View Full Version : What conditions to you set for your loved one?

03-10-2009, 02:14 PM
Inspired by AF:p (Thanks;))

What conditions do you set for you loved ones? Do you have any at all? (Note: Say em all, no mather how obvious they might seem)

Fortis in Arduis
03-10-2009, 02:34 PM
They have to have the magic.

Interested in living a saatvic lifestyle - I do not want a partner with whom to share my dark side... I am too long in the tooth for that.

Interest in hatha yoga or other forms of yoga and/or Euro-heathenry, at the very least not an atheist, someone who knows that they are a soul.

Interest in preservation. It does matter.

In fact, any of the above would be delightful enough on its own, but all three would be ideal.

A partner who turns away from God is not interesting to me. I find it very upsetting.

03-10-2009, 03:49 PM
Conditions? Such as rules?

Well I've had an open relationship, and not again thank you,
So no other women, I don't mind him speaking to them or being alone with them but no other activities!

To respect my political views even if they don't agree with them. (most pc whites I know still don't have any coloured friends!)

Some overlapping interests help

I put my ethnic preferences down in the other thread.

03-10-2009, 03:58 PM
I don't like rules. Only this: that she be faithful and love me.

03-10-2009, 04:35 PM
* to not desire to change me ( if your gunna be with me by choice, you knew alredy what you were getting , i am not your clay and you are not my potter)
* to be in love with me, to desire me, to need me ( these arent rules really, more like what i would look for in a relationship if i wanted it to be serious, and by need i do not desire to have some sap being toooo clingy.. meh... maybe i make no sense :P )
* to be mine, i dont care if they have girls as friends.. i personally only normally get along with men so i tend to only have guy friends... but there will be NO touching!
*to be honest, even if it hurts one of us
* to have their own opinion, to not be fake
*to be an alpha out of love, not because your a man and thus you are the alpha..
* to have more in common then out love.. and that were the same race or same age or human :P

03-10-2009, 04:37 PM
I have given Aemma my gift of love and she has given me her gift of love back. :lovebire:

No conditions, no rules.......honour and respect.

And she's beautiful too, bonus!:heartbea:

Baron Samedi
03-10-2009, 09:00 PM
Preferably a magic-practicer.

Preferably doesn't listen to shitty music.

Prefereably pale as death, and with the disposition of Robert Smith :)