View Full Version : Porto team VS Galician team - Main phenotypes

Sebastianus Rex
02-26-2019, 10:40 PM
Players from FC Porto roller hockey team (only ethnic Portuguese, there was a few foreigners on the squad from Spain and Argentina):









Players from H.C. Liceo Coruña (all northern Spaniards, mostly from Galicia and Catalonia):

XAVI MALIÁN Crosas (born in Barcelona)

ORIOL VIVES Clos (born in Barcelona)

TONI PÉREZ Gónzalez (born in Oviedo - Asturias)

ÁLVARO SHEHDA Bernárdez-Golpe (born in Coruña)

PAU BARGALLÓ Poch - born in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia (Barcelona)

JORDI BARGALLÓ Poch - born in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia (Barcelona)

CÉSAR CARBALLEIRA Dominguez (born in Coruña)

JOSEP LAMAS Alsina (born in Suria - Barcelona)

ADRIÁN CANDAMIO García (born in Coruña)

EDUARD LAMAS Alsina (born in Barcelona)

ÍÑIGO ARTACHO Mendioroz (born in Logroño - Rioja)

MIKEL ABEAL Inchaurrondo (born in Coruña, but Basque name)

DIEGO GARCÍA Cabezal (born in Coruña)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
02-26-2019, 10:46 PM
Players who are actually native Galician have a better overlap and more familiar faces in my opinion and contrary to those who want to believe that Galicians and Portuguese look super distinguishable.

Sebastianus Rex
02-26-2019, 10:51 PM



02-26-2019, 10:53 PM
The Galicians are the ones I recognize as having the most familiar faces, the ones that I see and interact with every day. The Catalans the least, a few of them look very unusual, quite disturbing...

02-26-2019, 10:55 PM
Álvaro Sheda looks like Portuguese actor Rui Porto Nunes...

Sebastianus Rex
02-26-2019, 10:57 PM
Players who are actually native Galician have a better overlap and more familiar faces in my opinion and contrary to those who want to believe that Galicians and Portuguese look super distinguishable.

The ones born in Catalonia are the less similar to us and curiously are the darker on this set.

Also Porto's coach who is Catalan is very Dinaro-Med (even Armenoid), looks very foreigner also.

02-26-2019, 11:00 PM
Some of the Catalans look like a guy I know from Vic region in Catalonia who was constantly mistaken as local in India/Pakistan border.
When I posted him for the first time a lot of people were coping saying he is Gypsy even if he comes from a small city with barely no gypsies there. Perhaps he has Andalusian ancestry, like most Catalans.

pic removed

Don't quote his pic.

02-26-2019, 11:06 PM
The Spanish set has more "extremes", the Portuguese are more homogenous in the sense of not having exotic/atypical types (maybe POKA is exotic, not sure).
Ironically, the Spanish set has more types that I see in my daily life than the Portuguese one.

02-26-2019, 11:13 PM
Despite their pigmentation, they look very Iberian. Poka seems to be able to pass in many MENA countries, especially the eastern part of the region. The rest look very Iberian to me.

02-26-2019, 11:18 PM
Despite their pigmentation, they look very Iberian. Poka seems to be able to pass in many MENA countries, especially the eastern part of the region. The rest look very Iberian to me.

Completely agree about Poka.

On this Forum portuguese seem to be lighter on average than Spaniards but all the charts say otherwise (although the differences are minor). Not sure what to think(?)

Non of those people would pass in my family. Facial features aren’t similar.

02-26-2019, 11:22 PM



Shit. Looks kinda west asiatic. I guess a mix between Dinaric and Armenoid. He even has the boggling eyes that Armenoids are famous for, rofl.

02-26-2019, 11:24 PM
Some of the Catalans look like a guy I know from Vic region in Catalonia who was constantly mistaken as local in India/Pakistan border.
When I posted him for the first time a lot of people were coping saying he is Gypsy even if he comes from a small city with barely no gypsies there. Perhaps he has Andalusian ancestry, like most Catalans.


Don't quote his pic.

lol... you have said many times that catalans are the lightest spaniards but now you say the contrary more or less.

most catalans have andalusian ancestry???

you speak a lot of things you barely know, the typical bigmouth I-know-it-all so frecuent in this forum. Annoying. Pierdete mamarracho. :p

On the other hand I see the butthurt of some portuguese members against spaniars is on the rise lately, until the point they treat their 'galicians brothers' of dark medish and the other spaniards directly of sandniggers... :D

Cristiano Viejo's fault I guess :cool:

Cristiano tio, eres mejor relaciones públicas que el mismísimo Hitler. :cheer_icoon:

02-26-2019, 11:24 PM
With all the posts of spaniards vs portugueses I have the impression that argentinians as whole and white brasilians/venezuelans are lighter than portuguese and galicians politicians/players. Even the southern european descendants.

02-26-2019, 11:33 PM
lol... you have said many times that catalans are the lightest spaniards but now you say the contrary more or less.

most catalans have andalusian ancestry???

I don't remember of saying Catalans are the lightest Spaniards...lol
My point was always that in Catalonia extreme types are common, maybe due to Andalusian ancestry. It's no secret Franco moved tons of Andalusians to Catalonia.

This guy I posted, for example, likely is of partial Andalusian descent (his surname doesn't sound very Catalan).

02-26-2019, 11:36 PM
For me Catalans look like Puyol, Pique, Guardiola, Sergi Roberto.

But they have dark types like Busquets or Fabregas....

02-26-2019, 11:41 PM
I don't remember of saying Catalans are the lightest Spaniards...lol
My point was always that in Catalonia extreme types are common, maybe due to Andalusian ancestry. It's no secret Franco moved tons of Andalusians to Catalonia.

This guy I posted, for example, likely is of partial Andalusian descent (his surname doesn't sound very Catalan).

I believe Andalusian's supposed exoticness has more to do with sun exposure than with 'exotic' extra-European admixture. They are genetically indistinguishable from Extremadurans and barely distinguishable from the Portuguese on a individual level.

02-26-2019, 11:45 PM
I believe Andalusian's supposed exoticness has more to do with sun exposure than with 'exotic' extra-European admixture. They are genetically indistinguishable from Extremadurans and barely distinguishable from the Portuguese on a individual level.

I think a lot of it may also have to do with people's confirmation bias of "more southern = more exotic", though I may be wrong and they might actually be more exotic.

Vid Flumina
02-26-2019, 11:57 PM
Shit. Looks kinda west asiatic. I guess a mix between Dinaric and Armenoid. He even has the boggling eyes that Armenoids are famous for, rofl.


Sebastianus Rex
02-27-2019, 12:12 AM
Some of the Catalans look like a guy I know from Vic region in Catalonia who was constantly mistaken as local in India/Pakistan border.
When I posted him for the first time a lot of people were coping saying he is Gypsy even if he comes from a small city with barely no gypsies there. Perhaps he has Andalusian ancestry, like most Catalans.

Don't quote his pic.

He looks South-Med/Saharid. Another similar Catalan is Busquets. Another thing I notice is the excess of very hairy dark types like Fàbregas among Catalans.

Despite their pigmentation, they look very Iberian. Poka seems to be able to pass in many MENA countries, especially the eastern part of the region. The rest look very Iberian to me.

Excuse me but these guys don't look "Iberian" (in the Portuguese sense at least they are unpassable). Funny that you mentioned Poka and not these guys. :rolleyes:


Pan Mena

I've never seen anyone here like Pau Bargalló, very strange face.

His brother only passes in Spain, I would identify him as Spaniard right away, has some traits that I only saw among Spaniards (combination mouth region, "Joker" smile, nose, etc).

Similar specific Spanish types:


Sebastianus Rex
02-27-2019, 12:26 AM
On the other hand I see the butthurt of some portuguese members against spaniars is on the rise lately, until the point they treat their 'galicians brothers' of dark medish and the other spaniards directly of sandniggers... :D

Cristiano Viejo's fault I guess :cool:

Well, he and Visâge Gitane wrote ad nauseum that Spaniards are "much lighter", that Galicians look nothing like Portuguese (who are much darker) etc etc...I posted a team with only northern Spanish guys and guess what ? They are darker than the "much darker" Portuguese. :scratch:

Cristiano tio, eres mejor relaciones públicas que el mismísimo Hitler. :cheer_icoon:

He'll probably take that as a compliment. xD

02-27-2019, 02:23 AM



Nobody fucks with the Jesus:


Edit: someone got it before me. XD

02-27-2019, 06:40 AM
Excuse me but these guys don't look "Iberian" (in the Portuguese sense at least they are unpassable). Funny that you mentioned Poka and not these guys. :rolleyes:


A texbook Armenoid, rofl. He has some Dinaric in the mix though.

Pan Mena

Looks very North African to me, but he can pass in Northern Arabia and the Levant.

I've never seen anyone here like Pau Bargalló, very strange face.

Looks kinda Azerbaijani..

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
02-27-2019, 07:49 AM
On the other hand I see the butthurt of some portuguese members against spaniars is on the rise lately, until the point they treat their 'galicians brothers' of dark medish and the other spaniards directly of sandniggers... :

Even if you combine all Portuguese members they are still more honest and less biased than CV. Like I've said many times the guy is out of touch with reality and only agrees with those that are subservient to his ideas that are derogatory even towards other Spaniards and other Spanish regions. Lets not act as if he hasn't insulted Catalonians, Catalonia, Andalusians and Andalusia several times whenever it fits him but perhaps you agree with that.

02-27-2019, 07:58 AM
The Spanish set is more exotic than the Portuguese one. Both sets are tightly West Med.

02-27-2019, 12:50 PM
Well, he and Visâge Gitane wrote ad nauseum that Spaniards are "much lighter", that Galicians look nothing like Portuguese (who are much darker) etc etc...I posted a team with only northern Spanish guys and guess what ? They are darker than the "much darker" Portuguese. :scratch:

And do you think that someone with enough motivation, the same as you have in this issue, couldn't do exactly the opposite?.
Spain and Portugal have more than enough of dark and light types to do it if someone has the patience to do the search and find the teams or whatever that fit a biased expectation.

He'll probably take that as a compliment. xD

Probably, but the comparision is accurate. How many users hate spaniards as a whole because of CV?, a lot.

Even if you combine all Portuguese members they are still more honest and less biased than CV. Like I've said many times the guy is out of touch with reality and only agrees with those that are subservient to his ideas that are derogatory even towards other Spaniards and other Spanish regions. Lets not act as if he hasn't insulted Catalonians, Catalonia, Andalusians and Andalusia several times whenever it fits him but perhaps you agree with that.

I don't agree, I just ignore him like I ignore many trolls here, because they like and they feed on confrontation.
Don't feed the troll like they say, and if you can't help it don't look down on his whole country or compatriots, that is despicable and mean.

Pero bueno, ya se que esto es como predicar en el desierto y hasta yo mismo he hecho alguna vez lo que ahora condeno, pero alguna vez también hay que actuar con dignidad y nobleza de espíritu, para compensar y sentirse bien con uno mismo.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
02-27-2019, 01:21 PM
I don't agree, I just ignore him like I ignore many trolls here, because they like and they feed on confrontation.
Don't feed the troll like they say, and if you can't help it don't look down on his whole country or compatriots, that is despicable and mean.

Pero bueno, ya se que esto es como predicar en el desierto y hasta yo mismo he hecho alguna vez lo que ahora condeno, pero alguna vez también hay que actuar con dignidad y nobleza de espíritu, para compensar y sentirse bien con uno mismo.

I don't feed trolls and I don't think that this thread is a trolling attempt. Even if the Portuguese team is lighter all of the Spanish players posted here pass in Portugal as well with the exception of Pau Bargalló Poch which looks atypical in Spain too. I have said many times that there is a clear overlap among Portugueses and Spaniards but apparently I am the crazy one because a few Spanish members have agendas and want to overreact the differences. If the Spanish players that were posted here happened to be Portuguese, CV and Visage would never admit that they fit in Spain.

You know what is "mean" and "despicable" is that Portuguese members as a general rule have always stood up against those who like to talk shit about Spaniards but no Spaniard member ever does the same for Portugal, in fact they are the first to throw stones towards us if necessary so we don't really need lessons on nobility and dignity.

02-27-2019, 01:49 PM
In Portuguese there’s this saying:

“Quem tem telhados de vidro não atira pedras ao do vizinho” which roughly translates into English as “Those who have a roof made out of glass should not throw stones at their neighbor’s”.

That fits like a glove to Spain, the fatherland of Pedro Almodovar, Penelope Cruz, Rafael Nadal, Júlio Iglesias, António Banderas, Sérgio Busquets, Raul Gonzalez, Javier Bardem and so many other “exotics” who get posted on this board every single day.

02-27-2019, 02:22 PM
I have Catalan family and they're all fair skinned, light eyed (blue and green) and lightish hair. In my mind Catalans look like this.

Your mind is wrong, Catalans, like all the other Spaniards, are mainly brown haired/eyed with medium fair skin, lighter features being a minority (more common in the eyes).

02-27-2019, 02:36 PM
Excuse me but these guys don't look "Iberian" (in the Portuguese sense at least they are unpassable). Funny that you mentioned Poka and not these guys. :rolleyes:


Have you created in your imagination some "iberian look" and now do not like to accept real iberian people?!

Here is a tourist from Spain who looks similar


02-27-2019, 02:39 PM
Your mind is wrong, Catalans, like all the other Spaniards, are mainly brown haired/eyed with medium fair skin, lighter features being a minority (more common in the eyes).

He is from Los Angeles.

Cristiano viejo
02-27-2019, 02:48 PM
People just have to visit Oporto and then crossing the bordier and visit Vigo or La Coruña.
As easy as that.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
02-27-2019, 02:53 PM
People just have to visit Oporto and then crossing the bordier and visit Vigo or La Coruña.
As easy as that.

Says the expert in Portugal because he has been twice in here and always the same region :lol: You forget that every single Portuguese member in here has been to Spain countless times, way more than you have been in here. Not to talk about that every single tourist region in Portugal is overcrowded with Spaniards so indeed, it is as easy as that. You're not fooling anyone.

02-27-2019, 02:58 PM
Especially Porto. Many Spanish visit the city. He recognized his own kin sitting at Ribeira but is having trouble processing their color.

I’ve been to Vigo and Santiago more than once. Zero difference.

02-27-2019, 03:16 PM
He is from Los Angeles.

Well, I'm from Rio de Janeiro and I know that he is wrong, Google is here for this...

02-27-2019, 04:13 PM
I don't feed trolls and I don't think that this thread is a trolling attempt. Even if the Portuguese team is lighter all of the Spanish players posted here pass in Portugal as well with the exception of Pau Bargalló Poch which looks atypical in Spain too. I have said many times that there is a clear overlap among Portugueses and Spaniards but apparently I am the crazy one because a few Spanish members have agendas and want to overreact the differences. If the Spanish players that were posted here happened to be Portuguese, CV and Visage would never admit that they fit in Spain.

Ok, CV and Visage.
Visage?? I thought he was french. Anyway they're not a collective responsability for Spain or speak for all the rest of spanish members.

You know what is "mean" and "despicable" is that Portuguese members as a general rule have always stood up against those who like to talk shit about Spaniards but no Spaniard member ever does the same for Portugal, in fact they are the first to throw stones towards us if necessary so we don't really need lessons on nobility and dignity.

OK, I've seen some portuguese members do what you say, but I haven't seen spanish members, apart from CV, do what you say.
You're playing the victim here, and giving CV the power of being the representative of spanish posters.

Cristiano viejo
02-27-2019, 04:34 PM
Says the expert in Portugal because he has been twice in here and always the same region :lol: You forget that every single Portuguese member in here has been to Spain countless times, way more than you have been in here. Not to talk about that every single tourist region in Portugal is overcrowded with Spaniards so indeed, it is as easy as that. You're not fooling anyone.
What I dont forget is that, from all the Portuguese members here, only Endovélico has a true European look.

Especially Porto. Many Spanish visit the city. He recognized his own kin sitting at Ribeira but is having trouble processing their color.

Funny anecdote in Ribeira of my travel to Oporto, and that I only told by pm to one user (if he reads me now he could note it is true) for not offending Portuguese users, is that I thought I finally found a very decent European-looking couple of Portuguese, you know, very pale, etc... I thought they were Portuguese because the boy dressed the t-shirt of FC Oporto, and when they walked by our side... then we noticed it was the t-shirt of RCD Español :laugh2:

It was sad, really...

I’ve been to Vigo and Santiago more than once. Zero difference.

You wish.

02-27-2019, 04:41 PM
What I dont forget is that, from all the Portuguese members here, only Endovélico has a true European look.

Because you have seen them all? If I recall well the Spanish members I've seen pictures of, most of them looked quite exotic for Europe. Falkata, for instance, a Galician, had a near brown skin complexion. But anyway, that is your typical argument when you don't have anything better to say: "you are less European than me" or "you don't look European". Grow up.

Funny anecdote in Ribeira of my travel to Oporto, and that I only told by pm to one user (if he reads me now he could note it is true) for not offending Portuguese users, is that I thought I finally found a very decent European-looking couple of Portuguese, you know, very pale, etc... I thought they were Portuguese because the boy dressed the t-shirt of FC Oporto, and when they walked by our side... then we noticed it was the t-shirt of RCD Español :laugh2:

It was sad, really...

Nice story pal, right out of your imagination. Hollywood should hire you, or you should write books, Paco.

You wish.

I don't wish because it's reality. Most people from NW Portugal are more Galician than you'll ever be. Please don't cry.

02-27-2019, 04:48 PM
Ok, CV and Visage.
Visage?? I thought he was french. Anyway they're not a collective responsability for Spain or speak for all the rest of spanish members.

OK, I've seen some portuguese members do what you say, but I haven't seen spanish members, apart from CV, do what you say.
You're playing the victim here, and giving CV the power of being the representative of spanish posters.

You should get rid of such buffoons, they're an embarrassment for you.

02-27-2019, 04:53 PM
I have always defended that Portuguese and Spaniards are about even in terms of pigmentation. They are very very close genetically, up to the point that they practically plot in the same cluster on PCA maps. If some Portuguese members have a beef with CV, they should solve their differences with him and stop this inter-Iberian war.

02-27-2019, 04:54 PM
I have always defended that Portuguese and Spaniards are about even in pigmentation. They are very very close genetically, up to the point that they practically plot in the same cluster on PCA maps. If some Portuguese members have a beef with CV, they should solve their differences with him and stop this inter-Iberian war.

Don't feed the troll will be the best policy from now on.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
02-27-2019, 05:12 PM

02-27-2019, 05:34 PM
inter Iberian war .. let me grab my popcorn
I think Spanish and Portuguese look very similar ... but imo Spanish are slightly lighter because northern Spain has had alot of interaction with Europe and Germanic tribes ..but overall they look similar

02-27-2019, 05:35 PM
[QUOTE=Latinus;5837173]Well, I'm from Rio de Janeiro and I know that he is wrong, Google is here for this...[/QUOTE

Ah yes, forgive me, you are the expert. First of all I never said all or most Catalans are light eyed. I said MY FAMILY. I am sorry that angers you. The problem is that you and some other folks around here have some weird, unjustified delusion and inferiority complex in your brains. You guys need to do something more useful with your time.

Take it easy, I just said that being from LA is not a valid argument, because you, even if not being physically in Spain, can still use an engine search and have an ideia of how they look like.
By the way, since when I have an inferiority complex? I'm one of the users that despise this Iberian VS Italian war and the darkwashing/Northernwashing of Iberians/Italians.

02-27-2019, 06:46 PM
They all look very common to the people of western Mexico.

02-27-2019, 07:27 PM
I have always defended that Portuguese and Spaniards are about even in terms of pigmentation. They are very very close genetically, up to the point that they practically plot in the same cluster on PCA maps. If some Portuguese members have a beef with CV, they should solve their differences with him and stop this inter-Iberian war.

Of course. But in general terms, portugueses have more dirty blondes and light eyed people among them. And in Spain you have galicians, catalans and basques, but them are a minority :eek:

Sebastianus Rex
02-27-2019, 10:04 PM
Have you created in your imagination some "iberian look" and now do not like to accept real iberian people?!

Here is a tourist from Spain who looks similar


Excuse me friend, but your comment is out of context, I was just answering about the claims of a particular Spanish user who claimed that Spaniards are "much lighter" than Portuguese. Perhaps you should address him instead, he is the one who says that individuals much europoid thant that gentleman don't pass in Spain...probably that man you posted doesn't pass also...in his mind.

Tenma de Pegasus
02-27-2019, 10:08 PM
I have always defended that Portuguese and Spaniards are about even in terms of pigmentation. They are very very close genetically, up to the point that they practically plot in the same cluster on PCA maps. If some Portuguese members have a beef with CV, they should solve their differences with him and stop this inter-Iberian war.


Sebastianus Rex
02-28-2019, 01:28 AM
Ok, CV and Visage.
Visage?? I thought he was french. Anyway they're not a collective responsability for Spain or speak for all the rest of spanish members.

OK, I've seen some portuguese members do what you say, but I haven't seen spanish members, apart from CV, do what you say.
You're playing the victim here, and giving CV the power of being the representative of spanish posters.

You are giving CV the power to represent Spanish posters because hardly never you have confronted his childish attitudes towards...well, the whole World.

Put that bitch in place and you will earn respect...or else just fuck off.

Sebastianus Rex
02-28-2019, 01:32 AM
I have always defended that Portuguese and Spaniards are about even in terms of pigmentation. They are very very close genetically, up to the point that they practically plot in the same cluster on PCA maps. If some Portuguese members have a beef with CV, they should solve their differences with him and stop this inter-Iberian war.

Dude, you are watching the film upside down, it's CV the one who disagrees with what you have written not Portuguese members, just read his latest posts..but if you want the truth, yes Spain has more exotic types and more extreme also.

Sebastianus Rex
02-28-2019, 01:34 AM
inter Iberian war .. let me grab my popcorn
I think Spanish and Portuguese look very similar ... but imo Spanish are slightly lighter because northern Spain has had alot of interaction with Europe and Germanic tribes ..but overall they look similar

You haven't seen this thread have you ? I've posted a team of ONLY northern Spaniards and they are darker.

Sebastianus Rex
02-28-2019, 01:41 AM
People just have to visit Oporto and then crossing the bordier and visit Vigo or La Coruña.
As easy as that.

I've been dozens of times in Spain (all over), definitely more gitanoids over your side of the border. Also if you think that Porto is "very multicultural" that shows how badly you know Europe.

For the rest just look how pathetic Real Madrid is without Cristiano and how dark are your nothern Spaniards compared to average Portuguese.:icon_lol:

02-28-2019, 03:25 AM
Dude, you are watching the film upside down, it's CV the one who disagrees with what you have written not Portuguese members, just read his latest posts..but if you want the truth, yes Spain has more exotic types and more extreme also.

I'm not watching the film upside down. I know CV started all this, portraying Portuguese as darker than Spaniards. You have witnessed how many times I have defended that Spaniards and Portuguese are about even in pigmentation, and how I also have defended (based on my experience with Portuguese-Venezuelans) that Portuguese have their decent share of blondism, light eyes and "standard Euro" looking people. Most Spanish users on here haven't trolled your people. You guys should not start trolling Spaniards because of CV.

02-28-2019, 11:50 AM
You are giving CV the power to represent Spanish posters because hardly never you have confronted his childish attitudes towards...well, the whole World.

But who the hell do you think am I?? His father or his spiritual counselor??

Put that bitch in place and you will earn respect...or else just fuck off.

I'll do what my bollocks demand me, for example send to shit a childish hysterical like you who can pass hours searching dark spaniards only to troll back CV, you and rosignol are not so different to him afetr all.

Sebastianus Rex
02-28-2019, 05:14 PM
But who the hell do you think am I?? His father or his spiritual counselor??

Then don't bitch about being trolled because of CV.

I'll do what my bollocks demand me, for example send to shit a childish hysterical like you who can pass hours searching dark spaniards only to troll back CV, you and rosignol are not so different to him afetr all.

LOL. Actually just takes me a few minutes.

02-28-2019, 06:27 PM
Dude, you are watching the film upside down, it's CV the one who disagrees with what you have written not Portuguese members, just read his latest posts..but if you want the truth, yes Spain has more exotic types and more extreme also.

By "exotic" you mean just darker than average? Lighter than average would also apply? Are they also more common in Spain than Portugal?

02-28-2019, 06:31 PM
You haven't seen this thread have you ? I've posted a team of ONLY northern Spaniards and they are darker.

Which is surprising to me because I always thought that they would have been more lighter..