View Full Version : Classify Serb singer

05-31-2011, 04:27 PM
His name is Vlado Georgiev. I think he looks very Slavic. Nothing Southern European about him...


05-31-2011, 04:40 PM
His name is Vlado Georgiev. I think he looks very Slavic. Nothing Southern European about him...



05-31-2011, 04:58 PM
I think North-Pontid + Dinarid (going after is rather flattened occipital bone and profile).

05-31-2011, 05:01 PM
I think North-Pontid + Dinarid (going after is rather flattened occipital bone and profile).

I don't doubt the North Pontid but don't think its as strong as the Dinarid but it is not much weaker either it seems like he is almost an Non Stable Dinarid/North-Pontid.

05-31-2011, 05:24 PM
big nose- racially questionable :no no

alzo zero
05-31-2011, 05:27 PM
big nose- racially questionable :no no
Must be a Jooo. ;)

Kosovo je Sjrbia
05-31-2011, 05:28 PM

05-31-2011, 05:34 PM
big nose- racially questionable :no no

He looks a little like Ben Stiller or maybe Adam Sandler morphologically speaking sometimes Dinarids and Armenoids can have a similar morphology.

05-31-2011, 06:02 PM
big nose- racially questionable :no no
His nose is not really big.

05-31-2011, 06:03 PM
I might be mistaken, but - a curious last name for a Serb, more stereotypically Bulgarian or Russian.

Could pass as North as Baltic area imo. Believable Lithuanian/Russian at least.

05-31-2011, 06:05 PM
He looks a little like Ben Stiller or maybe Adam Sandler morphologically speaking sometimes Dinarids and Armenoids can have a similar morphology.

I think you're an idiot. His nose doesn't even resemble Dinarid, tho. Dinarid and Armenoid nose is way different. Dinarid nose has bump at the top of nose, it's much sharper and thinner whereas Armenoid nose has bump at the bottom of nose and more fleshy looking. He doesn't looks like a Joo, more like a Slav. My guess for him would be Dinaricizied Ost-Eurpoid with possibly Pontid influence.

11-22-2011, 03:36 PM
I might be mistaken, but - a curious last name for a Serb, more stereotypically Bulgarian or Russian.

Could pass as North as Baltic area imo. Believable Lithuanian/Russian at least.

Does he have bulgarian or macedonian ancestry because his surname is not serbian.

11-22-2011, 03:43 PM
Some Serbs in Voivodina have surnames ending in ov\ev, if he's not Voivodinian then he surely has Bulgarian ancestry.

11-22-2011, 03:49 PM
He is not dark. I thought only swarhy serbs might have some distant bulgarian ancestry which turned them wogish looking

11-22-2011, 06:41 PM
He is not dark. I thought only swarhy serbs might have some distant bulgarian ancestry which turned them wogish looking

Does he have bulgarian or macedonian ancestry because his surname is not serbian.

I heard a claim that his paternal grandfather had surname Đorđević, but that they had to change to Georgijev. However his father is from Dimitrovgrad so quite possibly Bulgarian. His mother is Serb from Bosnia.

10-22-2012, 05:22 PM
He said that his ancestors are originally from Pirot and were settled to Dimitrovgrad, where they were forced to change there last name to Georgiev during Bulgarian occupation

10-22-2012, 05:33 PM
I heard a claim that his paternal grandfather had surname Đorđević, but that they had to change to Georgijev. However his father is from Dimitrovgrad so quite possibly Bulgarian. His mother is Serb from Bosnia.

that's his statemant. not just random claim.

10-22-2012, 06:24 PM
He said that his ancestors are originally from Pirot and were settled to Dimitrovgrad, where they were forced to change there last name to Georgiev during Bulgarian occupation

No such thing as Bulgarian occupation of Caribrod.:rolleyes: It is occupied now by Serbia. Furthermore:


The Internal Western Outland Revolutionary Organization (Bulgarian: Вътрешна западнопокрайска революционна организация, Vatreshna zapadnopokrayska revolyutsionna organizatsiya), IWORO, was a Bulgarian revolutionary organization active in the Western Outlands between 1921 and 1941 in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (until 1929), and then its successor, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.[1]

The organization was established in 1921 on the basis of several detachments created straight after the cession of the Western Outlands to Serbia in 1920. The IWORO initially concentrated on propaganda and delivery of Bulgarian literature. The period of armed resistance started in 1922 and the organisation carried out numerous assaults on the Tzaribrod–Belgrade railway, on bridges, Serbian garrisons and barracks until 1941 when the region was occupied by Bulgarian troops.

Unlike the other three Bulgarian revolutionary organizations active in the interwar period — the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation in Macedonia, the Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation in Thrace and the Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organization in Dobruja — IWORO did not put up the tactical slogan demanding autonomy for the region but fought “for the liberation of the Western Outlands and their restoration to Bulgaria”.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Western_Outland_Revolutionary_Organisatio n

Единството на нашето отечество се разнебити съ разпокѫсваньето България на нѣколко части, отъ които еднитѣ се оставихѫ подъ Турция, други подъ Сърбия, а трети подъ Ромъния. Нѣма съмнѣние, че тѣзи наши братя, оставени подъ чужда власть, ще бѫдѫтъ принудени отъ условията, подъ които сѫ поставени, въ едно недалечно бѫдѫще да се прѣродѭтъ и да забравѭтъ даже своето нѣкогашно еднородство съсъ своитѣ братя, що сѫ въ свободна България. Прѣдъ видъ на това, че сърбитѣ не допускали да сѫществува въ държавата имъ друго нѣкое племе освѣнъ сръбското, зададохъ си задача да посъберѫ нѣкои и други исторически факти, съ които да хвърлѭ свѣтлина върху минѫлото и настоящето на единъ край отъ българското отечество, който имà злощастието да бѫде отново поробенъ отъ чужда власть. Думата ми е за Пиротъ, и неговото окрѫжие.

За княжеството ще имаме врѣме и въ бѫдѫще да го изучваме полека лека, но за онѣзи страни отъ нашето отечество, които оставатъ подъ чуждо владичество, това не е така. За тѣхъ не трѣбвало би да се губи врѣме, защото много интересни нѣща ще се изгубѭтъ и забравѭтъ, които бихѫ могли да подкрѣпѭтъ историята, за да произнесе тя своето безпристрастно рѣшение. Нека отъ друга страна знаемъ по-добрѣ, какво сѫ ни отнели и дали другиму.

Каго се има прѣдъ видъ цѣльта на настоящага ми статия, надѣвамъ се, че читателитѣ ще ме извинѭтъ, ако тукъ-тамѣ съмъ, може би, отегчителенъ съсъ своитѣ подробности. Въ нѣкои отдѣли и особито въ географичния прѣгледъ азъ се ползувахъ съ труда на Миличевича „Кралевина Србија, Ђ. Нови крајеви,” като се старахъ да допълнѭ или оправѭ това, що ми е извѣстно подобрѣ, като на пиротчанецъ.
