View Full Version : Is this depiction of Jesus too northern?

04-24-2019, 07:05 AM

04-24-2019, 07:16 AM
Maybe.. Jesus was from Modern day Palestine/Israel region and there are indigenous peoples from that area that could look like the guy in the painting, but the majority look more mediterranean/MENA.

04-24-2019, 07:23 AM
Maybe.. Jesus was from Modern day Palestine/Israel region and there are indigenous peoples from that area that could look like the guy in the painting, but the majority look more mediterranean/MENA.

This one is probably closer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

04-24-2019, 07:29 AM
Jesus was a caucasian jew..not a caucasian "arab" from South Arabic peninsula..

Jihad al-Khazen Lebanon


04-24-2019, 07:32 AM
Jesus was a caucasian jew..not a caucasian "arab" from South Arabic peninsula..

Can you elaborate more? Does the man in the painting look Arab? Or you meant that Da Vinci's Jesus looks too Arabic?

04-24-2019, 07:34 AM
This one is probably closer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

when I think of Jesus, I think of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Pantocrator_(Sinai)

04-24-2019, 07:39 AM
Can you elaborate more? Does the man in the painting look Arab? Or you meant that Da Vinci's Jesus looks too Arabic?

Jesus in the painting doesn't look like a "dark" arabic but don't forget that not all the people in Syria Lebanon Israel look like this one


04-24-2019, 07:42 AM
when I think of Jesus, I think of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Pantocrator_(Sinai)

The main difference is the hair colour

Light brown Jesus


Dark brown Jesus


04-24-2019, 07:43 AM

Who said only Hitler and Nazis were Nordicist?






when I think of Jesus, I think of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Pantocrator_(Sinai)

Skeptical of what to do with Northerners.


Jesus in the painting doesn't look like a "dark" arabic but don't forget that not all the people in Syria Lebanon Israel look like this one


According to Northerners, this Barcelona Spaniard is at least Arab.


04-24-2019, 07:45 AM
Jesus in the painting doesn't look like a "dark" arabic but don't forget that not all the people in Syria Lebanon Israel look like this one


I know. But we have to remember also that some Arabs and Jews look alike very much.

Anyway those depictions of Jesus above are not Jewish enough for you if i got you right? Akiane Kramarik painted Jesus like this. Looks Jewish but not fully Middle Eastern. https://art-soulworks.com/products/jesus-prince-of-peace-canvas-3-sizes-limited-editions-akiane-signed-numbered-prices-vary-accordingly-2

04-24-2019, 07:49 AM
Who said only Hitler and Nazis were Nordicist?


This is the real pict..


04-24-2019, 07:50 AM
Who said only Hitler and Nazis were Nordicist?







Well, depicting such a significant person in the way people can relate to is not quite Nazi or Nordicist.... It's a bit different type of stuff.

I don't like Catholic Church at all, but saying that they were Nordicist Nazis is probably a bit too much. But they probably were cowardish at times. https://abcnews.go.com/International/vatican-open-wwii-archives-pope-pius-xii/story?id=61462841

04-24-2019, 07:50 AM
I think Jesus looked like a typical south european med with brown hair and eyes.

04-24-2019, 07:52 AM
I know. But we have to remember also that some Arabs and Jews look alike very much.

Anyway those depictions of Jesus above are not Jewish enough for you if i got you right? Akiane Kramarik painted Jesus like this. Looks Jewish but not fully Middle Eastern. https://art-soulworks.com/products/jesus-prince-of-peace-canvas-3-sizes-limited-editions-akiane-signed-numbered-prices-vary-accordingly-2

In 3-4 generations the average english/french will be like this..

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/formula-1/2018/08/25/TELEMMGLPICT000172460301_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqoU7dhDn yp6z60EycLFYieftGXCuAFYDKTmRcVkB1G90.jpeg?imwidth= 450

This is one of the oldest Jesus painting


If you have faith enough..

This is the Sindone Jesus face


04-24-2019, 07:52 AM
Jesus had short hair tho.

04-24-2019, 07:55 AM
In 3-4 generations the average english/french will be like this..

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/formula-1/2018/08/25/TELEMMGLPICT000172460301_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqoU7dhDn yp6z60EycLFYieftGXCuAFYDKTmRcVkB1G90.jpeg?imwidth= 450

This is one of the oldest Jesus painting


If you have faith enough..

This is the Sindone Jesus face


I honestly can't get your logic man. Making fun of someone's skin tone on the thread like this. Come on fella, you are not like that. That man is the greatest F1 driver to ever race by the way...

04-24-2019, 07:59 AM
Well, depicting such a significant person in the way people can relate to is not quite Nazi or Nordicist.... It's a bit different type of stuff.

I don't like Catholic Church at all, but saying that they were Nordicist Nazis is probably a bit too much. But they probably were cowardish at times. https://abcnews.go.com/International/vatican-open-wwii-archives-pope-pius-xii/story?id=61462841

In the beginning nazis were socialist...
Hitler ( Catholic sigh ) was yet another hater of a long list of anti-jews...
And the Italian fascists were the 'older brothers' of Nazism.

04-24-2019, 08:01 AM
I honestly can't get your logic man. Making fun of someone's skin tone on the thread like this. Come on fella, you are not like that. That man is the greatest F1 driver to ever race by the way...

It is not fun... it is a fact... the people everywere are interbreeding each other..

Who is the average Brasilian ?...

Schumacher was a better F1 driver eh eh..:cool:

04-24-2019, 08:10 AM
It is not fun... it is a fact... the people everywere are interbreeding each other..

Who is the average Brasilian ?...

Schumacher was a better F1 driver eh eh..:cool:

Schumacher was amazing indeed.

04-24-2019, 08:12 AM
Maybe like a younger version of this Lebanese actor from Southern Lebanon (which was historically part of Galilee)?


04-24-2019, 08:20 AM

This is the real pict..









04-24-2019, 08:21 AM
Maybe like a younger version of this Lebanese actor from Southern Lebanon (which was historically part of Galilee)?


Would make sense indeed. Maybe some Mountaineer looking Jews are close to this.

04-24-2019, 08:25 AM
Well, depicting such a significant person in the way people can relate to is not quite Nazi or Nordicist.... It's a bit different type of stuff.

I don't like Catholic Church at all, but saying that they were Nordicist Nazis is probably a bit too much. But they probably were cowardish at times. https://abcnews.go.com/International/vatican-open-wwii-archives-pope-pius-xii/story?id=61462841

Northerners who Nordicize Southern Europeans(Greeks and Romans), Egyptian Pharaohs, buddha, Persian Kings, Sumerians and Jesus Christ are same as Nazi Nordicists to me.

04-24-2019, 08:27 AM


And this dude was supposed to replace Jesus on earth... Yeah, well done Catholics. Not to blame a young boy for Nazi crimes, but that whole Pope thing is just stupid. Yes, they Popes say beautiful things sometimes, but giving so much power to one man is just ridiculous. When are you gonna clean up all the sexual abuse mess Catholics, when? You perverts!

04-24-2019, 08:27 AM
Jesus has always been depicted in the Southern Euro to West Asia range.

04-24-2019, 08:32 AM


Almost every kids in Germany was a member of Hitler Youth...

And in Germany Hitler was a the leader who won democratic elections.. The Catholic Church in Germany could hardly behave differently

Anyway... Saint Paul taught us that everybody could "change"..

04-24-2019, 08:35 AM
Almost every kids in Germany was a member of Hitler Youth...

And in Germany Hitler was a the leader who won democratic elections.. The Catholic Church in Germany could hardly behave differently

Anyway... Saint Paul taught us that everybody could "change"..

Absolutely. And i respect Popes for all the good motivation they give people. But i don't respect the way Catholic Church depicts him as some super human being.

04-24-2019, 08:39 AM
And this dude was supposed to replace Jesus on earth... Yeah, well done Catholics. Not to blame a young boy for Nazi crimes, but that whole Pope thing is just stupid. Yes, they Popes say beautiful things sometimes, but giving so much power to one man is just ridiculous. When are you gonna clean up all the sexual abuse mess Catholics, when? You perverts!

Catholic sexual abuse means homosexual sexual abuse.. Pope Ratzinger made the right thing.. no gay in the seminary.. A gay can't control his perverted istinct.. never...
Don't forget that 90% of the sexual victims of gay priests were/are homosexuals.... Strange relations...

04-24-2019, 08:41 AM
Absolutely. And i respect Popes for all the good motivation they give people. But i don't respect the way Catholic Church depicts him as some super human being.

You are wrong..

Do you know what/which are the Dogmas of Catholic Church ?

04-24-2019, 08:49 AM
Catholic sexual abuse means homosexual sexual abuse.. Pope Ratzinger made the right thing.. no gay in the seminary.. A gay can't control his perverted istinct.. never...
Don't forget that 90% of the sexual victims of gay priests were/are homosexuals.... Strange relations...
Whatever the reason. They should be protecting their kids but they are not even properly digging deep into those scandals. They literally tried to cover the shit up. And this behaviour seems to be quite universal. Even in the US they had issues with exposing all the perverts, because they protected their own people. So it's not only about gays but about protecting own people when they do crimes. Also, i don't actually believe it's all about homosexual behaviour, but about perverted sexuality. Human beings should be allowed to have wives, priests should be allowed to have wives. This is normal thing to do.

You are wrong..

Do you know what/which are the Dogmas of Catholic Church ?

I might be somehow wrong. Pope still has too much authority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_supremacy

This is very irresponsible as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_HIV/AIDS

04-24-2019, 08:52 AM



I think Orthodoxs and especially honest Greek Christians can better feel the torment Jesus and his mother passed from the WESTERN Romans and their fellow the Jews.


Greece pass through hell 'cause of the EU scums. Greeks are the new Jesus. I hope God will give to the Westerners and Northerners the hell they gave us back!

Saint Paisios has prophesied the lost of those who came from the seed of the Crusaders as well as the lost of all Northern Europe by Russian hands! I hope God will make it a reality!

https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1136/4188/products/Orthodox_icon_of_St._Paisios_of_Mount_Athos__97230 .1430086348.1000.1200_bec9bb5e-9603-4b53-a232-e2c881533ad3_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1455410323

"First, God will punish the great enemies of Orthodoxy, which are Islamism and Catholicism. Those who are relentlessly striking Orthodoxy will now disappear. Even those who destroyed the Byzantine civilization were not the Turks who destroyed it, they were the crusaders, the Europeans, the Catholics who strengthened the Turks to destroy Byzantium. Their descendants then will be gathered there by God and they will be slaughtered."

Πρώτα θα παιδεύσει ο Θεός τους μεγάλους εχθρούς της Ορθοδοξίας , που είναι ο Ισλαμισμός και ο Καθολικισμός . Αυτοί που αμείλικτα χτυπούν την Ορθοδοξία, τώρα θα εκλείψουν . Ακόμα και αυτοί που κατέστρεψαν τον Βυζαντινό Πολιτισμό δεν είναι οι Τούρκοι που τον κατέστρεψαν, είναι οι σταυροφόροι , οι Ευρωπαίοι , οι καθολικοί που ενίσχυσαν τους Τούρκους για να καταστρέψουν το Βυζάντιο .Τους απογόνους τους , λοιπόν , θα τους μαζέψει ο Θεός εκεί μέσα και θα σφαγούν εκεί.

"And when the friends of Turkey (the descendants of the crusaders) NATO, will come down to help Turks and save them, then there it will be the great Conflict and they will be slaughtered."

Κι όταν κατέβουν οι φίλοι της Τουρκίας (οι απόγονοι δηλαδή των σταυροφόρων ) το ΝΑΤΟ , για να τη σώσουν , τότε εκεί θα γίνει , η μεγάλη Σύρραξη και θα σφαγούν.


"In Constantinople, there will be a great war between the Russians and Europeans and a lot of blood will be spilled."

Στην Κων/πολη θα γίνει μεγάλος πόλεμος μεταξύ των Ρώσων και των Ευρωπαίων και θα χυθεί πολύ αίμα.

"But then the other states of Europe, namely England, France, Italy, and six-seven other EU countries, will see that Russia will grab parts, so they will say, "Why don't we go there to get some parts? "Everyone will chase the lion's share. This is how also the Europeans will enter the war ... ..The (Greek)government will decide not to send an army. It will keep the army only at borders. And it will be a great blessing not to take part. Because, whoever will take part in this war (the European) will be lost ... "... 434."

Όμως, θα δουν τότε τα άλλα κράτη της Ευρώπης, συγκεκριμένα η Αγγλία, η Γαλλία, η Ιταλία και άλλα έξι – εφτά κράτη της ΕΟΚ, ότι η Ρωσία θα αρπάξει μέρη, οπότε θα πουν: “Δεν πάμε κι εμείς εκεί πέρα, μήπως πάρουμε κανένα κομμάτι;” Όλοι, όμως θα κυνηγούν τη μερίδα του λέοντος. Έτσι θα μπουν και οι Ευρωπαίοι στον πόλεμο…..Θα βγάλει η (ελληνική) κυβέρνηση απόφαση να μη στείλη στρατό. Θα κρατήσει στρατό μόνο στα σύνορα. Και θα είναι μεγάλη ευλογία που δε θα πάρει μέρος. Γιατί , όποιος πάρει μέρος σ΄ αυτόν τον πόλεμο (εν. τον ευρωπαϊκό), χάθηκε…»… 434.


And for Northern Europe.

"The European Union will be dissolved"

Η ΕυρωπαΙκή Ένωση θα διαλυθεί

"The people of the North will go with the Americans, but the Russians will burn them down"

Οι λαοί του Βορά θα πάνε με τους Αμερικανούς αλλά οι Ρώσοι θα τους κάψουν

https://michalism.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/%CE%B3%CE%AD%CF%81%CE%BF%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%82-%CF%80%CE%B1%CF%8A%CF%83%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%82-%CE%BF%CE%B9-%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%86%CE%B7%CF%84%CE%B5%CE%AF%C E%B5%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%B7-%CE%B5-2/

"Everybody will leave Russians and they will go with the Jews of America. The Russians will burn them down"

Όλοι θα παρατήσουν τους Ρώσους και θα πάνε με τους Εβραίους της Αμερικής . Οι Ρώσοι θα τους κάψουν


"Nowadays, people are seeing everything with cunning, because they are all measured by the mind. The European spirit did a lot of evil. That's why people have became like that."

Σήμερα οι άνθρωποι τα βλέπουν όλα με πονηριά, γιατί τα μετρούν όλα μόνο με το μυαλό. Το ευρωπαϊκό πνεύμα πολύ κακό έκανε. Αυτό είναι που σακάτεψε τους ανθρώπους.


Great prophecies! Laughs best he who laughs last! Very soon you will see the power of Orthodoxy!

"Saint Paisios exceeds Lenin in popularity"

Ο Άγιος Παΐσιος ξεπερνάει τον Λένιν σε δημοτικότητα

"Now "star" in Russia is monk of the Mount Athos, the Greek Saint (now) Paisios. Books with his speeches and his ascetic life sweep in publishing. Up to now, more than three million copies have been sold, while seven films have been filmed and an eighth is being prepared."

Τώρα "σταρ" είναι στη Ρωσία ένας αγιορείτης μοναχός, ο Έλληνας Άγιος (πλέον) Παΐσιος. Τα βιβλία με τους λόγους του και την ασκητική ζωή του σαρώνουν εκδοτικά. Μέχρι τώρα έχουν πουληθεί περισσότερα από τρία εκατομμύρια αντίτυπα, ενώ έχουν γυριστεί ...εφτά κινηματογραφικές ταινίες και ετοιμάζεται και μια όγδοη.

"Paisios is by far the most popular saint. By thousands the Russian believers flock to pilgrimage outside of Thessaloniki, where Paisios is buried, innumerable stories and testimonies circulate around his life and prophecies."

Ο Παΐσιος είναι μακράν ο πιο δημοφιλής Άγιος. Κατά χιλιάδες συρρέουν οι Ρώσοι πιστοί για προσκύνημα έξω από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, όπου είναι ενταφιασμένος ο Παΐσιος, κυκλοφορούν αναρίθμητες ιστορίες και μαρτυρίες γύρω από τη ζωή και τις προφητείες του.

"The Russians seem to be inspired by the Greek Saint, they feel to give them hope, they believe he is doing miracles."

Ο Ρώσοι δείχνουν να εμπνέονται από τον αγιορείτη Άγιο, αισθάνονται να τους δίνει ελπίδα, πιστεύουν ότι κάνει θαύματα.




Vlad Putin in Greece(Mount Athos)





I see something coming!


Ah, they are my angels!



Christ saves they say!


04-24-2019, 08:58 AM
Whatever the reason. They should be protecting their kids but they are not even properly digging deep into those scandals. They literally tried to cover the shit up. And this behaviour seems to be quite universal. Even in the US they had issues with exposing all the perverts, because they protected their own people. So it's not only about gays but about protecting own people when they do crimes. Also, i don't actually believe it's all about homosexual behaviour, but about perverted sexuality. Human beings should be allowed to have wives, priests should be allowed to have wives. This is normal thing to do.

I might be somehow wrong. Pope still has too much authority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_supremacy

This is very irresponsible as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_HIV/AIDS

Highest number of people with HIV are in Southafrica.. Catholics overthere are a tiny minority..

The Popes listed several ways to combat the spread of HIV....chastity, fidelity in marriage ....

Jesus chose only one to lead the Church ..not a groups of "ministers"...

As i told you.. the real problem of the Catholic Church is the homosexuality of priests...

04-24-2019, 08:59 AM
Greeks are the new Jesus.???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????

04-24-2019, 09:00 AM



I think Orthodoxs and especially honest Greek Christians can better feel the torment Jesus passed from the WESTERN Romans and their fellow the Jews.


Greece pass through hell 'cause of the EU scums. Greeks are the new Jesus. I hope God will give to the Westerners and Northerners the hell they gave us back!

I think Greeks should look in the mirror as well. Corruption is not something you can blame other people for. Same goes for Italians and their corruption, they can blame themselves. Russian issues are pretty much self made too.

However, i know that Greeks had to deal with a lot of shit from Nazis and Turks and here i'm completely with them. I have nothing against Greeks, i love their culture and all the Greeks i have met here in Finland were really nice people. I have a bit of Pontic Greek blood in me myself. Maybe they are not real Greeks since they are more West Asian as far as i know but i like to consider them as real Greeks.

04-24-2019, 09:10 AM
I think Greeks should look in the mirror as well. Corruption is not something you can blame other people for. Same goes for Italians and their corruption, they can blame themselves. Russian issues are pretty much self made too.

However, i know that Greeks had to deal with a lot of shit from Nazis and Turks and here i'm completely with them. I have nothing against Greeks, i love their culture and all the Greeks i have met here in Finland were really nice people. I have a bit of Pontic Greek blood in me myself. Maybe they are not real Greeks since they are more West Asian as far as i know but i like to consider them as real Greeks.

Mussolini: Ruling the Italians is not difficult; it's pointless... Italians are individualists also the comunists are individualist in Italy.. .... They never got along with each other since the fall of the Roman Empire (a dictatorship) .. I don't know what will happen in the coming decades...

This was Italy in the middle age... A city states geographic expression..


04-24-2019, 09:11 AM
Greeks are the new Jesus.???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????


04-24-2019, 09:17 AM
I think Greeks should look in the mirror as well. Corruption is not something you can blame other people for. Same goes for Italians and their corruption, they can blame themselves. Russian issues are pretty much self made too.

We will not get lessons of who is corrupted by Zionist Europeans, their Greek pet policians and people who have signed our condemnation! :picard1:











04-24-2019, 09:28 AM
We will not get lessons by Zionist Europeans and their pet Greek policians of who is corrupted! :picard1:











You sound like some Russians which is not a good thing at all. What about people like Antonis Kantas stealing money? I would rather be angry at dishonest politics and dishonest people overall. I don't like European Union either, but you have to remember that many European countries (including Finland) literally gave a lot of money in order to help you.

04-24-2019, 09:36 AM
@shlomo, what do you mean europeans gave money? The interest rates are over 2% afaik, and were paying it all back. I know grannies here who live on 300 euro/month and from that they also have to pay their personal nurse lol.

04-24-2019, 09:37 AM
You sound like some Russians which is not a good thing at all. What about people like Antonis Kantas stealing money? I would rather be angry at dishonest politics and dishonest people overall. I don't like European Union either, but you have to remember that many European countries (including Finland) literally gave a lot of money in order to help you.

Go sell the Zionist fairy tales of "Europeans and EU helping the Greeks and Greeks stealing their money" to someone else, I don't buy! The EU has sucked for 10 years all of our blood, as Nazis did, as Bavarians did, as Crusaders did and as Romans did!

You sound like some Russians which is not a good thing at all.

I sound as a Greek, as a Serb, as a Russian and as any other Orthodox who has faced a war by the West and that's for sure not a god thing for you Westerners spreading the lies of your politicians.

04-24-2019, 09:43 AM
@shlomo, what do you mean europeans gave money? The interest rates are over 2% afaik, and were paying it all back. I know grannies here who live on 300 euro/month and from that they also have to pay their personal nurse lol.

We have issues with grannies being underpaid as well. They are not treated the way they deserve.

Finland is losing money in this deal overall. I know that Greece has to pay it back with interest. The thing is, Finland had to take a loan (because of the budget deficit) itself in 2010 in order to help Greece. Either way let's hope Greece will figure it out!

04-24-2019, 09:48 AM
Go sell the Zionist fairy tales of "Europeans and EU helping the Greeks and Greeks stealing their money" to someone else, I don't buy! The EU has sucked for 10 years all of our blood, as Nazis did, as Bavarians did, as Crusaders did and as Romans did!

I sound as a Greek, as a Serb, as a Russian and as any other Orthodox who has faced a war by the West and that's for sure not a god thing for you Westerners spreading the lies of your politicians.

Do you really think that ordinary Russian men care about Orthodox faith? Many of them are still Communists deep down in their heart and they would trade any church for the Soviet rule. They still have that nostalgia. Also, they don't care about other people to be honest. Look what is happening in Ukraine, they attacked that country, just like they attacked Finland, Baltics and anything they could. If you Greeks choose to follow their tactics you will become the same soulless swamp full of corruption.

04-24-2019, 09:49 AM
EU solidarity= saving the banks by taxing the grannies.

04-24-2019, 09:49 AM
We have issues with grannies being underpaid as well. They are not treated the way they deserve.

Finland is losing money in this deal overall. I know that Greece has to pay it back with interest. The thing is, Finland had to take a loan (because of the budget deficit) itself in 2010 in order to help Greece. Either way let's hope Greece will figure it out!

No one is helping Greeks, that's what they feed you, only politicians and their servants get all money, Greeks become more and more poor and half of Greece's population composed right now by 3rd world immigrants. All this for becoming member of your Jewropean Union.

04-24-2019, 09:53 AM
Do you really think that ordinary Russian men care about Orthodox faith? Many of them are still Communists deep down in their heart and they would trade any church for the Soviet rule. They still have that nostalgia. Also, they don't care about other people to be honest. Look what is happening in Ukraine, they attacked that country, just like they attacked Finland, Baltics and anything they could. If you Greeks to choose follow their tactics you will become the same soulless swamp full of corruption.

"Corrupted, Communist and non-Orthodox Russians, good Ukrainian Nazis, corrupted Greeks", lol, EU, Nazi, anti-Orthodox rhetoric. No need to say anything more about. :bored:

Same a Jesus, they crucified him for a scammer!

04-24-2019, 09:54 AM
He was most probably Dinarid-Arabid intermediate just like most of the Levant people but I might be wrong.

04-24-2019, 09:55 AM
Jesus is from the far north.

04-24-2019, 09:59 AM
"Corrupted, Communist and non-Orthodox Russians, good Ukrainian Nazis, corrupted Greeks", lol, EU, Nazi, anti-Orthodox rhetoric. No need to say anything more about. :bored:

Open your eyes dude. I'm not here to defend those Ukrainians who are Nazis (they are pretty antisemitic just like you are by the way) but simply pointing out on the fact that they attack other countries. Should they attack Greece too because you have some Nazis? Eh? Russians have much more Nazis than Ukrainians ever will. You can love Russia as much as you like, we just can't do the same. We like prosperity, technology and human rights. We don't like HIV epidemics [1], raping Russian animals in the army [2] and Pisa towers (they call them Hruschovkas).

[1] https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/russia-s-hivaids-epidemic-getting-worse-not-better
[2] http://www.pravdareport.com/society/87441-army_prostitute/

That being said Russians are just like other people (despite their slave minded mentality) and their country has produced great amount of writers and composers. Great writers and composers just won't help if your politicians are full of shit sucking all the oil money and leaving stuff undeveloped, you know.

04-24-2019, 10:04 AM
He was most probably Dinarid-Arabid intermediate just like most of the Levant people but I might be wrong.

Something close to this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

04-24-2019, 10:19 AM
Something close to this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

Most probably

04-24-2019, 10:19 AM
Open your eyes dude. I'm not here defending those Ukrainians who are Nazis (they are pretty antisemitic just like you are by the way) but simply pointing out on the fact that they attack other countries.

You cannot tell me what I am, same distorting rhetoric as Zionist and anti-Orthodox/anti-North Eastern/anti-South Eastern nonsense. I am so "anti-semite" as those Jews are https://www.google.gr/search?q=anti-zionist+jews&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG8vrdvejhAhV1xMQBHTVaCKwQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=751

Should they attack Greece too because you have some Nazis?

Greek Nazis are not even the 0,1% of the Greek population.

Eh? Russians have much more Nazis than Ukrainians ever will. You can love Russia as much as you like, we just can't do the same. We like prosperity, technology and human rights. We don't like HIV epidemics [1], raping Russian animals in the army [2] and Pisa towers (they call them Hruschovkas).

[1] https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/russia-s-hivaids-epidemic-getting-worse-not-better
[2] http://www.pravdareport.com/society/87441-army_prostitute/

Ukrainian goverment is Nazi, Russian goverment is not.
https://www.google.gr/search?ei=AzbAXLeELsqQmwX05JmwDw&q=ukrainian+goverment+is+nazi+&oq=ukrainian+goverment+is+nazi+&gs_l=psy-ab.3...12851.18469..19444...0.0..0.231.911.0j5j1.. ....0....1j2..gws-wiz.......0i10.mEAoVds5Whw

Russians can better answer your hate posts towards them but I think they can perfectly explained by this https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ussr-attacks-finland and this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/23/why-finland-allied-itself-with-nazi-germany

Russians are not commies anymore, you better wake up.

04-24-2019, 10:25 AM
Russians can better answer your hate posts towards them but I think they can perfectly explained by this https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ussr-attacks-finland and this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/23/why-finland-allied-itself-with-nazi-germany

Russians are not commies anymore, you better wake up.

Do you really think you know more about Russians than me, who actually has Russian blood in his veins? Here some reading for you. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/22/stalins-record-approval-rating-is-a-sign-of-growing-discontent-a65332

And yes, you are right. Finland didn't like when Stalin came to "rescue his brother commies" attacking completely innocent land. Putin is doing the same thing helping his Russian loving slaves in Ukraine. Who is he gonna rescue next i wonder?

04-24-2019, 10:33 AM
Do you really think you know more about Russians than me, who actually has Russian blood in his veins? Here some reading for you. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/22/stalins-record-approval-rating-is-a-sign-of-growing-discontent-a65332

And yes, you are right. Finland didn't like when Stalin came to "rescue his brother commies" attacking completely innocent land. Putin is doing the same thing helping his Russian loving slaves in Ukraine. Who is he gonna rescue next i wonder?

Yes, I know better Russians than biased Russian hater Finns. :bored:

What's next, we will trust biased Germans talking about Russians? Lol!

No need talking about it anymore.

04-24-2019, 10:33 AM
Jesus depicted in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church:

https://www.theapricity.com/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGRcYFxcYGBcbHRgYGR4aGRsdGB gaHSggGB0lHhgXITEhJSkrLy4vHR8zODMtNygtMCsBCgoKDg0O GxAQGzImICUtLS03LS0tLS4yLy0vLS0rLS8vLS0tLS8vLS0vLy 8tLS0tLS0tLS0tLystLS0tLi0tNf/AABEIAQIAwwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEsQAAIBAgQDBAYGBgcHAwUAAAECEQADBBIhMQVBUQYiYXETM oGRobEHI0JSwdEUM2JysvAkU4KSotLhFTRUY3PC8RaDw0NEk6O z/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUBAgMABv/EADERAAEDAgMECgMAAwEAAAAAAAEAAgMEERIhMQVBUfATFCIyY XGBkaGxwdHhIzPxBv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aja41wAakDzNSnZfCrdxKI4zKcxIPgpI MVo H4baQyttF8Qig cxQLWXzTSWcMNrLIVvA7GfLX5UpkuHazfPlYvH5JV97X4k2ruF uT3bbPcbpANtGPmEuXI86srrVujCyNS4AGyyOxgr7bYfEe2zcX JRSp4Viv Eve5PxetXAroFT0YVetOWUf7Lxf/AAl7/wDX D0P9l4rnhbvuT8GrV4oEVPRtUdZesqHCcT/AMPd9y/5qH xcV/w1z/B/mrVaFd0bVPWnrK/9h4r/h399v8Az13/ANP4v ob 9b/AM9anQIqOjC7rT1lq9nsX/UN/et/56OOzmK/qSPN7X etOa2KTjWu6MLutPWcJ2ZxP3AP7afgTSq9kMSf6sebN CmtEjlSF7FIkgsAwUvl5lV3IG59ld0YXdZeqMOxWI 9a/vP8A5KOOxF7 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mbxSi2JjUGaRuKVMRFOVwULOeW 7B dIXbTDlPiKnCpEjDvRUfQyJ6fzzp3w8yDyjahdwER31MiTB28D pvRbSTooHtMfOqubuVg8HO6U9LznnQuXA5jQeNde16M6lSecEE UneW0VLZwpBACczpqfKapgzU4gkMUQD3dIpqtlt4MVxmMxpR0u MBAJjz0q2GwVkXUac/jRbzHnS FvFHDmDG 3Pp4 P5UjjlYjPlgbe38fZU4VBNkVrpYeA9wpXDoYDcjmA8xln5imKZ jvPxqSQkKByE 8mT FSBYrGV92LtChNCroJTxrjUKFXWIXBRWoUK5SuiuGuUK5cuCuC u0K5cimuUKFQpXDRWrlCuUopopNChXKVyuGhQqq5ENFNdoVylE NcNChXKUQ1w0KFcuRaFChXLkKFChXLl//9k=


Chinese depiction of Jesus:


Japanese depiction of Jesus:


The point is, every race and ethnic group depicts Jesus to reflect the way they look themselves. And it is fine to do so. So to answer the question whether that depiction of Jesus is too northern, then the answer is no. Northern Europeans also worship Jesus, so it's fine for them to depict Jesus as a man who looks like them. Just as the way Asians and Africans do it.

Here is a generic Eastern Orthodox depiction of Jesus:


04-24-2019, 10:40 AM
Yes, I know better Russians than biased Russian hater Finns. :bored:

What's next, we will trust biased Germans talking about Russians? Lol!

No need talking about it anymore.

Yes, go and laugh at people disliking attacking Russians but act very dramatic when talking about other people attacking your land...

04-24-2019, 10:41 AM
Jesus depicted in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church:

https://www.theapricity.com/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGRcYFxcYGBcbHRgYGR4aGRsdGB gaHSggGB0lHhgXITEhJSkrLy4vHR8zODMtNygtMCsBCgoKDg0O GxAQGzImICUtLS03LS0tLS4yLy0vLS0rLS8vLS0tLS8vLS0vLy 8tLS0tLS0tLS0tLystLS0tLi0tNf/AABEIAQIAwwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAAABwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAf/EAEsQAAIBAgQDBAYGBgcHAwUAAAECEQADBBIhMQVBUQYiYXETM oGRobEHI0JSwdEUM2JysvAkU4KSotLhFTRUY3PC8RaDw0NEk6O z/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUBAgMABv/EADERAAEDAgMECgMAAwEAAAAAAAEAAgMEERIhMQVBUfATFCIyY XGBkaGxwdHhIzPxBv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aja41wAakDzNSnZfCrdxKI4zKcxIPgpI MVo H4baQyttF8Qig cxQLWXzTSWcMNrLIVvA7GfLX5UpkuHazfPlYvH5JV97X4k2ruF uT3bbPcbpANtGPmEuXI86srrVujCyNS4AGyyOxgr7bYfEe2zcX JRSp4Viv Eve5PxetXAroFT0YVetOWUf7Lxf/AAl7/wDX D0P9l4rnhbvuT8GrV4oEVPRtUdZesqHCcT/AMPd9y/5qH xcV/w1z/B/mrVaFd0bVPWnrK/9h4r/h399v8Az13/ANP4v ob 9b/AM9anQIqOjC7rT1lq9nsX/UN/et/56OOzmK/qSPN7X etOa2KTjWu6MLutPWcJ2ZxP3AP7afgTSq9kMSf6sebN CmtEjlSF7FIkgsAwUvl5lV3IG59ld0YXdZeqMOxWI 9a/vP8A5KOOxF7 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aT/iWpO5ZCXrbE/bVfbLL7dTH/mossfRXv3rh9xmlcVd sT96wR/ VR NVc2 Xn FrGe0PP9KG7YrlxNwaaqfu6SxPLwPPXXpFRCFlyGYIKtPTUEfO p76QP94Q84j4Ienj1PsqItYyHDOF2AA yY2keO35U32bjbSOkaL5BMa9zZqiON5t/QnVjHG25LIpVwWAAVgNYIymJgqpAkRlHWmaYi5cdWJeS mXUgDSQBABAAGkaBRyqaxvD1IUWDnLr38xjK5Ig9EzGFAG 3iG3Dby2rIu2e84IF5WII72hiNAVcSuveDRqYog1UJaZWN7ZuP Lx59UH1R8cghe7sZG/O/kKGxMG6cubIzaZoDTsQwGgM8gal GcWezc9HcU5Q05SBIkEEe3eKjcRjWa96SFBBDZnAJLDYldRptF OcBg5JeTIAmdCQ2bMRyBUDbxnlVqhsj6Umb qgbB1oMYctLqRs4y5bRUt3A1oklMyZsoUnRSCCI8ZInwo JxgDMADca6igsYAt6EgEgQNI7um2pp1etDK9zDqoWBCnQM6iSU PKMo12MQdFJEacWxs/o65PR3iSXOUFXHeYONwQRI69edImhpJIRrYg15EhyCT4PindWz sxU3CqpMlgANNgAN5 O1X/AYw3OFPmmbYuWZJkkW3KKSeZKhaodm7atWxDZdYOUyzTro2wEz tv0qX4Zx12w96xaskWpztcbMYLFBlgCASQTJbrpWrT2iq0zHOl LmjJR WuUahWaeppxS0DfuHn3fgopK7sP59tOuJD65yevwgU0ZJbrzjy qSUXE0Bgsu2l/nx6/hQZx7K6WE/z5illXTXc1HiVsAScLdUlaMfvc/yFLYXiLpKrETvry5abr1U6Gm2KbkN/lT3hmALgaSWICiYLMZ2kQVX7XQVk85XK2Ija2x0Gp4p7wPBG8x JggySZMqCdWkbHcDUGdYIpXEYxnN 7ly2raG3ZB0gLMwPEga Ecqkr15bebDo0sIa8w68kHQACI5AAdag2vs2BcndjE BYKNPIfAVWEE9o77D04 v0vI7SrOsSFu7JE4hay4Ozb5sbY94zfOpPGL9dZHTN7o/0FNuOt9Zhbf7fwXL/rTy68315wp M1sTkD5lKCcvdM3uhXxDHl6LlMeMHQxvB6U x7zdtHxePdUViv8A7o Nv4U9xxhrB/aj3iqluYPOgXX3c6BJoJXFL4t/iWaTutItN wG/uFH/A05wqzevL95UPwK0haTNYsMATlbK2nLUGfcK4c ys3j5fS59Ilmblo8iGg68wg0nSRE6QevKqaRLQoJJExqT19vLQ VfuL4f9Jwg53bEqdhpEAknlBncDXwqlrbdGLqcpBlToNIOgnwn 3012RIBCYSQCDz7ouu7RbKM8ghd4gyLlXYgEnpIKmI6gxr1YCA TLbF5A82cwEBVMmSToxHOD0PWlFwz3SSDzJJPjrrHvgA VIjCOrchCzrHIgHKdm1PL401bG1jiAMj fDfmMkCZLi5OfPslLF4284yq090OQe71jXfY Y6SDLcJxq6CC7w2URprHrT9kDMedQt5i4VAmXSTrv4nr/PgBbsBaVFNx1VZtIBmMBQRqSx5kwdOojxC2hIGxYc8z4rmtzBP PsjnGm4mVjqvdYTq2 XKANcwAk9QQNqheL21W60atEwNJaRAIH2cpIP5gUu2JCxkdjcy 5S4gKRyAU9PnzNEsYOZaZY6knc dJAQxPKPZ0s7scmTflNIZznuGW5Dkvgo5ee5pTCrFxYMdQOfn4 eApXL76drw1khyI8DVceea9AYWMiwtFgEtQopoVdBIcVT65v7P yFNHgHennESPSv7P4RSGDtywJ0Ej2CdTrppUlGRnsADVESzG/sFcu3gPP8OdTXHrFtEGUNm0MRHnuJIAG vzqDwmGLNJBgmBoTJ6ADUnUaAGBrECsmuDhi3LZsrWMvx1KNgb IOrajoNSx2CqJBYkkDTUTNWnDfUQugxDicogixb0000LnSTzOu oGvcNh/QAEr9aZyrIK2RGrHk93LuQOnKSY3Cgl71wyTOUf2d/eTNZ4ekuXaff8APvy189tLaVx0cabYIRZvXOblyPiBrz1mnGMw hFmzbA3e2DHh3j8j7qluG8G rRSJ0Ej46DnrzOm 9OcW9pWBd17s6AO8HQbhgs EVJqBi7OfOSUx07352Vf4nbnFYfwzHfwP5U5t64hx0QfGpRcfh mYH0qSoYAMHTUkTqSVPqjlyFL2sHLM6ZGzRqGQ7eVv5k yqmcgWItl Vz6RwHoqnil7uL9lPcTbLC1GpzofgalxwVz6UFfWI1lPDUHKY2 HXn1NLYi1bQD0l20sGYZ5M68hlnedqh1QLgDnJVFM8nTmyjbWF b9IUj7VsiNyYOYGBrsfKn C4ecjWhHdZhoASZJbvAHSZGhK6UniON4dBo7XTrCICif2jp NROL7QXmGVYtryVNPed6qBI/w80wp9nSuGinMdhkT7aJciCILkqRBDW7cToNyTzqlcYcM0XAwh YUKCNQdzI2MRHSI2pyuPvAEKQgO VQCfNommtwu2rMxPiTRtJI6ndivfnnejn7KxR4CVEG8RnAB12g dBRrZkDun1cusCpnD4AtRHwxmDH5UyftmQnsgD/t1jF/52Ed8k/G6yjxYuMoSYA1AUayYGp57dKVOCbQkMY0BaTHlO1WbBIllCe6X PLn/4pliOKE6LA0g89TuaWSVUkpuSm0FDBD3GqMFpVjWT5aD86Wt4k KrE7xCx1JHwAn2xSYtmJbnP8xTZ1O5/n2Vna6M00RxiIhhuNfI09wbu6szNO2 pJkc6aFZA6U7wwhR0J VdldUl7hSlcoUK0S9LcYtRcBH2hJ9mn5UgiFtAPDwk7CfHp51L Yu0haXzNHdCIJYneddI/LWnuEsejOaEt76llcqOi6wvjCk JqkriFc17KeMAZu k2t8AMB7zhB1bUwNBC Ub7bERSlrEW0KjDJJYGbzetkUx3SdFWSByAmj3LLNLkM bQO5CgIRB1cac9AvTpNA421aks2cgQFtjX23G1M BrG2Wef17ftKpZ6iqNhp4Ilgks ohdBEHUiWM8h6oJn8afYHCLZtlrpCrqSTruSf7RgxoAPOom52h uSBbRUAnUy5P9pqZ4vEPeM3GLR7vdtUlrnZHLnnirwbJdcF6W4 32le4clqUt8zzbz8N9Kibl920Y/KlCQNPw/GjooOwrVgawWaE4bTMaLBNFwzNsCfL/AEpbDcMeYykeyKXa4QOg dGsY19O/wCWtWL3LQQsGgSWKwcd0v5gzv4DnTe1ZtKDA16jT4CnuMtkmTM 9aZLYJO/tNVDrjVXDGjcjggbUol2ixlruHsl5MgAbyfkOZ8q7VTdLRSjtA pNb8eIFdtTcYAaT8BVCFa9khcvE8z5UvhCGbKd2gD/Wl8RglmF9tN8uWdNagkEWC5d4hYKaTp4VGIdadsS2nWj4SwBcA 3AOs/jUjIZqU1vMOs6ePuptMmT/AD VPcRY75C6iTEdKbvZirghVISmbMcx0HIDb2DoKlLFoegzc/SBR1jKTUMqmfxp l0kKvIZoHuqLZhZzdxKZaFChWiBTvi1/ZMmgM5uum3spCzxC6uiuQDOg6xUtctqwII31kGNfx6U0uYAQY3 5E zw8/hUlt1dr4y0BwUdexJPrGdpkz8aIy7fKn/ yxI7xjmNDp5wOgpwcDb55yeuZQPdk/GuwlbCaMDJRSuNATsR/PypQZQY686fPw 2Rpm9pB SilP0ZAwIBgQcpM6 dRgU9YYo67aBEnT2UphbMg9dKdX8MGMiF8p/E1yxh8pkmfh8agsI0XdYZZMb HM/H fjTd8NUvetgnaPIkfGk7lkfZQb82J06aAaV1iu6ZhTTDDSDsKQ uv3oG1SWHUg94aAEACDuI1BHjvvTG5gmmR86jBvV mbxSi2JjUGaRuKVMRFOVwULOeW 7B dIXbTDlPiKnCpEjDvRUfQyJ6fzzp3w8yDyjahdwER31MiTB28D pvRbSTooHtMfOqubuVg8HO6U9LznnQuXA5jQeNde16M6lSecEE UneW0VLZwpBACczpqfKapgzU4gkMUQD3dIpqtlt4MVxmMxpR0u MBAJjz0q2GwVkXUac/jRbzHnS FvFHDmDG 3Pp4 P5UjjlYjPlgbe38fZU4VBNkVrpYeA9wpXDoYDcjmA8xln5imKZ jvPxqSQkKByE 8mT FSBYrGV92LtChNCroJTxrjUKFXWIXBRWoUK5SuiuGuUK5cuCuC u0K5cimuUKFQpXDRWrlCuUopopNChXKVyuGhQqq5ENFNdoVylE NcNChXKUQ1w0KFcuRaFChXLkKFChXLl//9k=


Chinese depiction of Jesus:


Japanese depiction of Jesus:


The point is, every race and ethnic group depicts Jesus to reflect the way they look themselves. And it is fine to do so. So to answer the question whether that depiction of Jesus is too northern, then the answer is no. Northern Europeans also worship Jesus, so it's fine for them to depict Jesus as a man who looks like them. Just as the way Asians and Africans do it.

Here is a generic Eastern Orthodox depiction of Jesus:


Real Jesus probably looked more like Serj Tankian.

04-24-2019, 10:49 AM
Yes, go and laugh at people disliking attacking Russians but act very dramatic when talking about other people attacking your land...

The whole situation between the West and the Orthodox Nort East/South East is dramatic, let God decide of who's right and of who's wrong, everything will very soon be over, that's something you can trust. :pope: :fpope:

04-24-2019, 10:54 AM
Oldest depictions of Jesus
Jesus was mostly likely an Orientalid in phenotype, long face and nose kind of look.

04-24-2019, 10:56 AM
The whole situation between the West and the Orthodox Nort East/South East is dramatic, let God decide of who's right and of who's wrong, everything will very soon be over, that's something you can trust. :pope: :fpope:

Something we can all trust is that hungry lower demon realm entities/ undeveloped Russians won't cross the border with heads on their shoulders. Soviets got their ass beaten by Finns, Russians got their ass beaten by people in Kavkaz and now they are pretending to be tough soldiers. How scary. Do you seriously think that undeveloped Orthodox countries like Russia, Serbia and Greece could do something?


04-24-2019, 11:02 AM










04-24-2019, 11:04 AM
Oldest depictions of Jesus
Jesus was mostly likely an Orientalid in phenotype, long face and nose kind of look.

This one looks quite close to that one in the OP, just with a bit darker skin tone.

04-24-2019, 11:08 AM
Something we can all trust is that hungry lower demon realm entities/ undeveloped Russians won't cross the border with heads on their shoulders. Soviets got their ass beaten by Finns, Russians got their ass beaten by people in Kavkaz and now they are pretending to be tough soldiers. How scary. Do you seriously think that undeveloped Orthodox countries like Russia, Serbia and Greece could do something?


Do you seriously think that undeveloped Orthodox countries like Russia, Serbia and Greece could do something?

I already told what I think, your west in the near future will become a nuked hole! Be as much arrogant as you want, not my business!

04-24-2019, 11:10 AM
Language and figure of Christ by Constantine Plevris(2003)


A very nice book by Constantine Plevris.


It explains why Jesus and Galileans were Greeks using historical facts.

Jesus, Greek and European, who used Greek as a mother language.

Read it here:


It would be good for you to translated it(copy/paste), especially chapter 8 "The figure of Christ".

Jesus Christ by Leonardo da Vinci.

"The kiss of Judas" Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy.

Aryan profile and not Semitic, with a Greek leptorrhine nose Constantine Plevris notes.

Jesus and Pontius Pilate, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

04-24-2019, 11:12 AM
I already told what I think, your west in the near future will become a nuked hole! Be as much arrogant as you want, not my business!

This is exactly what undeveloped frogs do, they threaten people when they feel emotionally uncomfortable. You literally sound like some Russian bum. Go and nuke everything or rather nuke yourself and make world a better place to live. You do know that the West is actually developing new medicine and stuff your grannies will need in the near future. The only thing dictatorships can develop is shitty nukes and HIV epidemics. You see the difference.

04-24-2019, 11:14 AM
Language and figure of Christ by Constantine Plevris(2003)


A very nice book by Constantine Plevris.


It explains why Jesus and Galileans were Greeks using historical facts.

Jesus, Greek and European, who used Greek as a mother language.

Read it here:


It would be good for you to translated it(copy/paste), especially chapter 8 "The figure of Christ".

Jesus Christ by Leonardo da Vinci.

"The kiss of Judas" Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy.

Aryan profile and not Semitic, with a Greek leptorrhine nose Constantine Plevris notes.

Jesus and Pontius Pilate, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

This man does not look Greek (or maybe he does a bit but you can say he looks Italian as well)! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

Dude please stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus was a Jewish male who was born in Bethlehem.

04-24-2019, 11:15 AM
Lol at the Germanic or Semitic/Arabid Jesus dilemma! :1127:

04-24-2019, 11:26 AM
This man does not look Greek! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)

Dude please stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus was a Jewish male who was born in Bethlehem.

You cannot tell to me you anti-Orthodox Finn what looks Greeks and what does not looks Greek. You embarrass the Finns by selling us your nonsense. Jews are your European Union politicians not God. You better Nordicize trolls who are part of your tradition and leave Jesus alone you Viking. :bored:

04-24-2019, 11:31 AM
You cannot tell to me you anti-Orthodox Finn what looks Greeks and what does not looks Greek. You embarrass the Finns by selling us your nonsense. Jews are your European Union politicians not God. You better Nordicize trolls who are part of your tradition and leave Jesus alone you Viking. :bored:

I'm not anti Orthodox, i'm anti dictatorship. Also i do know how Greeks look and i have Mediterranean in me as well. I would also add that Finns are not Vikings despite having some Scandinavian in me. Never praised European Union and never claimed to be a Nordicist. But talking to you is useless. You live in some strange Greek bubble. Corrupted bubble i would say.

I think we already spoke our minds. Let's not take it further. Let's agree to disagree.

Let's enjoy this song together. As humanity. I agree that Greeks are closer to Jews, they are Mediterranean with Middle Eastern vibes in their culture. A little bit less antisemitic if you were, would be easier to like you. But great art have you produced. Keep on going!


04-24-2019, 11:49 AM
I'm not anti Orthodox, i'm anti dictatorship. Also i do know how Greeks look and i have Mediterranean in me as well. I would also add that Finns are not Vikings despite having some Scandinavian in me. Never praised European Union and never claimed to be a Nordicist. But talking to you is useless. You live in some strange Greek bubble. Corrupted bubble i would say.

Corrupted is your Finland for offering to Greeks poverty and along with all other EU scums stealing all of our money for 10 years, destroying Greece and fulling us with out-law immigrants from all over the planet. I didn't expect anything better from you anyway, philo-Nazi, philo-EU Zionist, anti-Orthodox, anti-Russian or whatever you are. Bye bye.

04-24-2019, 11:54 AM
Corrupted is your Finland for offering to Greeks poverty and along with all other EU scums stealing all of our money for 10 years, destroying Greece and fulling us with out-law immigrants from all over the planet. I didn't expect anything better from you anyway, philo-Nazi, philo-EU Zionist, anti-Orthodox, anti-Russian or whatever you are. Bye bye.

This is simply not true. Your own politicians have to take responsibility for what they do. If they commit tax frauds and steal money (like Antonis Kantas did), you can't blame Nazis or the European Union for that. You have to take responsibility as well.

04-24-2019, 12:17 PM
Yes, obviously. Jesus has been a popular object of the Nordic-fetish.


04-24-2019, 12:55 PM
. We like prosperity, technology and human rights. We don't like HIV epidemics [1], raping Russian animals in the army [2] and Pisa towers (they call them Hruschovkas).

What do you mean: Pisa Towers ?

04-24-2019, 01:09 PM
Jesus probably looked like modern christian palestinians

04-24-2019, 01:14 PM
Jesus probably looked like modern christian palestinians

Or some Mountaineers and Lebanese people...

04-24-2019, 04:37 PM
Let's enjoy this song together. As humanity. I agree that Greeks are closer to Jews, they are Mediterranean with Middle Eastern vibes in their culture. A little bit less antisemitic if you were, would be easier to like you. But great art have you produced. Keep on going!


That's a nice Hellenic song with Hellenic music and Hellenic lyrics, nothing Middle Eastern about besides the very beginning, there are other kinds of music having Middle Eastern influences though. Greeks are Europeans unlike Finns who are a mongoloid people. It's very nice Greeks to have Middle Eastern infuences in their culture, both ancient Greeks and Byzantine Greeks had too, much better than having Asian-Mongoloid elements as Finns have. I only am anti-semitic in your philo-zionist mind and in your fantasy, Palestinians and other West Asians are Semites but I never expressed anything against them. If anti-zionism to you is anti-semitism they I am so much of an anti-semite as the anti-zionist Jews I posted are. I don't care if you like me and Greeks or not, lol!

Jews are close to Greeks and Italians 'cause they have mixed so much with us that they are half Europeans http://archhades.blogspot.com/2015/05/european-ancestry-in-ashkenazi-jews-is.html they have a great percentage of Greek admixture from Philistine Cretans and Sea Peoples(West Asia Minor Greeks) as well most probably by Romans. Greeks and Italians have connections with Jews, Finns have none.

04-24-2019, 05:02 PM




"Now that even the Greeks came to me, time has come to be glorified the son of man, only Greece gives birth to humans, a heavenly plant and divine shoot and this verified. (Greece) giving birth to Calculus (syllogism) assumed ownership of Science."

Jesus Christ meeting the Greek proselytes. Eusebius of Pamphile, Bishop of Caesarea, in the Gospel reading of John (chapter.12, verse 20-23)

Eusebius of Caesarea, Praeparatio evangelica, Book 8 chapter 14section 66 line 7

Keep these words of Jesus in mind

"only Greece gives birth to humans"

Thanks Jesus for saying the truth, all humanity during those times looked like a zoo compared to Greeks. :)

04-24-2019, 05:16 PM
No one bats an eye when Buddha is depicted as Chinese or Japanese when he was clearly born in Nepal/NE India.

04-24-2019, 05:23 PM
Seeing how Jesus was God's son and we don't actually know his yDNA, then there's no tellin.

04-24-2019, 06:00 PM
Yes, obviously. Jesus has been a popular object of the Nordic-fetish.


South Europeans usually are the obstacle for Nordicist claiming evrything as Nordic or MENA.


Heil Hilter, Sieg Heil und Nordtardismus


04-24-2019, 06:09 PM
Yes, obviously. Jesus has been a popular object of the Nordic-fetish.


This is probably a bit too stretched depiction of Jesus. Like someone already mentioned, some Lebanese could be a good example of how ancient Jews looked like.

04-24-2019, 06:16 PM
That's a nice Hellenic song with Hellenic music and Hellenic lyrics, nothing Middle Eastern about besides the very beginning, there are other kinds of music having Middle Eastern influences though. Greeks are Europeans unlike Finns who are a mongoloid people. It's very nice Greeks to have Middle Eastern infuences in their culture, both ancient Greeks and Byzantine Greeks had too, much better than having Asian-Mongoloid elements as Finns have. I only am anti-semitic in your philo-zionist mind and in your fantasy, Palestinians and other West Asians are Semites but I never expressed anything against them. If anti-zionism to you is anti-semitism they I am so much of an anti-semite as the anti-zionist Jews I posted are. I don't care if you like me and Greeks or not, lol!

Jews are close to Greeks and Italians 'cause they have mixed so much with us that they are half Europeans http://archhades.blogspot.com/2015/05/european-ancestry-in-ashkenazi-jews-is.html they have a great percentage of Greek admixture from Philistine Cretans and Sea Peoples(West Asia Minor Greeks) as well most probably by Romans. Greeks and Italians have connections with Jews, Finns have none.

I have nothing against Greeks, just breathe and let it go. And i do agree that having Middle Eastern influences is a bit more fascinating than having Asian-Mongoloid elements. I just don't agree that being Southern European makes you better than Northern Europeans. I think all people are equal.

I would still advice to be i little bit more critical of your own mentality. You know you can't put the blame on other people all the time if you have some Greek politicians like Antonis Kantas stealing money. Be man enough to accept your own failures as well. Also, stop owning Jesus as he was Greek, because Jesus is Jewish and not Greek. Just like Volvo is not Greek or Nokia is not Greek. Some things are not Greek and you have to accept it, it will make you stronger.

04-24-2019, 06:22 PM
I have nothing against Greeks, just breathe and let it go. And i do agree that having Middle Eastern influences is a bit more fascinating than having Asian-Mongoloid elements. I just don't agree that being Southern European makes you better than Northern Europeans. I think all people are equal.

Equality is fake, there never was equality among people and there will never be. History proves who's superior and who's is not. Northerners proved superior to many people and races, thanks to their Roman and Byzantine teachers and the freedom they had for centuries.

I would still advice to be i little bit more critical of your own mentality. You know you can't put the blame on other people all the time if you have some Greek politicians like Antonis Kantas stealing money. Be man enough to accept your own failures as well.

Failure of what? For having pet/traitor zionist controlled politicians taking the loans from the EU Jewish banks and charging the debit on stupid citizens who now suffer from poverty while German banks drink their blood in huge beer glasses? Have you ever heard the word usury?


It's a usual Jewish job.

Read the Merchant of Venice.


I am not saying all Jews are evil, but there is great evil among Jews. As Jesus said "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

Besides the flood of out-law immigrant in North Western Europe(the rapes, killings, thefts, terrorist attacks etc), I heard in tv news that house rents increased up to 1.500 euro in Germany, now it's time you to suffer and it's not going to stop!

Also, stop owning Jesus as he was Greek, because Jesus is Jewish and not Greek. Just like Volvo is not Greek or Nokia is not Greek. Some things are not Greek and you have to accept it, it will make you stronger.

You will not stop me by saying anything I might believe. I can't be sure Jesus was of Greek origin, I hope he was though.

04-26-2019, 11:36 AM
Jesus was mostly likely an Orientalid in phenotype, long face and nose kind of look.

Mostly likely you know nothing concerning South-East Europid phenotypes. This is not orientalid, this is South-East European Mediterranid. This Eastern Roman/Byzantine icon "The Pantocrator" is dating from the sixth century AD. A possible imperial gift of Justinian I (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/Mosaic_of_Justinianus_I_-_Basilica_San_Vitale_%28Ravenna%29.jpg/800px-Mosaic_of_Justinianus_I_-_Basilica_San_Vitale_%28Ravenna%29.jpg) and it is generally believed to have been produced in the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.

The Cretan Giorgos Samaras reminds the Byzantine Jesus Pantocrator



04-26-2019, 12:05 PM
There are many reconstructions, this one shows a Mediterranean.


04-26-2019, 12:17 PM
That is how i imagine him mainly
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcR2qEQ9ehq1OMny6fi3mUVT6yVvp7I V9hfwAjs4Zc1sGdTfqZn9

04-26-2019, 12:25 PM
Jesus was not related biologically to anyone but according to tradition he looks quite Levantine.

04-26-2019, 12:28 PM
Jesus was not relater biologically to anyone but according to tradition he looks quite Levantine.

Jesus was a Serbian.

04-26-2019, 12:29 PM
Jesus was a Serbian.

Serbs are Middle Eastern lol.

04-26-2019, 01:10 PM
That is how i imagine him mainly
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcR2qEQ9ehq1OMny6fi3mUVT6yVvp7I V9hfwAjs4Zc1sGdTfqZn9
What do Muslims think about Jesus? Obviously they don't see him as a God and their saviour but he is supposedly quite important for them like a prophet. I know they call him a Muslim. :coffee:

04-29-2019, 07:02 AM
That is how i imagine him mainly
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcR2qEQ9ehq1OMny6fi3mUVT6yVvp7I V9hfwAjs4Zc1sGdTfqZn9

I agree