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joe blowe
06-07-2011, 04:50 PM
On Sweden's National Day, Celebrate Its Dissolution

Multiculti defence sparks debate:

Today is Sweden's national day, a public holiday since 2005, and an occasion seized by many to wave the Swedish flag, and perhaps enjoy a plate or two of pickled herring.

Unfortunately, however, the day has also become synonymous with right-wing extremists, as these groups have chosen June 6th to convene in anti-immigrant marches.

In light of this, newspaper Aftonbladet today published an opinion piece penned by journalist Anders Lindblad, defending the multicultural society.

The piece, headlined "Today we celebrate diversity, not stupidity" (Vi firar mångfald idag - inte enfald), criticizes right-wing parties in Sweden for changing the tone of the immigration debate since extreme-right party Sweden Democrats (SD) entered the Riksdag.

Lindblad suggests that these parties are trying to lure SD's voters with a harsher debate of immigration and multiculturalism.

Lindblad is also critical of those promoting assimilation instead of integration, among others conservative think tank Timbro.

"Development and openness are the sources of our success. Not isolation and insularity. In the Sweden of the future, people can celebrate any holidays they like. Including the national day," he writes.

This opinion piece has sparked a great deal of controversy on the newspaper's website, and just hours after publication the site has been flooded with hundreds of comments from readers who accuse Lindblad and Aftonbladet of trying to rob Sweden of its own identity.

The photograph accompanying the article - a photo montage of a mosque with a Swedish flag waving from the minaret - has been a particular source of aggravation.

According to this report, which is itself merely an account of another newspaper article, only "right-wing extremists" could possibly be against the dissolution of Sweden through immigration of cultural aliens. In that, the report could be correct, since a huge number of people, not just in Sweden but elsewhere in Europe as well as the U.S., don't seem to care enough to say anything about it. Meanwhile, leftist journalists like the one who wrote the above assert that a national day is really a day to celebrate diversity, not a day to celebrate one's country.

Back here in the U.S., unemployment rates have just increased, and except to denounce anyone who questions it, no one ever mentions immigration, which brings 1.5 million legal immigrants a year to the U.S.

From Sweden to the U.S., a war is being waged against the peoples of Europe and of European extraction, a war to deprive them of identity and the means to make a living.

Aces High
06-07-2011, 05:19 PM
Patriots sick of watching their country being overun with third world scum = right wing extremists.....cut to images of jews being herded onto cattle trucks....cut to stuka dive bombers....cut to Hitler in a rant.....open sequence of melancholy music.

Lets all live side by side in perfect racial harmony on a piano keyboard oh lord...ebony and ivory....etc.

Left wing pricks,when the civil wars break out they are the first fuckers ill be scalping.

Karl der Große
06-07-2011, 05:34 PM
From Sweden to the U.S., a war is being waged against the peoples of Europe and of European extraction, a war to deprive them of identity and the means to make a living.

And what identity do the americans have, rather than spewing their globalism on the others? :D

06-08-2011, 12:38 AM
And what identity do the americans have, rather than spewing their globalism on the others? :D

That's really fair.:rolleyes2: That's like me saying "what identity to Europeans have other than being fags and pussies with a vulgar tendency toward absurd levels of relativism?"

Just because our government acts in a vile and souless manner on the national/international level does not mean we (American people) have no identity anymore than European governments letting monkeys with linen sheets come live with you people means that you (the European people) have no identity.

06-08-2011, 01:14 AM
And what identity do the americans have, rather than spewing their globalism on the others? :D

Yeah, death to America.

06-08-2011, 01:19 AM
Yeah, death to America.
