View Full Version : Phenotypes you associate with different social classes in you country

04-23-2019, 08:35 PM
Phenotypes and socioeconomic status


Working class: Brunn, Atlantid, Paleo-atlantid, north atlantic, norid, borreby

Middle class: Faelid, Anglo-Saxon, Alpine, Subnordid, litorid, Gracile Mediterranid, halstatt, tronder

Roughly Equal: Keltic nordid, dinaric

post any differences you perceive in your country off the top of your head! :)

brit posters please pipe up if you disagree with me I am curious as to your opinion!

The One
04-23-2019, 08:38 PM
What about the English upper class Phenotypes? North Atlantid?

04-23-2019, 08:40 PM
What about the English upper class Phenotypes? North Atlantid?

Im not really sure what defines the upper class these days. Traditionally it was only members of the aristocracy who belonged to this class, and they mostly look keltic nordid to me :0

04-23-2019, 08:41 PM
The US is too diverse and would be unrealistic to try and categorize phenotypes by social classes tbh

The One
04-23-2019, 08:42 PM
Im not really sure what defines the upper class these days. Traditionally it was only members of the aristocracy who belonged to this class, and they mostly look keltic nordid to me :0

Like rich English kids from private schools etc

Tooting Carmen
04-23-2019, 08:42 PM
Phenotypes and socioeconomic status


Working class: Brunn, Atlantid, Paleo-atlantid, north atlantic, norid, borreby

Middle class: Faelid, Anglo-Saxon, Alpine, Subnordid, litorid, Gracile Mediterranid, halstatt, tronder

Roughly Equal: Keltic nordid, dinaric

post any differences you perceive in your country off the top of your head! :)

Something like that.

In Colombia, although it is true that the working-classes tend to be darker and more SSA/Amerindian-influenced than the middle and especially upper-classes are, the differences are much less absolute than what some people claim.

04-24-2019, 07:55 AM
Interesting thread

I don't really know about Italy but it seems to me the upper class lacks Dinarics but I might be wrong....

About lower classes..... A lot of lower class people in the North have southern ancestry, so I'd say Gracile Med and Dinaromed are quite spread phenotypes

Inviato dal mio RNE-L01 utilizzando Tapatalk

04-24-2019, 03:23 PM
Interesting thread

I don't really know about Italy but it seems to me the upper class lacks Dinarics but I might be wrong....

About lower classes..... A lot of lower class people in the North have southern ancestry, so I'd say Gracile Med and Dinaromed are quite spread phenotypes

Inviato dal mio RNE-L01 utilizzando Tapatalk

do you feel there is predjudice towards the south italians in the north?

04-24-2019, 03:33 PM
do you feel there is predjudice towards the south italians in the north? There's always been but now that politics has changed it has become "all vs immigrants" so there's less prejudice

Inviato dal mio RNE-L01 utilizzando Tapatalk

04-24-2019, 03:36 PM
Upper classes: Whites of diferents background, Syrian-Lebansese descendants and Japanese descendants.
Middle classes: Whites, Pardos (usually medium-light skinned ones), a few mulattoes and blacks.
Low classes: Blacks, dark skinned pardos, and natives.

04-24-2019, 03:48 PM
Not much distinction in Poland save for some rare cases but I am not sure whether they deserve to be called ''distinct phenotypes''.

04-24-2019, 06:28 PM
Spanish high class

Low class:

At a glance, I’d say higher class are more Atlantid inclined and lower class more Berid/Mediterranid, probably due to Andalusian immigration to other parts of Spain, and the historically richest areas being Northern Spain, Cataluņa and Basque Country

04-24-2019, 06:29 PM
Hillbillies usually have a certain look. Couldn't say what it is though.
The US is too diverse and would be unrealistic to try and categorize phenotypes by social classes tbh

04-24-2019, 06:31 PM
Hillbillies usually have a certain look. Couldn't say what it is though.

Lmao you have a point

Tooting Carmen
04-24-2019, 08:02 PM
Hillbillies usually have a certain look. Couldn't say what it is though.

Also, isn't it true that African-Americans and Hispanics are found much more among the working than middle and upper classes?

Tooting Carmen
04-24-2019, 08:03 PM
Spanish high class

Low class:

At a glance, I’d say higher class are more Atlantid inclined and lower class more Berid/Mediterranid, probably due to Andalusian immigration to other parts of Spain, and the historically richest areas being Northern Spain, Cataluņa and Basque Country

What about the middle classes then?

04-24-2019, 08:16 PM
Nice posts so far including the above about the spanish one. I too will add some pictures.

Some working class looking british faces:


some more middle-upper class faces :

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREC4O4UDz7MIi_f3kc3CRHGmrqjRfHc KiiQlAf9oVXDEq-tave
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGI0y0ZH0imJRTWoQ7lRV0mkoYe4T7w ZuGcz4V8KhmMRjV7BtP

some that could be found in either:

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQD18uSegATR8VH15mZnrEjSgylAkN2c V_EHscHDe6entsb4l6m

04-24-2019, 08:29 PM
Based on incomes/education levels among major groups in US.

Upper class - pontids, sinids, indids, deutero malayids
Mid - chosonids, satsuma, meds, iranids, tronders, atlantid/north atlantids, subnordids, alpines, baltids, nordids
Lower - shanids, palaungids, mestizos, castizos, ethiopids, amerindids, blacks.

04-25-2019, 03:32 AM
No such a thing as upper class phenotype in Brazil, the purest whites here are poorer and lighter than the traditional elite (which is mainly of Southern Euro ancestry and impure).
I don't really associate phenotypes with social class.

04-25-2019, 03:57 AM
Something like that.

In Colombia, although it is true that the working-classes tend to be darker and more SSA/Amerindian-influenced than the middle and especially upper-classes are, the differences are much less absolute than what some people claim.

Pics of some upper class paulistanos (from the city of São Paulo) in a party:
https://trajesblacktie.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/convidados_aniversario_francisco_scarpa_smoking.jp g

All these phenotypes can be found in the working class areas of the same city, the diference is the proportion, in the working class areas the pardos predominate and these whites are the minority, while in the elite it's the opposite. But no, you can't say for sure that someone here is rich based sorely on phenotype, it's just leftist fallacy + foreign ignorance (thinking white in Brazil = rich).

04-25-2019, 04:02 AM
Spanish high class

Low class:

At a glance, I’d say higher class are more Atlantid inclined and lower class more Berid/Mediterranid, probably due to Andalusian immigration to other parts of Spain, and the historically richest areas being Northern Spain, Cataluņa and Basque Country

David De Gea what class you think he would belong, for example?

04-25-2019, 04:04 AM
David De Gea what class you think he would belong, for example?

I once discussed about this subject with some Portuguese users... they said that the upper class in Portugal doesn't differ from the common people regarding phenotypes.
Maybe in Spain it's diferent, or maybe not, don't know.

Carlito's Way
04-25-2019, 04:06 AM
No such a thing as upper class phenotype in Brazil, the purest whites here are poorer and lighter than the traditional elite (which is mainly of Southern Euro ancestry and impure).
I don't really associate phenotypes with social class.

Yup, the same applies with Mexico as well
we have discuss this topic before on the chat group, and we both agreed that this idea of white = rich and brown/black = poor is absurd

04-25-2019, 04:20 AM
Working class: Borreby, East-Baltid, Baltid, Strandid, North-Pontid, Lappid, Volgid.

Middle class: Tydal, Trönder, Hallstatt, East-Nordic, Dalofaelid, West-Alpinid, North-Atlantid.

04-25-2019, 04:49 AM
I once discussed about this subject with some Portuguese users... they said that the upper class in Portugal doesn't differ from the common people regarding phenotypes.
Maybe in Spain it's diferent, or maybe not, don't know.

I have no idea how different phenotypes are currently in classes in Spain, but I am sure that centuries ago the difference would be much greater than now.

07-20-2019, 12:00 AM
Based on incomes/education levels among major groups in US.

Upper class - pontids, sinids, indids, deutero malayids
Mid - chosonids, satsuma, meds, iranids, tronders, atlantid/north atlantids, subnordids, alpines, baltids, nordids
Lower - shanids, palaungids, mestizos, castizos, ethiopids, amerindids, blacks.

You have forgotten one, of semitic origin.

07-20-2019, 12:03 AM
I once discussed about this subject with some Portuguese users... they said that the upper class in Portugal doesn't differ from the common people regarding phenotypes.
Maybe in Spain it's diferent, or maybe not, don't know.

In Spain the lowest classes have a darker vibe or are directly gypsyes. Thatīs certain.

I refer to the traditional ones, not the "new ones" that come from inmigration (mostly latinamericans, north africans and romanian gypsies)

07-20-2019, 12:04 AM
Keltic Nordids always look upper class to me, somehow they look like they carry an air of authority around with them wherever they go. I don't associate any specific phenotypes with being lower class though, perhaps Alpine if I'm pushed?

07-20-2019, 12:13 AM
Upper class: Faelid, Trønder, West Baltid.
Middle class: Hallstatt Nordid, North Atlantid, Subnordid, Atlantid, Dinarid, Tydal.
Under class: Borreby, East Baltid, Norid, Lappid, Baltid, Alpinid, Strandid.

07-20-2019, 12:13 AM
When whiter you are in Latin America, more possibilites you have to be high or middle class.

When blacker or more amerindian you are, more possibilities you have to be low class or lumpen (itīs a different category for people outside the society)

Thatīs an evident fact that happens all around the world where there are different races: United States, Spain, other countries of Europe (changing latin-american mestizos for arabs, gypsies or pakistanis).

In Latin America itīs even more evident because itīs more unequal and the whites that have "survived" the miscegenation process during centuries are almost all them (except for remote rural areas populated by spanish colonisers, that donīt represent the common white latin american at all) are members of the high-middle and high class. This is certain for countries with no recent european migration like Colombia, Chile, Mexico or Peru.

In countries with recent european migration like Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina or Cuba, the whites are more distributed between the different social classes. But as they progressively miscegenate with their majority-brown social class counterparts (that also have a higher birthrate than them), generation after generation, finally only will remain as whites the ones in the high class, the single social-class where whites are the majority, and in a lesser way in the high-middle class.

07-21-2019, 05:57 PM
In my country I don't notice a correlation between phenotype and social class. Well, except for Roma minority who are almost exclusively low class.

07-23-2019, 09:50 PM
Keltic Nordids always look upper class to me, somehow they look like they carry an air of authority around with them wherever they go. I don't associate any specific phenotypes with being lower class though, perhaps Alpine if I'm pushed?

Agree that KN is archetypal upper class look here. But there are distinctly working class looking KN's like Harry Kane too.

07-23-2019, 10:02 PM
Upper class-shifted: KN, Nordid, North Atlantid
Working class-shifted: Norid, Alpine, Mediterranid, Brünn
Neutral: Atlantid

Jacques de Imbelloni
07-23-2019, 11:47 PM
Upper classes:

Middle classes:

Low classes:

11-04-2019, 07:06 AM
In my country I don't notice a correlation between phenotype and social class. Well, except for Roma minority who are almost exclusively low class.

Dtto in our country. We all are descendents of peasants.

11-04-2019, 07:10 AM
Dtto in our country. We all are descendents of peasants.

Same in France, even if i have some noble and bourgeois branch, my french side is mostly peasants and native ass fuck.

11-04-2019, 08:10 AM
Lower classes look either more Slavic or more Balkanic. They are not mixed compared to middle and upper classes. Slavic looking are autochtonous medieval Croats and more Balkanic looking are Vlach elements which came with Ottomans. Middle and upper classes are more western European looking, either northwestern (German) or southwestern (Italian). They are more mixed compared to poorer Croats. In continental Croatia higher classes look Central European, and old population of coastal cities in the Adriatic looks Mediterranean.

Don't want to sound rude, but you won't find face like mine in lower class Croats.

11-04-2019, 08:33 AM
No such thing exists in Greece.

11-04-2019, 08:50 AM
Isn't it that poorer people are just fatter and thus get 'classified' as the stereotypically fat peasant phenotypes: Borreby, Brunn, Baltid, Alpine etc?

11-04-2019, 08:52 AM
Isn't it that poorer people are just fatter and thus get 'classified' as the stereotypically fat peasant phenotypes: Borreby, Brunn, Baltid, Alpine etc?

Only in western Europe. In east Europe poor people are much fitter than rich, who are often fat. Such is situation in my country at least.

11-04-2019, 09:03 AM
Upper classes look more gracile probably from sedentary lifestyle not much physical work. lower and middle classes more robust I don't know why that is the case.

11-04-2019, 09:25 AM
The more robust Greeks are probably the wealthiest

Forbes top 200 wealthiest people on the planet type wealthy






We have the Anatolians doing really well in Greece and were the upper class in Anatolia and transferred their industrial skills to Greece. Mainland Greeks are good at trading/scientific/agriculture/business management.....mainlanders are actually superior farmers than Anatolians.

11-04-2019, 01:32 PM
None. I don’t think about that kind of stuff.

11-05-2019, 06:59 AM
Perhaps the thread is not so much about reality but about our idea about it?
There exists some general idea how the people of the various social classes had to look like.
If you will be a film director of some historical or fantasy movie, and had to sort
100 movie actors into two groups for
1) the ones who will play royal/noblers
2)) the ones who will play peasants
- I think the all of us will sort the people the same way (mor or less).

Nevertheless I think that the phenotypes does not play the only one rule, there.
For example one alpinid girl could play a maid in cow-shed, another girl of the
same phenotype could play a princess.

11-05-2019, 07:43 AM
Pontid, Turanid, Taurid and maybe Proto-Iranid and maybe Iranid are the most common subraces in Turkey. As for social classes, I don’t really know.

12-21-2019, 01:44 AM
Spanish high class

Low class:

At a glance, I’d say higher class are more Atlantid inclined and lower class more Berid/Mediterranid, probably due to Andalusian immigration to other parts of Spain, and the historically richest areas being Northern Spain, Cataluņa and Basque Country

Most Spaniards are Mediterranid, and Miguel Bernardeau looks British.
A self hating Spaniard, what a shame!

12-21-2019, 02:09 AM
mexico doesnt has some thing like this but you can find gracile meds, harnizos and castizos with strong amerindian influence in the high classes

12-21-2019, 02:13 AM
Phenotypes and socioeconomic status


Working class: Brunn, Atlantid, Paleo-atlantid, north atlantic, norid, borreby
i am north atlantid and there I am low-middle class, perhaps you are partly right, immigrants from different zones had a marked social class, Irish, French, Scottish and some German people came as poor people
Middle class: Faelid, Anglo-Saxon, Alpine, Subnordid, litorid, Gracile Mediterranid, halstatt, tronder

Roughly Equal: Keltic nordid, dinaric

post any differences you perceive in your country off the top of your head! :)

brit posters please pipe up if you disagree with me I am curious as to your opinion!

12-21-2019, 02:23 AM
I think that cartel leader looks like a high class Mexican in for me. He looks like my father now though.

they are a different class, the high class in mexico is mainly formed by castizos, harnizos and mestizos who are owners of enterprises

12-21-2019, 02:57 AM
Pics of some upper class paulistanos (from the city of São Paulo) in a party:
https://trajesblacktie.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/convidados_aniversario_francisco_scarpa_smoking.jp g

All these phenotypes can be found in the working class areas of the same city, the diference is the proportion, in the working class areas the pardos predominate and these whites are the minority, while in the elite it's the opposite. But no, you can't say for sure that someone here is rich based sorely on phenotype, it's just leftist fallacy + foreign ignorance (thinking white in Brazil = rich).

wtf? chiquinho scarpa? são paulo upper class: quatrocentões

12-21-2019, 03:22 AM
I don't think there are such significant differences here.

11-05-2021, 12:43 PM
In Hungary, the situation that:
Upper-class: have more Germanic, Western European and Jewish admixture than average.
Middle-class: mostly Central-East European phenotypes.
Low-class: large number of the Gypsy/Romani ethnicity, also have more Gypsy-admixed, Eastern European and Balkan types than the average population.

Among ethnic Hungarians, there are slight differences by social class, but most people could pass each other.

11-05-2021, 01:46 PM
1- Middle-upper/Upper class: Full to nearly full european (Atlanto meds, atlantids, castizos) See here. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?353592-The-mythical-white-amp-off-white-Mexicans-Phenotypes/page3)
2- Middle class: 50/50 mestizos to pred european mestizos (euromestizos)
3 - Lower class: predominantly amerindian mestizos (indiomestizos) to full amerindians




11-05-2021, 01:47 PM
I'll give it a try....

Higher class: Greeks with western phenotypes, or having partial European ancestry (Germany, UK, France, etc.) Usually live in the islands and have $$$
Middle Class: your typical Greek (a mix of Alpine-Med-Dinaric)
Working Class: "Vlach"/mountaineer/farmer phenotypes (pure Dinaric, east euro looking phenotypes) and Asia minor/Pontian phenotypes (usually found within dockworkers, factory workers, working class districts of west Athens and Piraeus).

Untouchables: Any phenotype associated with third world illegal immigrants and gypsies.

Those are mostly stereotypes of how people perceive each other within Greece, in reality you can find diverse phenotypes all over the social pyramid.

11-05-2021, 01:59 PM
Here, high and middle class are mostly alpinids, meds, turanids and western phenotypes. Low class almost exclusively armenoid and other hooked nose phenotypes.

11-05-2021, 02:14 PM
In the UK it is basically that the upper class has more Nordics, Cordeds, tronders, subnordics, atlantids also an atlanto med element, middle class has more Anglo saxons, faelids, borrebies, atlantids, keltic nordics and also subnordics. Working class is more distinct out of the social classes i think with a larger brunette brunn/paleo atlantid element with quite a bit of residual med influence too especially in the midlands and the west and all the big cities, also more alpine types i think as well.