View Full Version : Do these guys look fully African?

03-01-2019, 02:31 PM
Vinicius Júnior and Ramires, Brazilian football players. According to many genetic studies predominantly Africans (70%+) are rare in Brazil, but in Rio (city), parts of Minas (colonial mining cities) and Bahia (Salvador) people looking like Vinicius Junior and Ramires aren't rare at all (well, they aren't common was well, but not really ''very rare'').

I think the studies understimate predominantly blacks in Brazil tbh. Classify them.

Vinicius Junior








Tooting Carmen
03-01-2019, 02:37 PM
Ramires does, Vinicius looks slightly admixed.

03-01-2019, 02:47 PM
Ramires does, Vinicius looks slightly admixed.

Really? I think he looks more African than Ramires. Maybe they are different types of Negroids.

I'm not good classifying blacks.

03-01-2019, 03:06 PM
Both look fully Negroid. Altho Ramires might have very minor admix. I think they can fit in Nigeria, Congo and Angola ( is that where most slaves in Brazil came from?)

I think they are both Sudanid or Kafrid rather than Bantuid.

Other good examples of purely African looking individuals in Brazil is the MMA Fighter Zuluzinho and the actor Douglas Silva

I used to think most Afro Brazilians are heavily mixed. I guess some slaves escaped from plantations and form their own isolated communities and become endogamous; which lead to the preservation of some unadmixed SSA phenotypically individuals (maybe genetically as well) in Brazil?

Would you also more likely to find purely Negroid looking individuals in quilombolas?

03-01-2019, 03:18 PM
Ramires does, Vinicius looks slightly admixed.

With what?

03-01-2019, 04:02 PM
Both look fully Negroid. Altho Ramires might have very minor admix. I think they can fit in Nigeria, Congo and Angola ( is that where most slaves in Brazil came from?)

I think they are both Sudanid or Kafrid rather than Bantuid.

Other good examples of purely African looking individuals in Brazil is the MMA Fighter Zuluzinho and the actor Douglas Silva

I used to think most Afro Brazilians are heavily mixed. I guess some slaves escaped from plantations and form their own isolated communities and become endogamous; which lead to the preservation of some unadmixed SSA phenotypically individuals (maybe genetically as well) in Brazil?

Would you also more likely to find purely Negroid looking individuals in quilombolas?

No. Quilombolas are usually heavily admixed, I've seen results of many of them above 60% European.

Pure or quasi-pure Blacks in Brazil can only be found in Rio, Salvador and Ouro Preto region, especially the former two. Rio and Salvador have many pure backs because they were trading Africans until 1850 or so, what created the conditions for a minority of less admixed blacks.

The ancestors of people like Ramires and Vinicius Junior (both from Rio) are probably full African blacks from the 19th century who intermarried in some degree with more admixed Brazilian blacks, thus generating fully SSA phenotypes.

When the last waves of blacks reached Brazil (1800-1850) the number of European women were much bigger than in 17th century (18th century was starting to balance white men-women proportion in the population). Less white men were taking black women as wives. That's also why the bulk of claearly african influenced Afro-Brazilians descend mostly from 19th century slave trade.

The slave mortality rates were way bigger before the 1800s and the slave trade was even more intense after 1808.

Tooting Carmen
03-01-2019, 04:04 PM
With what?

With Euro, but no more than at the very most 10-15%.

03-01-2019, 04:20 PM
With Euro, but no more than at the very most 10-15%.

Really? both look 100% SSA.

03-01-2019, 04:44 PM
They look Angolan, Congolese, Zambian.