View Full Version : does the tavastid are speaded until north/east/central france

02-28-2019, 11:15 PM
i explain unfortunatly i don't know my ancesters but i'am half britain by my dad and half bourguignon/burgundy(and not :rotfl:burundi please) because my mom is born in dijon in bourgorgne on the map bourgogne-franche comté is just under alsace aside switzerland,but preciselly in cote-d'or a department of the region bourgogne-franche comté in yelloish,up cote d'or it's alsace
at a larger scale on france bourgogne-franche conté think cheese and mustarde,nougat,and sweets confection and chocolate https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Bourgogne-Franche-Comt%C3%A9_region_locator_map.svg/624px-Bourgogne-Franche-Comt%C3%A9_region_locator_map.svg.png
unfortunatly on humanphenotypes is not really accurate but it's seams they are spreaded until switzerland an farest
and i look more tavastid than west alpinid/med sorry but this phenotype is definetly not mine looks like med i am more near of tavastid

even i'am not blonde more chesnut but i have marine blue eyes my skin tint is without med melanin but more tavastid skin tint more pinky white than browny ,i'am not latin/med more celt this two type are very closed in the ratios it is possible that i have very farest baltico-germanico-scandino origins? something that i haven't really thinking until today,i don't phantasize for sure like many insecure non-white people here looking for ancesters than they haven't,i'am laughing in my head
about that i'am maybe from a strain of nordics:viking,as a private joke,a very very very far cousin of vikings:rotfl:,no seriously is hypotetical but who knows.....


did you think that's possible?

02-28-2019, 11:27 PM
You could be Tavastid (East Baltid).
It's much more likely that you are an Alpine-Borreby blend.

03-01-2019, 03:52 AM
You could be Tavastid (East Baltid).
It's much more likely that you are an Alpine-Borreby blend.
maybe but not sure,not borreby i haven't the scandinavian or germanic type when i look myself in the mirror i don't see a germanic or scandinavian indeed i maybe and i says maybe because is very very hypotetical i 'am pretty sure than i can pass in ukraine without the eastern features i have look closer to the girls especially ukrainians are very average,more standards they look like the westerns not like the easterns like russians or other slavics for example if you take beauties like adriana karambeu ,she looks slavic maybe not ultra slavic but less western,now she's old and wrinkled,really near of 50
https://www.closermag.fr/var/closermag/storage/images/media/images-des-contenus/galerie/2016-09-16-adriana-karembeu-a-45-ans-elle-n-a-pas-pris-une-ride-%21-photos/adriana-karembeu-en-2005/5471087-1-fre-FR/Adriana-Karembeu-en-2005.jpghttps://fac.img.pmdstatic.net/fit/http.3A.2F.2Fprd2-bone-image.2Es3-website-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2FFAC.2Fvar.2Ffemmeactuelle.2F storage.2Fimages.2Factu.2Fnews-actu.2Fadriana-karembeu-peu-de-chance-tomber-enceinte-miracle-52443.2F15048434-1-fre-FR.2Fadriana-karembeu-ses-chances-d-avoir-un-enfant-etaient-quasi-nulles.2Ejpg/737x415/quality/90/crop-from/center/adriana-karembeu-maman-a-46-ans-ses-chances-d-avoir-un-enfant-etaient-quasi-nulles.jpeg
the facial features are more eastern but she have less asian ancestry than some,straight noise high cheekbones etc borreby are more rounder
everybody take kristen dunst(german) as ref but is true that she have the borreby archetype
http://lasthairmodels.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/kirsten-dunst7.jpghttp://www.beautifiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/wpid-Startraks-Doutzen-Headshot-copy.jpg pff...this one is way way hotter with a smaller snub noisewhere kirsten with kirsten is more round or an ultra cutie from nothern germany like this is more really borreby
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VP5TuBqi5HE/T_ArEZhHuaI/AAAAAAAAALM/aIlbv_VMgmc/s400/Germany%20girls%20fans%20Euro%202012.jpgsomething that you can find in denmark,sweden,norway also,indeed for me that's the nordic/scandi stereotype
same than with adriana high cheek bones little stumble fine noise

tavastid looks like eelis parna (estonia) there is not so large difference
an in an other way i'am more near of the north atlantid but not on the face ratiohttp://i.imgur.com/9aGqOD2.jpg