View Full Version : State Main Phenotypes: Italian town, Venda Nova do Imigrante, Espírito Santo Brazil

04-05-2019, 03:38 PM
Most people there are originally from Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli.











https://static.wixstatic.com/media/aaa93b_f2ab23428f8f43f688a46c4e3be065bd~mv2_d_4288 _2848_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_630,h_418,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/aaa93b_f2ab23428f8f43f688a46c4e3be065bd~mv2_d_4288 _2848_s_4_2.jpg









04-05-2019, 05:54 PM

Tooting Carmen
04-05-2019, 05:58 PM
These look more Med-influenced than the Tyroleans you posted, but still definitely Central European-looking as a whole.

04-05-2019, 06:23 PM
These look more Med-influenced than the Tyroleans you posted, but still definitely Central European-looking as a whole.

And when we say Northern Italians look more Central European than Mediterranean proper some imbeciles say we are ''whitewashing''. This is quite ridiculous, I interacted with these people my whole life. It's not some Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, American or Greek troll who never set foot in Italy and never interacted with N. Italians who's going to have valid opinions.

Tooting Carmen
04-05-2019, 06:25 PM
And when we say Northern Italians look more Central European than Mediterranean proper some imbeciles say we are ''whitewashing''. This is quite ridiculous, I interacted with these people my whole life. It's not some Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, American or Greek troll who never set foot in Italy and never interacted with N. Italians who's going to have valid opinions.

Northern Italians (and most French people, bar some groups who look more NW European) look basically like a Central-Southern Euro hybrid to me.

04-05-2019, 06:25 PM
Northern Italians (and most French people, bar some groups who look more NW European) look basically like a Central-Southern Euro hybrid to me.

I agree.

04-05-2019, 06:33 PM
Alpines, Mediterraneans, Subnordids, and some Dinaric there. Is ES that white state? I mean, It is very underrated in national media. I thought only SC got some pomeranians and tiroleans.
Rate my english in this quote, please.

04-05-2019, 06:42 PM
Alpines, Mediterraneans, Subnordids, and some Dinaric there. Is ES that white state? I mean, It is very underrated in national media. I thought only SC got some pomeranians and tiroleans.
Rate my english in this quote, please.

ES big cities are mostly triracial on average, the countryside is comparable to the Southern countryside, many cities are populated only by Italians, Germans and other recent European settlers. I know even some Romanians and Slovaks. Most of ES countryside is made of 19th-early 20th century immigration from Europe.

Most Tyroleans and Pomeranians in Brazil migrated to ES, the rest is divided between SC, RS for Pomeranians and SP and MG for Tyroleans. The Southeast actually received more European immigrants than the South, but only in some parts of Southeast the immigration was ''colono-style'', i.e. whole families moving there and creating new towns.

That's why the South is less dilluted racially than the Southeast as a whole, the latter had bigger colonial population and most immigrants assimilated among colonials. Parts of SP countryside and ES countryside are the places in Southeast similar to the South.

04-05-2019, 06:48 PM
Alpine, Meds, Dinarids and Subnordids.
Yeah, they look Southern and Central Euro, a mix of both regions you see in the pics.

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04-05-2019, 06:50 PM
ES big cities are mostly triracial on average, the countryside is comparable to the Southern countryside, many cities are populated only by Italians, Germans and other recent European settlers. I know even some Romanians and Slovaks. Most of ES countryside is made of 19th-early 20th century immigration from Europe.

Most Tyroleans and Pomeranians in Brazil migrated to ES, the rest is divided between SC, RS for Pomeranians and SP and MG for Tyroleans. The Southeast actually received more European immigrants than the South, but only in some parts of Southeast the immigration was ''colono-style'', i.e. whole families moving there and creating new towns.

That's why the South is less dilluted racially than the Southeast as a whole, the latter had bigger colonial population and most immigrants assimilated among colonials. Parts of SP countryside and ES countryside are the places in Southeast similar to the South.

SC has taken a lot of immigrants recently: 7000 haitians, 3000 bolivians, 1500 argentines and 2000 paraguayans. SC will be a shithole like Rio de Janeiro soon. Just wait more 10-20 years. A lot of people from others states come here because of SC's life standart, quality of life, less violence, etc. A pity. Luckly these immigrants only stay on cities; so our countryside keeps being white.