View Full Version : Classify me, please (German/Hungarian/English)

04-06-2019, 02:22 AM
I'm German/Hungarian/English for the most part (1/8 Irish from maternal side). 5'11, ectomorph-leaning, brown eyes, reddish brown/auburn hair with red beard.

Classification? Where would I pass? Wondering if you all think I look more Celtic, Germanic, Hungarian, or ???

Interestingly enough, despite there being less than 1% "British Isles" blood behind my paternal side (German/Hungarian), my Y-DNA Haplogroup is said to be an Irish Celtic marker from around 900AD.

Thanks in advance!

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/16299176_1294501033950079_4297865688200971958_n_zp si1srmm5m.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/16299176_1294501033950079_4297865688200971958_n_zp si1srmm5m.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/13427897_1090656794334505_4997458524642100648_n_zp sbx9ondjb.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/13427897_1090656794334505_4997458524642100648_n_zp sbx9ondjb.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/1901838_671391579594364_6671708135608154096_n_zpsi pvnmljx.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/1901838_671391579594364_6671708135608154096_n_zpsi pvnmljx.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/8WeeksOldm%20007_zpsutjqroh9.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/8WeeksOldm%20007_zpsutjqroh9.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/P1080036_zpsg5tzeje9.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/P1080036_zpsg5tzeje9.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/P1080106_zpswhpxx60e.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/P1080106_zpswhpxx60e.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/P1080029_zps3orswjwx.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/P1080029_zps3orswjwx.jpg.html)

https://oi181.photobucket.com/albums/x65/butcher45/P1080077_zpsa705pwut.jpg (https://s181.photobucket.com/user/butcher45/media/P1080077_zpsa705pwut.jpg.html)

04-06-2019, 02:24 AM
In some pics you look similar to Henry Rollins. I think you are mostly Atlantid with Alpine, Dinaric and Brünn influences.

04-06-2019, 02:30 AM
Teutorigos vibe in the first pic.
Atlantid + Alpine, I think.

04-06-2019, 03:34 AM
Atlantid + brunn

Carlito's Way
04-06-2019, 03:37 AM
In some pics you look similar to Henry Rollins. I think you are mostly Atlantid with Alpine, Dinaric and Brünn influences.


04-06-2019, 03:41 AM

Australoid supremacy, bro.

04-06-2019, 03:44 AM
I think an Atlantid/Alpine/Dinarid mix.

Nice ancestry man ;)

04-06-2019, 03:48 AM
I would place you in NW Europe first, but I think you fit in Central Europe too.

04-06-2019, 05:44 AM
Atlantid + Dinarid

No alpine. This is alpine:


04-06-2019, 06:56 AM

04-06-2019, 07:07 AM
Atlantid + Brünn.

04-06-2019, 07:29 AM
Atlantid + Brünn

04-06-2019, 08:22 AM

04-06-2019, 08:34 AM
I appreciate all the replies!

Don't forget to comment on whether you think I look Germanic, Celtic, Hungarian, Slavic etc etc, and where you think I would pass.

Atlantid seems to be the consensus (up until that last Atlanto-Med arrival).......then either Alpine, Brunn, Dinarid, or a combination of any of those. I'm curious.......what particular facial feature/features bring you to say "and Brunn", or and Dinarid, or and Alpine etc etc.

04-06-2019, 01:26 PM
I don't think, you can pass easy in Hungary. I saw before here a little similar faces but it's a little bit unfamiliar here. I think if i see you in Hungary my first idea would be, you are from somwhere NW Europe.

04-06-2019, 01:28 PM

04-06-2019, 02:40 PM
I don't think, you can pass easy in Hungary. I saw before here a little similar faces but it's a little bit unfamiliar here. I think if i see you in Hungary my first idea would be, you are from somwhere NW Europe.

I agree. If I had to sequence the places you ask about from best to worst fit I would say; Germanic/Celtic (about equal for both), Hungarian, then Slavic last.

04-07-2019, 07:05 PM
So I'd basically pass anywhere in Western Europe, that isn't particularly "Nordic", is that right? I'm trying to see the DInarid, and Brunn features some of you mention.

04-07-2019, 07:13 PM
you look more western than east.

in fact you look completely west to me (no wonder with your Y-DNA)

04-09-2019, 01:59 AM
I THINK I can see the Dinarid influence mentioned, and that it is probably the quality in my face that I never could put my finger on......but the Brunn aspect/aspects some of you mentioned continues to escape me.