View Full Version : Chernobyl (2019) Official Trailer.

04-26-2019, 06:38 PM
Seems to be a very quality production, and very close to real events. The trailer looks very disturbing. By the way, today is 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, one of the worst disasters in human history.



04-26-2019, 06:39 PM
Awesome thanks for sharing, I can’t wait to watch this.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
04-26-2019, 06:45 PM
Been waiting for this for months. Cast is top notch and production looks also. Meanwhile this is very good documentary about disaster in real time reconstruction
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITEXGdht3y8

04-26-2019, 07:12 PM
Thanks God what my father wasn't in that place, he was in army in Kharkov, and wasn't forced to go clean that place of radioactive trash. Saw some documentaries and interviews with people who participated, and their destinies after this disaster, and it was awful.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-09-2019, 10:59 PM
Watched the first episode few days ago. Really well made, but man, disturbing as fuck. Looking forward to see rest of the series

05-09-2019, 11:02 PM
Makes me want to play the STALKER games again. Looks awesome.

05-15-2019, 01:17 PM
Watched the first episode few days ago. Really well made, but man, disturbing as fuck. Looking forward to see rest of the series

The first episode was really good, but with the second one started to see plenty of inaccuracies, wich kinda ruined a little bit the impressions of these series.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-20-2019, 06:38 PM
The first episode was really good, but with the second one started to see plenty of inaccuracies, wich kinda ruined a little bit the impressions of these series.

I think you mean fictional nuclear scientist from Belarus, but explanation they gave is pretty good imo. Show makers said she is symbol of all scientists involved around the disaster and that it would be too complicated and time consuming to put them all on screen. Mate, I really think quality is top notch overall. Tonight ep 3, this is pretty much best show on HBO now, light years ahead of GoT last season in comparision.

05-22-2019, 08:43 PM
I think you mean fictional nuclear scientist from Belarus, but explanation they gave is pretty good imo. Show makers said she is symbol of all scientists involved around the disaster and that it would be too complicated and time consuming to put them all on screen. Mate, I really think quality is top notch overall. Tonight ep 3, this is pretty much best show on HBO now, light years ahead of GoT last season in comparision.

Man, seeing Ignatenko on that bed was fucked up and heartbreaking, considering it's very similar to how he died in real life. Very good show but also incredibly disturbing and atmospheric.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-22-2019, 08:49 PM
Man, seeing Ignatenko on that bed was fucked up and heartbreaking, considering it's very similar to how he died in real life. Very good show but also incredibly disturbing and atmospheric.

It was hard to watch how he practically melted and fell apart alive. His wife was incedibly stupid for touching him while pregnant, but I guess people knew no better back than.
Miners were awesome

and music is creepy as fuck

05-27-2019, 04:27 AM

05-27-2019, 05:25 AM
Just watched the first 3 episodes. Great show. Yeah, the woman didn't exist (#niunamenos) but all in all is a great show. And it's been rated the best show ever by IMDB:


Makes me wanna read the book.

05-27-2019, 05:52 AM
As it was said by one of reviewers

American juvenile imagination of things.

Propagandized "commies are dumb and evil" type sensationalist flick to suit politicial interests of our day.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-27-2019, 09:20 AM
As it was said by one of reviewers

They got almost perfect scores on IMDB, tells enough.
It shows average East Slavs in positive light (brave, capable, willing to sacriface)

You must be some kind of radical party bot to see propaganda in pretty realistic portayal of communist way of running things.
Nothing political about this production.

05-27-2019, 09:27 AM
I’m going to watch this. I saw the trailer last month and it interested me.

05-27-2019, 10:34 AM
You must be some kind of radical party bot to see propaganda in pretty realistic portayal of communist way of running things.
Nothing political about this production.

Nothing realistic about it. Full of myths and stereotypes based on the fact nobody at the West have any idea about Soviet management.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
05-28-2019, 08:03 AM
during the past 2 days i've watched the first 4 episodes

superb TV ! best thing i've watched in years

frightening what happened there

i had no idea how close it came to poisoning the whole of europe !

it's a must watch tbh

Mopi Licinius Crassus
05-28-2019, 08:04 AM
They got almost perfect scores on IMDB, tells enough.
It shows average East Slavs in positive light (brave, capable, willing to sacriface)

You must be some kind of radical party bot to see propaganda in pretty realistic portayal of communist way of running things.
Nothing political about this production.

the immense bravery of the people brought in to clean up the mess was staggering tbh

06-04-2019, 09:13 AM
the immense bravery of the people brought in to clean up the mess was staggering tbh

Yet they have shown people present at NPP during accident as spineless and incompetent. Most people have not been shown at all. Of those we could see some 80-90% of their actions have nothing to do with real actions of real people during that night.

06-04-2019, 09:49 AM
Yet they have shown people present at NPP during accident as spineless and incompetent. Most people have not been shown at all. Of those we could see some 80-90% of their actions have nothing to do with real actions of real people during that night.

You are right to a some degree, but still, this is the closest ecranisation of Chernobyl disaster real events. Such production in Russia and Ukraine don't exist.

Tenma de Pegasus
06-04-2019, 10:06 AM
I watched! Very good!

06-04-2019, 10:16 AM
As it was said by one of reviewers
Good show, if you do not carp at trifles (a bit too much of them there).
But Westerners are afraid to even allow the idea of an alternative to the capitalist system and the "free market", so they are still spending money on anti-Soviet propaganda.
The behavior of the party nomenclature is completely incorrectly shown - according to the authors of the series, they were all completely stupid and cruel beasts. One phrase for example - "I will tell the soldier and he will throw you out of the helicopter." This is complete nonsense. Reminds movies of the 80s, such as "Rambo", the Soviet army was shown there the same way.

06-04-2019, 10:38 AM
Good show, if you do not carp at trifles (a bit too much of them there).
But Westerners are afraid to even allow the idea of an alternative to the capitalist system and the "free market", so they are still spending money on anti-Soviet propaganda.
The behavior of the party nomenclature is completely incorrectly shown - according to the authors of the series, they were all completely stupid and cruel beasts. One phrase for example - "I will tell the soldier and he will throw you out of the helicopter." This is complete nonsense. Reminds movies of the 80s, such as "Rambo", the Soviet army was shown there the same way.

There was no soldiers guarding NPP during accident.

There was no soldier forcing engineer Anatoliy Sitnikov to go on roof and look into reactor, he walked around reactor and looked into it himself because he was professional nuclear physicist who knew better than anyone how important it is to establish the real picture of disaster. That's the real hero and this show spits on his grave. Them pricks couldn't understand how a man could go into nuclear reactor on his own will knowing all well he is going to die arguably most horrible death within couple weeks. So they made up a story of him being forced.

There was no soldiers accompanying Shcherbina and Legasov in helicopter because they had taken plane from Moscow to Kiev and taken car ride to Chernobyl from there. Maximum threat Shcherbina could've had towards Legasov is a trial.

There were no soldiers accompanying mining minister when he came to talk to miners, back in the day it was unthinkable, government officials didn't need protection when they came to talk to working people.

There is so much they have shown wrong while it all perfectly documented literally by minutes. It's all one massive lie. Another one.

Grace O'Malley
06-04-2019, 01:14 PM
This is where the money for the protective dome around Chernobyl came from


This program was brilliant. Acting is incredible.

06-04-2019, 02:46 PM
There was no soldiers guarding NPP during accident.

There was no soldier forcing engineer Anatoliy Sitnikov to go on roof and look into reactor, he walked around reactor and looked into it himself because he was professional nuclear physicist who knew better than anyone how important it is to establish the real picture of disaster. That's the real hero and this show spits on his grave. Them pricks couldn't understand how a man could go into nuclear reactor on his own will knowing all well he is going to die arguably most horrible death within couple weeks. So they made up a story of him being forced.

There was no soldiers accompanying Shcherbina and Legasov in helicopter because they had taken plane from Moscow to Kiev and taken car ride to Chernobyl from there. Maximum threat Shcherbina could've had towards Legasov is a trial.

There were no soldiers accompanying mining minister when he came to talk to miners, back in the day it was unthinkable, government officials didn't need protection when they came to talk to working people.

There is so much they have shown wrong while it all perfectly documented literally by minutes. It's all one massive lie. Another one.

wow, we have a communist apologist here.

Sitnikov was on direct orders from Fomin to asses the state of the reactor by looking directly into it, an absolutely useless and criminal order. The whole intervention at the accident site was criminally negligent. There was no protocol for any of the steps during the intervention, no assessment of safety. The first responders were sent to certain death for very little results. Except for the 2 people trapped during the explosion and the 3 engineers who opened the feedwater valves, the rest were avoidable deaths.

And let's not forget why the accident happened in the first place. The RBMK reactor was installed in many places in the USSR and put online despite not having an emergency shutdown capability. That in itself is criminal and the communist leadership bears the full responsibility.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
06-04-2019, 03:44 PM
Finale was excellent. All I can say: grades don't lie. And it's satisfactory how they put info about real people in the end.

Moje ime
06-04-2019, 05:57 PM
One of very rare series/movies I watch and I like it.

06-04-2019, 06:05 PM
There was no soldiers guarding NPP during accident.

There was no soldier forcing engineer Anatoliy Sitnikov to go on roof and look into reactor, he walked around reactor and looked into it himself because he was professional nuclear physicist who knew better than anyone how important it is to establish the real picture of disaster. That's the real hero and this show spits on his grave. Them pricks couldn't understand how a man could go into nuclear reactor on his own will knowing all well he is going to die arguably most horrible death within couple weeks. So they made up a story of him being forced.

There was no soldiers accompanying Shcherbina and Legasov in helicopter because they had taken plane from Moscow to Kiev and taken car ride to Chernobyl from there. Maximum threat Shcherbina could've had towards Legasov is a trial.

There were no soldiers accompanying mining minister when he came to talk to miners, back in the day it was unthinkable, government officials didn't need protection when they came to talk to working people.

There is so much they have shown wrong while it all perfectly documented literally by minutes. It's all one massive lie. Another one.
wow, we have a communist apologist here.

Sitnikov was on direct orders from Fomin to asses the state of the reactor by looking directly into it, an absolutely useless and criminal order. The whole intervention at the accident site was criminally negligent. There was no protocol for any of the steps during the intervention, no assessment of safety. The first responders were sent to certain death for very little results. Except for the 2 people trapped during the explosion and the 3 engineers who opened the feedwater valves, the rest were avoidable deaths.

And let's not forget why the accident happened in the first place. The RBMK reactor was installed in many places in the USSR and put online despite not having an emergency shutdown capability. That in itself is criminal and the communist leadership bears the full responsibility.

So we have three versions of events:

1. Sitnikov did that of his own initiative,

2. Sitnikov had orders but nobody "helped" him,

3. Soldiers "helped"/forced Sitnikov to do that,

The movie showed the 3rd version?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-04-2019, 06:09 PM
Unfortunately it is an HBO exclusive and I only have Netflix.

Damiăo de Góis
06-04-2019, 06:14 PM
I have watched 4 episodes so far. It's excellent but they could have made it bigger, i think it will end on episode 5.
For example they could have some kind of build up to the accident instead of starting the series with the explosion at the power plant.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
06-04-2019, 06:24 PM
I have watched 4 episodes so far. It's excellent but they could have made it bigger, i think it will end on episode 5.
For example they could have some kind of build up to the accident instead of starting the series with the explosion at the power plant.

What led to the explosion will be shown in last ep. For guys who can't watch: you always have torrents, that's how I rolled.

06-04-2019, 06:25 PM
Why did the nuclear plant explode?

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
06-04-2019, 06:26 PM
And real (male) heroes are depicted as cowards who had to be forced by soldiers to save the world. According to what Sarmatian posted. I haven't watched it so IDK.

Complete bull. Female scientist was created to represent all people who worked on cleanup from scientific community. And in the ending makers explicitly wrote why and how she was created.

06-04-2019, 06:27 PM
Why did the nuclear plant explode?

Wikipedia article outlines all the theories about it:


Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
06-04-2019, 06:27 PM
Why did the nuclear plant explode?

Human error + Design flaw

06-04-2019, 07:05 PM
Human error + Design flaw

No, not human error - the reactor had a massive design flaw. Basically after the reactor was put online there was no safe way to shut it down, which is sometimes required depending on the state of the power grid. The experiments engineers were performing at Chernobyl were made to find out how to start in due time (if at all possible) the back-up diesel generators that powered the cooling system while the reactor was shut down. These experiments were performed several times before the accident and they were not successful.

The point is, this reactor design was not safe, yet it was put in service anyway by forcing the scientists to sign off on it. This is how safety was regarded in the communist regime, the 5th wheel to the car.

06-04-2019, 07:09 PM
Why did the nuclear plant explode?

shit design, watch this


Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
06-04-2019, 07:10 PM
No, not human error - the reactor had a massive design flaw. Basically after the reactor was put online there was no safe way to shut it down, which is sometimes required depending on the state of the power grid. The experiments engineers were performing at Chernobyl were made to find out how to start in due time (if at all possible) the back-up diesel generators that powered the cooling system while the reactor was shut down. These experiments were performed several times before the accident and they were not successful.

The point is, this reactor design was not safe, yet it was put in service anyway by forcing the scientists to sign off on it. This is how safety was regarded in the communist regime, the 5th wheel to the car.

Lol, dude in charge (Dyatlov) completely ran over all safety rules and did what he was not supposed to. He started the test at wrong power output, it was too low and he ignored it, and that he ignored warnings from his subordinates that didn't want to follow his orders. Explosion wouldn't happen without design flaw but it wouldn't happen either if he wasn't arrogant bastard who was trying to force the test at wrong time and in completely non ideal conditions.

06-04-2019, 07:27 PM
Lol, dude in charge (Dyatlov) completely ran over all safety rules and did what he was not supposed to. He started the test at wrong power output, it was too low and he ignored it, and that he ignored warnings from his subordinates that didn't want to follow his orders. Explosion wouldn't happen without design flaw but it wouldn't happen either if he wasn't arrogant bastard who was trying to force the test at wrong time and in completely non ideal conditions.

He was under orders to lower the power further. And once the power was under 200 MW the reactor became unstable and uncontrollable.
But this fact about the reactor is something we know today - it wasn't know then.

However, it should have never come to that. The Soviets should have tested this reactor as a prototype before putting it in production in several power plants. Dyatlov was less responsible for the accident, but much more so for the response to the accident.

06-04-2019, 07:46 PM
I'm watching episode 1, now there is scene where they think that radiation is much lower than it really was, because the dosimeter could not read any higher than 3.6 R/h:

Once an instrument maxes out one cannot assume that to be the correct reading.
Such an argument wouldn't fly anywhere, unless people are under threat - like people used to be in the communist regime, particularly under special circumstances.

Mind boggling is that the firefighters didn't carry any dosimeters. They were the firefighting station of the fucking nuclear power plant. unbelievable.

06-05-2019, 05:45 AM
wow, we have a communist apologist here.

Yeah sure, I have a talent for communist apologizing without even mentioning communists.

Sitnikov was on direct orders from Fomin to asses the state of the reactor by looking directly into it, an absolutely useless and criminal order. The whole intervention at the accident site was criminally negligent. There was no protocol for any of the steps during the intervention, no assessment of safety. The first responders were sent to certain death for very little results. Except for the 2 people trapped during the explosion and the 3 engineers who opened the feedwater valves, the rest were avoidable deaths.

Sitnikov had instructions to assess the damage. Quite unnecessary since it was his job in case of emergency anyway. Nobody forced him at gunpoint, that's a direct lie. He had full freedom to act as he see fit in regards to situation. Everything he did was his own professional decision. The show lies about his sacrifice, turning him from hero to voiceless victim.

And let's not forget why the accident happened in the first place. The RBMK reactor was installed in many places in the USSR and put online despite not having an emergency shutdown capability. That in itself is criminal and the communist leadership bears the full responsibility.

That's another lie. These reactors had well tested emergency shutdown capability. But it wasn't 100% reliable, in certain circumstances it boosted reactor's thermal power output instead of inhibiting it. However since these circumstances where considered highly unlikely the system was considered as safe to use.

What they failed at is to develop necessary procedures and train plant operators accordingly. That's strictly technical mess up on part of design and testing, nothing to do with communism and such. Mistakes like that happens in industry all over the world all the times with multiple deaths as consequence. Only the scale of these instances isn't as big as Chernobyl and deaths aren't as horrible so people tend to consider it as inevitable part of the process.

06-05-2019, 06:45 AM
Why did the nuclear plant explode?

Short version:

There was delay in shutdown procedure. Because of that when reactor runs on low power output it builds up products that make it harder to control reaction (that's same for all uranium reactors). Power output dropped too low for scheduled experiment so they raised it by taking out most of control rods and switching rods into manual control (that was massive mistake). In the process of experiment too much steam formed in cooling system, making it even more harder to control reaction. Formation of steam boosted reaction and it started to rise again. Automatic system countered this rise for some time but it only had control over 12 rods and it wasn't enough. So power surged up unexpectedly, more steam formed, cooling system became extremely hot. Operators responded by activating emergency shutdown system which started inserting all rods back at once. But flawed design of rods produced momentary spike of power. That spike overloaded already critically hot cooling system and steam explosion occurred, breaking some of core's walls. Once air got in through broken lid it ignited chemical components inside and second thermal explosion occurred destroying reactor core.

06-05-2019, 06:49 AM
So we have three versions of events:

1. Sitnikov did that of his own initiative,

2. Sitnikov had orders but nobody "helped" him,

3. Soldiers "helped"/forced Sitnikov to do that,

The movie showed the 3rd version?

Sitnikov had general instructions to assess damage. Nobody ordered him, nobody forced him, nobody pointed a gun at him.

06-05-2019, 06:53 AM
I have watched 4 episodes so far. It's excellent but they could have made it bigger, i think it will end on episode 5.
For example they could have some kind of build up to the accident instead of starting the series with the explosion at the power plant.

There was no point as almost all important and relevant things had happened within 60 seconds before explosion.

06-05-2019, 07:04 AM
Mind boggling is that the firefighters didn't carry any dosimeters.

They did carry a dosimeter which maxed out at 200 R/h because it had much higher capacity than those small dosimeters (which maxed out at 3.6 R/h).

There is a scene where it is mentioned that they used a dosimeter borrowed from firefighters and got 200 R/h (which was still much lower than reality).

06-07-2019, 10:17 AM
Finished the series yesterday. Hard to make a decent conclusion about him, if he was good or bad. In terms of production, everything is good here, but from historical perspective, plenty of bullshit here. Why they portrayed Dyatlov like a totally degenrate and evil man, I don't understad, this man wasn't like that. Drunk soldiers drinking tons of vodka, nude arrogant miners, the scene with the old lady and cow, the depiction of late Soviet Union like some kind of Stalinist totalitarian era, ruined a little bit the final perception of this series. Still, this is the most close depiction of Chernobyl disaster real events in a movie or TV series, such quality production about these events in Russia or Ukraine don't exist.


06-07-2019, 10:22 AM
We don't care about Chernobyl , we have Pancevo

06-07-2019, 10:22 AM
I watched and was impressed. Almost everyone in Hun/Cro watch it. Now it makes us think about Paks power plant, build with Soviet technology and will be extended to 6 reactors in next few years. Brrr


07-02-2019, 05:52 PM
I saw a lot of films about Chernobyl, but this series struck me, I even went to Pripyat.