,Swedens,Norwegians,Finns correspondig, up to 1 million people

05-28-2011, 05:17 PM
Mostly Germans, Italians, and Iberians though I think.

05-28-2011, 05:17 PM
Famous Scandinavians-brazilians

Robert Scheidt, Torbern Grael and Lars Grael, there are Danish backgrounds and Bob Burnquist(Swedish ancestry)

05-28-2011, 05:18 PM
Scandinavians is not correct. poles, Ukrains, Frenchs, Englands,Dutchs,Russians,Belgians,etc... Danishs,Swedens,Norwegians,Finns correspondig, up to 1 million people

Thanks for the info.

I know that in southern states like Paranà, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina there are cities composed in most part by italians, is correct?

05-28-2011, 05:18 PM
Ao menos colocou a do fluzão. Sua amiga é médica?

Po, parece muito com Luiza!1

Ela trabalha numa refinaria de petróleo =]

Na legenda da foto está escrito "Primos lindos, Rodrigo, Déia e Greta". Provavelmente é alguém parecido!

05-28-2011, 05:19 PM
I know that in southern states like Paranà, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina there are cities composed in most part by italians, is correct?

And Germans, too.

05-28-2011, 05:21 PM
23-25 millions of italian descedents in Brazil are a great number, if you consider that here ethnic italians are 56 millions.

05-28-2011, 05:22 PM
rio de janeiro the Italian influence has received more than the Espírito Santo.

05-28-2011, 05:22 PM
And Germans, too.

I think he wants to know about Italians

05-28-2011, 05:22 PM
The southern part of South America (southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina) is in great contrast to the rest of South America from what I hear.. not only are most of the people of close to pure European stock but the architecture and food is distinctly European in character.

05-28-2011, 05:24 PM
23-25 millions of italian descedents in Brazil are a great number, if you consider that here ethnic italians are 56 millions.

I think it's the largest number of descendants of Italians Worldwide

05-28-2011, 05:25 PM
Yes i know about german settlements.

I want know about italians because in the last years many italo-brazilians are returned here (Piemonte/Lombardia) and have asked the citizenship*. Also a brother of my grandfather lives in Curitiba and spent the summer (NB: italian summer) here.

*(italian law of citizenship say that if you have a italian ancestor born from 1861 to nowadays, you could receive the citizenship in 5 years instead of 10)

05-28-2011, 05:26 PM
Are most Italo-Brazilians of northern Italian descent?

05-28-2011, 05:27 PM
Yes i know about german settlements.

I want know about italians because in the last years many italo-brazilians are returned here (Piemonte/Lombardia) and have asked the citizenship*. Also a brother of my grandfather lives in Curitiba and spent the summer (NB: italian summer) here.

*(italian law of citizenship say that if you have a italian ancestor born from 1861 to nowadays, you could receive the citizenship in 5 years instead of 10)

I'm taking my Italian citizenship!

05-28-2011, 05:30 PM
The southern part of South America (southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina) is in great contrast to the rest of South America from what I hear.. not only are most of the people of close to pure European stock but the architecture and food is distinctly European in character.

The south and southeastern Brazil were a great wave of European immigrants, and this is noticeable incities of the the states of Rio de Janeiro , SaoPaulo, MinasGerais , Espirito Santo , Parana, SantaCatarina and Rio Grande do Sul . The culture, architecture, folks, various towns in these states, remains faithful to European traditions

Argentina and Uruguay are basically white. The rest of South America, most are mestizos, Indians, mulattoes and blacks. Sure, you have a strong European presence in all other countries as well, but those three I mentioned are where European culture was more preserved. Especially Argentina

05-28-2011, 05:32 PM
And there are great regional differences within Brazil too, no? Like Bahia would have a lot more in common with Cape Verde and some Caribbean countries I'd imagine, than with Europe.

05-28-2011, 05:33 PM
Are most Italo-Brazilians of northern Italian descent?

Yes. Like me, my grandfather was from lombardy. Most Italians came from Piemonte and Lombardia, but also has south italians

05-28-2011, 05:36 PM
Yes i know about german settlements.

I want know about italians because in the last years many italo-brazilians are returned here (Piemonte/Lombardia) and have asked the citizenship*. Also a brother of my grandfather lives in Curitiba and spent the summer (NB: italian summer) here.

*(italian law of citizenship say that if you have a italian ancestor born from 1861 to nowadays, you could receive the citizenship in 5 years instead of 10)

My paternal grandfather was Italian, so I'm also Italian and have the citizenship

05-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I think it's the largest number of descendants of Italians Worldwide

Yes, is the large.
The second is in Argentina (about 20 millions), and the third in USA (17 millions).

Are most Italo-Brazilians of northern Italian descent?

Yes, most from Piemonte, Liguria, Veneto, Lombardia, Friuli and Emilia. But also many southerners (especially Latio and Campania).

I'm taking my Italian citizenship!

Really? Congratulations. You're able to speak italian?

05-28-2011, 05:43 PM
And there are great regional differences within Brazil too, no? Like Bahia would have a lot more in common with Cape Verde and some Caribbean countries I'd imagine, than with Europe.

A huge difference. The north is composed of Indians, Amerindians and a small proportion of whites and blacks. The Northeast, received a large influx of slaves. Bahia is the state with the largest percentage of blacks in Brazil. Although it has received many Spaniards. Just as Pernambuco received Dutch and Maranhão received French . I can say that European culture predominates in the architecture, but is very strong in African cuisine, dancing and costomer of the northeastern people. The Center-West, received waves of immigrants from various parts of Brazil, especially Rio Grande do Sul

Brazil is a country multiracil as the United States, his country. Here you will find an apache, such as Jerome, a southern European, Northern European one, mestizos and blacks and Africans. You'll also find, in smaller proportion, compared to the United States, Jews and Arabs

05-28-2011, 05:43 PM
The reason I figured most Italo-Brazilians are of northern Italian descent is because from what I've read online, Brazilians overall have an entirely different perception of Italians than Americans do, and I've seen many blonde, blue eyed Brazilians who turned out to be of Italian descent.

05-28-2011, 05:46 PM
Tribuno, Esattamente! A San Paolo, l'accento della popolazione è stato fortemente influenzato dagli italiani. È lo stato che ha ricevuto gli immigrati italiani.

Tu sei di quella regione e la città italiana?

05-28-2011, 05:48 PM
The reason I figured most Italo-Brazilians are of northern Italian descent is because from what I've read online, Brazilians overall have an entirely different perception of Italians than Americans do, and I've seen many blonde, blue eyed Brazilians who turned out to be of Italian descent.

In USA most italians were sicilians (about 40% of total), calabrians, lucanians and southern latial, with a little percentage of northerns (especially from eastern Lombardia (the region called "Insubria").

05-28-2011, 05:51 PM
Tribuno, Esattamente! A San Paolo, l'accento della popolazione è stato fortemente influenzato dagli italiani. È lo stato che ha ricevuto gli immigrati italiani.

Tu sei di quella regione e la città italiana?

Io vivo a Torino, in Piemonte. Ma ho antenati bergamaschi (Lombardia), veneziani (Veneto) e laziali (Velletri).

Qui da noi si dice che la più grande città italiana del mondo non è Roma, ma San Paolo del Brasile.:D

05-28-2011, 05:51 PM
The reason I figured most Italo-Brazilians are of northern Italian descent is because from what I've read online, Brazilians overall have an entirely different perception of Italians than Americans do, and I've seen many blonde, blue eyed Brazilians who turned out to be of Italian descent.

Truth! The Brazilian stereotype Italians as blond with blue eyes. When soap operas that show is the culture and the Italian people, they put blond or light colored eyes, like the Italians. But in each region, you have a designation for people with light eyes and light hair. For example, in Bahia, they call the "Galician", due to Spanish immigration. In Maranhão, "Frenchman, " Parana "Polish", but overall, a blond-eyed, in Brazil, is called the "German" or Russian ".

In the United States, most of the Italians came from the south. Therefore, in movies, we see that you have a different conception of Italians

05-28-2011, 05:55 PM
Io vivo a Torino, in Piemonte. Ma ho antenati bergamaschi (Lombardia), veneziani (Veneto) e laziali (Velletri).

Qui da noi si dice che la più grande città italiana del mondo non è Roma, ma San Paolo del Brasile.:D

Sì, lo so! Mio nonno era di Brescia. Ma egli era sostenitore della Juventus, la loro città. Più volte mi guardare le partite dalla "vecchia signora" al Delle Alpi. Le Alpi sono bellissime.

Molto bene! Ha senso, perché non credo che avere una città con più italiani di San Paolo

05-28-2011, 05:58 PM
Sì, lo so! Mio nonno era di Brescia. Ma egli era sostenitore della Juventus, la loro città. Più volte mi guardare le partite dalla "vecchia signora" al Delle Alpi. Le Alpi sono bellissime.

Molto bene! Ha senso, perché non credo che avere una città con più italiani di San Paolo

Sette milioni di italiani, mentre Roma solo 3,5 :D

Se mai cambierò stato, emigrerò li nel sud del Brasile, oppure in Uruguay o Argentina.:p

05-28-2011, 06:02 PM
Sette milioni di italiani, mentre Roma solo 3,5 :D

Se mai cambierò stato, emigrerò li nel sud del Brasile, oppure in Uruguay o Argentina.:p

Sarete i benvenuti!!

05-28-2011, 06:05 PM
South America is also the continent with the highest population of Sardinians, out of Europe,
100,000 in Argentina (the country in the world with the highest sardinian population after italy, also my grand dad migrated there for few years)
and 50,000 in Brazil,
unlinke in North America is almost impossible to find people with sardinian descent.


in the south of Brazil exists a town called Garibaldi, founded by italians immigrants, there is still spoken the Venetian language (north east italy)

the number of italian immigrants in Brazil and Argentina is higher than that one of Canada and USA

05-28-2011, 06:09 PM
South America is also the continent with the highest population of Sardinians, out of Europe,
100,000 in Argentina (the country in the world with the highest sardinian population after italy, also my grand dad migrated there for few years)
and 50,000 in Brazil,
unlinke in North America is almost impossible to find people with sardinian descent.


in the south of Brazil exists a town called Garibaldi, founded by italians immigrants, there is still spoken the Venetian language (north east italy)

the number of italian immigrants in Brazil and Argentina is higher than that one of Canada and USA

Franco Columbu? :D

05-28-2011, 06:12 PM
South America is also the continent with the highest population of Sardinians, out of Europe,
100,000 in Argentina (the country in the world with the highest sardinian population after italy, also my grand dad migrated there for few years)
and 50,000 in Brazil,
unlinke in North America is almost impossible to find people with sardinian descent.


in the south of Brazil exists a town called Garibaldi, founded by italians immigrants, there is still spoken the Venetian language (north east italy)

the number of italian immigrants in Brazil and Argentina is higher than that one of Canada and USA

Garibaldi and Bento Gonçalves were the cities of Rio Grande do Sul, founded by Sardinians. Garibaldi was a tribute to the Italian revolutionary.

I also said it had received a good number of immigrants from southern Italy.

In percentage, Argentina is a country with the largest number of Italian immigrants, but absolute numbers, Brazil is in front, because we have a much larger population

05-28-2011, 06:14 PM
If all the italo-brazilians, italo-uruguayos and the italo-argentinians will return here, we'll double the actual population :laugh:

05-28-2011, 06:14 PM
Really? Congratulations. You're able to speak italian?

Unfortunaley, i'm not. My mother said that they just speak Italian in their Father's parents house. But she don't try to learn.

More Brazilians
(this is a movie scene)

05-28-2011, 06:19 PM
If all the italo-brazilians, italo-uruguayos and the italo-argentinians will return here, we'll double the actual population :laugh:

italy has the lowest birth rate, right?

05-28-2011, 06:22 PM
italy has the lowest birth rate, right?

1,4 :(

Very low (in 1936 was 8,8:( )

05-28-2011, 06:25 PM
My team, Fluminense, has the colors of the flag of Italy. was founded by an Englishman, but received very Italians among its members and adopted the colors of Italy, in his shirt. is considered the team of whites and the Brazilian elite


05-28-2011, 06:29 PM
My team, Fluminense, has the colors of the flag of Italy. was founded by an Englishman, but received very Italians among its members and adopted the colors of Italy, in his shirt. is considered the team of whites and the Brazilian elite



05-28-2011, 06:33 PM

Chorei MUITO nesse dia. Foi o jogo mais tenso da minha, quase morri, perdemos o título, mas o orgulho tricolor era enorme. Não trocaria nenhum segundo do que eu passei nesse dia.

Foi fenomenal!!

05-28-2011, 06:35 PM
Chorei MUITO nesse dia. Foi o jogo mais tenso da minha, quase morri, perdemos o título, mas o orgulho tricolor era enorme. Não trocaria nenhum segundo do que eu passei nesse dia.

Foi fenomenal!!

Um dos melhores jogos que eu já vi foi o contra o Argentino Juniors! Esse da Libertadores. Eu ainda n vi seu video então não sei q jogo é esse (tou na loja e se eu ligar o video, todos na loja vao ser obrigados a ouvir)

Mas eu desconfio q seja na copa sul americana, eu acho, ano retrasado. Foi?

05-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Portuguese sounds like a italian pronunced with tongue between the teeth (no offence to anyone, just an observation:D)

05-28-2011, 06:59 PM
Um dos melhores jogos que eu já vi foi o contra o Argentino Juniors! Esse da Libertadores. Eu ainda n vi seu video então não sei q jogo é esse (tou na loja e se eu ligar o video, todos na loja vao ser obrigados a ouvir)

Mas eu desconfio q seja na copa sul americana, eu acho, ano retrasado. Foi?

Esse foi o melhor jogo do flu esse ano, mas como já estou acostumado a jogos tensos do flu, esse até que passou numa boa.

O vídeo que eu postei foi da final da libertadores de 2008. A final da Sulamericana foi 2009, também contra essa maldita LDU.

Eu sei que eu fiquei uns meses sem ver nada relacionado a libertadores, porque me dava vontade de chorar. Do nada, eu começava a lembrar da final e chorava, minha noiva ficava morrendo de vergonha e não entendia nada.

Bom, eu sempre fui muito fanático, ela tem razão em achar besteira algumas atitudes

05-28-2011, 07:05 PM
People, if you can contribuite with pictures of other South Amerika countries, I would be very thankful!

Esse foi o melhor jogo do flu esse ano, mas como já estou acostumado a jogos tensos do flu, esse até que passou numa boa.

O vídeo que eu postei foi da final da libertadores de 2008. A final da Sulamericana foi 2009, também contra essa maldita LDU.

Eu sei que eu fiquei uns meses sem ver nada relacionado a libertadores, porque me dava vontade de chorar. Do nada, eu começava a lembrar da final e chorava, minha noiva ficava morrendo de vergonha e não entendia nada.

Bom, eu sempre fui muito fanático, ela tem razão em achar besteira algumas atitudes

uhauhshaushuauhsauhsuha homens são assim com futebol. Minha mãe e eu assistimos os jogos do flu numa boa. Ficamos tensas, mas normal. Meu pai e o Ronan ficam desesperado! (Todos na minha familia são flu) O pior é o meu padrasto, que é Flamenguista doente e também chora.... Ai a minha mãe q fica morrendo de vergonha hahaha

Portuguese sounds like a italian pronunced with tongue between the teeth (no offence to anyone, just an observation:D)

Somebody tells me that the Portuguese sounds like russian for people who don't are native speakers of Latin or Russian languages! Maybe not the "carioca" way to speak, but the portuguese (from Portugal) way.

05-28-2011, 07:06 PM
Portuguese sounds like a italian pronunced with tongue between the teeth (no offence to anyone, just an observation:D)

Portuguese is the vulgar Latin. The Portuguese of Brazil is different from Portuguese spoken in Portugal. It would make an analogy, the same as the English spoken in England and the English spoken in the United States. And because Brazil is very big and has received several people, each region has a typical accent.

The Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro, because it was the capital of Brazil and has received many immigrants and the Portuguese in Rio Grande do Sul, also received many Azorean , in my opinion, are more like the Portuguese spoken in Portugal.

But, in fact, I think the ugliest of the Latin languages​​.

05-28-2011, 07:11 PM
Portuguese is the vulgar Latin. The Portuguese of Brazil is different from Portuguese spoken in Portugal. It would make an analogy, the same as the English spoken in England and the English spoken in the United States. And because Brazil is very big and has received several people, each region has a typical accent.

The Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro, because it was the capital of Brazil and has received many immigrants and the Portuguese in Rio Grande do Sul, also received many Azorean , in my opinion, are more like the Portuguese spoken in Portugal.

But, in fact, I think the ugliest of the Latin languages​​.

Is not the ugliest.
You never heard the spanish spoken by philippinos, or the italian pronunced by somalis :laugh:

05-28-2011, 07:12 PM
Portuguese is the vulgar Latin. The Portuguese of Brazil is different from Portuguese spoken in Portugal. It would make an analogy, the same as the English spoken in England and the English spoken in the United States. And because Brazil is very big and has received several people, each region has a typical accent.

The Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro, because it was the capital of Brazil and has received many immigrants and the Portuguese in Rio Grande do Sul, also received many Azorean , in my opinion, are more like the Portuguese spoken in Portugal.

But, in fact, I think the ugliest of the Latin languages​​.

This Movie, Tropa de Elite, shows exactly how Rio the Janeiro speak day after day. It's a great way to show the diferences with this example "USA-England" englishes.

My friend says that the Rio de Janeiro accent is like the New York accent for Americans.

05-28-2011, 07:27 PM
Brazilian Portuguese may resemble a bit the sound of standard Italian - it's emotional and lively. Standard Portuguese from Portugal does indeed have some phonems which sound close to phonems of the Russian and other slavic languages - so that impression by foreign languages speakers. Some claim that to be the reason slavic immigrants here are able to speak Portuguese in a more perfect way than even other Romance-speakers.

05-28-2011, 07:28 PM





Brazilian Journalists

05-28-2011, 07:34 PM
Brazilian Portuguese may resemble a bit the sound of standard Italian - it's emotional and lively. Standard Portuguese from Portugal does indeed have some phonems which sound close to phonems of the Russian and other slavic languages - so that impression by foreign languages speakers. Some claim that to be the reason slavic immigrants here are able to speak Portuguese in a more perfect way than even other Romance-speakers.

I noticed that some Slavs, who knew Portuguese, spoke of a more natural way and without an accent than Western Europeans, for example. And found it interesting, because the Portuguese have no connection with the Slavic branch. The languages ​​they speak French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian, which had more difficulty learning English and was also notice a great difficulty to people who have English as their mother tongue, speak Portuguese

05-28-2011, 07:36 PM
National Team of Uruguay (i would say that 9 of 11 are pure white)


05-28-2011, 07:38 PM
National Team of Uruguay (i would say that 9 of 11 are pure white)


I sympathize whith Forlán!

05-28-2011, 07:38 PM
Thanks for the info.

I know that in southern states like Paranà, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina there are cities composed in most part by italians, is correct?

Mato Grosso do Sul/Rondonia (with white southern migrants) and Sao Paulo too.

Sao Paulo (my state:)): Have a strong population of italian descent. In many parts inside of the state you find a lot of people of italian, spanish and portuguese descent.

Espirito Santo: Italians and germans (pomeranians) you find in the inside of state. The capital and great cities have strong non-white population.

Minas Gerais: you find italians and portuguese (colonial settlers) in the part south of the state.

The southern states (Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) you find a lot of pure italian, but many italians mixed with germans too.

For example, see these beautiful videos:

This is a event called "Festa do imigrante" in inside of Santa Catarina state. All years, germans and italians celebrate together.

The rest of the country is terrible.

05-28-2011, 07:41 PM
This Movie, Tropa de Elite, shows exactly how Rio the Janeiro speak day after day. It's a great way to show the diferences with this example "USA-England" englishes.

My friend says that the Rio de Janeiro accent is like the New York accent for Americans.

Well, the movie "Tropa de elite shows a connection between the police and traffikers . Of course we all understand very well what is said in the movie but has a peculiar language of both co-text, we do not speak. Out that some actors are not "cariocas", as Wagner Moura.

It is difficult to illustrate a movie that shows the shape of the Rio speak. Only in documentaries.

The analysis of his friend is unfounded. I think the fast way of talking New Yorker, like the Rio, but the accent mixed in various places, I think similar to the Portuguese of São Paulo

05-28-2011, 07:42 PM
The rest of the country is terrible.

For people which European moods and tastes, yes. But they're also have beautiful places and interesting culture. Unfortunaley they are very poor and lack of education of the states South, Southeast and Midwest.

Well, the movie "Tropa de elite shows a connection between the police and traffikers . Of course we all understand very well what is said in the movie but has a peculiar language of both co-text, we do not speak. Out that some actors are not "cariocas", as Wagner Moura.

It is difficult to illustrate a movie that shows the shape of the Rio speak. Only in documentaries.

The analysis of his friend is unfounded. I think the fast way of talking New Yorker, like the Rio, but the accent mixed in various places, I think similar to the Portuguese of São Paulo

I still think that Tropa de Elite shows our moods PERFECTLY. I think "Os Normais" too, but by a funny way. And she said this because the New York accent is more "Underground", with many slang. I agreed.

05-28-2011, 07:42 PM
I sympathize whith Forlán!

Forlan is a tipical eastern italian surname :laugh:

Mato Grosso do Sul/Rondonia (with white southern migrants) and Sao Paulo too.

Sao Paulo (my state:)): Have a strong population of italian descent. In many parts inside of the state you find a lot of people of italian, spanish and portuguese descent.

Espirito Santo: Italians and germans (pomeranians) you find in the inside of state. The capital and great cities have strong non-white population.

Minas Gerais: you find italians and portuguese (colonial settlers) in the part south of the state.

The southern states (Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) you find a lot of pure italian, but many italians mixed with germans too.

For example, see these beautiful videos:

This is a event called "Festa do imigrante" in inside of Santa Catarina state. All years, germans and italians celebrate together.

The rest of the country is terrible.

Thanks for the precisations....and the pure mestizos/mulattos/negros areas are instead in north and centre?

05-28-2011, 07:44 PM
National Team of Uruguay (i would say that 9 of 11 are pure white)


I think Forlán´s mother is brazilian, because his father played football in Brazil

05-28-2011, 07:49 PM
Forlan is a tipical eastern italian surname :laugh:

Thanks for the precisations....and the pure mestizos/mulattos/negros areas are instead in north and centre?

North and Northeast!!11

The Brazilian towns with the largest percentages of Whites are:[66]

1) Montauri (Rio Grande do Sul): 100% White (1,615 inhabitants)
2) Leoberto Leal (Santa Catarina): 99.82% (3,348 inhabitants)
3) Pedras Grandes (Santa Catarina): 99.81% (4,849 inhabitants)
4) Capitão (Rio Grande do Sul): 99.77% (2,751 inhabitants)
5) Santa Tereza (Rio Grande do Sul): 99.69% (1,604 inhabitants)
6) Cunhataí (Santa Catarina): 99.67% (1,740 inhabitants)
7) São Martinho (Santa Catarina): 99.64% (3,221 inhabitants)
8) Guabiju (Rio Grande do Sul): 99.62% (1,775 inhabitants)

The Brazilian towns with the lowest percentages of Whites are located in Northern and Northeastern Brazil, and are also small.

1) Nossa Senhora das Dores (Sergipe): 0.71% White (23,817 inhabitants, 98.16% "pardos")
2) Santo Inácio do Piauí (Piauí): 2.25% (3,523 inhabitants, 96.90% "pardos")
3) Uiramutã (Roraima): 2.33% (6,430 inhabitants, 74.41% Amerindian)
4) Ipixuna (Amazonas): 2.35% (17,258 inhabitants, 80.46% "pardos")
5) Caapiranga (Amazonas): 2.97% (9,996 inhabitants, 81.68% "pardos")
6) Fonte Boa (Amazonas): 3.01% (37,595 inhabitants, 86.46% "pardos")
7) Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (Amazonas): 3.15% (16,622 inhabitants, 59.62% "pardos", 34.75% Amerindian)
8) Serrano do Maranhão (Maranhão): 3.30% (5,547 inhabitants, 69.08% "pardos", 24.97% Black)

05-28-2011, 07:51 PM
"Pardos" are the afro-indios mixages?

05-28-2011, 07:54 PM
small script... sorry


05-28-2011, 07:55 PM
For people which European moods and tastes, yes. But they're also have beautiful places and interesting culture. Unfortunaley they are very poor and lack of education of the states South, Southeast and Midwest.

I still think that Tropa de Elite shows our moods PERFECTLY. I think "Os Normais" too, but by a funny way. And she said this because the New York accent is more "Underground", with many slang. I agreed.

"Os Normaisl" I did not watch, so I can´t say. The way "carioca" is more "underground" even. much jargon, too fast, the pronunciation of words are different.

That old rivalry between "locals" and Sao Paulo "

05-28-2011, 07:59 PM
"Pardos" are the afro-indios mixages?

"Pardos" are mixed of blacks,whites and indians. More than 40 % of brazilian population are triracial, like Adriana Lima, and they are known as "pardos"(brown in english)

05-28-2011, 08:03 PM
small script... sorry


this source puts blacks and browns as a single race, and it is not. Black corresponds to 6% of the population, while the browns over 40%. Most are mulattos, but Pardos has mixed results in other races.

05-28-2011, 08:08 PM
this source puts blacks and browns as a single race, and it is not. Black corresponds to 6% of the population, while the browns over 40%. Most are mulattos, but Pardos has mixed results in other races.

yes, this graphic is not very especific, but it helps to have a notion. It's probably just comparing "Pure Whites"/"Non pure Whites" Negro admixture, without many details.

05-28-2011, 08:09 PM
"Pardos" are mixed of blacks,whites and indians. More than 40 % of brazilian population are triracial, like Adriana Lima, and they are known as "pardos"(brown in english)

Thank you, because in Italy the word "pardo" is used as synonimes of cat or felines :laugh:

05-28-2011, 08:12 PM
Thank you, because in Italy the word "pardo" is used as synonimes of cat or felines :laugh:

ahahhaa, i know. in brazil too. the suffix "pardos"refers to the leopardo and Guepardo(Cheetah). People got that name for having a brown skin color more yellow as the colors of cats

05-28-2011, 08:13 PM
yes, this graphic is not very especific, but it helps to have a notion. It's probably just comparing "Pure Whites"/"Non pure Whites" Negro admixture, without many details.

Exactly! Only it gives the idea of Brazil is composed of only two races, when we have more races

05-28-2011, 08:36 PM
Forlan is a tipical eastern italian surname :laugh:

Thanks for the precisations....and the pure mestizos/mulattos/negros areas are instead in north and centre?

In general, all great cities in Brazil have a strong non-white population.

For example, the southern region have non-whites areas too: part north of Parana have a strong black and pardo population and part south of Rio Grande do Sul have the "gauchos" (european/ameridian with less african admixture). Many cities in these places in the south are old, founded in colonial era. The rest of the region is very, very european.

For me, Santa Catarina is the best state in Brazil: 86% whites (many germans and italians), 12% pardos (many castizos european/ameridian) and 2% blacks. Many these 12% non-white population come from others regions and live in the slums of great cities like Joinville and Florianopolis.

05-28-2011, 08:40 PM
Random Pictures of Sports. I can't find chronologically right pictures. So it's random years and categories. For Brazil I choose the atuals.

Brazilian Voley and Soccer national teams.


where's Neymar? |O|




05-28-2011, 08:44 PM

05-28-2011, 08:48 PM



Caniggia, Batistuta, Ruggeri,Siemone, Balbo. I liked this team

05-28-2011, 08:49 PM
Taty, os de vermelho são da seleção Suiça

05-28-2011, 08:55 PM
Taty, os de vermelho são da seleção Suiça

I had to erase some pics for this reason and because some of then have this wierd south park stuff!

Você parece o seu pai!!!
E esse BBB xD

05-28-2011, 09:00 PM
Random Pictures of Sports. I can't find chronologically right pictures. So it's random years and categories. For Brazil I choose the atuals.

Brazilian Voley and Soccer national teams.


where's Neymar? |O|




Taty, i have a question for you: This is a forum for european preservation or for pardo preservation?

Please, post WHITE south-americans.

05-28-2011, 09:08 PM
I had to erase some pics for this reason and because some of then have this wierd south park stuff!

Você parece o seu pai!!!
E esse BBB xD

É, todos dizem que sou parecido com meu pai.

Qual nome desse cara?

05-28-2011, 09:12 PM
The best football player in the World. I know he had italian and ameridian ancestry, but what a game Barcelona x Manchester United. Messi scored an incredible goal

05-28-2011, 09:21 PM

05-28-2011, 09:25 PM
Well it is very touchy to know that in the middle of south america beats a european heart (especially italian:D) I've always thought that Brasil could probably be the one of the richest country in world,especially the south west appendix (minas gerais). I also didn't know that the largest european community was Italian,I've always thought portuguese. I've found that brazilian portuguese is easier to learn than portuguese from Lisboa/Portugal,i like it very much. Gostei muito desse topico,saudações.:D

05-28-2011, 09:42 PM
Well it is very touchy to know that in the middle of south america beats a european heart (especially italian:D) I've always thought that Brasil could probably be the one of the richest country in world,especially the south west appendix (minas gerais). I also didn't know that the largest european community was Italian,I've always thought portuguese. I've found that brazilian portuguese is easier to learn than portuguese from Lisboa/Portugal,i like it very much. Gostei muito desse topico,saudações.:D

Im happy you like it. I don't know if the Italian community is largest then Portuguese. Honestly I think it isn't, but the Italian community are big! I'm a Marotta! :thumb001:

Louback: O Nome dele é Wesley!

05-28-2011, 09:53 PM
Italians in south of Minas Gerais:


Good night for all.


05-28-2011, 10:48 PM
Taty, i have a question for you: This is a forum for european preservation or for pardo preservation?

Please, post WHITE south-americans.

I'm posting pictures of any kind of south americans cause to make a realistic picture of us. And the contrast between ethinices.

05-28-2011, 10:55 PM
Welsh Patagonians





05-29-2011, 01:13 PM
What about Jair Bolsonaro?



05-29-2011, 02:48 PM
Well it is very touchy to know that in the middle of south america beats a european heart (especially italian:D) I've always thought that Brasil could probably be the one of the richest country in world,especially the south west appendix (minas gerais). I also didn't know that the largest european community was Italian,I've always thought portuguese. I've found that brazilian portuguese is easier to learn than portuguese from Lisboa/Portugal,i like it very much. Gostei muito desse topico,saudações.:D

Brazil has the largest Italian community in the world, but the Portuguese is still greater. is difficult to say for sure how many Brazilians are of Portuguese descent, because they mixed with Indians and blacks. I can ensure you have at least 6 million Portuguese citizens in Brazil. You'll find Portuguese ancestry among whites, blacks, mulattos, Indians, castizos. With other European ethnic groups that did not happen often, so it's easier for you to estimate the number of people that have given rise to ethnic Europeans.

05-29-2011, 02:53 PM
What about Jair Bolsonaro?



Jair Bolsonaro is a "controversial "political carioca. I said he is "controversial"because he is conservative in their attitudes and thoughts and it seems that this is not very well accepted today.

Currently, he is against the amendment to legalize civil unions for homosexuals. The adoption of children by homosexuals and a bill requiring schools to "teach" about homosexuality.

Bolsonaro is totally opposed and has received much criticism from the media, but I believe that much of the population agree with him.

But why did you ask him?

05-29-2011, 02:57 PM
I'm not a leftist but i've heard some of his speeches on youtube and he is a bigot who supports tortures..

05-29-2011, 03:01 PM
Brazilian Journalists II:







05-29-2011, 03:04 PM
I'm not a leftist but i've heard some of his speeches on youtube and he is a bigot who supports tortures..

Yes, he is military and that Brazil would return to a dictatorship.

But what has generated controversy are your thoughts against homosexuals, and I believe that at this point, people are in your favor

05-29-2011, 03:11 PM
Brazil has the largest Italian community in the world, but the Portuguese is still greater. is difficult to say for sure how many Brazilians are of Portuguese descent, because they mixed with Indians and blacks. I can ensure you have at least 6 million Portuguese citizens in Brazil. You'll find Portuguese ancestry among whites, blacks, mulattos, Indians, castizos. With other European ethnic groups that did not happen often, so it's easier for you to estimate the number of people that have given rise to ethnic Europeans.

Those millions of Portuguese Brazilians are mostly descended from post-independence Portuguese immigration to Brazil, that is, 19th century and first half of the 20th century, I believe. I mean, the idea I have is that the Portuguese early settlers of colonial Brazil were mainly men (women were not meant to go to such a hostile place), so that during the 15th and 16th centuries a lot of miscigenation occured, with the Portuguese landlords having their handful of slaves with whom they bred with. That situation changed in the late colonial period, with Portuguese women being sent to the colony to avoid such high degree of miscigenation (still, the figure of slave lover, her master and their bastard progeny has been maintained and has become legendary, lol). So yes, Portuguese genes might be the highest prevalent in the overall population of Brazil, including its large mixed-race population.

05-29-2011, 03:15 PM
Yes, he is military and that Brazil would return to a dictatorship.

But what has generated controversy are your thoughts against homosexuals, and I believe that at this point, people are in your favor

Yes his thoughts against homosexuals will surely get him many votes,however he I can agree with me (and family,all politicians:D) when he talks about decreasing Brazil's population.

He's sometimes nice (simpàtico) :D


05-29-2011, 03:36 PM
Those millions of Portuguese Brazilians are mostly descended from post-independence Portuguese immigration to Brazil, that is, 19th century and first half of the 20th century, I believe. I mean, the idea I have is that the Portuguese early settlers of colonial Brazil were mainly men (women were not meant to go to such a hostile place), so that during the 15th and 16th centuries a lot of miscigenation occured, with the Portuguese landlords having their handful of slaves with whom they bred with. That situation changed in the late colonial period, with Portuguese women being sent to the colony to avoid such high degree of miscigenation (still, the figure of slave lover, her master and their bastard progeny has been maintained and has become legendary, lol). So yes, Portuguese genes might be the highest prevalent in the overall population of Brazil, including its large mixed-race population.

Correct! These 6 million I am referring to came from the late 19th and early 20th century. In pre-colonial times, in fact, men came to conquer the territory, but during the colonial period, which started from the 17th century and 18th century, began arriving families of Portuguese immigrants and many continued to mix with the slaves and Indians . Only after the arrival of the Portuguese royal family in 1808 and the Brazilian indepence in 1822, D. Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil then decreed that needed to increase the white population and encouraged the arrival of European immigrants to make up the workforce. This wave of immigrants arrived, had many children and not intermixed with Indians and blacks

05-29-2011, 03:40 PM
Yes his thoughts against homosexuals will surely get him many votes,however he I can agree with me (and family,all politicians:D) when he talks about decreasing Brazil's population.

He's sometimes nice (simpàtico) :D


He is a colorful character! Not much taken seriously, even if, engaged in the struggle against homosexuals.

It represents a typical reactionary, conservative, if not these attitudes and opinions, he would not elect or no attention

05-29-2011, 06:03 PM
Brazilian Stereotype

It sux!

05-29-2011, 06:28 PM

05-30-2011, 08:02 AM
Demetrio Magnoli, (Sociologo)


05-30-2011, 08:08 AM
Lillian Witte Fibe (Apresentadora)


05-30-2011, 08:11 AM
Dani Calabresa (atriz e comediante)


05-30-2011, 08:12 AM
Dani Calabresa (atriz e comediante)


Maybe her name is influencing my judgment but she looks very much like people I've seen from Calabria. :lol: :D

05-30-2011, 08:32 AM
well she has ancestors from Italy, probably from Calabria but I'm not sure of it,surely she is really pretty:D

05-30-2011, 10:33 AM
Argentinian Model: Nicole Neumann




Usually i don't like blondes, but she....http://www.bodyweb.com/forums/images/smilies/love%5B1%5D.gifhttp://www.bodyweb.com/forums/images/smilies/love%5B1%5D.gif

05-30-2011, 03:53 PM
Maybe her name is influencing my judgment but she looks very much like people I've seen from Calabria. :lol: :D

Daniella Maria Giusti Adnet is her real name. Marcelo Adnet is her husband

"calabresa" is a artistic name. She has italian ancestry, but i don´t know if is from calabria.

05-30-2011, 03:55 PM
Usually i don't like blondes, but she....http://www.bodyweb.com/forums/images/smilies/love%5B1%5D.gifhttp://www.bodyweb.com/forums/images/smilies/love%5B1%5D.gif

Bella Ragazza!!

05-30-2011, 04:02 PM

The one in the middle looks part Maori.

I've noticed that there are some racial similarities (at least in appearances) between Polynesians and native South Americans. I was told once that there is some theory that the original people of South America resembled Polynesians racially, but then invading/migrating people from the north later mixed things up a bit. Apparently the invaders/migrators were more archaic-mongoloid in appearance.

Has anyone heard anything similar?

05-31-2011, 12:21 AM
The one in the middle looks part Maori.

I've noticed that there are some racial similarities (at least in appearances) between Polynesians and native South Americans. I was told once that there is some theory that the original people of South America resembled Polynesians racially, but then invading/migrating people from the north later mixed things up a bit. Apparently the invaders/migrators were more archaic-mongoloid in appearance.

Has anyone heard anything similar?

Unfortunaley, i have no idea =[ can you post a picture of a typical Maori? Rodrigo Hilbert, Fernanda Lima, kids:


05-31-2011, 05:34 AM
The one in the middle looks part Maori.

I've noticed that there are some racial similarities (at least in appearances) between Polynesians and native South Americans. I was told once that there is some theory that the original people of South America resembled Polynesians racially, but then invading/migrating people from the north later mixed things up a bit. Apparently the invaders/migrators were more archaic-mongoloid in appearance.

Has anyone heard anything similar?

She is not Maori. Brazil is not New Zealand! This girl was "queen" of the Brazilian version of Oktoberfest, which takes place in the city of Blumenau, Santa Catarina and was founded by Germans. Typically, these girls have German ancestry.

Until recently, the most widely accepted interpretation based on archaeological findings, was that the first Indians in the Americas would have been a series of migrations from Siberia to Alaska across a strip of land called Beringia, which was formed with the falling level of seas during the last ice age, between 24 and 9000 years ago. While the Maori suggest that waves of migration probably came from eastern Polynesia between 10 and 800 AD The Maori oral tradition describes the arrival of ancestors from Gaawiki (a legendary place in the tropical Polynesia) by large ships crossing the oceans

05-31-2011, 05:41 AM
The one in the middle looks part Maori.

She looks German to me :lol:

05-31-2011, 07:07 AM
Sonya Walger( Penelope of Lost) Her father is German-Argentinian and her mother is english


Henry Ian Cusick(Desmond of Lost) His father is Scottish and His mother is Peruvian


05-31-2011, 07:12 AM
Augusto Pinochet was French-Chilean



05-31-2011, 01:23 PM
Sonya Walger( Penelope of Lost) Her father is German-Argentinian and her mother is english


Henry Ian Cusick(Desmond of Lost) His father is Scottish and His mother is Peruvian

I love this guys! It's fun that it's about Penny and Desmond. I didn't knew they have southern roots. Its very nice!

05-31-2011, 01:25 PM
Belen Rodriguez (Argentina)




05-31-2011, 01:47 PM
Jordana Brewster( She´s american, but her mother is Brazilian)





05-31-2011, 03:04 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmw98a_T2d8JI4Gme9qJuX_e9CbaWpz KJoxtvHSeZSTCY0owU40w
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKX5CC75oLod2Kj2GSoM1THqCDStUOk 7oGtg1tAErYg_YaqUyY
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmwJvNnfQH5EkAo9apvJJ_N4Hpv5q2C _osemksBsfwX9M_ScOR
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyKj2Usgxr47sPEN7k3uxsRH8fEIOjY WjIzyjuO7vPvEnVSkCJDw

05-31-2011, 10:06 PM
Giovanna Ewbank e Bruno Gagliasso


05-31-2011, 10:10 PM
Is quite interesting...al the surnames with the end "-ero" (Ferrero, Pasquero, Mantero, Accornero, etc) and "-asso" (Pautasso, Cambiasso, Buriasso, etc..) are undoubtely of Piemonteis origin.

05-31-2011, 10:14 PM
Is quite interesting...al the surnames with the end "-ero" (Ferrero, Pasquero, Mantero, Accornero, etc) and "-asso" (Pautasso, Cambiasso, Buriasso, etc..) are undoubtely of Piemonteis origin.

What about Marotta? I know my family is from a place called Rocca Gloriosa! But there's also a city with this name, right?

05-31-2011, 10:22 PM
What about Marotta? I know my family is from a place called Rocca Gloriosa! But there's also a city with this name, right?

Roccagloriosa is in southern Italy, province of Salerno, yes.

06-01-2011, 12:26 PM
I think Forlán´s mother is brazilian, because his father played football in Brazil

Forlan's mother is Uruguayan. His father, Pablo Forlán, used to play for Sao Paulo FC. He said that Diego Forlán was conceived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. So it means he had sex with his Uruguayan wife in Brazil, but both his parents are Uruguayan and he was born and raised mostly in Uruguay.

06-01-2011, 12:33 PM
If the point of the thread is to show that there are people of wholly European descent living in South America, mission accomplished- I personally never doubted it. But to be a Eueropean, you also need to have a European culture and mentality, which they obviously do not.

06-01-2011, 12:51 PM
If the point of the thread is to show that there are people of wholly European descent living in South America, mission accomplished- I personally never doubted it. But to be a Eueropean, you also need to have a European culture and mentality, which they obviously do not.

Well, there are many europeans who live in Europe's soil and are completely brainwashed by political correctness and USA style of life.

06-01-2011, 01:55 PM
Forlan's mother is Uruguayan. His father, Pablo Forlán, used to play for Sao Paulo FC. He said that Diego Forlán was conceived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. So it means he had sex with his Uruguayan wife in Brazil, but both his parents are Uruguayan and he was born and raised mostly in Uruguay.

Lurker, eu disse que achava que a mãe dele era brasileira. Ele começou sua carreira nas categorias de base do Peñarol e depois jogou no Danúbio,mas seu primeiro time profissional foi o Independiente da Argentina. Que o havia contratado quando ele ainda era juniores

06-01-2011, 01:59 PM
If the point of the thread is to show that there are people of wholly European descent living in South America, mission accomplished- I personally never doubted it. But to be a Eueropean, you also need to have a European culture and mentality, which they obviously do not.

Hess, who are you to say that many South Americans have no mentality and are attached to the European roots? I believe you do not know much about us. Your comment was very unfortunate. Much of the white South Americans have the mentality and are very proud of their European roots, which does not mean that they should respect the culture of their own country.

If you make comments without any basis, please, you better be quiet

06-01-2011, 02:04 PM
Well, there are many europeans who live in Europe's soil and are completely brainwashed by political correctness and USA style of life.

True, but you can't compare that to South America. South America, like North America, is a separate continent from Europe, with a completely different culture. White South Americans are raised with a completely different mentality from Europeans- they may look alike, but the way they think is radically different.

06-01-2011, 02:08 PM
Hess, who are you to say that many South Americans have no mentality and are attached to the European roots? I believe you do not know much about us. Your comment was very unfortunate. Much of the white South Americans have the mentality and are very proud of their European roots, which does not mean that they should respect the culture of their own country.

If you make comments without any basis, please, you better be quiet

I didn't mean to come off as offensive or rude, I was merely making the point that it's very hard for the few South Americans of European descent there are to be proud of their heritage when the overall culture of most south American countries is not European.

You are right, I don't know much about you. What I do know, however, is that people of European descent in South America are a very small minority

06-01-2011, 02:17 PM
True, but you can't compare that to South America. South America, like North America, is a separate continent from Europe, with a completely different culture. White South Americans are raised with a completely different mentality from Europeans- they may look alike, but the way they think is radically different.

like I said, you're wrong. You have origins whiskers, for example, the city of Nova Friburgo, located in the mountainous region of rio de janeiro, was founded by Swiss immigrants. Also came the Germans, Austrians, Italians and French is known as the "Brazilian Switzerland". The culture is preserved in many ways as the architecture. The same goes for cities in the southern states of Brazil and sao paulo. They maintain a strong preservation of European culture. And I'm not talking about a few people, but of millions.

You for example, is talking with the Portuguese Princess for trying to learn how the region is a Frenchman who came to his father. While I do not need it to post photos or try to explain, because it does not sense. I know with my own eyes. Incidentally, the languages ​​you speak? And you were born in Europe

The taty, for example, was in some European countries, like the culture of our country, like me, but she is very close to its European roots. Do not talk about what you do not know.

When not sure, ask, instead of making incorrect statements

06-01-2011, 02:25 PM
I didn't mean to come off as offensive or rude, I was merely making the point that it's very hard for the few South Americans of European descent there are to be proud of their heritage when the overall culture of most south American countries is not European.

You are right, I don't know much about you. What I do know, however, is that people of European descent in South America are a very small minority

Few South Americans of European origin? only in Brazil, more than 90 million. In Argentina and Uruguay, we also have a white majority. With a percentage of 85 to 90% for the two countries. In Chile, which is a mestizo majority country, you find more than 8 million Europeans. The Chilean population is about 16 million. In other countries, yes, has a majority of mestizos, Indians and blacks, but the European presence is very signicant. the South American country with the lowest percentage of Europeans is the equator, with 10% .. I can guarantee that preserves much of the culture of Europeans and many have European nationality, because it is a European born in south america.

And from what I observe in the United States, they value their culture. Do not care as much about European culture. And you're witnessing an ethnic tension between various ethnic groups white, which does not occur in South American countries.

06-01-2011, 02:29 PM
like I said, you're wrong. You have origins whiskers, for example, the city of Nova Friburgo, located in the mountainous region of rio de janeiro, was founded by Swiss immigrants. Also came the Germans, Austrians, Italians and French is known as the "Brazilian Switzerland". The culture is preserved in many ways as the architecture. The same goes for cities in the southern states of Brazil and sao paulo. They maintain a strong preservation of European culture. And I'm not talking about a few people, but of millions.

You for example, is talking with the Portuguese Princess for trying to learn how the region is a Frenchman who came to his father. While I do not need it to post photos or try to explain, because it does not sense. I know with my own eyes. Incidentally, the languages ​​you speak? And you were born in Europe

The taty, for example, was in some European countries, like the culture of our country, asism like me, but she is very close to its European roots. Do not talk about what you do not know.

When not sure, ask, instead of making incorrect statements

Yes, I was born in Europe-Moscow, in fact, and my first language is Russian. Once again, it wasn't my goal to offend or insult, I assure you. I realize that there are some counter examples, but my original point is that South American culture GENERALLY is not European, especially in countries like the Dominican Republic, paragay, Ecuador, etc. I am speaking out of personal experience- I've been to both Ecuador and Costa Rica, and I assure you there is nothing European about them.

06-01-2011, 02:34 PM
Yes, I was born in Europe-Moscow, in fact, and my first language is Russian. Once again, it wasn't my goal to offend or insult, I assure you. I realize that there are some counter examples, but my original point is that South American culture GENERALLY is not European, especially in countries like the Dominican Republic, paragay, Ecuador, etc. I am speaking out of personal experience- I've been to both Ecuador and Costa Rica, and I assure you there is nothing European about them.

You've visited the most indios countries in South America :laugh:

Argentina and Uruguay, for example, are respectively 80-85% and 88% white. Southern Brazil about 85%.

06-01-2011, 02:39 PM
Yes, I was born in Europe-Moscow, in fact, and my first language is Russian. Once again, it wasn't my goal to offend or insult, I assure you. I realize that there are some counter examples, but my original point is that South American culture GENERALLY is not European, especially in countries like the Dominican Republic, paragay, Ecuador, etc. I am speaking out of personal experience- I've been to both Ecuador and Costa Rica, and I assure you there is nothing European about them.

First, you're making a mistake in geography. Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic are in Central America. As I said, most of the Ecuadorian population is mestizo or pure Indians, but the 10% white, can be sure that, as part of the elite of the country preserves the traditions of Europe. In the Domican Republic you have 16% white and Costa Rica you are 80% white.Paraguay 21 % of whites.In both countries, whites immigrated from various European countries. white culture is preserved between them. Of course, the strong presence of Indians before the arrival of Europeans, who are part of the roots of country, too, are kept, but does not mean that white people of these countries do not have appreciation for their culture.

06-01-2011, 02:50 PM
I can understand why "white" South Americans would cling to the notion of being European when they're a such small minority where they live and are overwhelmingly surrounded by racially and ethnically very different people to themselves. That is, an attempt to hang onto some kind of sense of identity to avoid losing themselves in the decadent brown masses. I guess too, whites have a superior social status in South American countries and so by proving themselves to be as European as their forefathers were, they're trying to secure a higher social status where they live.

Mind you, the Afrikaners don't do it (feel the need to prove their Europeaness to anyone), instead they're proud of who they are and even proud of what distinguishes them from Europeans, I've found... yet they're in a similar situation of being a very small minority group surrounded by native Africans... and what's worse, they're vehemently hated by the natives also. Would surely be a scary situation.

I guess South Africans tend to be more secure in their own identity.

06-01-2011, 02:58 PM
I can understand why "white" South Americans would cling to the notion of being European when they're a such small minority where they live and are overwhelmingly surrounded by racially and ethnically very different people to themselves. That is, an attempt to hang onto some kind of sense of identity to avoid losing themselves in the decadent brown masses. I guess too, whites have a superior social status in South American countries and so by proving themselves to be as European as their forefathers were, they're trying to secure a higher social status where they live.

Mind you, the Afrikaners don't do it (feel the need to prove their Europeaness to anyone), instead they're proud of who they are and even proud of what distinguishes them from Europeans, I've found... yet they're in a similar situation of being a very small minority group surrounded by native Africans... and what's worse, they're vehemently hated by the natives also. Would surely be a scary situation.

I guess South Africans tend to be more secure in their own identity.

First we are not a minority, unlike you, an Australian who never met in South America and had the nonsense of believing that a descendant of Germans seemed Maori suggests. Whites are the majority in the South American continent. And do not try to go through Europe, only value the culture of our ancestors. But we also appreciate very much our own culture. We live with other races, like you, Australians. Oceania and South America continent are multiracial. We preserve our culture, our European ancestors and we need not live in ethnic strife as their continent

The Afrikaners, a people who have too much respect, yes, they are a minority in their countries, but we are mostly on the continent. We do not need self-assertion. I'm just clarifying the erroneous thinking that you and hess has on us.

06-01-2011, 03:01 PM
Hess, I did not want to seem offensive to you. If I was, I apologize. I know you're a good person. I hope this clarifies your doubts.

Unlike Mary Brant, who only came here to Troll topic.

Maori? ahahahaa

06-01-2011, 03:09 PM
First we are not a minority, unlike you,
I can assure you I'm not a minority here. :D

had the nonsense of believing that a descendant of Germans seemed Maori suggests.That individual had obvious native admix.

Whites are the majority in the South American continent.Depends on your definition of white, I guess. But I do believe that's the case in some South American countries, like Argentina.

But we also appreciate very much our own culture.I'm glad to hear it. You should appreciate it. You guys are survivors. You have much to be proud of.

We live with other races, like you, Australians. Oceania and South America continent are multiracial. It's really not the same at all.

we need not live in ethnic strife as their continentYes, there are definite positives to living in the New World.

06-01-2011, 03:11 PM
Unlike Mary Brant, who only came here to Troll topic.

Maori? ahahahaaI'm not trolling. You're too defensive Louback. You know what they say... 'he who protesteth the loudest....'

06-01-2011, 03:16 PM
I can assure you I'm not a minority here. :D

That individual had obvious native admix.

Depends on your definition of white, I guess. But I do believe that's the case in some South American countries, like Argentina.

I'm glad to hear it. You should appreciate it. You guys are survivors. You have much to be proud of.

It's really not the same at all.

Yes, there are definite positives to living in the New World.

I can also affirm that I am not a minority here. That girl has not mix, she is of German origin. Blumenau is a city founded by Germans and it was the "queen" of the Brazilian version of Oktoberfest. That is practically a city of European origin. Both in their culture, and architecture. In Argentina, 85% to 90% of the population is white, of various European origins, like in your country. The main ethnic group are the Italians. And I speak of pure white, not mixed.

Thank you!

Yes, just as they have positive and negative aspects of living in any country

06-01-2011, 03:18 PM
I'm not trolling. You're too defensive Louback. You know what they say... 'he who protesteth the loudest....'

His posts here have been misplaced. If not Troll, I do not know what. Do not use cheap psychology to me, not work. I'm not defensive, I'm demystify the errors you said

06-01-2011, 03:31 PM
His posts here have been misplaced. Trollagem If not, I do not know what. Do not use cheap psychology to me, not work. I'm not defensive, I'm demystify the errors you saidOh dear. You realise that the more enraged you become the worse your English gets? :icon_wink:

06-01-2011, 03:39 PM
Oh dear. You realise that the more enraged you become the worse your English gets? :icon_wink:

I type fast and I have only you to answer. Making mistakes is normal, even in another language. Now, if you speak Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian with me, we can see that commit more errors

However, I think the worst mistakes of the culture and history of other people, knowing nothing about them and will think you're right

06-01-2011, 03:46 PM
I type fast and I have only you to answer. Making mistakes is normal, even in another language. Now, if you speak Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian with me, we can see that commit more errorsI notice you've made an effort to make less errors this time. See, you can do it if you try. Good boy. :)

alzo zero
06-01-2011, 03:52 PM
I type fast and I have only you to answer. Making mistakes is normal, even in another language. Now, if you speak Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian with me, we can see that commit more error
I must say that you seem to be mother tongue when you write in Italian. I would love to know three languages (without even taking into account French and German) as well as you do.

06-01-2011, 03:54 PM
I must say that you seem mother tongue when you write in Italian. I would love to know three languages (without even taking into account French and German) as well as you do.Arse kisser. ;)

alzo zero
06-01-2011, 03:56 PM
Arse kisser. ;)
I have no reason to be one. :) Nothing personal against you, I'm just being honest.

06-01-2011, 03:58 PM
I notice you've made an effort to make less errors this time. See, you can do it if you try. Good boy. :)

I don´t know if i can say about you;)

06-01-2011, 03:58 PM
I have no reason to be one. :) Nothing personal against you, I'm just being honest.Oh come on.... you're Italian! Italians are famous for their arse kissing! Its what you do best. :D

alzo zero
06-01-2011, 03:59 PM
Oh come on.... you're Italian! Italians are famous for their arse kissing! Its whats you do best. :D
Yeah it's precisely the reason why we're constantly involved in inter-ethnic feuds on forums like this. :coffee:

06-01-2011, 04:02 PM
I don´t know if i can say about you;)Nevermind, I'm Australian. I'm supposed to be an uneducated slob. :)

06-01-2011, 04:02 PM
I must say that you seem to be mother tongue when you write in Italian. I would love to know three languages (without even taking into account French and German) as well as you do.

Grazie, Alzo! Le piace essere controversi, come la Kosovo je Serbia:D

alzo zero
06-01-2011, 04:04 PM
Grazie, Alzo! Le piace essere controversi, come la Kosovo je Serbia:D
No, lui è peggio. ;)

06-01-2011, 04:07 PM
Nevermind, I'm Australian. I'm supposed to be an uneducated slob. :)


06-01-2011, 04:08 PM
Probably.Fixed. :thumb001:

07-08-2011, 02:46 PM
Brazilians muthafuckers on WW2 (My grandfather's company)

Guy that lost his arms on war

I found the ww2 book of my grandfather last night, unfortunaley I couldn't take other pictures cause everybody where rush for dinner. For sure i'll back there to get everything.

08-15-2012, 12:10 AM
Mainly Italians,Germans and Spanish.

Comte Arnau
08-15-2012, 12:35 AM
In Argentina, most European immigrants are first from Italy, then from Iberia (mainly Galicians), then from Germany and Poland, and finally French (specially SW), Brits (specially Welsh), Central Europeans and Russians.


08-15-2012, 05:00 PM
Kind of an off topic but related point - according to 23andme results, the whitest South Americans are white Brazilians from the south, not Argentinians.

Han Cholo
08-15-2012, 05:10 PM
South America has been nothing but a struggle between colonists and natives. It's an excellent example of the failure that we call multiculturalism.

There is no multiculturalism in most Latin American nations. The most multicultural ones are the ones you consider "white" ones because they're full of European immigrants from Italy and Germany living along the local population and other immigrants in places like Argentina or Brazil so I don't understand your point.

The rest of the countries are quite homogeneous.

08-15-2012, 05:30 PM
Kind of an off topic but related point - according to 23andme results, the whitest South Americans are white Brazilians from the south, not Argentinians.

I plan on visiting Brazil soon & I have heard that Southern Brazil
has got the whitest South Americans aswell + there are even
some Russian communities that are very racially/ethnically aware
& lots of German-styled villages & cities!:thumb001:

I have heard great things about Argentina too, as of the rest I
would only visit Venezuela (the women) & that's it - maybe Mexico.

Atlantic Islander
12-19-2012, 08:48 AM
MEXICO CITY (http://facity.com/mexico_city/)
GUADALAJARA (http://facity.com/guadalajara/)

BOGOTá (http://facity.com/bogota/)

BUENOS AIRES (http://facity.com/buenos_aires/)

SANTIAGO (http://facity.com/santiago/)

PORT OF SPAIN (http://facity.com/port_of_spain/)

SãO PAULO (http://facity.com/sao_paulo/)
PORTO ALEGRE (http://facity.com/porto_alegre/)
FORTALEZA (http://facity.com/fortaleza/)

12-19-2012, 09:18 AM
In Argentina, most European immigrants are first from Italy, then from Iberia (mainly Galicians), then from Germany and Poland, and finally French (specially SW), Brits (specially Welsh), Central Europeans and Russians.


Those maps represent recent immigration....historical immigration is mostly italian-spanish-german.

Btw, recenc chilo-paraguayo-bolivian immigration is re-turning Argentina into a native country. :(

Han Cholo
12-19-2012, 02:50 PM
Those maps represent recent immigration....historical immigration is mostly italian-spanish-german.

Btw, recenc chilo-paraguayo-bolivian immigration is re-turning Argentina into a native country. :(

The Italians mass-migrators couldn't turn the Mestizo country into white (like you're suggesting). So how could a few Chileans and Paraguayans who are not much more native than the average Argentine would turn it into an Indio country?

12-19-2012, 03:17 PM
The Italians mass-migrators couldn't turn the Mestizo country into white (like you're suggesting). So how could a few Chileans and Paraguayans who are not much more native than the average Argentine would turn it into an Indio country?

Non-mixed white argentines are abot 20 million people, or 45-50% of the population...argentines have 2,0 as birthrate, paraguayos 3,0 and bolivians even higher.

Han Cholo
12-19-2012, 03:18 PM
Non-mixed white argentines are abot 20 million people, or 45-50% of the population...argentines have 2,0 as birthrate, paraguayos 3,0 and bolivians even higher.

How much birthrate did the Italians have compared to colonial Argentines??

12-19-2012, 03:20 PM
How much birthrate did the Italians have compared to colonial Argentines??

What is the connection of our modern birthrate (1,5) with argentines?

I talked about old european immigration in Argentina, which was mainly from Italy, followed by Spain and Germany.

Han Cholo
12-19-2012, 03:21 PM
What is the connection of our modern birthrate (1,5) with argentines?

That it is not easy to change the genetic make up of the country just inviting immigrants. As far I know, Bolivians are not even invited.

I talked about old european immigration in Argentina, which was mainly from Italy, followed by Spain and Germany.

Biggest influence in Argentina is still Spanish I think.

12-19-2012, 03:24 PM
That it is not easy to change the genetic make up of the country just inviting immigrants. As far I know, Bolivians are not even invited.

Biggest influence in Argentina is still Spanish I think.

I think is something 50-50%


the samefor Uruguay


There was basically a mestizo majority immediately after the independence...so, in a unique case in all the american continent, the elite ruling class was mestiza/castiza, while many of the successive immigration waves were europeans, almost all low class immigrants.

Wild North
12-23-2012, 08:59 AM
The Gauchos (cowboys) f. ex, in Argentian, Uruguay and southern Brazil, and where else? What are they? What do they fit in? Are they white, mestizo or castizo?