View Full Version : thingken bout universe, branes, an' staff (ancient oaxaca Muxe wisdom ft. Buzzfeed masterminds)

05-06-2019, 04:24 AM
Average human brain mass: 1,300 to 1,400 g
Average human butt mass: 20 lbs (ty quora (https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-Nikki-Minajs-butt-weigh)) or 9,000 g


The point is, do you niggas even begin to fathom how motherfucking wonderful our universe is? Or, the thing with which we happen to perceive this experience in our own limited mammalian special way? Our butts weight more than the thing enabling us to experience the world in real time (hashtag top ten Operating System upgrades), wrap your cabezas around that one, gang.

It is beyond my limited human understanding how a nigga can allow oneself to become so weak to allow destruction of the only thing that is theirs, their brain. The center of your universe, nigga. Altering your brain artificially with opioids, junk food, feel-good B*zzfeed listicles making normies feel better about their shitty-ass life choices, you name it.

No doubt I be an asshole preaching from the highest ivory ebony tower heights (Trumpf Tower?) but I will never feel superior to junkie niggas who enjoy their 10 times amplified opioid highs. I do not care how niggas be micromanaging they brains because I am not a high school teacher with a pedantic, condescending piece-of-shit attitude (authoritarianism 101) measuring their sense of accomplishment by how many times they prevented gullible little Billy from picking up a vape pen (authoritarianism 102). I acknowledge they niggas stuck in they own little FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (FOSB) delta dopamine loop universe (both the teacher and the drug addict) and likewise I acknowledge my black ass would instantly get stabbed with a rusty kitchen fork the moment nigga even steals a glance at they tweakers' stash.

Miss me with that depression shit as well. It is hard to feel blue when a nigga contemplates all the stars n sheeit in the galaxy and beyond as Tyrese the science man said it the best. #whoa. The atoms that was imploded planet space rock junk billion years ago is what makes up my retina and butthole cells today. #wowza This clown world and its customs can't bring a nigga down. I am like Kayne, always obsessed with the bigger picture even if we talking bullshit philosophy metaphysics or whatever this shit is (I hope universities drop philosophy from the pro-gram and teach more physics so there are less threads like these in the nearby future. Philosophy belongs in the privacy of one's bedroom's adjunct library, not a public place with many very young kids there who may think this is a viable career option only to end up working McDonald's shifts with dreams crushed and philosophy PhD diplomas flushed down the toilet, sick fuck.).

I do admit I have a problem.
I am an addict.
A BLACK COCK addict.
Bold Life Adventure Connoisseur Kook who Crushes and Overcomes Crestfallen Killjoys.

There is nothing more orgasmic than resting your face on the window sill late in the evening — like a nosy abuela wanting to spy on her precious little nieto's new pinche pendeja girlfriend unnoticed to relieve past youth experiences when she was the pinche pendeja girlfriend herself — to watch the sunset colors, the way they make nearby trees look, the sunset air smell combined with the evening sounds, mayhap a whiff of wind, a hint of rain, yadda yadda (I am not a poet like Dna187 who 187s it at poetry.) recorded by my organic hardware-limited 576-megapixel 64K 210-degree visual field surround sound POV set-up that is worth [Removed by moderator. It is against TA rules to advocate ecofascist final solutions. Consider this your first formal warning] to prevent human niggas from ruining this polaroid moment.

On a grand scale of things I acknowledge I am just a single irrelevant tiny-ass cog in an irrelevant tiny-ass matrix of a world (not in a r*ddit-esque Wachowski male-to-female transgender slice-of-life metaphor way but in an enlightened anarcho-prim harem-keeping shaman with none of the Canadian Quebecois cult baggage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault) way).

In this moment I am truly euphoric but not by my intelligence (http://i.imgur.com/ltRaexn.jpg) but by how amazing the universe as a whole is, dawg. *tips fez*

05-06-2019, 05:37 AM

05-08-2019, 06:50 AM
For FYI information, the benis part references my nigga Odin's post (last pic) which is found here: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?128859-Who-owns-most-of-Porn-Industry&p=5995047&viewfull=1#post5995047

@ Dna8: Ty ty, my homie.