View Full Version : Worst islamist?

03-04-2019, 09:48 PM
Who is the worst Islamist you can think of?

Crn Volk
03-04-2019, 09:49 PM
Angela Merkel

03-04-2019, 09:50 PM
Al Zarqawi for me, he was so brutal that even Bin Laden had to distance himself from him


The Lawspeaker
03-04-2019, 09:51 PM
Angela Merkel for me.

03-04-2019, 09:52 PM
Osama bin Laden maybe?

03-04-2019, 09:52 PM
Merkel, Macron, Sargentini

03-04-2019, 10:14 PM
To be specific to the UK one of the worst is Anjem Choudary. Batshit insane. Him and his (quite frighteningly large) following advocate for sharia law to be implemented in the UK, constantly preach that us non-Muslims are 'destined for the hell fire' and he openly support ISIS - he was jailed years ago for promoting terrorist activities, but got released after barely 2 years. His organisation also wants to turn Buckingham palace into a mosque. Oh the joys of multiculturalism in the Islamic capital of Londonistan

08-07-2019, 11:38 PM
Zakir Naik

08-07-2019, 11:40 PM
and maybe Tarek Ramdhan
These kinds of deceitful who tries to make us that Islam is a progressive religion

Petros Houhoulis
08-10-2019, 11:30 PM
The prophet himself. Second was Tamerlane...

Özgür Adam
11-11-2019, 04:39 PM

11-22-2019, 01:25 PM
Linda Sarsur

11-22-2019, 03:02 PM
The set of Islamist ideologies were developed after WWII by the British and American intelligence networks throughout the MENA.
In before, the Anglo-Saxons helped the Soviets with huge amounts of weapons to help them win against Germany which threatened the industrial supremacy of the Anglo sphere. Funnily, after backing Communist Red Army and engineering the rape and complete elimination and enslavement of Germany, the Anglo-Saxons started to back "Medievalists".

All sorts of Islamisms have sprung and they are not identical with one another. Everyone can actually find one as per one's taste.

-Wahhabist Islamism: More like a desert affair, centered around the Saudi dynasty. Al Qaeda and Isis pretend to follow the stream. The US used it to justify the Afghanistan invasion. Sometimes Israel resorts to that as well. Finally Assad made great benefit out of it by backing Isis in Syria and, intelligently, having the secular opposition vanquished and disappeared, thus ensuring international support for Damascus regime.

-Intifada-type Islamism: That is an Israeli engineering. During 70's, the Palestinian Left-wing or Liberal movements were enjoying wide-spread international support. Israel was hated. Israel then made a very intelligent move by supporting Radical Islamist elements inside Palestinians. As those fringe groups, giving bad image of Palestinians, have grown strong enough, Israel achieved its goal to make the Palestinian cause lose its international support.

-Political Islamism: That is relatively more calm version of Islamism, trying to reach the final goal peacefully and through Democratic means (families with high birth rates helping win elections). You see it through Turkey and many Arab nations with marginal effects elsewhere such as Balkans.

-FETÖ-type Islamism: That is a very interesting type of Islamism. It basically aims at pushing Moslem folks to be under Christian control. Those people try to prove that ''People of the Book'' should be superior to disbelievers, pagans, Communists etc. They use that argument to give their nations under control of Christian superstates. In the long run, FETÖists aim at merging Islam and Christianity under single religion. This type of Islamism is spread in Turkey, Balkans and around. Of course, many of its adherents are Christian origin Moslems who converted to Islam for perks back in Ottoman era (Armenians, Albanians etc). We can speculate that their consciousness of having Christian origins push them to follow this type of Islamism.

-Shiite-type Islamism: That is a more militant type of Islamism having originated in the Iranian social chaos of 1970's. Its partisans were young Shiite radicals who were ideologically lying down with Marxists. They then developed a paramilitary spirit having overtaken Iran and parts of Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen etc.

All in all, Islamism sucks to be honest.

11-22-2019, 03:03 PM