View Full Version : Is Brasil a white country or a brown country?

03-01-2019, 09:11 AM
What is it?

03-01-2019, 09:12 AM
Brown, IMO.

03-01-2019, 09:17 AM
Idk but brazil has a lot of whites/criollos; I think that 30-40% of its population is white 85%+

03-01-2019, 09:25 AM
Mostly brown.

Thanas Django
03-01-2019, 09:32 AM
What qualifies a brown vs a white country?

03-01-2019, 09:44 AM
Brazil is a heterogeneous country with pardos and whites comprising most of the population.

Whites are primarily concentrated in the South (incluiding the southeast) and Centre of the country. Most of them are of Italian, Portuguese, German and Spanish descent, as well as other ethnic groups like Polish, Ukrainians, etc. Brazil has the largest Arab diaspora (mainly Lebanese), who could be added to this group.

Pardos are found everywhere but I think they are more concentrated in large coastal cities and the northeast (Brazilian users could give a better approximation).

Mullattoes are mainly concentrated in the coast and the Northeast.

Brazil also has a large Asian (manly Japanese) minority.

Idk, hard to answer, because if we add pardos and mullattoes, they outnumber whites, but it doesn’t make Brazil a brown country IMO.

03-01-2019, 05:41 PM
brazil = africa!!

03-01-2019, 05:46 PM
Brazil is a heterogeneous country with pardos and whites comprising most of the population.

Whites are primarily concentrated in the South (incluiding the southeast) and Centre of the country. Most of them are of Italian, Portuguese, German and Spanish descent, as well as other ethnic groups like Polish, Ukrainians, etc. Brazil has the largest Arab diaspora (mainly Lebanese), who could be added to this group.

Pardos are found everywhere but I think they are more concentrated in large coastal cities and the northeast (Brazilian users could give a better approximation).

Mullattoes are mainly concentrated in the coast and the Northeast.

Brazil also has a large Asian (manly Japanese) minority.

Idk, hard to answer, because if we add pardos and mullattoes, they outnumber whites, but it doesn’t make Brazil a brown country IMO.

Yeah, I don't think Brazil can be easily defined as a white or brown country. Brazil is very heterogeneous for that.

Because when you label it ''white'' or ''brown'' then you end up homogenizing the whole place under a banner.

Some could argue that if you include pardos + mulattos then they outnumber whites, but that's really ridiculous because Brazil doesn't have all it's demographic components equally distributed everywhere. You can go to many regions in which most people are white.

But including Brazil as a ''white country'' would be equally misleading.

03-01-2019, 05:47 PM
Overall, brown.

03-01-2019, 05:47 PM
Mostly brown, partly white

03-01-2019, 05:49 PM
Predominantly Caucasoid.
The bulk of the population is in the +75/90% Euro range.

03-01-2019, 05:54 PM
Yeah, I don't think Brazil can be easily defined as a white or brown country. Brazil is very heterogeneous for that.

Because when you label it ''white'' or ''brown'' then you end up homogenizing the whole place under a banner.

Some could argue that if you include pardos + mulattos then they outnumber whites, but that's really ridiculous because Brazil doesn't have all it's demographic components equally distributed everywhere. You can go to many regions in which most people are white.

But including Brazil as a ''white country'' would be equally misleading.


Brazil is pretty heterogeneous, and there are no "averages".

If it were for the Brazilians I met in Argentina and Uruguay (all from the South and South-east), Brazil would be a white country. But if you had to define Brazil for what you see in Rio or the most touristic coastal areas, it would be a brown country.

03-01-2019, 05:56 PM
Predominantly white.
The bulk of the population is in the +75/90% Euro range.

That's not predominantely "white", but predominantely "euro", which are two different things. Bear in mind that pardos score 60-75% euro, but since the non-Euro admixture is SSA, those people don't look white but clearily mixed or brown. I think Brazil is neither predominantely white nor brown, but both at the same time.

Cristiano viejo
03-01-2019, 06:11 PM
A black country.

03-01-2019, 06:48 PM
30% white
40% light brown (the Brazilian indigenous and most of them light brown)
30% brown

03-01-2019, 06:48 PM
A black country.


03-01-2019, 06:52 PM

03-01-2019, 06:55 PM

03-01-2019, 06:59 PM
Many Brazilian mestizos are light-skinned. Makes classification difficult.


♥ Lily ♥
03-01-2019, 07:24 PM
I think Brazil is racially diverse.

There's Brazilians who look like that infamous black Brazilian football legend Pelé, there's other Brazilians who look European, and there's also Brazilians who look mixed (black, white, Native American/Amerindian, etc.)

03-02-2019, 07:36 PM
I think Brazil is racially diverse.

There's Brazilians who look like that infamous black Brazilian football legend Pelé, there's other Brazilians who look European, and there's also Brazilians who look mixed (black, white, Native American/Amerindian, etc.)

Football players? Hahahahaha

03-02-2019, 09:18 PM
A brown country ( African, European and Native American ancestry.) But black people desperately want to equate everything in Brazil with black people.

03-12-2019, 04:19 AM
The bulk of brazilian population is located in +80% Euro genetically talking.

Eu ja contei pra voces que gracas a Deus fui muitas vezes pra la e sempre percebi que entre brancos e quase brancos sao mais do que os chamados de "pardos" ou pelo menos em um nivel semelhante (e a maioria das vezes fui para o Rio).. mas isso é um monte, alcanca para ficar entre os países mais brancos da America Latina... simples.

Carlito's Way
03-12-2019, 07:19 AM
ive been to brazil, to different regions and its def mostly brown

03-12-2019, 02:55 PM
Brazil is pretty heterogeneous. In one hand you have racial differences between regions and in the other hand you have racial differences inside each regions.

Even when the south is not fully white, and the northeast is not fully black, the differences in ancestry are huge.


EPIGEN COHORT (Pelotas in the south, Bambui in the "whiter" southeast and Salvador in the "blacker" northeast)

Ancestry per region


Euro ancestry depending in self classified race per region


03-12-2019, 02:59 PM
The biggest part of the population has some degree of Euro, Native and African imput. It is a trirracial country. Whites are on 80-95% euro range.

03-12-2019, 03:25 PM
80-95% euro range.
IMO the bulk of the population is in that spectrum.

03-12-2019, 03:28 PM
IMO the bulk of the population is in that spectrum.

The white population did you mean? Pardos are on 60-79% euro and blacks 40-59% euro.

03-12-2019, 03:31 PM
IMO the bulk of the population is in that spectrum.

Average admixture for whites in Brazil is 85-90% Euro range
And for the average Brazilian is 60-70% Euro range.

But with so many colors in that diverse country, triracial components would be found in much of the population.

03-12-2019, 03:43 PM
Sim amigos, eu sei que o padrao poderia ficar no 68/70%.
Mas o que eu quero dizer é que os individuos +80-95% Euro sao um % enorme da populacao.
Segundo estes testes que o Argentano colocou na área de América Latina o 80/90% seria o setor maioritario.
Porem tem também muitos 70/80.
Mas de qualquer maneira esses nao sao números de um país de maioria parda como muitos acham. E parte e parte.


03-12-2019, 03:49 PM
Is the county with the most black people outside of Africa a white country? Hmmm good question.

03-12-2019, 03:51 PM
Brazil has the largest Black population of any country outside of Africa.

03-12-2019, 03:53 PM
Is the county with the most black people outside of Africa a white country? Hmmm good question.

What do you define as "black people"? Neymar is afrodescendant, but he is mixed. Ronaldo is afrodescendant, but he is mixed. If you consider as "black" people with some african ancestral, then 70% or even more brazilians are blacks too.

03-12-2019, 03:55 PM

03-12-2019, 04:07 PM
Is the county with the most black people outside of Africa a white country? Hmmm good question.

Brazil has the largest Black population of any country outside of Africa.

What do you define as "black people"? Neymar is afrodescendant, but he is mixed. Ronaldo is afrodescendant, but he is mixed. If you consider as "black" people with some african ancestral, then 70% or even more brazilians are blacks too.

This is a lie leftist Brazilians and ''black rights'' NGOs started to propagate around the world to make the country ''blacker'', they include even people who are mixed with Amerindians or people with minor admixture (5-10%) as ''blacks''. But yeah, if any degree of African ancestry (even 1%) makes someone ''black'' than Brazil is around 70% ''black'' if not more.

But it's ridiculous to consider someone 90%+ European as ''black'' when that person has less than 5% of SSA blood.

On the thread: The bulk of Brazilian population is in between 70-90% European according to the tests (both self-declared ''whites'' and ''pardos''), but I think there's a sizeable quantity of both predominantly African and fully Euro people not tested yet.

I really really doubt Southern and parts of Southeastern Brazilian countrysides are heavily admixed. In these cities there are many people with only German/North Italian ancestry. Also, I think many tests understimate African admixture of some regions.

03-12-2019, 04:44 PM
This is a lie leftist Brazilians and ''black rights'' NGOs started to propagate around the world to make the country ''blacker'', they include even people who are mixed with Amerindians or people with minor admixture (5-10%) as ''blacks''. But yeah, if any degree of African ancestry (even 1%) makes someone ''black'' than Brazil is around 70% ''black'' if not more.

But it's ridiculous to consider someone 90%+ European as ''black'' when that person has less than 5% of SSA blood.

On the thread: The bulk of Brazilian population is in between 70-90% European according to the tests (both self-declared ''whites'' and ''pardos''), but I think there's a sizeable quantity of both predominantly African and fully Euro people not tested yet.

I really really doubt Southern and parts of Southeastern Brazilian countrysides are heavily admixed. In these cities there are many people with only German/North Italian ancestry. Also, I think many tests understimate African admixture of some regions.

Yes, I agree with you. Brazil is the only country in the world where someone with straight hair declare itself black. My cousin has a black father (even his "black" father has fine lips, but afro hair), and he got a brown skin, fine hair, fine lips and wide nose. He declares himself as black, but he is pardo. A lot of pardos have identity issues, because black and white people do not consider them as part of their groups. My cousin is one. He made his hair turn into an afro one like his father to make him feel better.

03-12-2019, 04:45 PM
But it's ridiculous to consider someone 90%+ European as ''black'' when that person has less than 5% of SSA blood.

Totally agree!!!!!
Imagine how it's riddiculous to apply the one drop rule in Latín America.
If we do that there are not more than 15% of Caucasoid people in Brazil, 20/25% in Argentina and 35% in Uruguay. It doesn't make sense.
And I repeat that I don't consider me Caucasoid, I've never did, just a typical individual from the River Plate area or Brazil, the last as a lot of people told me.
But that rule in Latín America doesn't make sense at all.

03-12-2019, 04:52 PM
Green, blue and yellow country.

03-12-2019, 05:42 PM
Is the county with the most black people outside of Africa a white country? Hmmm good question.


03-12-2019, 05:51 PM
Green, blue and yellow country.

And never red! :D

03-12-2019, 05:55 PM

What is so confusing? Brazil is the country with most Black people outside of Africa.

03-12-2019, 06:13 PM
And never red! :D

Better dead than red!

03-12-2019, 06:15 PM
Better dead than red!

Right on brother!


03-12-2019, 06:22 PM
What is so confusing? Brazil is the country with most Black people outside of Africa.


03-12-2019, 06:30 PM


03-12-2019, 06:32 PM

brazilian census: blacks 9% population

03-12-2019, 07:14 PM
brazilian census: blacks 9% population

Brasil has funny racial classifications also 5% of the population is from 2010 currently its 7.61 which is 14,517,961 people, there are many many more mulattos.

03-12-2019, 07:17 PM
Radio has funny racial classifications also 5% of the population is from 2010 currently its 7.61 which is 14,517,961 people, there are many many more mulattos.

mulattos not blacks.
brazil census question about color! not about race or ethnicity!

03-12-2019, 07:57 PM
mulattos not blacks.
brazil census question about color! not about race or ethnicity!

No the number I gave was for blacks not for Mulattos. I am saying if that is the number for blacks the number for Mulattos must be far higher.

03-12-2019, 08:01 PM
What is it?

What is brown?

Tooting Carmen
03-12-2019, 08:23 PM
Brazil has the most Black-admixed people anywhere outside Africa, but only a minority of them are pure/quasi-pure Black. If anything the US has rather more pure/quasi-pure Black people than Brazil, despite simultaneously being a whiter country too.

As I said in another recent thread, I'd estimate Brazil to be 50% Black/mixed-race (but MUCH more the latter than the former), 40% White and 10% other groups like East Asians, Middle Easterners, Amerindians etc.

03-12-2019, 08:23 PM
And never red! :D

No, never white, they think is a bad luck colour. Google it. :)

03-12-2019, 09:50 PM
Brazil is an incredibly diverse country
You can find all kinds of phenotypes there. I've met pure germanic brazilians, mullatoes, levantines, asians, etc etc

People tend to associate Brazil to a "brown country" because of touristical pamphlets and images of samba and carnaval

03-12-2019, 11:18 PM
Brazil is an incredibly diverse country
You can find all kinds of phenotypes there. I've met pure germanic brazilians, mullatoes, levantines, asians, etc etc

People tend to associate Brazil to a "brown country" because of touristical pamphlets and images of samba and carnaval

rio de janeiro not brazil

03-12-2019, 11:22 PM
Brazil has the most Black-admixed people anywhere outside Africa, but only a minority of them are pure/quasi-pure Black. If anything the US has rather more pure/quasi-pure Black people than Brazil, despite simultaneously being a whiter country too.

As I said in another recent thread, I'd estimate Brazil to be 50% Black/mixed-race (but MUCH more the latter than the former), 40% White and 10% other groups like East Asians, Middle Easterners, Amerindians etc.

predominant black 50%> max 10% population

pardo is not black!

03-13-2019, 12:25 AM
No the number I gave was for blacks not for Mulattos. I am saying if that is the number for blacks the number for Mulattos must be far higher.


If by Blacks you include only the self declared Blacks in the Brazilian census then even USA is a blacker country. According to DNA studies most self-identified ''Blacks'' in Brazil are actually Mulattoes btw. The highest SSA that I ever saw in a Brazilian was around 80% in a guy from Bahia (but I think there are probably more people like him that didn't got tested). This is the average African-American. Average ''black'' Brazilian is only 40-50% African.
The so called ''mulattoes'' you talk about (they are actually triracial but anyway) aren't even 30% African in most cases. Average ''pardo'' is 70% Euro, 20% SSA and 10% Amerindian.

In fact pardos are closer genetically to Europeans than to Africans by far. If North Africans are considered ''Caucasoid'' being around 20% Negroid I don't see why Brazilian Pardos (or Argentinian/Uruguayan Castizos) shouldn't be included as ''Caucasoids'' as well.

Also, self-identification in Brazil sucks. I've seen people like Neymar self-declaring as whites and people who look like dark whites (like you) self-declaring as pardos.

These labels like ''white'', ''pardo'' and ''black'' are very confuse in a heterogeneous country like Brazil. The best way to measure Brazilian ''whiteness'' or ''browness'' is through genetic and anthropological studies.

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 12:58 AM
Brazil is something between white and brown that give us a light pardo or a dark white like Bruna Marquezine, Morena Baccarin, Glória Pires or Lula Ladrao da Silva. Those persons can gravitate between whites and pardos.
Half of the people is white and the other half is brown, but if you are talking about euro and african ancestry:

Brazilians over 90% euro: 12.5%
Brazilians over 90% african: 0.5%

Over 80% euro: 43.5%
Over 80% african: 1.5%

Over 70% euro: 65%
Over 70% euro: 3%

Over 60% euro: 75%
Over 60% african: 4%

Over 50% euro: 87.5%
Over 50% african: 4.5%

03-13-2019, 01:14 AM
Brazil is something between white and brown that give us a light pardo or a dark white like Bruna Marquezine, Morena Baccarin, Glória Pires or Lula Ladrao da Silva. Those persons can gravitate between whites and pardos.
Half of the people is white and the other half is brown, but if you are talking about euro and african ancestry:

Brazilians over 90% euro: 12.5%
Brazilians over 90% african: 0.5%

Over 80% euro: 43.5%
Over 80% african: 1.5%

Over 70% euro: 65%
Over 70% euro: 3%

Over 60% euro: 75%
Over 60% african: 4%

Over 50% euro: 87.5%
Over 50% african: 4.5%

de onde vc tirou essas %? a ampla maioria que se declara branco vive no sul de minas para baixo nas classes mais altas segundo o censo

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:16 AM
de onde vc tirou essas %? a ampla maioria que se declara branco vive no sul de minas para baixo nas classes mais altas segundo o censo

De varios estudos genéticos que ja vi. No historico de threads da America Latina tem mais de 20 entre 2013 e 2019.

03-13-2019, 01:22 AM
Mostly WHITE obviously

Chaos One
03-13-2019, 01:23 AM
If Brazil is made by Whites and Pardos and Pardos are more white than anything...you have the answer.

03-13-2019, 01:24 AM
Brazil has the largest Black population of any country outside of Africa.

USA have wayyyyy more

03-13-2019, 01:25 AM
De varios estudos genéticos que ja vi. No historico de threads da America Latina tem mais de 20 entre 2013 e 2019.

mas esses estudos são baseados nas classes mais baixas da sociedade de hospitais públicos sem falar na pesada imigração europeia para são paulo e o sul

03-13-2019, 01:25 AM
USA it's the most black country outside Africa

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:28 AM
mas esses estudos são baseados nas classes mais baixas da sociedade de hospitais públicos sem falar na pesada imigração europeia para são paulo e o sul

Beleza, entao tu acha 43.5% over 80% euro pouco? Sendo que em quase todos os países da America Latina pessoas over 80% não passam de 5 ou 10%.

Sério, só Brasil, Arg, Uru e alguns países Anglo que possuem números assim. Entao pra mim já é bastante euro.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:28 AM
USA it's the most black country outside Africa

USA has more pure or quasi-pure Black people, but Brazil has a lot more people with substantial Black admixture.

03-13-2019, 01:29 AM
De varios estudos genéticos que ja vi. No historico de threads da America Latina tem mais de 20 entre 2013 e 2019.

De fato acho muito acurado.
Inclusive, eu acho que os +90 poderiam chegar ao 18%/20%... nao acha???

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:30 AM
USA has more pure or quasi-pure Black people, but Brazil has a lot more people with substantial Black admixture.

Pardos are much far from being blacks. People like Anitta can be black descendant, but never black.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:31 AM
Pardos are much far from being blacks. People like Anitta can be black descendant, but never black.

By "substantial Black admixture" I mean 20%+ of someone's ancestry, and that is a lot more common in Brazil than the US.

03-13-2019, 01:32 AM
Beleza, entao tu acha 43.5% over 80% euro pouco? Sendo que em quase todos os países da America Latina pessoas over 80% não passam de 5 ou 10%.

Sério, só Brasil, Arg, Uru e países alguns países Anglo que possuem números assim. Entao pra mim já é bastante euro.

só estou falando que é muito difícil dar % de algo no brasil por causa do tamanho da população e as diferenças das populações locais do brasil

03-13-2019, 01:32 AM
USA have wayyyyy more

Agreed. Around more than 50 million Aframs live in the US alone.

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:33 AM
De fato acho muito acurado.
Inclusive, eu acho que os +90 poderiam chegar ao 18%/20%... nao acha???

Acho que no máximo 15%.
No média da America Latina excluindo Bra, Arg e Uru não dá nem 3%.

03-13-2019, 01:33 AM
Beleza, entao tu acha 43.5% over 80% euro pouco? Sendo que em quase todos os países da America Latina pessoas over 80% não passam de 5 ou 10%.

Sério, só Brasil, Arg, Uru e países alguns países Anglo que possuem números assim. Entao pra mim já é bastante euro.

De fato Brasil e Argentina possuem a mesma quantidade de +80%.
So que a Argentina tem mais na faixa de +90 e o Brasil la de +80. Mas estao igual....

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:34 AM
só estou falando que é muito difícil dar % de algo no brasil por causa do tamanho da população e as diferenças das populações locais do brasil

Ah isso é, o que fazemos no Apricity em geral são suposições e aproximações.

03-13-2019, 01:34 AM
De fato acho muito acurado.
Inclusive, eu acho que os +90 poderiam chegar ao 18%/20%... nao acha???

isso é somente a %de classe alta do brasil que se declara esmagadoramente branca no censo

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:35 AM
Agreed. Around more than 50 million Aframs live in the US alone.

The key difference, however, is that rarely do Americans who are not actually either African-American or biracial have Black ancestry beyond 5%, whereas a very high percentage of Brazilians do, even though those who are 50%+ Black are a minority.

03-13-2019, 01:37 AM
Ah isso é, o que fazemos no Apricity em geral são suposições e aproximações.

como eu disse a maioria que se declara "branco" vive ao sul nas classes altas que geralmente não são testadas

03-13-2019, 01:37 AM
The key difference, however, is that rarely do Americans who are not actually African-American have Black ancestry beyond 5%, whereas a very high percentage of Brazilians do, even though those who are 50%+ Black are a minority.

Yeah, but I was talking about Blacks who are predominately SSA or something, not those who are of SSA descendants. I mean, most Arabs including myself have some SSA admixture and nobody's calling us Blacks or anything.

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:38 AM
De fato Brasil e Argentina possuem a mesma quantidade de +80%.
So que a Argentina tem mais na faixa de +90 e o Brasil la de +80. Mas estao igual....

Sim, isso acontece porque o sangue euro Argentino é muito do século 20(mais da metade) e a outra metade até 1850 basicamente.

Já no Brasil, temos um sangue euro bastante novo presente no Sul e grandes partes do Sudeste e do Centro Oeste. Mas também a outra metade é um sangue euro muito velho e que chegou aqui há bastante tempo, no Nordeste e em MG beira os 350 anos pra maioria dos casos. É muito tempo longe da Europa, nenhum outro país da Latam conseguiu manter tantos brancos coloniais portanto tempo como no Brasil. Regiões Sudeste e Nordeste são bem marcadas por isso.

03-13-2019, 01:39 AM
USA have wayyyyy more

No, because probably like half of Brazilians would be black by American standards.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:42 AM
Yeah, but I was talking about Blacks who are predominately SSA or something, not those who are of SSA descendants. I mean, most Arabs including myself have some SSA admixture and nobody's calling us Blacks or anything.

Yes but still most of your ancestry is Caucasoid, whereas most mixed-race Brazilians have Amerindian admixture in addition to their Black admixture.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:43 AM
No, because probably like half of Brazilians would be black by American standards.

For sure a lot more Brazilians than Americans (even taking into account the 13% Black population) have SSA ancestry in double figures, but only sometimes does it show in phenotype.

03-13-2019, 01:47 AM
So, I looked through Facebook pages of "Pardo heavy" areas in Central Brazil.

Pardos are generally pred. European but still quite ethnic looking imho. Many in the Central part of Brazil(like Brasilia) could pass for mixed Puerto Ricans here in the Northeast based on phenotype.

Also, there's some regions in the U.S. and Northern European countries where you can get labeled "black"(not necessarily in a racist way) just for showing visible "black" ancestry.

Brazil has the most Afro-descendants or people with more than 10% SSA ancestry outside of Africa but the U.S. has the most pred. SSA people outside of Africa. So, that's where the confusion comes from imho.

Also, quite a few Afro-Americans, especially Creoles, can look "Pardo" despite not being pred. European. Race is simply a complex thing overall.

But, to answer the question, I think of Brazil as a Tri-racial country with a large white plurality, similar to Puerto Rico.

03-13-2019, 01:47 AM
For sure a lot more Brazilians than Americans (even taking into account the 13% Black population) have SSA ancestry in double figures, but only sometimes does it show in phenotype.

SSA in double figures almost always shows in phenotype.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:50 AM
SSA in double figures almost always shows in phenotype.

Even if it's 10-15%?

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:50 AM
No, because probably like half of Brazilians would be black by American standards.

No, they would not. People like Anitta are called Latinas in USA.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:51 AM
Brazil has the most Afro-descendants or people with more than 10% SSA ancestry outside of Africa but the U.S. has the most pred. SSA people outside of Africa. So, that's where the confusion comes from imho.


Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 01:55 AM
So, I looked through Facebook pages of "Pardo heavy" areas in Central Brazil.

Pardos are generally pred. European but still quite ethnic looking imho. Many in the Central part of Brazil(like Brasilia) could pass for mixed Puerto Ricans here in the Northeast based on phenotype.

Also, there's some regions in the U.S. and Northern European countries where you can get labeled "black"(not necessarily in a racist way) just for showing visible "black" ancestry.

Brazil has the most Afro-descendants or people with more than 10% SSA ancestry outside of Africa but the U.S. has the most pred. SSA people outside of Africa. So, that's where the confusion comes from imho.

Also, quite a few Afro-Americans, especially Creoles, can look "Pardo" despite not being pred. European. Race is simply a complex thing overall.

But, to answer the question, I think of Brazil as a Tri-racial country with a large white plurality, similar to Puerto Rico.

Grindr is the best way to look how guys look around the world. We can even move along streets and neighborhoods. I saw all Latin America from Argentina to Mexico and the continent was less diverse than I thought, people dont looked so different.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 01:58 AM
I saw all Latin America from Argentina to Mexico and the continent was less diverse than I thought, people dont looked so different.

What do you mean?

03-13-2019, 02:02 AM
So, I looked through Facebook pages of "Pardo heavy" areas in Central Brazil.

Pardos are generally pred. European but still quite ethnic looking imho. Many in the Central part of Brazil(like Brasilia) could pass for mixed Puerto Ricans here in the Northeast based on phenotype.

Also, there's some regions in the U.S. and Northern European countries where you can get labeled "black"(not necessarily in a racist way) just for showing visible "black" ancestry.

Brazil has the most Afro-descendants or people with more than 10% SSA ancestry outside of Africa but the U.S. has the most pred. SSA people outside of Africa. So, that's where the confusion comes from imho.

Also, quite a few Afro-Americans, especially Creoles, can look "Pardo" despite not being pred. European. Race is simply a complex thing overall.

But, to answer the question, I think of Brazil as a Tri-racial country with a large white plurality, similar to Puerto Rico.

most people are "nordestinos"

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 02:03 AM
What do you mean?

I found less whites than I expected in very traditional white areas. Most persons were mestizos, pardos, castizos, mulatos, harnizos everywhere and facebook is not so good because we cant select specific poor or richer areas from a city. All rich areas of Latam were less white than I expected and poor areas less non white.

Tooting Carmen
03-13-2019, 02:09 AM
I found less whites than I expected in very traditional white areas.

So are you saying that even Argentina, Uruguay and South Brazil were less White than you expected?

Most persons were mestizos, pardos, castizos, mulatos, harnizos everywhere and facebook is not so good because we cant select specific poor or richer areas from a city.

That sounds pretty diverse to me. However, if you mean that both Whites and Blacks are a minority, and most places don't have that many MENAs or East Asians (South Asians barely exist in Latin America), then I agree.

All rich areas of Latam were less white than I expected and poor areas less non white.

I've been saying for a long time that the race-class link in Latin America is ridiculously exaggerated by people here and in other anthrofora.

03-13-2019, 02:18 AM
Half brown, half white. The good half.

03-13-2019, 03:54 AM
USA it's the most black country outside Africa

The US has 42 million Blacks. Are you sure Brazil doesn't have more? Plus, judging by some photos Black admixture seems conspicuous in Brazil.

There were 37,144,530 non-Hispanic blacks, which comprised 12.1% of the population. This number increased to 42 million according to the 2010 United States Census, when including Multiracial African Americans, making up 14% of the total U.S. population.


Carlito's Way
03-13-2019, 05:56 AM
Sim amigos, eu sei que o padrao poderia ficar no 68/70%.
Mas o que eu quero dizer é que os individuos +80-95% Euro sao um % enorme da populacao.
Segundo estes testes que o Argentano colocou na área de América Latina o 80/90% seria o setor maioritario.
Porem tem também muitos 70/80.
Mas de qualquer maneira esses nao sao números de um país de maioria parda como muitos acham. E parte e parte.


if only you knew that Brazilian immigrants in America do not come from their poor class, maybe then you would stop using these gedmatch graphs as some reliable source LOL
the only reliable ones would be Dominican Republic and Mexico since majority of them came from lower classes, while Dominican Republic most likely had a larger working class population immigrating

Carlito's Way
03-13-2019, 06:04 AM
The US has 42 million Blacks. Are you sure Brazil doesn't have more? Plus, judging by some photos Black admixture seems conspicuous in Brazil.


the average African American looks much blacker than an Afro-Brazilian
Afro-Brazilians are closer to Creoles than your standard African American population
Since I have been to Brazil, to me the average Afro-Brazilian falls in the 60% SSA range which is similar to what AncestryDNA gave to Creoles (another reason why they can look so much alike)

I also think the measurement of what is black in both nations is very different, according to many Brazilians, Cardi B would be brown in their country but in America she is black
If Brazil had the same black classification then Brazil would def be much blacker than America
and if America had the same classification as Brazil than the real black population for USA would be 10%
while Brazil's black population would be around 20%

03-13-2019, 06:29 AM
Even if it's 10-15%?


03-13-2019, 06:32 AM
No, they would not. People like Anitta are called Latinas in USA.

The two aren't necessarily separate. If she looks visibly black admixed she'll be called black.

03-13-2019, 08:07 AM
The US has 42 million Blacks. Are you sure Brazil doesn't have more? Plus, judging by some photos Black admixture seems conspicuous in Brazil.

For the American classification in Brazil we would have +- 65 million Blacks.

Tenma de Pegasus
03-13-2019, 10:55 AM
The two aren't necessarily separate. If she looks visibly black admixed she'll be called black.

Americans need to study more. Your people have incorrect visions of many things in this world. Despite being pro american, I refuse to acept american erronic ideas as the truth.