View Full Version : The phenotype/phenotypes among the indoeuropeans.

04-23-2019, 01:33 AM
Which phenotype/phenotypes was the Indo-Europeans?

04-23-2019, 05:48 AM
Depends what you consider Indo-Europeans. If you think it's Yamnaya, it's probably something similar to Artem Lobov(so what, Pontid?) or the more West Eurasian looking people from groups like Mari, Chuvash and Tatars. Boris Nemtsov would be another good example.

If you consider proto-Corded Ware(Corded Ware-like samples already 1k years before Yamnaya in Ukraine, 2 outliers in the Balkans), then they probably looked like Vasyl Lomachenko or eastern Ukrainians. Some people think they looked like Scandinavian Nordics, which they base off GEDMatch calculators and old, possibly biased anthropological studies. On PCA plots, which are a lot more telling imo, along with their elevated ANE compared to NW Euros, they were genetically closest to east Ukrainians. They also had nowhere near the light pigmentation of Scandinavians, closer to Ukrainians.

It's also reasonable to just consider EHG/Ukrainian HG to be proto-Indo-European, no reason not to think they weren't already speaking something very similar as PIEs were formed solely by EHG/Ukrainian HG males migrating, not likely that a lot influence from whatever language CHGs spoke was transferred. They would've looked like much darker(hair/eyes, not skin) Latvians and Lithuanians, both long skulled and broad CM like skulled. Light eyes come from WHGs, high rates of light hair come from Scandinavian HGs or Baltic HGs.

It's also possible they looked Europid but not really like any modern phenotypes today, and not necessarily either eastern or western looking, a lot of people seem to think that, but I don't given how nomadic pastoral and hunter gatherer groups in Siberia still look so similar to Han Chinese.