View Full Version : Classify quite "tanned" Spanish footballer Joaquín Fernández

02-27-2019, 10:51 PM
Specimen name: Joaquín Fernández Moreno
Age: 22
Place of birth: Almeria, Andalusia, Spain


Knight Slayer
02-27-2019, 11:08 PM
Arabic-Mediterranean. Something MENA going on there.

02-27-2019, 11:13 PM
South Arabid

02-27-2019, 11:16 PM
Berid + Arabid

02-27-2019, 11:19 PM

02-27-2019, 11:55 PM
Arabic-Mediterranean. Something MENA going on there.

+ 1

02-28-2019, 10:09 AM
typical andalusian gypsy

Atypical. Does not look fully Spanish.

Is it necessary to remember the obvious?

08-29-2024, 02:26 AM

08-29-2024, 07:03 AM
Looks like a typical dude from Gaza

08-29-2024, 08:12 AM

08-29-2024, 09:01 AM
Looks like a north african and probably product of first cousin interbreeding with that extremely weak jaw and lack of chin, a telltale sign.

08-29-2024, 09:20 AM
Looks like a north african and probably product of first cousin interbreeding with that extremely weak jaw and lack of chin, a telltale sign.

Marriage between cousins ​​is very common even to this day among the gypsy community in Spain. 50-60 years ago it was very common among non-gypsy Spaniards as well, but not so much between cousins ​​but between distant cousins.

08-29-2024, 09:20 AM
Marriage between cousins ​​is very common even to this day among the gypsy community in Spain. 50-60 years ago it was very common among non-gypsy Spaniards as well, but not so much between cousins ​​but between distant cousins.

Weak chins have nothing to do with inbreeding though, lol.

08-29-2024, 09:22 AM
Weak chins have nothing to do with inbreeding though, lol.

I only speak about the marriage traditions of Spain and Spanish gypsies, since the Steelman has spoken about the subject

08-29-2024, 09:25 AM
I only speak about the marriage traditions of Spain and Spanish gypsies, since the Steelman has spoken about the subject

A significant number of people married among relatives in the past.

08-29-2024, 09:35 AM
A significant number of people married among relatives in the past.
Yeah, Spain was one of the highest in Europe not just with Roma not long ago.

In the 1920's 8% of Marriages in rural Spain were cousin marriages country wide.

Also weird chat:


08-29-2024, 10:53 AM
Marriage between cousins ​​is very common even to this day among the gypsy community in Spain. 50-60 years ago it was very common among non-gypsy Spaniards as well, but not so much between cousins ​​but between distant cousins.

Yeah makes sense he would be a gypsy I guess. With their social structure I understand they tend to only marry within the same "clan" (I can't remember the name), even excluding most other gypsies from their gene pool.

08-29-2024, 10:56 AM
A significant number of people married among relatives in the past.

It's true however in some cultures it is much more prevalent than others, you can simply see it by looking at the standard "chinless" favial structure very common among many muslims groups, as well as gypsies, and also aristocratic European families. The lack of jaw/chin is not the inly, but the easiest, marker of inbreeding. Another is prevalence of neurological disorders.

TLDR: it did happen to some extent among Europeans, but relatively speaking you can see those traits disproportionately among demographics where inbreeding is encouraged.

08-29-2024, 11:11 AM
It's true however in some cultures it is much more prevalent than others, you can simply see it by looking at the standard "chinless" favial structure very common among many muslims groups, as well as gypsies, and also aristocratic European families. The lack of jaw/chin is not the inly, but the easiest, marker of inbreeding. Another is prevalence of neurological disorders.

TLDR: it did happen to some extent among Europeans, but relatively speaking you can see those traits disproportionately among demographics where inbreeding is encouraged.

yes, but the Berbers for example don't have such a weak chin, while this is common among those with more Arabized blood, even the majority of marriages in Saudi Arabia are between cousins ​​up to the third degree, Indians are also extremely endogamous, and the Habsburg royal family actually had very strong chins

08-29-2024, 11:26 AM
Is he a ethnic Spaniard?

08-29-2024, 12:18 PM
yes, but the Berbers for example don't have such a weak chin,

I do not know enough about them specifically, is it possible they don't practice first cousin marriage so commonly?

while this is common among those with more Arabized blood, even the majority of marriages in Saudi Arabia are between cousins ​​up to the third degree,

It's not necessarilly that every muslim group widely practices this inbreeding. It is certainly the case in Pakistan and is quite obvious meeting and seeing them, from their IQ and looks. also if you go to a neurologist in the UK it is literally like 75% pakistani patients in the waiting room, at least in London (which is not more than 15% Pakistani, and I am referring to a large central London neurologist, not one in a Pakistani area).

and the Habsburg royal family actually had very strong chins

On this one I will cede to your knowledge. In the Britsh aristocracy you can disproportionately see it, and I also have a friend from an aritocratic old anglo-irish family, and looking at him and speaking to him, the inbreeding is clear.

Also I want to say I think these effects do not effect every descendent of inbreeding. many of us probably have that at some point in our families. I just think that it's more of an "all or nothing" case. Probably most descendants of inbreeding will be fine. But there is just also a much higher probability of people with defects being born, specifically neurological disorders, low IQ, or looking like the guy in the OP photo. So of three brothers, 2 might be completley normal, and one might be a schizo/simpleton/epileptic/chinless.

Regarding the royal families and old aristocracies of Europe, likely that pattern also applied, so the good ones were absolutely fine, but you probably just had a higher level of retardation, which on a small scale might not be that notable, but when we are talking about major populations not a large elite, it becomes very notable.

08-29-2024, 12:43 PM
I do not know enough about them specifically, is it possible they don't practice first cousin marriage so commonly?

It's not necessarilly that every muslim group widely practices this inbreeding. It is certainly the case in Pakistan and is quite obvious meeting and seeing them, from their IQ and looks. also if you go to a neurologist in the UK it is literally like 75% pakistani patients in the waiting room, at least in London (which is not more than 15% Pakistani, and I am referring to a large central London neurologist, not one in a Pakistani area).

On this one I will cede to your knowledge. In the Britsh aristocracy you can disproportionately see it, and I also have a friend from an aritocratic old anglo-irish family, and looking at him and speaking to him, the inbreeding is clear.

Also I want to say I think these effects do not effect every descendent of inbreeding. many of us probably have that at some point in our families. I just think that it's more of an "all or nothing" case. Probably most descendants of inbreeding will be fine. But there is just also a much higher probability of people with defects being born, specifically neurological disorders, low IQ, or looking like the guy in the OP photo. So of three brothers, 2 might be completley normal, and one might be a schizo/simpleton/epileptic/chinless.

Regarding the royal families and old aristocracies of Europe, likely that pattern also applied, so the good ones were absolutely fine, but you probably just had a higher level of retardation, which on a small scale might not be that notable, but when we are talking about major populations not a large elite, it becomes very notable.

but from genetic studies there is also more genetic variation in the Maghrebi than in the Arabian peninsula, since many Maghrebi are not as small as the Arabs of the peninsula or the Indians and Pakistanis, As for the Habsburg family, basically they ended because in the end only first degree relatives married, they had many genetic and mental problems

08-29-2024, 01:04 PM
It's not necessarilly that every muslim group widely practices this inbreeding. It is certainly the case in Pakistan and is quite obvious meeting and seeing them, from their IQ and looks. also if you go to a neurologist in the UK it is literally like 75% pakistani patients in the waiting room, at least in London (which is not more than 15% Pakistani, and I am referring to a large central London neurologist, not one in a Pakistani area).
My younger brother is now doing a phd in mathematics at one of the best universities here and there's a few Eastern Europeans in his classes, outside of that it's mostly East Asians and Indians/Pakistanis. No Anglos whatsoever. Just saying..

08-29-2024, 01:22 PM
My younger brother is now doing a phd in mathematics at one of the best universities here and there's a few Eastern Europeans in his classes, outside of that it's mostly East Asians and Indians/Pakistanis. No Anglos whatsoever. Just saying..

Yeah, that's is a elite people bro

08-29-2024, 01:31 PM
Yeah, that's is a elite people bro
Well, where is the Anglo-Saxon elite? They are very underrepresented in secondary education in general vs. immigrants. I don't know if they're elite, most of the Desis I know come from poor backgrounds, they just spoke some broken English and met the criteria to come to the country (outside of the refugees). Also, I'm talking about Pakistanis living here or born here, not foreign students.

08-29-2024, 01:58 PM
My younger brother is now doing a phd in mathematics at one of the best universities here and there's a few Eastern Europeans in his classes, outside of that it's mostly East Asians and Indians/Pakistanis. No Anglos whatsoever. Just saying..

They're also huge populations in comparison to anglos. The higher level of neurological disroders and retardation among pakistanis comapred to all demographics in the UK (not just whites) is well documented by mainstream scientific publications, likewise the lower IQ of India and Pakistan compared to European native populations.

Let's try another experiment: how many inventions of the past x centuries (pick your time period) were made by by Anglos vs Indians/Pakistanis?

08-29-2024, 02:41 PM
They're also huge populations in comparison to anglos. The higher level of neurological disroders and retardation among pakistanis comapred to all demographics in the UK (not just whites) is well documented by mainstream scientific publications, likewise the lower IQ of India and Pakistan compared to European native populations.

Let's try another experiment: how many inventions of the past x centuries (pick your time period) were made by by Anglos vs Indians/Pakistanis?

Soon defecating in the street will be common in England

08-29-2024, 04:02 PM
They're also huge populations in comparison to anglos. The higher level of neurological disroders and retardation among pakistanis comapred to all demographics in the UK (not just whites) is well documented by mainstream scientific publications, likewise the lower IQ of India and Pakistan compared to European native populations.

Let's try another experiment: how many inventions of the past x centuries (pick your time period) were made by by Anglos vs Indians/Pakistanis?

They're only a huge population in the main city, the university is outside of the Greater Toronto Area and students from the entire country come. Most of the cities outside of the Greater Toronto Area are White Anglo Canadians.

I sometimes go up North where it's mostly white Canadians for camping and shit, I interact with these people and they are often lazy, intellectually umm.. dull, miserable, and just real simple people with no prospects in life and angered at us immigrants for being here, while not being able to acomplish anything themselves.

I don't know about what neurological problems they have or don't, so I won't comment. But again, if the IQ of said Anglos is so high compared, why are they failling so much in life? If that's an indication for their potential success..
IQ also isn't stable, in the last century the U.S. IQ i.e., rose 30 points, so things like development and lifestyle are definitely linked to it. Also what IQ source are you using, a lot of people literally still rely on Richard Flynn's bias testing. This is a modern database with recent scores:
So currently a Desi country like Sri Lanka is much higher than the UK, and India & the UK aren't that different, Pakistan is lower by 4 points.

Well no offense, but the Indus valley was prosperous and many things were invented there, all while Anglo-Saxons and Celts were still chucking around spears and drinking their own urine (according to the Romans) lol. The Anglos got lucky because of the Spaniards, and dominated South Asia after the Mughals - both empires caused somehwat a great decline in their economies and people, especially British colonization since there was some prosperity during the Mughals. Until the 17th century India was the wealthiest nation in the world.

And I mean we're now using the internet, the father of fiber optics was Indian. We're also using Indian numerals, and it was the Indians that gave us the decimal 0, which was essential for the development of math. Indians were the first to cultivate cotton, which was essential to the development of the British empire, it was through trade with India that westerners began to cultivate it themselves.

Also again, you're trying to compare England to a country it helped destroy for the last two-three centuries, and drained its resources in order to develop England further..

08-29-2024, 04:06 PM
Soon defecating in the street will be common in England

I've never seen it here personally, although there was recently culture-war baiting video posted about some dude at a gas station. But its still even practiced by some in Brazil, so. :D

08-29-2024, 04:32 PM
I've never seen it here personally, although there was recently culture-war baiting video posted about some dude at a gas station. But its still even practiced by some in Brazil, so. :D

People practicing open defecation (% of population) in Brazil was reported at 0.09268 % in 2022, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. Brazil - People practicing open defecation (% of population) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the*World Bank*on August of 2024.

Yes, in the Amazon jungle it ends up happening

practiced open defecation in 2022.[43]

Open defecation has been an issue in India. A report published by*WaterAid*stated that India had the highest number of people without access to basic sanitation despite efforts made by the Government of India under the Swachh Bharat Mission.[44][45]*About 522 million people, or approximately 41.5% of the population, practiced open defecation in India in 2014, despite having access to a toilet.[46][47]*Many factors contributed to this, ranging from poverty to government corruption.[48]
This chart depicts the decrease in open defecation from 2000 to 2022 in countries sharing a land border with India, alongside World Bank income classifications. According to the data,*around 11% of India's population practiced open defecation in 2022. Open defecation has been an issue in India.
there is no comparison

08-29-2024, 04:36 PM
I've never seen it here personally, although there was recently culture-war baiting video posted about some dude at a gas station. But its still even practiced by some in Brazil, so. :D

Benefits of severe colonization: No OD

Interesting stuff for once Andrzej :thumb001:

08-29-2024, 05:24 PM
I've never seen it here personally, although there was recently culture-war baiting video posted about some dude at a gas station. But its still even practiced by some in Brazil, so. :D

Open defecation exists in North Macedonia ?!

08-29-2024, 05:46 PM
Open defecation exists in North Macedonia ?!

08-29-2024, 06:16 PM
I don't see the Arabic on him.

North Indid + Apinid , it seems.

When I put Alpinid it just clicked!!!

08-29-2024, 06:46 PM
I very much doubt this guy is really Spanish, and there is nothing Alpinid about him. He might be more dolicho and exotic than the Indid morph. Extremely low CI.

08-29-2024, 06:50 PM
I very much doubt this guy is really Spanish, and there is nothing Alpinid about him. He might be more dolicho and exotic than the Indid morph. Extremely low CI.

The overall shape of his face is squared and squashed, that's why I thought of Alpinid, but his features are 100% like the North Indid.

08-29-2024, 06:53 PM
The overall shape of his face is squared and squashed, that's why I thought of Alpinid, but his features are 100% like the North Indid.

Im suspecting gypsy or new world as he doesn't look NA either.

08-29-2024, 06:56 PM
I don't see the Arabic on him.

North Indid + Apinid , it seems.

When I put Alpinid it just clicked!!!

I agree with north indid,realmente não tinha pensado nisso

08-29-2024, 06:57 PM
Im suspecting gypsy or new world as he doesn't look NA either.

he has played in several strange countries

This is a gypsy characteristic

08-29-2024, 08:31 PM
Open defecation exists in North Macedonia ?!
Never in my life have i heard of open defecation in Afghanistan. Probably false or some druggies under pul e sokhta before Taliban.