View Full Version : Classify Pakistanis from Karachi

03-26-2019, 06:53 AM
Pakistanis from Karachi in this video. Karachi is dominated by Muhajirs (people whose family immigrated from India upon Partition) and also Pashtuns, Sindhis, Balochis, Punjabis, etc. Most of the people in this video are likely Muhajirs. This is for all those people who claim that Pakistani users here only post the more Northern/light-skinned Pakis. Karachiites are among the darkest Pakistanis but also have some of the lightest too.


03-26-2019, 08:40 AM
Even though darker skinned than average , they all fit in the diversity of Pakistanis.
IB, GI, NI, with noticeable Melanid strains

Not present in this video but demography of Karachi has changed a lot since last two decades because of large influx of Pashtuns and Sindhis, now mostly it looks like every other Pakistani city.

03-26-2019, 08:54 AM
Very diverse looking bunch. Most look like gracilized NIs, GIs. some AAs, IBs, NIs, and IAs. One thing though is the upper castes look significantly lighter.