View Full Version : Classify Adivasi tribal boys from Orissa. The first one is ethnic Bonda.

04-26-2019, 02:33 AM
How typical are their look among the mainstream South Asian populations? I am surprised at how South Asian the Bonda boy still look despite him likely having very low West Eurasian admixture compared to most Indians .

First one is from an ethnic Bonda from Malkangiri, Orissa along with his tribal aunts. https://i.imgur.com/nRv99lI.jpg

The second pic is the author along with the tribal Adivasi students (I don't know their ethnicity). If you want to classify the author, it is fine as well.


Source for the pics: https://www.thequint.com/voices/blogs/what-a-bike-trip-through-odisha-taught-me-about-plight-of-tribals

04-26-2019, 02:51 AM
No one?

04-26-2019, 03:17 AM
Their looks are in mixed form among most indians i would say, especially lower castes.

I'd say a mix of gondid, indo brachid, and some paleo mong.

04-26-2019, 03:20 AM
Their looks are in mixed form among most indians i would say, especially lower castes.

I'd say a mix of gondid, indo brachid, and some paleo mong.

Forget to notify that the guy with the glass in the second pic is the author who is a regular South Indian.

Can you further explain on what you mean by "Their looks are in mixed form among most indians i would say, especially lower castes."?

Which one shows the most Paleomong?

The Bonda look Gondid right?

Sorry for so many inquiries.

04-26-2019, 03:28 AM
Forget to notify that the guy with the glass in the second pic is the author who is a regular South Indian.

Can you further explain on what you mean by "Their looks are in mixed form among most indians i would say, especially lower castes."?

Which one shows the most Paleomong? The Bonda or the three students in the second pic? The Bonda look Gondid right?

yeah i could tell he's not tribal and that he's the author. I didn't involve him in the classification

the indid types themselves have dilution from these tribals through gondid, veddoid, etc. veddoid and indomelanid show up most among low castes so thats what i meant when i said they have the most tribal influence.

The bonda group and the left guy in second pic both show mongoloid influences.

04-26-2019, 03:35 AM
yeah i could tell he's not tribal and that he's the author. I didn't involve him in the classification

the indid types themselves have dilution from these tribals through gondid, veddoid, etc. veddoid and indomelanid show up most among low castes so thats what i meant when i said they have the most tribal influence.

The bonda group and the left guy in second pic both show mongoloid influences.

Ok. I was confused at first because you also mentioned indo-brachid in the previous post.

Alright. I understand you more now.

If these Adivasis have Western admix (Iran Neo and ANE), it is very minor, at least compared to most Indians?

04-30-2019, 07:11 AM
yeah i could tell he's not tribal and that he's the author. I didn't involve him in the classification

the indid types themselves have dilution from these tribals through gondid, veddoid, etc. veddoid and indomelanid show up most among low castes so thats what i meant when i said they have the most tribal influence.

The bonda group and the left guy in second pic both show mongoloid influences.

Food for thought. It's a pretty intriguing that these Adivasis including the Bonda boy still have some Indic vibes despite them being likely genetically much much less West Eurasian/Caucasoid than most South Asians.

Methinks it is their very high AASI ancestry that still gives them the South Asian feeling/vibes.