View Full Version : 100% Pure Iranian Aryan here

03-22-2019, 09:19 PM
Hi guys, a white Iranian/Persian here. I want to clear some misconceptions that people, especially Americans, have about Iranian people.

First of all, we are NOT ARABS. We are Persians and we actually hate Arabs and have nothing to do with them, nor do we look anything like them. Matter of fact, we have much more in common genetically and phenotypically with Germans than we do with any semites. In fact the name "Iran" translates to Aryana, land of Aryans. We are essentially white and look no different from say southern Europeans.

Our ancient religion had much in common with Norse paganism and our language is Indo-European. We have nothing to do with Arabs. The Arabs forced Islam upon us, but most Iranians are NOT Muslim! It is only the corrupt government that is.

You can see the proof of the connection between Europeans and Iranians here. Here is a photo of my sister, she looks like she can pass in Sweden:


03-22-2019, 09:21 PM

03-22-2019, 09:22 PM
Aren't you dalit?

03-22-2019, 09:23 PM
Aren't you dalit?

I am an Iranian Persian.

03-22-2019, 09:25 PM
Lmfao. Jokes aside, i was always interested in Iran for some reason, i also watch iranian cinema .

03-22-2019, 09:40 PM

03-22-2019, 09:53 PM
lol'd hard at this

03-22-2019, 10:13 PM
I am an Iranian Persian.
Tajiks are your brothers?

05-12-2021, 07:36 PM
Hi guys, a white Iranian/Persian here. I want to clear some misconceptions that people, especially Americans, have about Iranian people.

First of all, we are NOT ARABS. We are Persians and we actually hate Arabs and have nothing to do with them, nor do we look anything like them. Matter of fact, we have much more in common genetically and phenotypically with Germans than we do with any semites. In fact the name "Iran" translates to Aryana, land of Aryans. We are essentially white and look no different from say southern Europeans.

Our ancient religion had much in common with Norse paganism and our language is Indo-European. We have nothing to do with Arabs. The Arabs forced Islam upon us, but most Iranians are NOT Muslim! It is only the corrupt government that is.

You can see the proof of the connection between Europeans and Iranians here. Here is a photo of my sister, she looks like she can pass in Sweden:


First of all, you 50% are telling the truth, 50% are lying.
The history of your religion has nothing to do with Nordic paganism. According to the Bible, you were Noah's first followers, and most of you followed Noah's religion when he came down from the ark.
Then some of you became criminals and created pagan religions similar to other pagan religions, no need to say "Nordic pagan" because it was just like the "African pagan", they are all pagans. inventions.
Instead, you quickly returned to Noah's religion when you heard about Islam without being forced by the Arabs. This is an invention. You accepted because you wanted to save your souls. In addition, during paganism, some of you still continued the religion of the Prophet Noah, there were Jews and Christians.
Your language does not come from the North, but comes from Babylon. Also, the Aryans have nothing to do with the people of the north. You are just lying, you are reading the wrong books, you have the wrong inclination.

11-18-2021, 05:22 AM
Fucking love this thread. Why it doesn't have more responses? The guy totally nails those white Aryan wannabe Iranians that are obsessed with being white Aryans when they look more Semitic than Sephardic Jews!

11-18-2021, 05:40 AM
This thread was gold. He does capture the Iranian nationalist mentality who are not religious. Those who are religious are also Persian nationalist but with a different view. Some Iranians however are just proud of who they are and are fighting the colonized morons from their nation.

11-18-2021, 05:42 AM
This thread was gold. He does capture the Iranian nationalist mentality who are not religious. Those who are religious are also Persian nationalist but with a different view. Some Iranians however are just proud of who they are and are fighting the colonized morons from their nation.