View Full Version : Does Selena Gomez pass better as a human being or turd?

04-07-2019, 09:49 PM


04-07-2019, 09:52 PM
She passes as high casta Indian

04-07-2019, 09:52 PM
She passes as high casta Indian


04-07-2019, 09:53 PM
She passes as Hoompa-Loompid

04-07-2019, 09:55 PM

Why to Europoid? xD

04-07-2019, 09:56 PM
Why to Europoid? xD

Both too Europoid and Amerind.

04-07-2019, 09:57 PM
Both too Europoid and Amerind.

His dad looks balanced mestizo so he's at least 50% Euro her mom is white american of Italian ancestry so Selena Gomez is around 70-80% Euro.

04-07-2019, 09:59 PM
His dad looks balanced mestizo so he's at least 50% Euro her mom is white american of Italian ancestry so Selena Gomez is around 70-80% Euro.

Either way.

04-07-2019, 10:00 PM
Why to Europoid? xD

High caste Indians (Brahmins) are like 5% of Indians and they generally look much whiter than regular Indians. Even in Varanasi and Bihar I've seen some few who I could even mistake as whites. Even Brahmins from Southern Indian states look way more Caucasoid than commoners.

These are brahmins from Tamil Nadu, the blackest Indian state:


04-07-2019, 10:01 PM
High caste Indians (Brahmins) are like 5% of Indians and they generally look much whiter than regular Indians. Even in Varanasi and Bihar I've seen some few who I could even mistake as whites. Even Brahmins from Southern Indian states look way more Caucasoid than commoners.

These are brahmins from Tamil Nadu, the blackest Indian state:


The only Indians that come close to passing as white are those from Kashmir. And most upper castes do not look significantly different from regular Indians. In fact the difference is usually so minor that non-South Asians will not notice.

04-07-2019, 10:05 PM
The only Indians that come close to passing as white are those from Kashmir.

Many Brahmins are closer genetically to Kashmiris than to their ''host'' populations. Brahmins originated in North Pakistan area, then migrated to spread Brahmanism/Proto-Hinduism to other regions. Of course they absorbed some local blood, but they are still considerably closer to average NW South Asians than to where they live generally.

04-07-2019, 10:12 PM
Many Brahmins are closer genetically to Kashmiris than to their ''host'' populations. Brahmins originated in North Pakistan area, then migrated to spread Brahmanism/Proto-Hinduism to other regions. Of course they absorbed some local blood, but they are still considerably closer to average NW South Asians than to where they live generally.

It doesn't matter. The point is that they usually don't stand out as far as Indians go, phenotypically.

04-07-2019, 10:15 PM
Turd? She doesn't pass as Indian if that is what you mean.

04-07-2019, 10:16 PM
I think she could pass in balkan region, southern europe, and atypically in turkey.

04-07-2019, 10:23 PM
I think she could pass in balkan region, southern europe, and atypically in turkey.

She wont pass outside latin America to me.

04-07-2019, 10:29 PM
She wont pass outside latin America to me.

she has huge alpine influence. That alone makes her pass in many parts of europe and west asia.

04-07-2019, 10:31 PM
she has huge alpine influence. That alone makes her pass in many parts of europe and west asia.

Maybe west Asia. But she looks too brown for Europe.

04-07-2019, 10:32 PM
Maybe west Asia. But she looks too brown for Europe.

she's lighter than ariana grande. I think ariana looks more mexican than she does lol.

04-07-2019, 10:32 PM
she has huge alpine influence. That alone makes her pass in many parts of europe and west asia.

lol There are no alpines in west Asia, except for the ones with European or North African ancestry

04-07-2019, 10:33 PM
she's lighter than ariana grande. I think ariana looks more mexican than she does lol.

Grande is sharper featured.

04-07-2019, 10:37 PM
Grande is sharper featured.

natives can have just as sharp features as southern euros, if not more given that many have hook noses and defined jaws.

04-07-2019, 10:43 PM
It doesn't matter. The point is that they usually don't stand out as far as Indians go, phenotypically.

They do imo. How many times you visited India?

04-07-2019, 10:46 PM
They do imo. How many times you visited India?

A few. And Ive seen many upper castes here. Most look like stereotypical curries

04-07-2019, 10:57 PM
A few. And Ive seen many upper castes here. Most look like stereotypical curries

Where have you been? Considering the way you talk I guess you never set foot there. I'm not talking about ''upper castes'' as a whole, but just about Brahmins.
I agree many look just Indian, but some do show the evidence of their Eurasian ancestry opposed to mainstream South Asian.

There was a (non-religious) brahmin who owned a book shop I used to go in Varanasi that I couldn't belive he was Indian at first sight lol. Brahmins and Kshatryas look like what Indians would be if they were mostly Caucasian as a whole. Many are still distinctive South Asian, but look fully Caucasoid.

Swami Rama:


Rabindranath Tagore:


Indira Gandhi:



http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0410/5549/products/mydans_carl_indira_gandhi_1956_canada_8x10_L_grand e.jpeg?v=1404340579


04-07-2019, 10:58 PM
Where have you been? Considering the way you talk I guess you never set foot there. I'm not talking about ''upper castes'' as a whole, but just about Brahmins.
I agree many look just Indian, but some do show the evidence of their Eurasian ancestry opposed to mainstream South Asian.

There was a (non-religious) brahmin who owned a book shop I used to go in Varanasi that I couldn't belive he was Indian at first sight lol. Brahmins and Kshatryas look like what Indians would be if they were mostly Caucasian as a whole. Many are still distinctive South Asian, but look fully Caucasoid.

Swami Rama:


Rabindranath Tagore:


Indira Gandhi:



http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0410/5549/products/mydans_carl_indira_gandhi_1956_canada_8x10_L_grand e.jpeg?v=1404340579


All have obvious ASI ancestry. "Fully caucasian" my arse

04-07-2019, 11:01 PM
All have obvious ASI ancestry. "Fully caucasian" my arse

They do look fully Caucasoid and were classified as such by anthropologists before people discovered ''ANI'' and ''ASI'', also some groups of Brahmins from North India are up to 80-90% ANI. Any South Eurasian ancestry they might have would be too dilluted to show on phenotype.

04-07-2019, 11:02 PM
They do look fully Caucasoid and were classified as such by anthropologists before people discovered ''ANI'' and ''ASI'', also some groups of Brahmins from North India are up to 80-90% ANI. Any South Eurasian ancestry they might have would be too dilluted to show on phenotype.

Do you realize these people can be up to 50% east Eurasian?

04-07-2019, 11:03 PM
Passes fine in southern Europe.

04-07-2019, 11:05 PM
Do you realize these people can be up to 50% east Eurasian?

Well, we don't know their genetic results but they don't look it and probably are originally from almost fully Caucasian North Indian Brahmin groups.

Indira Gandhi was Kashmiri Brahmin, for example. I remember the study user MyAnthropologies posted here about Indians and they correlate with my observations when I went there; some groups of Punjabis, Kashmiris and even Gujaratis can be 80%+ Caucasoid, some are even beyond 90%+. These people are more Caucasoid than North Africans, for example.

04-07-2019, 11:07 PM
Well, we don't know their genetic results but they don't look it and probably are originally from almost fully Caucasian North Indian Brahmin groups.

Indira Gandhi was Kashmiri Brahmin, for example. I remember the study user MyAnthropologies posted here about Indians and they correlate with my observations when I went there; some groups of Punjabis, Kashmiris and even Gujaratis can be 80%+ Caucasoid, some are even beyond 90%+. These people are more Caucasoid than North Africans, for example.

There are no Indians that exceed 90% Caucasoid/west Eurasian. Such groups are going to be found in west Pakistan perhaps. Also, there is a large difference between "Kashmiri brahmins", Punjabis, and some Gujuratis and those living in UP, Bengal, south India.

04-07-2019, 11:13 PM
There are no Indians that exceed 90% Caucasoid/west Eurasian.

Yes, there are:

Like to the study:


Ever since the proposing of the ANI-ASI model in 2009 by David Reich, most people have assumed that most Indian populations can be modeled as a two way mixture between ANI (a fully West Eurasian component related to Europeans/Middle Easterners/Central Asians), and ASI (a component indigenous to the Indian-subcontinent, which is yet to be fully understood). However, as Reich pointed out this year, even though this model can work well for many Indian groups, upper caste groups tend to be poor fits for this model due to elevated steppe ancestry. Additionally, his study over-looked many tribal ethnic groups in the study, missing an important piece to the genetic story of India.

Instead, Indian populations are better modeled by four ancestral components. ANI, ASI, AAA, and ATB. AAA being a component/cluster that represents the Austro-Asiatic speaking peoples of India. ATB representing a component/cline genetically similar to modern day East Asians. There are populations within India and South Asia that represent nearly unmixed forms of all four components, contrary to popular belief.

The study had a sample size of 367 individuals from 18 mainland and 2 island (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) populations. High-quality genotype data was generated using a DNA micro-array at over 800,000 SNPs.

Key Points

The diverse population of India was overlooked in Reich's 2009 study. Instead of a single ANI-ASI cline forming, geneticists see mainland Indians break up into four distinct genetic clines and clusters. Island populations such as the Andamanese and Nicobar Islanders are not represented by any of the mainlander components, including ASI. They instead belong to a distinct fifth ancestral component that is also ancestral to Oceanic populations, specifically Papuan groups. This contradicts David Reich's popular 2009 statement that the Andamanese are and Nicobar Islanders are "unique in being ASI-related groups without any ANI ancestry."

https://preview.ibb.co/i6tjqJ/Indian_study_7.png (https://ibb.co/dhoHAJ)
https://preview.ibb.co/ny8vxy/Indian_study_8.png (https://ibb.co/n6rtjd)
https://preview.ibb.co/h6hcAJ/Indian_study_6.png (https://ibb.co/cpL8Hy)
https://preview.ibb.co/k4w4qJ/Indian_study_5.png (https://ibb.co/nbXcAJ)
https://preview.ibb.co/mVaxAJ/Indian_study_4.png (https://ibb.co/jJQaxy)

Additionally, the study was able to provide genetic evidence that India's ethnic groups started practicing endogamy 70 generations ago, especially the Indo-European ethnic groups.

The study found that extant mainland populations:

They also report

As for mainland Indian populations:

Who are Indians genetically closest to on a global scale?

Further, when comparing Indian populations to the globe, varied affinities were found for different Indian populations. Indians as a whole aren't marginally closer to any single global population. Indians aren't even all necessarily closest to each other, either. Different pockets of Indian ethnic groups are genetically closest to different global populations. For example, ethnic groups who are very high in ANI ancestry, such as the Khatri (97%), are genetically closest to Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Central Asians, other West Eurasians. Populations from the ATB Indian cluster are genetically closest to East Asian populations in Southwestern China. Andamanese and Nicobar Island populations share more common ancestry with Oceanic Pacific Islanders than they do with anyone on India's mainland.

Other Important Things to Know About the Genomics of India

Some degree of early admixture occurred among the ancestral populations. Eventually, gene flow abruptly ended with the introduction of new social values and norms, especially in the regions of ardent Hindu bupta rulers.

Interestingly enough, and contrary to popular belief of this pattern being the other way around, the authors found that:

They also mention that The ANI and the ATB can clearly be rooted to the CS-Asians (such as the Kalash, Burusho, and Pathans) and E-Asians, respectively; they likely entered India through the northwest and northeast corridors, respectively. Ancestral populations seem to have occupied geographically separated habitats. However, there was some degree of early admixture among the ancestral populations as evidenced by extant populations possessing multiancestral components and some geographical displacements as well

How did Reich and this study come to their very different conclusions?

Also, there is a large difference between "Kashmiri brahmins", Punjabis, and some Gujuratis and those living in UP, Bengal, south India.

Agreed. And the latter are also the majority of Indians, that's why Indians look so dark as whole. If most Indians were Kashmiris and Punjabis they wouldn't be stereotyped as jalus.

04-07-2019, 11:16 PM
Yes, there are:

Agreed. And the latter are also the majority of Indians, that's why Indians look so dark as whole. If most Indians were Kashmiris and Punjabis they wouldn't be stereotyped as jalus.

The ANI/ASI dichotomy is way outdated man...

Theres no way ANI was fully west Eurasian. How can khatris be 97% ANI if that's the case? They're proven to be more than 10% east Eurasian AT LEAST. Probably 15-20%+

04-07-2019, 11:19 PM
The ANI/ASI dichotomy is way outdated man...

Yeah, and the study is saying exactly the same thing. There are Indians who are full or quasi full ANI living today and ANI is overwhelmingly West Eurasian/Caucasoid. India is a cauldron of races, the thing is that the predominant one is the Caucaso-Veddoid one. The typical Biharis and so on.

04-07-2019, 11:22 PM
Yeah, and the study is saying exactly the same thing. There are Indians who are full or quasi full ANI living today and ANI is overwhelmingly West Eurasian/Caucasoid. India is a cauldron of races, the thing is that the predominant one is the Caucaso-Veddoid one. The typical Biharis and so on.

Go back and read my edited comment. And check the Gedrosia k3 spreadsheet:

Kashmiri Pandit: 31% East Eurasian

Pathan: 24%

Sindhi: 27%

04-07-2019, 11:23 PM
I doubt that source. not saying its not credible, but the ANI/ASI components are too broad. If ANI was fully west eurasian, kashmiris, both brahmins and muslims, wouldnt get 30%+ south indian on gedmatch.

04-07-2019, 11:25 PM
Go back and read my edited comment. And check the Gedrosia k3 spreadsheet:

Kashmiri Pandit: 31% East Eurasian

Pathan: 24%

Sindhi: 27%

These spreadsheets are amateurish trash. I posted an academic study, get over it, man. I'm not sure what exactly you are but you're likely South Indian, I suppose.
That's why you try to make everyone there heavily Veddoid, so you can feel better.

04-07-2019, 11:30 PM
These spreadsheets are amateurish trash. I posted an academic study, get over it, man. I'm not sure what exactly you are but you're likely South Indian, I suppose.
That's why you try to make everyone there heavily Veddoid, so you can feel better.

There's many other sources that show these supposedly fully Caucasoid upper castes to be significantly east Eurasian, a combination of ASI elements(major), some east asian like ancestry from ANE, and true east Asian(minor).

04-07-2019, 11:32 PM

04-07-2019, 11:33 PM
I don't think she passes in West Asia, certainly not as an Assyrian.

04-07-2019, 11:36 PM
There's many other sources that show these supposedly fully Caucasoid upper castes to be significantly east Eurasian, a combination of ASI elements(major), some east asian like ancestry from ANE, and true east Asian(minor).

Well, I gave you an academic source, and probably the latest one. We can't go better than this.

Why did you thumbed me down? lol

04-07-2019, 11:38 PM
This bickering is exactly that that snake Aishwarya Rai wants

04-07-2019, 11:48 PM
Well, I gave you an academic source, and probably the latest one. We can't go better than this.

Why did you thumbed me down? lol

Because you are using outdated sources and making absurd claims on that basis, as well as ad homnems

04-07-2019, 11:50 PM
Because you are using outdated sources and making absurd claims on that basis, as well as ad homnems

The study is from 2018. It's the latest large autosomal study made on Indians.

04-07-2019, 11:51 PM
The study is from 2018. It's the latest large autosomal study made on Indians.

I'm not making any comment upon the contention at hand, as I know absolutely nothing about genetics.. but is it even possible for a single study to encompass the entirety of the Indian populous?

04-07-2019, 11:54 PM
The study is from 2018. It's the latest large autosomal study made on Indians.

No its not. Its from 2016. THIS is the most recent study, and the best one:


04-08-2019, 12:01 AM
No its not. Its from 2016. THIS is the most recent study, and the best one:


I'll read it when I have time.

On a side note, the secong guy from the right of your signature looks like a straight-haired version of Neymar. lol

What's his ethnicity? Amerindian?


04-08-2019, 11:50 PM
Yes, there are:

Agreed. And the latter are also the majority of Indians, that's why Indians look so dark as whole. If most Indians were Kashmiris and Punjabis they wouldn't be stereotyped as jalus.

Most Indians in the UK are Punjabis or jats or whatever and they're still stereotyped as curry Indians. It doesn't matter...

04-09-2019, 01:43 AM
Turd? She doesn't pass as Indian if that is what you mean.lel this comment made me spit my drink xp

04-09-2019, 01:45 AM
She's the cutest singer I've ever seen. She doesn't even fuckin age.

04-09-2019, 01:47 AM
She's the cutest singer I've ever seen. She doesn't even fuckin age.

Thats the problem she still looks like a kid. Face is all full of fat and shit.

04-09-2019, 02:07 AM
In those pictures is a shiny version of Rigoberta Menchú IMO.

04-09-2019, 02:22 AM
Thats the problem she still looks like a kid. Face is all full of fat and shit.

And how is that a bad thing? What? You think everyone is into thin long faces or smth? lol I wish I had a face like hers and never look old asf

01-24-2023, 09:44 AM
High caste Indians (Brahmins) are like 5% of Indians and they generally look much whiter than regular Indians. Even in Varanasi and Bihar I've seen some few who I could even mistake as whites. Even Brahmins from Southern Indian states look way more Caucasoid than commoners.

These are brahmins from Tamil Nadu, the blackest Indian state:


All high caste are 20 to 30% of population.
And all high caste are not same some jatt for example can be upto 40% steppe so it also depends on high caste community.
I agree that high caste look more Caucasoid than average Indians.

01-24-2023, 11:36 AM
She looks pseudo-Gorid to me