View Full Version : Serbs from Mrkonjic Grad (Bosanska Krajina)

05-10-2019, 11:11 PM

https://www.mrkonjic-grad.rs/sajt/doc/image/novosti_sr//2012_vest_18581629_1542606902440709_57906992897969 07310_n.jpg

05-10-2019, 11:20 PM
Dinarids Pontids and Alpines most of them.

05-11-2019, 12:52 AM
They look quite slavic to me so I voted all the slavic/eastern euro countries

05-11-2019, 03:05 PM

05-11-2019, 03:25 PM
They look uniquely Northern Balkan, nothing Eastern European among them. They don't look "Slavic"

05-11-2019, 03:27 PM
They look uniquely Northern Balkan, nothing Eastern European among them. They don't look "Slavic"

Budem li se ženio ikada, biće mlada, biće mlada iz Mrkonjić Grada! :)

05-11-2019, 04:56 PM
They look uniquely Northern Balkan, nothing Eastern European among them. They don't look "Slavic"

What is Northern Balkan look? Mix of Slavic and Balkan, Slavic and Med, or what?

05-11-2019, 05:06 PM
What is Northern Balkan look? Mix of Slavic and Balkan, Slavic and Med, or what?

North Balkan, here you go:


05-11-2019, 05:23 PM
It's obviously not possible to tell for certain but these Serbs from Mrkonjic Grad are lighter than Serbs from Serbia and less Dinaric despite being from a Dinaric hotspot. Also there's more Gorid / Alpine phenotype.

05-11-2019, 06:04 PM
What is Northern Balkan look? Mix of Slavic and Balkan, Slavic and Med, or what?


There is unique Western Balkan Dinarid look that is enchanted with additional Med and Slavic features.

Mans not hot
05-11-2019, 06:05 PM
I could fit among them very well, it seem.

05-11-2019, 06:12 PM

05-11-2019, 06:23 PM
It's obviously not possible to tell for certain but these Serbs from Mrkonjic Grad are lighter than Serbs from Serbia and less Dinaric despite being from a Dinaric hotspot. Also there's more Gorid / Alpine phenotype.

Students from Mrkonjić Grad gymnasium. Could they fit in Poland?
https://scontent-sof1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/12357197_773830452722897_6817018537228265822_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-sof1-1.xx&oh=9fac0aaf57b962e790af40b343e5d74f&oe=5D6ED49F

05-11-2019, 06:31 PM
Students from Mrkonjić Grad gymnasium. Could they fit in Poland?
https://scontent-sof1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/12357197_773830452722897_6817018537228265822_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-sof1-1.xx&oh=9fac0aaf57b962e790af40b343e5d74f&oe=5D6ED49F

12/16 IMO yes pass.

3 dudes top left and second girl bottom left too heavy Montenegro Albania vibe for Poland.

05-11-2019, 06:43 PM
More Alpinic influence than i expected.
Pass in western Balkan and partly in CE.

05-11-2019, 06:46 PM
Liče na banijske Srbe.

05-11-2019, 06:50 PM
More Alpinic influence than i expected.
Pass in western Balkan and partly in CE.

I see Dinaric influence mostly among older people from photos.

Interesting how Dinarids disappear among younger generations even in Dinaric areas as Mrkonjić Grad.

05-11-2019, 06:53 PM
Liče na banijske Srbe.

Moglo bi se reći, pogotovo žene.

Mans not hot
05-11-2019, 06:53 PM
I see Dinaric influence mostly among older people from photos.

Interesting how Dinarids disappear among younger generations even in Dinaric areas as Mrkonjić Grad.
Dinariciation is more common among older people, whereas Pontids and Alpinoids are more common among young generations. I think hell even pure Dinarids isn't the common type in the Mountain, most are just Dinarid and heavily Dinarid influences.

05-11-2019, 07:00 PM
Dinariciation is more common among older people, whereas Pontids and Alpinoids are more common among young generations. I think hell even pure Dinarids isn't the common type in the Mountain, most are just Dinarid and heavily Dinarid influences.

I agree.
Even in Dinaric regions in the past when there was more Dinarids than today that type was not so conmon as many people think. There was a lot of CM, Borreby and even Alpine influence in Dinaric areas.

Dinarid type is "deformation." I mean adaptation on mountain conditions of lyfe.

05-11-2019, 07:03 PM
Students from Mrkonjić Grad gymnasium. Could they fit in Poland?
https://scontent-sof1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/12357197_773830452722897_6817018537228265822_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=111&_nc_ht=scontent-sof1-1.xx&oh=9fac0aaf57b962e790af40b343e5d74f&oe=5D6ED49F

They can.

05-11-2019, 07:05 PM
Similar to Dalmatian Serbs imo; maybe Dalmatian Serbs are slightly more Dinarid.

05-12-2019, 07:14 AM
they look exclusively Yugoslav. they won't pass outside Yugoslavia as a group.

also, I hope you don't mind but that country broke into too many new countries that no one remembers so people on the outside still refer to the area as Yugoslavia or ex-Yugoslavia. I know Croats will be frustrated to hear it but yeah for most of the world they're just Yugoslavs as well.

funny thing I've even heard something like "Albania? that's in Yugoslavia, right?", Americans probably thinking of Kosovo/the 1999 war.

05-12-2019, 12:15 PM
they look exclusively Yugoslav. they won't pass outside Yugoslavia as a group.

also, I hope you don't mind but that country broke into too many new countries that no one remembers so people on the outside still refer to the area as Yugoslavia or ex-Yugoslavia. I know Croats will be frustrated to hear it but yeah for most of the world they're just Yugoslavs as well.

funny thing I've even heard something like "Albania? that's in Yugoslavia, right?", Americans probably thinking of Kosovo/the 1999 war.

They don't want to have any conections with Serbs and Balkan, but claim they are close to Hungarians, Slovenians, Austrians and Germans. :)
Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić is an textbook example of Croatian inferiority complex expressed under the mask of superiority complex.

05-12-2019, 12:35 PM
They don't want to have any conections with Serbs and Balkan, but claim they are close to Hungarians, Slovenians, Austrians and Germans. :)
Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić is an textbook example of Croatian inferiority complex expressed under the mask of superiority complex.

Hungarians are Balkan people, genetically at least, but they also suffer from the same disease as Croats.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 12:47 PM
they look exclusively Yugoslav. they won't pass outside Yugoslavia as a group.

also, I hope you don't mind but that country broke into too many new countries that no one remembers so people on the outside still refer to the area as Yugoslavia or ex-Yugoslavia. I know Croats will be frustrated to hear it but yeah for most of the world they're just Yugoslavs as well.

funny thing I've even heard something like "Albania? that's in Yugoslavia, right?", Americans probably thinking of Kosovo/the 1999 war.

Nah, I never heard anyone remembering Yugoslavia much, Croatia is already much more recognized due to football and tourism. Nobody cares for subhuman Yugoslavia, and it's not coming back.
Problem is that bunch od shithole ex Yugoslav countries try to relate themself with us, because that way they will feel less inferior.

I already sense your butthurt coming from Romania. You live in shit and that way you try to spread subhumanity around.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 12:51 PM
They don't want to have any conections with Serbs and Balkan, but claim they are close to Hungarians, Slovenians, Austrians and Germans. :)
Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić is an textbook example of Croatian inferiority complex expressed under the mask of superiority complex.

Ofcourse we don't want anything with you, question is why you want to have connection with us. I guess deep down you think of us as superior.

05-12-2019, 01:38 PM
Ofcourse we don't want anything with you, question is why you want to have connection with us. I guess deep down you think of us as superior.

You were inferior for centuries towards the your German and Hungarian masters (I think on northern Croatians). Most of you never had own land and you were bečki konjušari. Your German and Hungarian master humiliated you for centuries.
My ancestors were in good relateons with Ottomans when they lived in Bosnia, they were not raja. In 17th century they escaped to Dalmatia because Venetians got to them better conditions. On way from Western Bosnia to Dalmatia they killed a lot of Muslims in Petrovac area and many of them captured and brought to Dalmatia. Some of these Muslims converted to Orthodoxy and stayed in Dalmatia, and most of them returned later to Bosnia for money.

We don't want to be connected with you. Even Dalmatian and Herzegovinan Croatians don't want to be connected with potato headed people who play Polka and have gayish accent. :)

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 02:11 PM
You were inferior for centuries towards the your German and Hungarian masters (I think on northern Croatians). Most of you never had own land and you were bečki konjušari. Your German and Hungarian master humiliated you for centuries.
My ancestors were in good relateons with Ottomans when they lived in Bosnia, they were not raja. In 17th century they escaped to Dalmatia because Venetians got to them better conditions. On way from Western Bosnia to Dalmatia they killed a lot of Muslims in Petrovac area and many of them csptured and brought to Dalmatia. Some of these Muslims converted to Orthodoxy and stayed in Dalmatia, and most of them returned later to Bosnia for money.

We don't want to be connected with you. Even Dalmatian and Herzegovinan Croatians don't want to be connected with potato headed people who play Polka and have gayish accent. :)

I would like to hear more Serbian cope fantasies from you, they are entertaining.

05-12-2019, 06:50 PM
Hungarians are Balkan people, genetically at least, but they also suffer from the same disease as Croats.

Hungarians are significant more Central Europeans than Croatians.

05-12-2019, 06:55 PM
Hungarians are significant more Central Europeans than Croatians.

I don't believe in Central European identity honestly, that doesn't exist.

I believe eastern europe is basically mix of Balkan + Steppe while Poland is mix of Germans, Balkaners and Steppe people.

05-12-2019, 07:01 PM
I don't believe in Central European identity honestly, that doesn't exist.

I believe eastern europe is basically mix of Balkan + Steppe while Poland is mix of Germans, Balkaners and Steppe people.

Central European identity = Austro-Hungarian leftovers.

In Austro-Hungary together with Germans Hungarians were most important nation, those were officially only political nations in AU. Croatians were nothing in AU. Lajos Kossuth said that he never heard from any Croatia.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 07:08 PM
Central European identity = Austro-Hungarian leftovers.

In Austro-Hungary together with Germans Hungarians were most important nation, those were officially only political nations in AU. Croatians were nothing in AU. Lajos Kossuth said that he never heard from any Croatia.

It's not Lajos Kossuth who marched in Zagreb, it was Jelačić who marched in Budapest. Our statehoood was well preserved in AustroHungary, no matter how much it bothers you.
Serbia on the other hand was completely eradicated by Ottomans.

Adam Janossy
05-12-2019, 07:09 PM
Central European identity = Austro-Hungarian leftovers.

In Austro-Hungary together with Germans Hungarians were most important nation, those were officially only political nations in AU. Croatians were nothing in AU. Lajos Kossuth said that he never heard from any Croatia.

No, they just want to avoid (rightfully) to call them barbarians (Orthodox aka. Eurasian civilization) in the West.

Culturally, both islam and the semi-asian orthodox countries were traditionally west-hater civilizations.

THE WESTERN (Catholic-protestant) WORLD is depicted in dark blue on the map of prof. S. Huntington:

What is Western Civilization?
The earliest mention of Western civilization “Occidental civilis”
After the Great Schism (The East-West Schism /formally in 1054/, between Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.) Hungary determined itself as the easternmost bastion of Western civilisation (This statement was affirmed later by Pope Pius II who wrote that to Emperor Friedrich III, “Hungary is the shield of Christianity and the protector of Western civilization”)

It is not a secret in history, that countries civilizations are/were not in the same level of development.
It is well-known that Western and Central Europe, ( the so-called Western civilization) was always more developed than Orthodox Slavic or Eastern European civilization.
The differences in culture (material and verbal), legal constitutional, societal, political, economical, infrastructural, technological and scientific development, between Orthodox countries and Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries were similar great, as the differences between Northern America (USA Canada) and Southern- (Latino) America.

Western things which were not existed in orthodox world:

1. POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL development: Medieval appearance of parliaments (The parliament is a legislative body(!), DO NOT CONFUSE with the “councils of monarchs” which existed since the very beginnings of human history), the estates of the realm, the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners,

2. Local SELF GOVERNMENT status of big royal/imperial cities, which are the direct ancestors (the continuity) of modern local self governmental systems. Do not confuse the local self governments with the so-called city states. Sovereign city states were the earliest form of states in Human history ( For example: Sumerian city states), and that legal concept has nothing common with the self-governments/local governments of cities within a country or within an Empire.

3. ECONOMY: The medieval appearance of banking systems and social effects and status of urban bourgeoisie, the absolute dominance of money-economy (when the vast majority of trade based on money and the taxes customs duties were collected in money) from the 12th -13th century, instead of the former primitive bartel-based commerce (barter dominated the economies orthodox world until the 17-18th centuries.)

4. HIGHER EDUCATION: The medieval appearance of universities and the medieval appearance of SECULAR intellectuals,

5. CULTURE: Knights, the knight-culture, chivalric code, (and the technological effects of crusades from the Holy Land,)
Music and literature: courtly love, troubadours, Gregorian chant, Ars nova, Organum, Motet, Madrigal, Canon and Ballata, Liturgical drama, Novellas,
medieval western THEATER: Mystery or cycle plays, morality and passion plays, which developed into the renaissance theater, the direct ancestor of modern theaters.
Philosophy: Scholasticism and humanist philosophy,

6. The medieval usage of Latin alphabet and medieval spread of movable type printing,

7. TECHNOLOGY: The guild system is an association of artisans or merchants, which organized the training education, and directed master's exam system for artisians. Due to the compulsory foreign studies of the artisian master's candidates, the guilds played key role in the fast spread of technologies and industrial knowledge in the medieval Western World.

8. The defence systems & fortifications: The spread of stone/brick castle defense -systems, the town-walls of western cities from the 11th century. (In the orthodox world, only the capital cities had such a walls . The countries of the Balkan region and the territory of Russian states fell under Ottoman/Mongolian rule very rapidly - with a
single decesive open-field battle - due to the lack of the networks of stone/brick castles and fortresses in these countries. The only exception was the greek inhabited Byzantine territories which were well fortified.)

9. FINEARTS and ARCHITECTURE: western architecture, sculpture paintings and fine-arts: the Romanesque style, the Gothic style and the Renaissance style.
The orthodox church buildings and „palaces(?)” were very little, they had primitive structure and poor decorations, their style were influenced by oriental non-European arabic, persian and Syrian influenced Byzantine ornamentics.

10.The renaissance & humanism , the reformation and the enlightenment did not influenced/affected the Orthodox (Eastern European) countries.

11. Before 1870, the industrialization that had developed in Western and Central Europe and the United States did not extend in any significant way to the rest of the world. In Eastern Europe, industrialization lagged far behind, and started only in the 20th century. Their infrastructural and economic development was also very very slow, and many determinant factors of modern civilization - as we called them as civilized way of life - (railways, the electrification of cities, drain & sewer systems, water pipe systems, spread of tap water and bathrooms, telecommuncations etc... spread many-many decades (60-80 years) later.

It is no wonder that their contribution in science technology and innovations are completely negligible in Human history by the WESTERN standards.

05-12-2019, 07:11 PM
It's not Lajos Kossuth who marched in Zagreb, it was Jelačić who marched in Budapest. Our statehoood was well preserved in AustroHungary, no matter how much it bothers you.
Serbia on the other hand was completely eradicated by Ottomans.

You and Hungarians were enemies in 1848-49! Do you recognize that?

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 07:13 PM
You and Hungarians were enemies in 1848-49! Do you recognize that?

Because Lajos Kossuth went mad and wanted to create Greater Hungaria.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 07:14 PM
Pribislav, why so many Serbs live in Vienna ? :rolleyes:

05-12-2019, 07:14 PM
No, they just want to avoid (rightfully) to call them barbarians (Orthodox aka. Eurasian civilization) in the West.

Culturally, both islam and the semi-asian orthodox countries were traditionally west-hater civilizations.

THE WESTERN (Catholic-protestant) WORLD is depicted in dark blue on the map of prof. S. Huntington:

What is Western Civilization?
The earliest mention of Western civilization “Occidental civilis”
After the Great Schism (The East-West Schism /formally in 1054/, between Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.) Hungary determined itself as the easternmost bastion of Western civilisation (This statement was affirmed later by Pope Pius II who wrote that to Emperor Friedrich III, “Hungary is the shield of Christianity and the protector of Western civilization”)

It is not a secret in history, that countries civilizations are/were not in the same level of development.
It is well-known that Western and Central Europe, ( the so-called Western civilization) was always more developed than Orthodox Slavic or Eastern European civilization.
The differences in culture (material and verbal), legal constitutional, societal, political, economical, infrastructural, technological and scientific development, between Orthodox countries and Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries were similar great, as the differences between Northern America (USA Canada) and Southern- (Latino) America.

Western things which were not existed in orthodox world:

1. POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL development: Medieval appearance of parliaments (The parliament is a legislative body(!), DO NOT CONFUSE with the “councils of monarchs” which existed since the very beginnings of human history), the estates of the realm, the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners,

2. Local SELF GOVERNMENT status of big royal/imperial cities, which are the direct ancestors (the continuity) of modern local self governmental systems. Do not confuse the local self governments with the so-called city states. Sovereign city states were the earliest form of states in Human history ( For example: Sumerian city states), and that legal concept has nothing common with the self-governments/local governments of cities within a country or within an Empire.

3. ECONOMY: The medieval appearance of banking systems and social effects and status of urban bourgeoisie, the absolute dominance of money-economy (when the vast majority of trade based on money and the taxes customs duties were collected in money) from the 12th -13th century, instead of the former primitive bartel-based commerce (barter dominated the economies orthodox world until the 17-18th centuries.)

4. HIGHER EDUCATION: The medieval appearance of universities and the medieval appearance of SECULAR intellectuals,

5. CULTURE: Knights, the knight-culture, chivalric code, (and the technological effects of crusades from the Holy Land,)
Music and literature: courtly love, troubadours, Gregorian chant, Ars nova, Organum, Motet, Madrigal, Canon and Ballata, Liturgical drama, Novellas,
medieval western THEATER: Mystery or cycle plays, morality and passion plays, which developed into the renaissance theater, the direct ancestor of modern theaters.
Philosophy: Scholasticism and humanist philosophy,

6. The medieval usage of Latin alphabet and medieval spread of movable type printing,

7. TECHNOLOGY: The guild system is an association of artisans or merchants, which organized the training education, and directed master's exam system for artisians. Due to the compulsory foreign studies of the artisian master's candidates, the guilds played key role in the fast spread of technologies and industrial knowledge in the medieval Western World.

8. The defence systems & fortifications: The spread of stone/brick castle defense -systems, the town-walls of western cities from the 11th century. (In the orthodox world, only the capital cities had such a walls . The countries of the Balkan region and the territory of Russian states fell under Ottoman/Mongolian rule very rapidly - with a
single decesive open-field battle - due to the lack of the networks of stone/brick castles and fortresses in these countries. The only exception was the greek inhabited Byzantine territories which were well fortified.)

9. FINEARTS and ARCHITECTURE: western architecture, sculpture paintings and fine-arts: the Romanesque style, the Gothic style and the Renaissance style.
The orthodox church buildings and „palaces(?)” were very little, they had primitive structure and poor decorations, their style were influenced by oriental non-European arabic, persian and Syrian influenced Byzantine ornamentics.

10.The renaissance & humanism , the reformation and the enlightenment did not influenced/affected the Orthodox (Eastern European) countries.

11. Before 1870, the industrialization that had developed in Western and Central Europe and the United States did not extend in any significant way to the rest of the world. In Eastern Europe, industrialization lagged far behind, and started only in the 20th century. Their infrastructural and economic development was also very very slow, and many determinant factors of modern civilization - as we called them as civilized way of life - (railways, the electrification of cities, drain & sewer systems, water pipe systems, spread of tap water and bathrooms, telecommuncations etc... spread many-many decades (60-80 years) later.

It is no wonder that their contribution in science technology and innovations are completely negligible in Human history by the WESTERN standards.

Nice copy pasta. :thumb001:

Your so called western civilization would be nothing without Serb Nikola Tesla!

Adam Janossy
05-12-2019, 07:15 PM
It is laughable Anachronism. There were no nationalism and national identity in medieval and early modern period. There were no differences between the status/rights of peasantry (serfs). Nobility did not belong to any special ethnic connotation in the Western Christian civilizations.

Adam Janossy
05-12-2019, 07:17 PM
Nice copy pasta. :thumb001:

Your so called western civilization would be nothing without Serb Nikola Tesla!

I don't care it, because he is nothing more but a hero of conspiracy theories. Read: http://edisontechcenter.org/tesladebunked.html

Adam Janossy
05-12-2019, 07:21 PM
Because Lajos Kossuth went mad and wanted to create Greater Hungaria.

No, he did not want greater Hungary, because Hungary was still big since his childhood (320 000 km2 bigger than UK + Ireland combined)

Kossuth's ideas stand on the enlightened Western European type liberal nationalism (based on the "jus soli" principle,[11][12][13][14] that is the complete opposition of the typical Eastern European ethnic nationalism,[15] which based on "jus sanguinis"). He followed the Citoyen liberal nationalism of France.

05-12-2019, 07:21 PM
Pribislav, why so many Serbs live in Vienna ? :rolleyes:

For the same reason as Croatians, Turks, Poles, Kurds, Albanians, Ukrainians and others who live in Germany.

Btw half of "Serbs" in Vienna are Vlachs from Eastern Serbia.
Second largest "Serbian" city after Belgrade is Chicago. First Serbs arrived in Chicago in 19th century. I havd cousins in Chicago, Kenosha (Wisconsin), Milwaukee, London (Canada), New Yourk City and California, they arrived there from 1949-1990. I don't have any cousin in Vienna and Austria in general.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 07:25 PM
For the same reason as Croatians, Turks, Poles, Kurds, Albanians, Ukrainians and others who live in Germany.

Btw half of "Serbs" in Vienna are Vlachs from Eastern Serbia.
Second largest "Serbian" city after Belgrade is Chicago. First Serbs arrived in Chicago in 19th century. I havd cousins in Chicago, Kenosha (Wisconsin), Milwaukee, London (Canada), New Yourk City and California, they arrived there from 1949-1990. I don't have any cousin in Vienna and Austria in general.

All I see is western world you hate so much full with Serbs, interesting how you don't migrate to Moscow or Minsk rather.

05-12-2019, 09:28 PM
All I see is western world you hate so much full with Serbs, interesting how you don't migrate to Moscow or Minsk rather.

Serbs migtated to Russia in 18th century, much before than in western countries.

Recent migrations towards the west are only because of economy. My grandfather was gasterbeither in Germany over 30 years, like 2 million other Yugoslavians of all ethicities and religions.
Situation in the last 10 years is little different. I know many Serbs who working in Russia like once gasterbeiters in Germany.

Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
05-12-2019, 09:33 PM
Serbs migtated to Russia in 18th century, much before than in western countries.

Recent migrations towards the west are only because of economy. My grandfather was gasterbeither in Germany over 30 years, like 2 million other Yugoslavians of all ethicities and religions.
Situation in the last 10 years is little different. I know many Serbs who working in Russia like once gasterbeiters in Germany.

would you move to Russia for good job ?

05-12-2019, 09:38 PM
would you move to Russia for good job ?

For sure.

For same conditions I'd rather went to Russia than in any western country.