View Full Version : Classify Cypriot Serial Killer Nikos Metaxas

04-30-2019, 03:36 PM
https://drscdn.500px.org/user_avatar/10003117/q%3D85_w%3D300_h%3D300/v2?webp=true&v=1&sig=4befbe7bb9b0e3c6afbd555638318cde67449f61810a07 a0096839dfde356ec8

Cypriot police find fourth body in case of serial killer feared to have killed up to 30
He’s confessed to killing seven foreign women and girls — including four Filipinas. Now police have made a new, very disturbing, find.


Police hunting for victims of a suspected serial killer stalking the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus have pulled a suitcase containing the decomposing remains of a woman from the bottom of a toxic, man-made lake.

She is believed to be a victim of a Cypriot military officer who has confessed to killing seven foreign women and girls — including four Philippine nationals — in what is believed to be the country’s first serial killer case.

Cyprus’ Criminal Investigation Department chief, Senior Inspector Neophytos Shailos, said the suitcase was weighed down by a concrete block and contained a body in the advanced stages of decomposition.

He said investigators were working to determine the woman’s identity.

Greek Cypriot National Guard captain Nikos Metaxas confessed last Thursday to killing five women he met on dating sites, as well as two of their daughters aged six and eight, over a three-year period.

However, investigators say that figure is conservative and fear there may be as many as 30 victims.

Authorities have focused the search for bodies on Kokkinopezoula lake, 32km west of the capital Nicosia, after Metaxas told police he stuffed three of his victims into suitcases and tossed them into the water.

“After great and persistent effort and many difficulties, a travel case was pulled from the lake containing the body of a woman and a block of cement,” Insp Shailos said.

The unsettling hue of the lake, dubbed “red lake”, is due to high-level contamination from an abandoned copper pyrite mine nearby.

The case came to light on April 14 with the discovery of the bound body of 38-year-old Filipina Mary Rose Tiburcio down a flooded mineshaft near the lake.

That triggered a homicide investigation that led to Metaxas’ arrest before a second body — believed to be that of fellow Philippine national Arian Palanas Lozano, 28, was found in the same shaft on April 20.

Police said Metaxas has admitted to killing both women and suspect he also murdered Ms Tiburcio’s six-year-old daughter, Sierra, who remains missing.

Three other victims are thought to be 31-year-old Filipina Maricar Valtez Arquiola, who vanished in December 2017, and Romanian Florentina Bunea, 36, and her eight-year-old daughter, Elena Natalia, who have not been seen since September 2016.

Metaxas reportedly also led investigators to a military firing range where the decomposed remains of another woman were discovered down a pit.

Authorities say the body likely belongs to a seventh victim, a missing Nepalese woman called Ashita Khadka Bista.

Insp Shailos said a coroner who carried out a preliminary examination of the body inside the suitcase fished from the lake on Sunday determined it was an adult female.

It was one of two suitcases found in the lake on Saturday. Police divers have yet to retrieve the second and are scouring the water for a third.

04-30-2019, 03:38 PM

04-30-2019, 03:41 PM
He looks beta

04-30-2019, 03:42 PM

Even though I'm noob ,with that profile skull I doubt he is pure armenoid.
Something dolicho with armenoid or taurid or something.

04-30-2019, 03:58 PM

04-30-2019, 04:01 PM
Looks middle eastern

04-30-2019, 04:02 PM
Looks middle eastern

He would pass in the Levant.

04-30-2019, 04:02 PM
One day you guys would classify every non-Armenian person with flat occiput/aquiline nose as "Armenoid", the other day you would classify a non-Armenian(Greek for this one) person with clearly Dolichocephalic skull shape as "Armenoid" just because he has extremely huge nose...

This is guy doesn't even has hyperleptorrhine (very narrow) nose neither.

A Lebanese man classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

The Greek man posted here, classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

https://drscdn.500px.org/user_avatar/10003117/q%3D85_w%3D300_h%3D300/v2?webp=true&v=1&sig=4befbe7bb9b0e3c6afbd555638318cde67449f61810a07 a0096839dfde356ec8

You guys are mentally ill.:crazy:

04-30-2019, 04:12 PM
East-Med. Lol @ Armenoid

04-30-2019, 04:21 PM
East-med-anatolid. looks turkish

04-30-2019, 04:23 PM
One day you guys would classify every non-Armenian person with flat occiput/aquiline nose as "Armenoid", the other day you would classify a non-Armenian(Greek for this one) person with clearly Dolichocephalic skull shape as "Armenoid" just because he has extremely huge nose...

This is guy doesn't even has hyperleptorrhine (very narrow) nose neither.

A Lebanese man classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

The Greek man posted here, classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

https://drscdn.500px.org/user_avatar/10003117/q%3D85_w%3D300_h%3D300/v2?webp=true&v=1&sig=4befbe7bb9b0e3c6afbd555638318cde67449f61810a07 a0096839dfde356ec8

You guys are mentally ill.:crazy:

You are right armenoids got realy smal concave snubbnoses.

04-30-2019, 04:41 PM
You are right armenoids got realy smal concave snubbnoses.

Nope, you're wrong.
Unlike the phenotypes of Finland, "Armenoid "belongs to the Caucasoid Race, also "Armenoid" is one of the purest form of Caucasoid which means "Armenoids" usually have either Convex or Straight Nose.

04-30-2019, 04:47 PM
Nope, you're wrong.
Unlike the phenotypes of Finland, "Armenoid "belongs to the Caucasoid Race, is also one of the purest form of Caucasoid which means Armenoids usually have either Convex Nose or straight(Greek Nose) type of nose.

I dont deny that Finland has non fully caucasoid phenotypes like East-Baltid. But the most peapole in Finland are Baltids and Nordics and those phenotypes are fully caucasoid and European.
Armenoids however is as Europeans as the Gracile-Indid phenotype. They are caucasoid but non european caucasoid.

04-30-2019, 04:52 PM
I dont deny that Finland has non fully caucasoid phenotypes like East-Baltid. But the most peapole in Finland are Baltids and Nordics and those phenotypes are fully caucasoid and European.
Armenoids however is as Europeans as the Gracile-Indid phenotype. They are caucasoid but non european caucasoid.

Common in mountain regions of Asia Minor, especially Armenia and Anatolia. Was found in ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, and Cypriots around 4000 BCE. Like Dinarid, it seems linked to Bell Beakers.

04-30-2019, 04:59 PM
Ok that still dont make it European. The East-Baltid phenotype is related to the Nordic phenotype and Alpinid but those that make it european?

04-30-2019, 05:07 PM
He reminds me of that Italian football player from Tuscany, Giorgio Chiellini.

04-30-2019, 07:18 PM

04-30-2019, 09:37 PM
What we know about him: He is the son of a high ranking Communist party member . His mother is Bulgarian. He speaks fluent Bulgarian. He is divorced and has two kids(who are blonde).
Things said about him but unverified:
He comes from a Bulgarian Muslim family(if true would probably mean heavy gypsy ancestry too as a third of Bulgarian Turks are in reality Muslim gypsies, and many of the rest are mixed). His mother abandoned them. His father isn't his biological father but his stepfather. His stepfather is the cousin of the ex Communist president of Cyprus.

The Lawspeaker
04-30-2019, 09:43 PM
What we know about him: He is the son of a high ranking Communist party member . His mother is Bulgarian. He speaks fluent Bulgarian. He is divorced and has two kids(who are blonde).
Things said about him but unverified:
He comes from a Bulgarian Muslim family(if true would probably mean heavy gypsy ancestry too as a third of Bulgarian Turks are in reality Muslim gypsies, and many of the rest are mixed). His mother abandoned them. His father isn't his biological father but his stepfather. His stepfather is the cousin of the ex Communist president of Cyprus.

A veritable piece of shit then. Let's hope he'll get an accident in prison of some sort. Something that involves a noose around his neck.

04-30-2019, 09:52 PM
What the fuck! Why was he targeting Filipina women?

Anatolid + Paleo Sardinian

04-30-2019, 10:00 PM
What the fuck! Why was he targeting Filipina women?

Anatolid + Paleo Sardinian

Probably because they were easier targets as they were far away from home without any friends / relatives around thus making them more vulnerable.
Whatever his motives were, this SOB is a sick psycho.

04-30-2019, 10:09 PM
Probably because they were easier targets as they were far away from home without any friends / relatives around thus making them more vulnerable.
Whatever his motives were, this SOB is a sick psycho.


05-01-2019, 07:23 AM
It's not only that they were easy targets(maybe,criminologists will create some psychological profile)
I read an interesting theory under a video with a Bulgarian woman that met him,which says she looks like filipina and serial killers tend to target a "type" subconsciously which sounds right.

"How do killers select their victims? Because most serial killers are subconsciously addressing some psychic damage or injury inflicted by someone or something, serial killer patterns tend to repeat themselves. Serial killers typically kill the same types of victims again and again, seeking targets with common characteristics, whether of age, sex, or appearance."


05-01-2019, 07:33 AM
He's half Bulgarian from his mother's side, apparently.

05-01-2019, 08:12 AM
Passes as Israeli/Palestinian without a problem whatsoever. Pure Middle Eastern look

06-02-2021, 01:51 AM
One day you guys would classify every non-Armenian person with flat occiput/aquiline nose as "Armenoid", the other day you would classify a non-Armenian(Greek for this one) person with clearly Dolichocephalic skull shape as "Armenoid" just because he has extremely huge nose...

This is guy doesn't even has hyperleptorrhine (very narrow) nose neither.

A Lebanese man classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

The Greek man posted here, classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

https://drscdn.500px.org/user_avatar/10003117/q%3D85_w%3D300_h%3D300/v2?webp=true&v=1&sig=4befbe7bb9b0e3c6afbd555638318cde67449f61810a07 a0096839dfde356ec8

You guys are mentally ill.:crazy:

Lol literally, as soon as someone sees a big nose and large eyes they automatically think Armenoid. I think he looks Orientalid, more specifically Iranid.

06-02-2021, 05:18 AM
The Greek man posted here, classified as "Armenoid" by Anthrotards:

https://drscdn.500px.org/user_avatar/10003117/q%3D85_w%3D300_h%3D300/v2?webp=true&v=1&sig=4befbe7bb9b0e3c6afbd555638318cde67449f61810a07 a0096839dfde356ec8

You guys are mentally ill.:crazy:

In case you didn't know already, Jews are mostly Armenoid also:crazy: It's obvious they never saw Armenians in their entire lives...